The Kissing Booth 2.0

By osnapitsari_

668K 13.7K 1.9K

Continuing from Elle arriving home from dropping Noah to the airport. Why can't she shake off the horrible f... More

That long journey home.
Drug Store Chips
A Derailed Trip To The Mall
Sleep Soundly
Hey Lee Do You Want To Know A Secret
A Night To Remember
A Month Later
I Told You Prom Is Essential
Prom Is For The Young Folk
Our Fate Sealed
Popping Part Two
Happy Birthday To Me
That's When It All Went Black
Our Longest Night
22 Hours
Oh So Familiar
What Did I Do To Deserve This
Graduation Part One
Graduation Part Two
Not The Night We Expected
Hello Little Squirt
May I Introduce You To ____
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Hour of Confession
You Have To Tell Me If It Hurts
Happy Sundays
I'm So Tired
Theres Something Rotten
Cashmere Sweater
Home Sweet Home
Do You Recognise This Place Elle
That's a Big Diamond
An Unexpected Guest
May 9 Months Later
We'll Take It
Oh My God
41A Mermaid Avenue
The Perfect Dress
Just a Mundane Day
The One We've All Been Waiting For
The Day After Yesterday ( Reader Vote )
The Honeymoon
Disaster for Dessert
The Big News
That Makes Sense
The Scariest Day So Far
Gender Reveal
Christmas Eve
December 25th
The Office Party
A Gun Shot Rang Out
The First One
The One You All Waited For
Elle I need a Break
The Most Surreal Day Of My Life
Hello Again
Welcome home Aria ( And Elle )
Everything I'm not
Go and find Someone Better
How Did We Get Here Elle?
Never a Dull Moment
Beach Day
Party Problems
I ( REALLY ) Messed Up
Times Are A Changin'
This is Going to Be a Learning Curve
The Return
Sign the Contract
Double First
After Summer
I'm Just Tired
' Maybe it's for the best '

Noah's Birthday

5.6K 123 98
By osnapitsari_

A/N Hello, I'm still alive.. just a little less time on my hands. I also took some time to re evaluate where this story was going, and I think I have it now. In two weeks I'll be on my summer holidays and I'll have ALL the updates. Love you all endlessly and as always thank you for all the support, I read every message and comment. Enjoy

' Okay girls, are you ready to wake Daddy up on his birthday? One.. two.. THREE. 'I opened the bedroom door as Maddie lunged in and jumped on the bed.

' DADDY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. ' Maddie squealed as she climbed on top of him.

' Thank you princess. ' He yawned.

' Happy birthday Noah. ' I smirked and kissed him, then handed him Aria for a cuddle.

' Good morning, my littlest princess. ' He whispered sleepily and and kissed her nose.

' Daddy I got you a present. ' Maddie scrambled to grab her present from under the bed. A hand made card, coated in gold glitter and a grey tie that she had picked herself.

' Thank you baby, my card is beautiful. Is that our family on the front? '

' That's mommy, that's you daddy, that's Aria and that's me. We're holding hands at the park. '

' I'm so proud of you baby girl, it's wonderful. '

' I have a birthday gift for you too... ' I edged myself closer to him.

' Oh really.. I thought what you gave me last night was my birthday present. ' He winked. The cheeky bastard.

I pulled out a small box, wrapped in a satin bow.

' Elle, did you buy me a necklace ... '

' Maybe... ' Noah pulled back the ribbon and opened the box to reveal a key.

' Elle, what's this? '

' Look outside.. ' Noah leapt out of bed and went to the window. Peeling back the curtains, I could see his eyes pop out of his head.

' Elle is that - '

' A bike? ... Yeah. '

' Elle, you got me a bike.. '

' Uh huh, I've always felt bad you had to sell yours when I was pregnant. '

' ELLE, THIS IS AMAZING. ' He walked over and kissed me deeply, Aria still in his arms. ' I love you so much. '

' You deserve to be treated like a king Noah. '

' I am so lucky. '

' Not as lucky as I am Noah. I have a whole day planned for you, but first of all.. breakfast. Maddie honey. Why don't you bring daddy outside and show him his bike while I make breakfast. '

' Come on baby, let me show you how cool your daddy used to be. '

' I don't think you've got any less cool .. Flynn .. ' I smirked and smacked his ass as I walked out of the room, not looking back.

I finished the breakfast, which consisted of towers of pancakes, which Noah and his very alike daughter demolished in half an hour. Then I announced we were bringing Maddie to a Rams game that I had managed to score tickets to, Aria was staying with June, followed by dinner.

We arrived to the stadium around midday. Noah had Maddie proudly placed on his shoulders. He bought her a Rams jersey and she and I got our faces painted.Noah was in his element by the time we took our seats to watch the game. We had three great seats close to the field. Maddie loved watching the cheerleaders, so did Noah.

' Hey Noah, you're drooling a little.. ' I winked.

' Am not ! '

' Are too ! It's okay though, since it's your birthday and all that. '

' Why thank you very much, Mrs Flynn. You know you're my girl.' He grinned and blew me a kiss over Maddie's head.

' Daddy, you said I was your girl! ' Maddie commented, sounding unimpressed with her dad's lack of loyalty.

