alusion (because the world ne...

By sallivocus-bleu

12.9K 532 1.5K

IM BACK BABY!! READER BEWARE: this shit contains stuff I wrote in MIDDLE SCHOOL. Read from the newest update... More

* don't leave
dancing with you
Pet on Lap
Win in Death
Witch (2)
All That's Left (1)*
All That's Left (2)
torn away
Truth or Dare
Locked Away
The Span of a Kiss
paRt oF yoUr woRLd
* drunken confessions
* exhaustion
(1)A Life to Remember
A Life to Remember (2)
A Life to Remember (3)
A Life to Remember (4)
A Life to Remember (5)
A Life to Remember (6)
A Life to Remmeber (7)
A Life to Remember (8)
A Life to Remember (9)
A Life to Remmeber (11)
altr q
teach me to love
for who you are
--important a/n
quiet (nsfw)
happy birthday (nsfw)
Woo! (A/N)
Bullshit and Love

Reverse Alusion

342 14 51
By sallivocus-bleu

this has taken too long to finish && publish.  um.  for a lotta parts, i couldn't figure out what'd happen next, how gus would respond, etc, so, yeah,, sittin in drafts for a loooong time :''' ending is.  ew.  could write it better but im done with it sitting in my drafts lmAo bye--
also- this idea appeared when ml was asking for reverse heroes fanart bye fr--
category: oneshot
word count: 2581

Fifty seven days.

Fifty seven days since he'd been captured.  You could probably add on a few more, mainly because he had no clue how long he'd been unconscious.  He'd thought he was going to die, become a martyr for a cause he forced himself into, a war everybody was dragged into.  Honestly, he didn't know why he'd joined, exactly.  Just to spite his family and make them hate him even more if they'd hear about him through word of mouth?  It wouldn't seem impossible, news of his work battles had spread quickly as though wildfire throughout the camps--both sides of them, unfortunately.

A spell, a potion, a temporary curse, Gusion didn't know what they did to him, but his mana suddenly was inaccessible and he was left out in the open for capturing.  Knocked unconscious after managing to take around six of the enemies down, because there was no way in the damn abyss he wasn't going to go down without a fight.

He thought he was going to get killed.  Hung somewhere for the Dark Abyss creatures to see and to raise their morale, but instead, he awoke to find himself in a room with a man who made his stomach turn vile.

General Alucard of the Dark Abyss.  Rumor had it that his village was raided by demons, and for whatever reason it was, they seemed to see potential in the young boy and grew fascinated with him.  The demons raised the child, taught him their ways and trusted him to much, which ended in their doom.  To avenge his village, he casted away the fact the demons had raised him and massacred them, leaving not a single alive.  That was beginning of his thirst for blood, which had now led him here, to the war, and somehow, someway, Gusion had managed to prick the fascination of the General, enough to save himself from execution.

Fifty seven days full of fear, disgust, hate, and so much more.  Love--the General claimed to have fallen for the mage, and would personally make Gusion's life miserable by forcing himself upon him and coercing him to respond back.  At least he never went too far--he respected ( if one would call it such ) Gusion's wants that much.  Flirtatious words were spoken, words that made Gusion want to vomit from hearing them come from the General and directed at him.  As time went by, he grew to tolerate them, even numb them out.


His powers--his mana, for the past week, had slowly been becoming unblocked.  The numbness and unresponsive feeling he'd been getting had slowly been fading.

Fifty seven days.

Three since he'd last seen Alucard--probably off fighting.

He had to take his chances, even if his powers weren't completely re-unlocked yet.

Gusion had no clue what the layout of this place was, or how far he was from the front lines.  All he knew was that he had to get out.  Escape.  Regain his freedom.

With a bit of work and difficulty, he managed to get the door unlocked.  He paused, listening before slowly opening the door to be greeted with dark grey cobble bricks.  As silently as possible, he took a few steps forward and closed the door behind himself, checking down the hallway for anybody.

No one.

Oddly enough, it unnerved him.

Nonetheless, he chose to go to the right, quickly making his way down the hallway and sticking to the wall, hand lightly placed on it as he went down. As a corner approached, he paused, listening once again for anything noise.

Nothing once again.

He made the turn and kept on his way.

The pattern continued on like such for quite some time, until a guard walked out from a door behind him and yelled out.  Then he sprinted, mentally cursing as he used his mana to make himself go faster.  It was as nearly as fast as he could normally go--usually, if you blinked you might miss him.  But not it was evident where he was, blink out not.  Fast, yes, but slower than normal. 

Fortunately, it seemed, the guards couldn't catch up with him.  He'd been quickly taking sharp corners, ran down two stairways and the by luck saw the entrance.  His way out.  To freedom.  The light.  He picked up his speed, reaching for the doorway--

Then, suddenly, he was trapped against the wall.  A cry left him as a pop came from his shoulder as it was slammed against the unforgiving brick wall.  He was quickly turned to face the wall, the body of his capturer pressing him against the wall with one hand gripping his other arm.

