A War of Guns and Roses

By DazzlingJazz9

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Elaine Greene was the daughter of a multimillionaire. She loved her father and lost her mother at a very youn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 24

51 2 0
By DazzlingJazz9

I had my exams tomorrow. And I was panicking. I felt like everything that I had learnt just suddenly vanished from my mind.

Maybe I didn't learn enough. I thought and quickly took my books out and began referring to them again and answering questions.

I always did this before my exams. I would get so stressed out that I would probably end up having a migraine.

Even though I was a certified prankster, I still took my studies very seriously. I needed to get an A+ on all my subjects and I wouldn't accept anything else. Knowing that, Dad decided to visit me.

He had come home early from his business trip after he heard that I had hurt myself. I had broken down on him that day, feeling very thankful to have such a caring father.

He didn't ask why I was crying. He just wrapped me up in his arms and gave me the comfort that only a parent could give. He also agreed to watch a movie with me later that night.

Now, a week later, he entered my room in his usual business suit. "We are going out," he informed me, buttoning his sleeve.

"W-what?" I asked. "But Dad, I have my exams tomorrow!"

"And that's exactly why we are going out. You have been cooped up in your room this entire week. You need some air."

The twins followed Dad into my room, already dressed. "This was planned?" I asked, playfully glaring at the twins.

"Yup. You were getting way too stressed. Now, c'mon on. I'll help you dress up,"Eva said, clapping her hands.

My eyes widened.

"Oh, no no no. I can do that on my own," I said, pushing an offended Eva out of my room.

If Eva ever dressed me up, it would be hours before either of us came out of the room.

I quickly dressed up in a classic black dress, which almost reached my knees and finished the look with a simple pearl necklace and black stilettos.

Knowing Dad, he would probably take us to one of the most expensive restaurants in town so I had to dress the look.

I put on some mascara on my eyelashes and swiped an eyeliner over my eyes. Applying a light pink lipgloss, I grabbed my purse and made my way downstairs.

"Alright, let's go," Dad said and walked over to the driver's seat of the Mercedes.

I was impressed. Dad rarely ever drove, preferring his chauffeur to drive him around.

We quickly climbed into the car and drove off.

As expected, we arrived at The Millers, one of the most recommended and extravagant restaurant in town.

Walking in, my father called over a worker, who just happened to be the manager. Dad told his name and the manager immediately straightened up, beaming.

"Yes sir. We have got a table for you. Right this way, sir." He led the way.

We were lead to a table near the window with exactly four seats. All of us sat around the table as the managed hurried away to bring us our menus.

"Here you go, sir," he smiled broadly.

We received our menus and began ordering our favored dishes.

"I would recommend the burger, Ma'am," The waiter offered, looking over my shoulder.

He looked no older than 20, his hair set in a side wave and a huge smile on his face. He seemed to be enjoying his job out here.

"Then I'll order that," I smiled at him, watching his cheeks flush slightly.

"S-sure Ma'am," he stuttered.

"Ahem," My father cleared his throat, giving me a reprimanding look. I grinned back at him.

The waiter hurriedly returned to my father's side after giving me another glance, his pale cheeks flushing with color.

"And what would you recommend for me?" Dad asked, eyebrows raised.

Eva seemed to be trying really hard not to laugh and even Ivan was smiling.

"Uhh..." the waiter said. "The pasta is highly favored sir."

"Hm. I'll take a dish of that then," Dad said, handing his menu back to the waiter. "And get me some red wine."

"Sure sir," the waiter said. He gave me another fleeting look before scurrying away.

"Wow. We have been in here for like, ten minutes now and you already have an admirer," Eva praised, laughing, making sure Dad couldn't hear us.

"Oh shush," I smiled.

But the one whom I want to be noticed by, doesn't bother looking twice in my direction. I thought sadly.

Elaine. My mind said. You don't want him to notice you. Have you already forgotten what he had said a week ago?

I sighed, my inner turmoil diminishing as the food arrived.

"Wow, that was fast," Ivan remarked before he dug in.

I took a bite of my burger and nearly moaned out loud in delight. It was one of a kind. The zest of the meat and sauces mixing together was one of the most exotic flavor that I had ever tasted.

I noticed the waiter watching me from the side and I gave him a tentative smile and a thumbs up.

"You know you're leading the poor boy on, right?" Eva whispered.

"Huh?" I asked, "How am I leading him on? I just practically told him that his choice was good, that's all!"

"And that's called flirting now a days, sis."

"I don't know what this generation has come to," I said, shaking my head.

