The Silence We Fill | MYG

By BangtanNova

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"Don't you see? They're out there, waiting for us! They sit there, all eyes watching the stage, wanting somet... More

Chapter Zero
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Mini Chapter
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty four
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Ending A/N

Chapter Thirty Five

64 4 40
By BangtanNova

"So, when is the surgery?" Jimin asks as he pulls out new treats he brought. Another few days have passed and every day he's been bringing me sweets of all sorts.

"Two weeks from yesterday," I tell him without much attention because this time I see a bag with cursive writing on it that says "The Cheesecake Factory" . It looks super fancy to say the least. 

Jimin tilts his head, bangs sliding across his forehead, "From yesterday? But that means that it's on the day of your performance. . . What about Yoongi?"

I glance up to him, smiling softly, "You'll see."

Jimin huffs and sits down on his seat, "Fine then, noona. By the way, I brought some cheesecake that took forever to bring but," He grins and takes out two containers, "They looked freaking delicious."

"Hm, well let's see if that fact is true."

So we spend the next half an hour critiquing the cheesecakes and trying each others, giggling like crazy as we try to impersonate professionals. But we're stopped when someone else knocks on the door. 

We both glance up, cheeks stuffed from our last bites of cheesecake. 

Namjoon raises a brow, "Was not expecting this." He mutters and we see a few heads pop up above his shoulders.

"They got cheesecake?! When did Jimin hyung get cheesecake?!" Jeongguk complains in a whine.

Jimin huffs, "When I said I was going out to get a snack for YN and you just told me to get some for you!" He whines before then shaking his head, "I didn't get you any, by the way."

Jeongguk and Taehyung gasp as if Jimin had made some giant act of betrayal. "All the things I do for you!" Hoseok cries overdramatically, pretending to sob.

I snicker and glance to Jimin who is giggling and basically curling into himself from the attention. It makes me laugh and want to hug him. 

"So, what are you guys here for?" I ask, looking to all of them curiously. 

Namjoon smiles, "We just wanted to visit you if that's okay. Oh, and Yoongi wanted to give you a present." He waves a box in his hand, an action that causes everyone to yell out and reach for the box.

"Don't break it hyung! Yoongi would kill us!" Taehyung whines, taking the box gently before opening it slightly to make sure everything is intact. Upon seeing it is, he smiles and closes the box. "Here you go YN!" 

I thank them before gently taking the box, looking into it curiously. I gasp when I see what it is. 

"A piano key?" I whisper, indeed seeing a smaller version of what's meant to be a piano key hooked onto a chain so that it's a necklace.

Namjoon nods and hands over a note, "Here, he wanted you to read this too." 

I glance to everyone before taking the folded paper, opening it. 

"Dear YN, 

I heard my brothers were going to visit you today. I wanted to visit, I really did, but I bet that if I visited you would be angry at me for not practicing. So, in place of me, I have a small necklace to give you. It isn't metal so it shouldn't risk anything. 

I'll be visiting soon, whether you like it or not. There's simply one part of the piece that I want to get right, just for you. I suppose I'll see you soon, Sweetheart.

Min Yoongi"

I gulp, can't help the feeling of longing that wishes for Yoongi to be right by my side. "That's really sweet of him," I try to say clearly but my voice sounds heavy and thick. So I clear it, laughing softly, "Thank you for playing messenger, it was nice of you guys to bring this." I restate instead.

The group tells a your welcome or nods before that actually start to sit down and get comfortable.

The next two or even three hours are spent talking to each other. I'm sure they came just to distract me but I'm thankful nonetheless. Plus, I learn some pretty interesting information. 

Like, Jeongguk and Taehyung are heavy gamers and actually participate in tournaments, sometimes even together. Or that Seokjin's restaurant is expanding and he might even expand to another district. Or even that Namjoon's trying to learn rap, already doing pretty well from the base music he plays for me.

"Noona?" Jimin asks, after Taehyung is done with a story that tells about the fact that Hoseok and him went into a snow fight only to get suddenly murdered by the maknae who joined randomly.

I make a noise of acknowledgement, something I've accidentally caught on from Yoongi.

"Why did you ask Yoongi to dye his hair black?" 

Ah, right, I promised Jimin I would tell him. 

Everyone else looks at me with the same curiosity. 

"Well," I start off with, "I just wanted to see his natural hair color. And he did owe me." And I wanted to see every side of Yoongi I could before something could happen.

Namjoon seems to understand with knowing eyes. Slowly, everyone seems to catch on and very last, Jimin reaches the same point.

I smile, "He's pretty handsome with black hair, isn't he?"

Hoseok whistled, "Definitely."

Seokjin snorted before raising a brow, "Uhm, we all are. But I'll forgive you this time, YN." He teases and we've effectively lightened up the atmosphere.

I wish Yoongi could see this.

☆♬○♩●♪✧♩  ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

My wishes are answered in the next few days. I'm simply laying down, exhausted from a day of nothing yet I still really can't bring myself to do anything. My body is simply losing energy day by day. 

I sigh, watching as a clouds start to cover the sky slowly. Fall showers are coming, bringing cool rain with it. 

This is so freaking depressing, I think distastefully. 

