Chapter 22. "There's A Place For Us." COMPLETE.

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Hey guys!

Here's the complete chapter! Hope you like it!

Also, a list of our characters birthdays, since Lucy's birthday is featured in this one:

Lucy: November 25th

Edmund: March 4th

Susan: August 28th

Peter: July 23th

Caspian: February 8th

Beth: April 18th

Adrien: June 12th

Cheers for reading!

Chapter 22. "There's a Place For Us."

"There was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong, and there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken." - Leigh Bardugo, Six Of Crows.

"She'd laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and gotten drunk on it every night, he would have." - Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows.

"Are you angry?"

It took a moment for Beth to snap off the fascinating tale contained in Adrien's book, but when she did look up, she encountered Adrien's nervous gaze with a frown. "Sweetheart, please. Why would I be?"

Adrien wrung his hands together in a sheepish manner. "Because I tried to hide it from you? Because I didn't tell you I started reading the book you gave me?"

Beth cocked her head as she stood, a smile forcing its way onto her lips because, more than anything else, her little brother looked adorable whenever he thought he could hide anything from her.

As they were relatively in public, being in the gardens that were open for all habitants of the castle, Beth knew she should behave as the High Queen of Narnia and refrain from all of her emotions until she was in the comforts of her own private quarters, away from spying eyes. However, she was above everything a sister, and one who had a brother who needed her reassurance. And so, she carefully left the worn leather book on the bench she had been sitting on and walked towards her brother, who stood a few feet from her.

"Do you actually think I could ever be angry about this?"

Adrien tried to scoff, but his eyes betrayed his nervousness. "I suppose I don't."

Beth smiled at that. She grabbed her brother's face and placed two kisses on his forehead. "Of course I'm not angry, my dear brother. I could never be angry with you."

"Except for that time I ran away from Trufflehunter to release the River God, of course."

"I was not angry, I was scared." Beth paused for a moment before rolling her eyes. "But yes. I suppose you are right."

"High Queen Elizabeth. Lord Adrien."

Both siblings turned towards the entrance just in time to catch one of the gate guards bowing respectfully. Beth released her brother, but stood beside him as she smiled politely. "Yes my friend?"

The guard stood straight, yet gulped as the High Queen's intimidating gaze fell on him. "High King Caspian has asked me to inform you that you are being expected in the courtyard."

Beth 's smile grew. "Are we the only ones missing?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Thank you, friend." Beth nodded her head. After the guard left, Beth looked down at her brother with a smirk. "How angry do you think they are?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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