Eva laughed, "You're talking as if you're a sixty year old grandma."

"She probably is, with how naive she is about all of this," Ivan rolled his eyes, joining in the conversation.

"Oh shut up."

We continued bickering and speaking with Papa as we finished our food and slurped the last of our drinks off.

"Now, after you go home, take a relaxing bath before you start revising," Dad advised and I nodded in his direction.

As we left, I shot the waiter a parting smile as he said, "Do come again."

As soon as we were out in the cold night again, Eva burst out laughing as Dad walked ahead.

"Oh god, that boy is so whipped over you! And he doesn't even know you personally."

I frowned and slapped her arm playfully. "I don't think so. He just seemed friendly."

"I'm telling you. The sixty year old woman inside you is speaking," Ivan shook his head and laughed.

I growled and stuck my tongue out at him.


"Hey! How was the paper?" Eva asked cheerfully.

"Horrible," Rebecca groaned. While I always got an A+ in almost every test, Rebecca struggled in getting higher than a C. We had had many tutoring sessions before and even now, I sometimes made test papers for Rebecca just before the exam on the subject she was really struggling at.

Eva clapped Rebecca on the back. "You would have done well," she tried to soothe.

"How could I have when I didn't even know that there were 12 papers," Rebecca groaned. "I only saw 11."

I mentally face-palmed myself. Only Rebecca would do something like that.

"Wait. There was a page 12?" Blake gasped from behind Rebecca and this time, I physically face-palmed.

"The two of you are made for each other," Eva laughed as Ivan joined our group.

"Hey Ivan! How was the paper?" Rebecca asked and I watched as the frown crossed over Blake's face. Someone was getting jealous.

"Lame," Ivan rolled his eyes.

I laughed at him, "he always says that after a paper."

"Hey Elaine." Someone came from behind me, wrapping their hands around my eyes so I couldn't see who it was.

"Andrew?" I asked and he gasped.

"How did you know it was me?"

"Who else would do that?" I questioned.

He shrugged and smiled, "so how did you find the paper?"

"It was easier than I expected," I admitted.

"Can't say I found it easy, but yah," Andrew said, ruffling his hair.

We chatted more about our papers as we headed home. I had chemistry and human bio theoretical tests tomorrow. Today, I had calculus and physics.

As we headed home, I caught sight of the one person whom I didn't want to see. He was leaning against his car and watching me with an intense look in his eyes as I laughed at something Drew said.

I turned away from him and continued acting as if I hadn't seen him in the first place. Walking with Andrew, he offered me a ride home but I refused politely because Jake was patiently waiting for me in the car.

"Hey," I said as I slid in.

"Hey," he replied smiling. "New boyfriend?"

"Na. Just a good friend," I adjusted my seatbelt.

"He doesn't look like he wants to be just good 'friends,'" Jake said, making quotation marks with his hands as he said the word friends.

"Hm. But I don't see him in that way," I frowned.

"Then you better tell him that. Because he looks like he really likes you. Why don't you give him a chance and see if you end up falling for him?"

"I'll think about it," I said, still not convinced.


Studying chemistry reminded me of him and I really didn't want to think about him, but I had to study.

Sighing, I made myself a cup of hot chocolate and relaxed on the couch, going through the notes I had made for myself. As I went through the chapters, I realized just how much I had done for that ungrateful ogre.

I frowned. I should really stop doing so much for people who don't appreciate my help. Xavier was right. I was letting people push me around.

But you did that because you really wanted to get into Harvard. My mind argued and I concluded that it indeed did have a point.

I was just doing so much because I wanted to get into Harvard. I tried to convince myself.

But then, why did the thought of Harvard never cross my mind while I was making all those papers for him?

I was thoroughly confused now.

Tell you what, you continue with Biology, we can do Chemistry later. My mind advised and I nodded my head.

I must have been looking like a complete loon, nodding to myself. I laughed, feeling my conscience laugh with me.

How weird was I? No wonder, he didn't want to be around me.

And there you go, thinking about him again. My conscience sighed.

Sorry sorry. I smiled sheepishly at myself.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I concentrated back on the Biology book.

Hours passed and I yawned.

I needed something to eat. And then maybe I can have a short nap...

Walking downstairs, I dug in the fridge trying to find something to eat.

"Ah. And the little hungry mouse is back, foraging for food." Robert, the chef and a good friend of mine, laughed heartily.

"Hey Robert," I waved sheepishly.

"Want me to whip something special up for you?" he winked.

I laughed, "It would be an honor."

