Jack's Fight

By Starlightcars123

30.6K 408 40

November 1963 Jack and Jackie embark on a trip to Texas to help with the re-election campaign. However, Jack’... More

Jack's Fight
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 26

723 10 0
By Starlightcars123

Saturday 22nd February 1964

The White House

President’s Day

Jack was sitting in the living room watching the coverage of President’s Day on TV. It had been a month since Dr Carrico had started treating Jack and he was feeling a lot better.

Caroline and John had gone down to Washington’s Monument with Jackie but Jack wasn’t feeling up to it. The press would criticise him but he didn’t care. He felt rather ill.

He’d asked Dr Carrico to come and check on him. “Good morning Jack.” Jim smiled.

“Morning.” Jack replied.

“So what’s wrong? I thought you were feeling better.”

“I am but I was wondering if you could give me some exercises to do, my back’s feeling a little stiff.”

Dr Carrico nodded and helped him. He was starting the campaign on Monday and he needed to be fit. Somehow Jack had convinced Dr Carrico to come with him so his health would be alright during the heavy workloads.  

Friday 1st May 1964

After the first few months of campaigning Jack was nearly back to full health. The extra exercise had being doing wonders for his back. This was his first night off in ages. He was sitting in the back of the limo with Dr Carrico. “You look funny in a tux.” Jack teased.

“Thank you Mr President.” Dr Carrico smiled.

Jack sighed and leaned his head against the window. “Eh Mr President I have some good news. I forgot to tell you this morning.”

“Oh what is it?”

Jim smiled. “You and Mrs Kennedy can have sex again, your blood pressure has returned to normal.”

Jack grinned broadly.

As soon as they arrived back at the hotel in central New York Jack rushed out of the car and into the hall. He saw Clint Hill standing at the back door. “Have you seen Jacqueline?” Jack asked.

“She’s out the back getting some air.”

Jack nodded and headed out. He saw her standing watching the night sky. He slowly walked up behind her and wrapped her in his arms. He slowly nuzzled her neck. “Hiya bunny.” Jackie smiled.

“Hey kid.” Jack said before kissing her cheek and neck. “I have some good news for you.”

“And what would that be?” Jackie asked turning to face him. He grinned and held her very close to him. “This.” Jack whispered before kissing her passionately. His hands moved down her body softly and tenderly.

When she pulled back she stared at him. “You were given the all clear?”

Jack nodded. “Very much.”

“Great I have my new nightie for you.”

Jack laughed and kissed her deeply, Jackie was moaning softly. “Let’s go upstairs.” Jack nodded and held her hand.

Once they were in their room, their lips were locked and they couldn’t get out of their clothes quick enough. It had been five months. Jack couldn’t wait. Soon Jack and Jackie were lying on the bed making out. They were both a moaning mess and Jack had an extreme look of pleasure on his face.

“I love you Jackie.” Jack breathed.

“I love you too bunny.”

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