Chapter 18. Part II. "Cold-Blooded."

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You guys! Part II is finally here!

I'm so proud of this chapter and so happy of the dynamic I've built here. Hope you guys like this!

As you know, this is the last part of Amirah's story and, more specifically, the story she told Beth. Now, this isn't the last time we will hear from Amirah so buckle up, for this last part of the fic is going to be a wild ride.

Disclaimer: Some events of this chapter are taken out of "The Magician's Nephew", so beware of that. Also, there is a dialogue and scene I wrote based on an episode of Game Of Thrones. Lastly, there is cursing and violence displayed in this chapter so be careful as you read on.

Cheers for reading! Chapter 20 coming up soon!

Chapter 18. Part II. "Cold-Blooded."

"I'm Loki. Of Asgard. And I'm filled with glorious purpose."

For a year, no one at the castle - Amirah's childhood home - knew what happened with their lost Princess.

There were rumours, of course. Some said that their High Priestess had tried to sneak the former leader of the Rebellion out of the castle and was killed by the guards. Some whispered that she may have escaped, used her magic to change her features, and was now building a peaceful life as a stranger. Some said they had seen her sneaking into the boats leading towards other islands, and that she was planning to ask for refuge there.

Some, so quiet that their words could easily be drifted off with the wind, shared their suspicions that Amirah had now joined their rebellion.

Whatever her motives were, whatever her fate was, the damage was done. There was now a taint, an unmissable blotch in the Empress' reign of terror.

Because the uncertainty, the doubt her subjects were feeling were not at all related to the fear the Empress was used to putting in their hearts. Because if the scared, weak sister could escape the imperative presence of her sister, then so could they.

Because if there was someone who could get through the tight hold Jadis had on her people, then maybe, just maybe, she wasn't the strongest one.

Then maybe, just maybe, there was hope for them.

In any case, those rumours were all they had for one full year. Those stories, myths, musings passed from peasant to peasant, through farm fields and harbours, through training grounds, royal balls and even war councils. Those whispers, blown away through the wind carried them comfort, warmth and reassurance during those days in which they seemed they had no one but each other.

With Amirah's disappearance, Jadis saw it fit to begin a more pragmatic course of action with the hopes of winning the war and defeating the rebellion. She made her army regroup by the outskirts of the town right besides the castle, where two rivers intersected. Then, she made them encircle the city and everything that stood between it and them. After that, she locked herself in her chambers, working on magic darker and far more venomous than anything seen in Charn's history.

It was a year of shadows, terrors, uncertainties and hardships. An year in which their Empress and enemy made it all about killing the hope of the common people. A year in which said hope lay on someone who was probably already gone. An year in which life seemed to be one endless circle, never brightening, yet never darkening either. A year in which there was no peace, in their lives or in their minds.

A year that ended abruptly, just like most things in a story like this one.

A year that ended with the first day a red, enormous sun dawned on Charn.

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