I took a seat at the counter and swung my legs high up in the air like I used to when I was a little kid. I smiled when I remembered my mother scolding me whenever I did that, 'cause I would always knock something down.

My mother would come here whenever she was hungry and would talk to Robert while he cooked something special for her. She would always bring me with her when she did this. Seating me at the counter or the island, she would slowly steal a few cubes of chocolate from where Robert had kept it to use for the dish he was making. She would always give me one and make a 'shush' gesture, smiling lovingly at me.

My mom had a thing for sweets. She loved anything with chocolate with a passion and I had inherited her sweet tooth and love for food. So, I really couldn't refuse when Robert handed me the yummy Nutella browny that he had baked. Within seconds, the browny had disappeared and had been disposed in my mouth.

The burst of chocolate and the crunchiness of the brownie got me and I soon found myself taking second and third servings of the brownies.

"So, what's up with you, kid? How was that trip of yours?" Robert asked, a kind smile on his face.

I felt guilty that I hadn't come to speak to him sooner.

"The first day went really well. The school had organized a scavenger hunt for us and our team won. I was the one who found the treasure chest, with the help of a friend," I said proudly and he laughed.

"Wouldn't have expected any less, kid," Robert said as he ruffled my hair. I scowled playfully at him, fixing my hair back again.

"What's with everyone messing up my hair?" I grumbled.

"And your second day?" He asked. 

I winced, "from that time on, the trip experience lowered since I sprained my leg and couldn't move or stand for any length of time."

Robert nodded. "And that boy? Who came here when you had your recent migraine?"

"Ugh! Don't even talk about him. He's a—"

"What did he do?" he asked.

I recounted everything that Xavier had said that day and when I finished, Robert had his arms wrapped around me.

"You know your mother was not like that. She was one of the sweetest people in this world," he recalled fondly.

"I know. But it still hurt. Especially when he said it. I had never expected that from him," I said wistfully.

"You liked that boy didn't you?" he asked gently.

"I guess. I don't even know anymore. How could I like a monster like him? And yet, my heart yearns for his presence even now, even though it can't forgive him for what he had said."

"The heart works in complicated ways, kid. Everything will work out just fine. Just go with the flow," The chef advised.

"Thanks Robert. I needed that."

"Alright. Now up you go, kid. You have exams to study for," Robert chuckled as I groaned.

I went back upstairs and sat with my books. Very soon, I had dozed off on the couch.

"Elaine!" Ivan called.

"Two more minutes." I groaned.

"Give me a minute," Ivan said to someone. "She's sleeping at the moment. No, no, hold on. Her father will kill me if I let her sleep anymore."

"Elaine." Ivan yawped. "Get up!"

"Alright, alright. I'm up." I yawned.

"You have a call," Ivan informed, seeming reluctant to hand the phone over to me. I raised my eyebrows suspiciously at him, before grabbing my phone from his hands and speaking into the phone. 


"Hey!" Christie answered.

"Oh hey, Christie. How are you?" I asked.

I cocked an eyebrow as Ivan still stood where he was. He was staring at me, more like at my phone with a strange expression on his face.

"I'm good! How are you?"

"Same old, same old," I answered.

"Who was that guy who answered the phone?" she seemed very interested to know my reply.

"Oh him. That's Ivan, my cousin remember?"

And that's when I got a brilliant idea.

"Christie, would you mind me going for a bit? I'll just wear my night clothes and get back to you. Meanwhile, I'll set something up for you."

"Elaine, if you're going to do what I think you're going to do, don't you dare—"

Before she could finish, I called,

"Hey, Ivan?"

"Yah?" he answered questioningly as he seemed to be brought out of the daze he was in.

"Could you help me here, please? Would you keep Christie some company till I get changed? Thanks so much," thrusting the phone into his hand, I ran to the restroom.

Leaning against the close door, I placed my ear on the keyhole, listening in on to their conversation.

"Um...hi." Ivan said nervously. Wow. Ivan was nervous for once. Guess there still were wonders in this world.

"No...I came to visit her a few weeks ago." Ivan explained after listening to what Christie had said.

"Really? What has she told you about me?" Ivan asked curiously.

Oops. Christina, that traitor. She wasn't supposed to be telling him all that I have told her about him and his twin.

After a pause,

"Oh, I'm going to kill her when she comes out." Ivan muttered.

Shoot. Guess I'll have to hide in here for a few more minutes.

I smiled as they continued speaking and did my business. Finally, coming out of the bathroom, I saw Ivan spread-eagled in the middle of my bed, seeming very engrossed in whatever Christina was telling him.