' You are my special baby girl, and so his your sister. ' He kissed her head and lifted her into his arms so she could see better. I moved into Maddie's place and wrapped my arms around Noah's waist. After a couple of minutes, I felt a tap on my right shoulder. I turned to see an older lady smiling back at me. She had long grey hair, stuffed under a cap. She looked like the kind of cool old woman you aspire to be.

' Hello sweetheart, I just couldn't help but tell you that you are the most beautiful little family I've ever seen. '

A grin spread across my face, I wasn't used to being told my family was beautiful. I was far more used to people telling me I looked far too young to be a mother of two kids. This lady's comments had made a good day, even better.

' Thank you so much. ' I smiled. ' Maddison, can you say hello to this lovely lady. '

' Hello lovely lady.. '

' Hello sweet Maddison, are you enjoying the game? '

' Yes thank you, it's my daddy's birthday. '

' Well happy birthday to your daddy. '

We turned back to watch the game after that, it was a brilliant game. The Rams won, of course. Noah rarely came to see games anymore, he usually just watched them on TV so he could be home with us, I was glad to see him enjoying himself. After the game we walked down towards the stands, the players were along the sidelines talking to people.

' Charlie? ' Noah called. A tall guy, with blonde hair and blue eyes turned to look at him. He seemed to register Noah's face and walked towards him.

' Noah? '

' Charlie, hey? You play for the Rams now? '

' Yeah, they did a recruitment in Harvard, not long after you left actually. Everyone said you would have been picked, if you hadn't left all of a sudden. '

' Uh yeah, maybe.. '

' That kid looks like she could be yours.' Charlie laughed, pointing innocently at Maddie walking down the steps with me.

' She is mine, this is Maddie. ' Noah smiled and introduced her.

' Wait, she must be like four or five? '

' She's four next week. ' I said, walking towards them.

' Wait, Noah.. is this why you left Harvard. '

' She.. is why I left Harvard. I left to become a dad. '

' Well I'll be damed. The years old question has finally been answered. We always wondered why you dropped out. So this must be the famous Elle Evans? ' Charlie smirked and stared at me.

' Elle Flynn. ' Noah corrected him within a split second, he hated people calling me Elle Evans.

' I would have gotten you pregnant too, wow. '

' Right, that's enough Charlie. Best of luck with the team. '

' Shame you dropped the Ball Flynn, you would be the Rams star player by now. '

Noah was quiet the whole way home after that. I put on the radio but I could tell he was deep in thought. We dropped Maddie off at her grandparents and gave her and Aria a kiss. They were going to sleep there, and Lee had brought Oscar up to Rachel's for the weekend. So Noah and I had the house to ourselves. Not that Noah seemed in the mood for anything. We headed home and Noah go changed into a shirt and tight chinos for dinner. I waited until he came downstairs before I got dressed. I slipped into a figure hugging red dress, it sat a bit above my knee, it sat off the shoulder and clearly my sitting by the pool had paid off because I was very tanned. I curled loose ringlets in my hair and applied a full face of make up. I teamed the whole outfit up with my leather jacket. I looked extremely good.

I walked down the stairs to see Noah standing on his phone.

' Noah? '

He looked up from his phone and his eyes almost popped out of his head.

'Wow. ' He gasped and I did a twirl in front of him.

' Do I look okay? '

' I think I might need a minute. ' He smirked, making me laugh. ' I'm so fucking lucky. ' He pulled me close and kissed my neck. ' You know, we could always just not go out.. '

' Noah Flynn, I did not get myself looking this good, not to make it past the front door. We have all night when we come back. ' I winked.

' Shame I can't fine my car keys. '

' Luckily I wore my leathers. ' I winked and pulled the motorbike keys out of my pocket, dangling them in front of him.

' Jesus Elle, you're killing me here. '

Noah was less quiet after that, as I gripped onto his waist on the drive to the restaurant I felt like we were back in school. I had booked us a table at a fancy five star place at the edge of town. Noah ordered a steak and I ordered a Cobb salad. After a while of conversation I asked Noah straight out.

' Noah, what got into you after speaking to Charlie this afternoon. '

' Forget it Elle, it was dumb. '

' It couldn't have been that dumb, takes a lot to make Noah Flynn quiet. ' I looked at him in the eye and he sighed before he decided to let me on on what the issue was.

' Look Elle, you know I wouldn't change you, or the girls , or our life for the world right? It's just, sometimes I wish I had pushed to play football professionally and maybe Charlie was right. If I had still been in Harvard, maybe I would have been a quarterback for the Rams by now. It's dumb, and it makes me feel ungrateful for the life I do have. '

' Noah I get it. '

' You do? '

' Of course I get it Noah, don't you think sometimes I wished we could have done our life the conventional way. I could have gone to Harvard with you, done my veterinary degree. Got my life together and then get married and have kids, with you? '

' I didn't know you thought that way Elle. '

' Of course I do Noah, but then I remind myself that if we had done things that way. We wouldn't have Maddie and Aria, and now life without them doesn't sound like it would be worth living. '

' I couldn't imagine life without them. '

' Noah, you're still young and incredibly fit. Nothing is stooping you going back to football and I think you should.. At least start training again. The girls and I will be your biggest cheerleaders. '

' Only if you wear that dress. ' He grinned. ' Let's go home, I can't take you teasing me in that dress much longer. '

And with that, I paid the bill and we headed back to our free house.

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