"Sweetie, I didn't think you'd have to be told not to try and escape again."  A voice said from behind him, the breath of the owner of the voice warm on his neck.


"Or, perhaps, did you just miss me that much?"

"Burn in hell!"  Gusion spat turning his head as best as he could to give Alucard a vehement glare.  In return, he was met with a grin.

"You wound me, love."  The bastard purred, his lips pressing against Gusion's neck, a kiss.

Gusion turned his head away back towards the wall and shut his eyes.  He hated this.  But yet, at the same time, a small part of him--

"Hal--uh--" A guard entered the room, stuttering upon the sight in front of him.  Gusion could feel Alucard tense up behind him, already knowing what it was a sign of.  Anger.  "G-General Alucard--"

In less than a second, Alucard had moved his lips away from Gusion's neck, his focus now on the intruding guard.  "Leave."

"Y-Yes sir-"

Without much hesitation, Gusion took his chance, yanking his arm away from Alucard's weakened grip and made a dart for the door, pooling the rest of his available mana into making it there.  The handle was there, cool on his fingertips, all he had to do was open it with enough room for him to get out and then-

Mercilessly, his arm was yanked backwards, his shoulder screaming is disagreement as he was pulled backwards toward Alucard again, the General's grip stronger than before, tighter.  Tears pricked at Gusion's eyes from the pain shooting though his arm.  Unintentionally, Gusion let himself lean backwards into Alucard's grip, teeth gritted as he tried to focus on anything other than his shoulder.

"Clever.  But not fast enough."  Alucard hummed, wrapping an arm around Gusion's waist, further entrapping him.  "Do you want me to carry you back to your room, or will you be able to walk without trying to escape?"

Gusion kept his mouth shut, refusing to answer.  If he'd said what he wanted to, Alucard always seemed to know when he was lying.  Gusion hated it.

"If you don't respond, I'll take it as you want to be carried."

"Don't you d--"  A surprised yelp left him as he was swiftly swept off his feet and in the other's arms ( in bridal style, nonetheless ).  An embarrassed blush rose to his cheeks as he shut his eyes.  Dammit.

"Too late."  Alucard hummed as he began to walk at a brisk pace back to the room that Gusion had been entrapped in.  Fifty seven days.  Fifty eight tomorrow. 

Each step brought movement, and movement brought pain--more pain, rather--to Gusion's shoulder.  He was pretty sure it was dislocated--or at least subluxation, but, fuck, whatever it was, it hurt like hell.  Once again, he'd gritted his teeth and tried to tolerate the pain.  He could deal with this.  Pain was just pain, it'd go away.  He'd been through worse.  As long as he could try and keep his shoulder still as possible, it'd give off less pain. 

With a breath in and out, Gusion reopened his eyes, glancing upwards only to find Alucard looking down at him, the General's expression unreadable.

"What?"  Gusion spat out.

"You look as through you're in pain.  Did I hurt you when I pinned you against the wall?" Concern.  Gusion hated the fact he could tell it was genuine.

"Yes, in fact, you did.  Nothing that won't go away by itself."  At least, he hoped it would.

Alucard was silent for a second, his gaze rising up at the route they were taking.  "There was a pop--which shoulder hurts?"  Once again, Alucard's gaze was back down on him.  Intent.  Worried, genuine care.  Dammit.

"..My right." Gusion muttered, breaking eye contact and looking away as he felt a small warmth rise in his cheeks.  He shouldn't feel anything feelings for the blonde, shouldn't.  And yet here he was, and, God, he hated himself for it.

Fifty seven days.

It was a wonder what time could do to change feelings.

He hated it.

"I apologize.  I didn't plan on hitting you so hard."  Alucard paused in his step, reaching a foot out to open the cracked door that was probably left open by a guard who'd rushed to check if he was still there.  Alucard then walked into the room and gently placed him down on the bed, his eyes lingering on the other for a second before he turned around and shut the door before coming back to Gusion.  Lightly, he traced his fingertips over Gusion's right shoulder gaze flickering over to Gusion's face for any more signs of discomfort as he did so.  Upon seeing no reaction, he let his gaze go back to the other's shoulder, gently prodding around and glancing back over at Gusion's face every so often.  Occasionally, the brunette's face would twist a little in pain.  Alucard paused for a second after he finished, lips pressed slightly together to form a small line.  "I believe it's only partially dislocated, not out all the way.  I can quickly put it back in if you'd like?"

His question was met with silence.