They seemed to have hit it off pretty quickly...I wonder what Eva would say about this.

"Getting comfortable?" I asked Ivan, a smirk playing on my lips. He turned his attention to me and glared at me. I knew what was coming, so I said,

"Tell you what, you continue speaking to her. I'll just catch up with her later. Don't forget to return my phone though." I told him as I hurriedly ran away from my own room.

I yawned as I entered the living room downstairs where everyone had already started eating.

I froze. Wait wait wait. What time was it exactly?

"Had a peaceful nap, Elaine?" Dad asked, his eyebrows raised in amusement.

I smiled sheepishly. "I fell asleep."

"And you're ready for the test tomorrow?"

I shrugged, "I guess. I'll just have to go through a few of the questions in chemistry."

My father seemed satisfied by that.

"And what about you, Eva?" Dad asked.

"Oh, I'm done studying, Uncle," She replied, smiling brightly.

"And you know everything there is to know?"

"Yah, I think so."

"Okay, good. The three of you can get together and ask each other questions from each chapter. That should help."

"Alright Pops. We'll do that," I said, helping myself to the various dishes sprawled on the table.

"And where's Ivan?" Dad asked.

"Oh, he's taking a phone call. It seemed like it was going to take some time before he was back," I smiled secretly.

Eva narrowed her eyes at me with a 'what do you know that I don't' expression. I just smirked at her.

We continued eating and sure enough, Ivan did not return to the dining table. Being the sweet cousin that I am, I brought his plate of food up for him.

He was still in my room, talking to Christie. When he saw me, he shot up in bed and informed her that I was back.

I smiled innocently at him before saying, "here Ivan. You didn't finish your dinner did you?"

"Ivan?" I heard Christie say on the other side of the line. "You haven't eaten yet?"

"No," he replied sheepishly.

She groaned, "now, you're making me feel bad. I shouldn't have kept you on for so long..." she trailed off.

"No, no, it's fine," he said hurriedly. "Anyways, it really was Elaine's fault for leaving you with me," he said shooting me a glare.

"Wait what?" I gasped. "How the hell did this turn on to me? And I'm the one who introduced the two of you, didn't I? Some appreciation please," I said, exasperatedly throwing my hands into the air.

"Elaine? Who are you speaking to?" Eva's voice came and Ivan hastily thrust my phone back into my hands.

"Don't you dare tell Eva anything about this." Ivan hissed at me.

I guess I owed him that after he kept quiet about me and Xavier on the day of the prank.

"Alright, alright," I laughed as I placed the phone on my ear, just as Eva entered the room.

"Hey Christ!" I greeted. "You wanna meet my cousins? I can put you on video call!"

Once again, before she could reply, I switched the call to a video one to be met with the sight of Christie laying on her stomach on her bed.

She hurriedly scrambled up and blushed.

I smirked evilly.

"Okay, so this is Ivan. Full name as Ivanova, by the way and this is Evangelina," I introduced as if they hadn't just been speaking to each other just now.

"Hey," Christie said shyly.

"Um...Elaine? Mind explaining who this is first?" Eva asked.

"Wait wait. I'm coming to that," I said, "And this my dearest cousins, is none other than Christina Johnson! One of my really good friends. I met her online, remember Eva? I told you about her?"

"Oh yah," Eva said as realization struck her. "I didn't realize you were so pretty," Eva swooned.

"Thanks," Christie blushed as I laughed at her embarrassment.

"And guess what's the best part?" I asked the twins excitedly.

"What?" they asked in unison.

"She's going to be moving to Youge very soon!" I exclaimed.

Ivan's eyes lit up as I said that as Christie blushed even deeper.

After a bit more questioning from Eva about her, she finally said that she had to go and hung up.

We sat around my bed and started pelting the other with questions from every chapter of both subjects, just like Dad had told us to do.

After hours, when we were finally satisfied with our knowledge about the science subjects, we called it a night.

"Alright. I'm going to bed. Goodnight," Eva said and left my room.

"Night," I called after her.

I turned around to see Ivan still seated in his place.

"What?" I asked.

"I was wondering whether you would be able to give me Christina's number?" Ivan asked and then the most impossible thing happened. Color started to spread through Ivan's cheeks and the back of his neck.

Aww. He was blushing!

I grinned, "sure, why not? But don't completely steal her, okay? Even I need to speak to her sometimes," I teased.

"Oh shut up," he muttered. "Night," he bade and left.

I sighed, falling back into my bed as sleep enveloped me once again.


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