The Grounder from The Sky

By veesio

102K 2.1K 288

After a few years of writing this on and off, I have officially closed it. I leave the ending to all of your... More

Chapter One: "You have no say in this"
Chapter Two : "We're not alone here"
Chapter Three : "You call this a rescue party?"
Chapter Four : "They saw me"
Chapter Five : "Follow me"
Chapter Six : "Atom"
Chapter Seven : "I was with Finn"
Chapter Eight : "It will be ok"
Chapter Nine : "I'm going to the ship"
Chapter Ten : "I can't believe I made it"
Chapter Eleven : "I saved your life and I can also take your life"
Chapter Twelve : "Want another?"
Chapter Fourteen : "Don't you like my face princess?"
Chapter Fifteen : "I have work to do"
Chapter Sixteen : "They're back!"
Authors Note
Chapter Seventeen : "The Blade"
Chapter Eighteen : "I'll do anything to get it"
Chapter Nineteen : "I can protect you princess"
Chapter Twenty : "Please tell me it's not a 'who'"
Authors Note
Chapter Twenty One : "You did this!"
Chapter Twenty Two : "They can't help her"
Chapter Twenty Three : "The Note"
Authors note

Chapter Thirteen : "So, you want me to die!?"

2.9K 72 4
By veesio

When we reach the gate, Clarke, jerk face, Jasper and three more people are waiting at the gate.

Clarke and Bellamy are talking about where to look for Octavia when we walk up to them. They barely noticed me and Finn, which I was kinda glad about.

Clarke looks at me and Finn, lightly smiles, and then looks at our hands, her eyes widen just a little bit and smiles at me and then she walks out of the gate.

Still holding hands with Finn, we start walking out the gate. I notice Bellamy burning holes into my head as he stares at me and just ignore him. Gripping on harder to Finns hand I walk a bit faster to the front of the group.

"Where to Lexie?" Finn asks whispering into my ear. He, gave me a nickname.

"Just keep holding my hand and pretend to know where you are going." I smile at him.

"Alrighty Captain." He laughs and salutes with his left hand making me laugh.

We keep walking and as I am walking with Finn, I think about Raven. Why didn't he tell me about her? Or does he just think of me as a friend and I just need to stop worrying? Yea, that's probably it.

Soon, we reach a hill top. I look around for any kind of clue, knowing that we were near Lincoln's house, I had to find some kind a fact that Finn knew where he was going.

I let go of Finns hand.

"Alex?" He calls me.

"Rope." I say and Jasper hands me a long rope. I strap it to a big enough tree and throw the remaining rope down the hill.

"What are you doing?" Jasper asks.

"Just wait and see goggle head." I smile at him.

"Goggle head?" I hear Jasper whisper to himself as I walk to the edge of the hill.

"Alex, wait." Finn says and hands me two pieces of cloth. "Put these over your hands." He smiles.

"Thanks Finn." I wrap the two pieces over my hands and grab onto the rope.

"Be careful." Finn says to me.

"Uhuh." I say, trying to concentrate on how I am going to get down carefully.

Holding onto the rope with my left hand I use my right to grab my sword from my back. Slowly, I slide down the rope and the side of the hill. I use my sword to stop me by sticking it in a near by small tree.

I position my self so that I am, sort of, standing and holding the rope with both my hands. I look around for any kind of clue of Octavia being her and find, nothing.

I sigh and start to make my way back up when I hear a certain jerk talk.

"What's that in the bush?" Bellamy yells down at me.

I look to my right and see a bush.

"I don't see anything." I yell back up.

"You have to let go of the rope and sit in front of the bush." He yells.

"So, you do want me to die!?" I shout at him.

"Yes princess, that's exactly what I want." He looks at me with a glare.

I say nothing back and grab my sword out of the tree.

"Alex! Do not let go of the rope!" Finn shouts.

Looking around for something to hold onto I find multiple roots sticking out of the ground. But, I'd have to jump to reach them. Well, here goes nothing.

Still holding the rope, I back up a little bit.

"Alex, what're you doing?" Finn asks me.

I put my sword back in its sheath and pull unto the rope and jump.

"Alex!" I hear people yell.

I just barely made it. I quickly grab onto a root an dig my right foot into the ground trying to make a hole. It worked, I put my foot in the hole and stand, ish.

"You ok?" Jasper asks.

I give them a thumbs up and start making my way to the bush. Grabbing onto root after root. My arms slowly start to get tired.

"I'm almost there!" I shout up.

Gripping unto a root with my left hand I try to reach out to grab what Bellamy saw. It looks like a belt.

"Almost." I whisper to myself.

I grab the belt and yell up "I got it." and, that's when I slipped.

"Oh, crap." I scream as the root I was holding onto breaks and I go crashing down the hill.

"Alex!" Everyone screams.

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