Annoyed, Alucard's lips turned into a frown and his eyebrows drew together.  "Fine.  I'll take that as a yes."  Taking his gaze away from the other's face and back to the shoulder, he carefully aligned his hands and placed them into position, saying, "This may hurt.  It varies with person, but I doubt it'll hurt you too badly."  With that, he quickly realigned the bone, Gusion sucking in a quick breath due to the pain as he did so.  "Better?" 

Gusion hated how Alucard cared.  He hated that even though Alucard had injured him while capturing him, hated how the General apologized for injuring him and then helped fix it.  He hated the fact he was getting the feelings for this damned man, his enemy, his capturer.  Why.  Why, why, why, why.  It was so infuriating.  How could he hate someone so much yet fall for them at the same time?  It shouldn't be possible, it shouldn't, but yet here he was.  It was breaking him, it truly was.

"Is it-"


The General seemed to be taken aback by the question, his eyebrows slightly knitting together.  "Why what?"

Thousands of whys and out of all of them he chose, "Why me?"

Alucard opened his mouth to reply, but was cut odd as Gusion continued.  "I'm your enemy.  I would've killed you on the battlefield without even hesitating.  You are evil.  So why me?  Why do this to me?  Is it some sort of.. twisted fucking joke to you?!"

"Joke?"  An offended look appeared on Alucard's face.  "No.  The moment I--"

"The moment I saw you on the battlefield I knew I had to have you."  Gusion sneered, reciting the words to come by memory.  "You've told me e-fucking-nough.  So many times its burned into my memory, haunts me in nightmares.  Do you wanna know what I know the moment I saw you on the battlefield?"  Gusion didn't wait for a response, barely pausing before barreling on.  "I saw a man who killed hundreds, if not thousands of innocents.  No, not even a man.  A demon.  Evil incarnate.  I saw a creature driven on its bloodlust and a desire to kill.  The moment I saw you I knew either I would kill you or you would kill me."  His breathing was heavy, and Alucard was silent with.. was that hurt in his eyes?  Gusion turned away, hand reaching up and grabbing onto his injured arm.  "I thought I knew that.  I thought that's how it'd be.  Not.. not this.  It's bullshit.  Fucking bullshit.  Unfair, cruel, and I hate myself for it."  He shouldn't be falling for the General.  Fifty seven days shouldn't have changed that hate towards Alucard, that animosity.  No.  It shouldn't have.  But it did, and Gusion hated himself for it.

"Hate yourself for wh--"

"My feelings towards you!  I hated you with every fiber in my fucking body and now-"  Gusion cut himself off of his yelling, biting the inside of his cheek as he tried to catch his breath, bring it back down to normal, trying to calm down.  Not liking the silence, he brokenly cursed, "Fuck you."

Alucard was silent for a moment before he prompted, "But now?  Has something-"

"Don't continue.  Don't fucking continue."  Gusion didn't want to acknowledge it.  He didn't want to acknowledge the change.  He didn't want to acknowledge his emotions.  He didn't want to acknowledge his feelings.  He hadn't for weeks, but it was inevitable, doomed to come to the surface at any coming day, any coming moment.  And of course, by his luck, Alucard had seemed to caught on, noticed the change.

"Do you finally like me?"

Gusion made no reply to the question.  He refused to look at the General, his captor, the one he was supposed to despise.  He didn't want to acknowledge it.  He wanted to ignore it, block away whatever thoughts or feelings that didn't have to do with hating Alucard away.  He wanted to-


Alucard's voice and a hand yanked Gusion out of his thoughts, forcing him to look at the other without having time nor strength to conceal the emotions showing in his eyes.  Hate.  Confusion.  Anger.  And, then, there was-

"Gusion."  The mage tried to turn away, tried to break eye contact with the
General.  He wasn't allowed to.  "Please-"  Alucard pleaded, "Answer me."

"You know how horrible it'll be for me to admit it, right?"  Gusion responded, looking back over towards Alucard.  "How much I'll hate myself for admitting it.  This wasn't supposed to happen.  It shouldn't--"

"Admit it!"


"Say i-"

"I like you!" It was a shout, a cry of something he wished was a lie.  But it wasn't, and it broke him.  Gusion shut his eyes, arms wrapping around his stomach, holding himself to keep himself stable.  "Are you happy now?  This is what you wanted, wasn't it?  No matter how much it would-"  He was cut off as the blonde suddenly hugged him, pulling him in close.  For once, Gusion didn't fight away.

"Finally."  Emotions were so intensely laced within Alucard's voice, emotions Gusion doubted anyone had heard before.  He supposed he should feel special, and a part of him did, yet the other...

Gusion let himself relax in Alucard's arms, head falling to rest on the other's shoulder.  A part of him wanted this.  Another part hated this.  It would always end up this way, wouldn't it?  Maybe one day he wouldn't be so utterly torn, but, for now, he would have to suffer through it, hate himself for his own heart's choice.

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