At that moment, I decide to get up and do something even if it causes me to crash later tonight. Forcing myself up, I huff before slowly getting out of the bed. I stumble a bit, having to lean against a wall in order to not fully fall.

Mentally, I decide to later ask Mark about getting walking time every day. 

I stretch for a few moments until I deem that my muscles are back in motion and I start to walk out of the hallway. I'm not supposed to leave like this but screw it, I refuse to lay around like useless trash. 

As I walk mostly empty halls, I hum, closing my eyes for a moment. It's insanely peaceful and I wonder how is it that hospitals can be so quiet when it's only evening.

I continue to walk with my eyes closed, simply enjoying the way it feels.  But, I do peek a few times to make sure I don't ram into something. Though, I seem to open my eyes too late because I feel my toe stub the corner of the wall and I hiss a curse under my breath.

Snapping open my eyes, I take a few deep breaths in attempt to calm down from the unstoppable wrath of satan that is stubbing your toe. 

"Huh, I was wondering where you were," A quiet and grumbly voice speaks but it's a quiet and grumbly voice that makes my heart leap. Turning around, I see Yoongi with some flowers in his hands and a trace of a smile on his lips. 

I grin and the pain is quickly forgotten, "Yoongi!" I cheer happily, racing and giving him a tight hug. 

He grunts but hugs back, "How are you, Sweetheart?"

"Much better now that you're here," I easily reply, sighing at how safe I feel within his arms. 

I know Yoongi is smiling by the way he fondly whispers 'dork' while kissing the top of my head. But I want something more so I pull away only to quickly lean in again, kissing him happily. I keep the kiss short because while there isn't anyone in the hallway, I know he probably doesn't feel comfortable with the PDA. So, really, it's simply a peck.

But I'm happy with it.

"I was about to go to the roof, want to come with me?" I ask cheerily. 

And that's how Yoongi and I end up climbing multiple flights of stairs to reach our destination of the roof. By the time we make it, both of us are severely out of breath and ready to collapse on the floor. We're glad when we see a bench that's free for our taking.

"How are you not ready to pass out?" I ask through pants because I can barely hold my own weight up.

Yoongi snorts, "Who said I wasn't ready to pass out?"

I shrug and for a few moments we sit in silence, simply catching our breath. Bits of cool air passes us, effectively cooling us down and helping us reboot. 

"So, those flowers," I joke, snorting as Yoongi seems to just remember them. Smiling sheepishly, he hands then over.

"I really missed you," Yoongi suddenly whispers, voice shy. "I wish I could visit you more."

Honestly, I can't tell if he's trying to lead somewhere or is actually admitting to simply wishing we could be together more. I try to give him the benefit of the doubt and take the latter. 

"I do too, love," I whisper, scooting close to him and lifting his arm so that it rests on my shoulders only to then cuddle into his side. 

It causes him to snicker and he tightens his hold but his words are more serious, "Then why can't I?"

I suppose it was the former then.

Sighing, I glance away, "Because you should keep practicing. I want you to be able to play emotion for them, for the audience."

And slowly, I can feel Yoongi grow tense. "But I want to be with you. I don't care about the audience, not when you're suffering over here."

"Yoongi, please don't start this. . . We've talked about it already-"

"And I don't agree with your decision! Why won't you let us compromise or something of the sort instead of being stubborn?" He asks a bit louder, raising his voice but not fully yelling.

I glance away, not wanting to see Yoongi get progressively angrier and angrier. 

"Because I want you to be able to play Yoongi, want us both to be able to play. It's what we've been working on since the very beginning, even before this competition." I try to remain calm but he moves his arm away, moving to be in my line of sight.

"I don't care about the competition! I only care about being here! Don't try and act like you're not being selfish because you are!" He booms, voice echoing from the height we're at.

But the loudness of his voice doesn't scare me because his words cause rare anger to rise up. I actually look to him, getting up so I'm not so close because now I don't even want to be sitting next to him, "I'm not being selfish! If anything I'm being the selfless one out of us!" I yell. "I'm trying to make sure we don't throw everything away for some small reason!"

Now we're in a full argument both of us screaming at each other. 

"YN, I told you earlier! I don't need you pushing me away or defending me! I know how to handle these things and I could care less about this competition!" He finally gets up, walking closer to me.

I grit my teeth, "You should care! Do you know how much effort we've put in this?! We have to be- This has to be perfect!!" When I'm done it's pure silence and I'm panting and I realize that Yoongi is just standing in front of me.

He doesn't look angry any more, he looks broken. Reaching forward, he cups my cheeks and I realize that they're wet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." He whispers, wiping the tears away. 

I gulp and notice that I'm shaking too. Giving a shaky smile, I shake my head, "No, don't apologize. I'm the one who got so worked up. Sorry, I think it's just all the meds," I try to joke but Yoongi knows it's a partial truth. 

Yoongi sighs and brings us into a hug, "Let's get you into bed. We can cuddle, okay?"

"Okay." I whisper, burying my head into his shoulder. "Yoongs?" I get a noise of acknowledgment. "I really missed you."

He nods, "I know. I missed you too, Sweetheart."

End of Chapter Thirty Five

Only around 3 or 4 more chapters left ;n;

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