
By ArtsyDoodleBug

111K 2.5K 56

"It is better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission." She said gazing into the smoldering eyes of... More



2.1K 58 2
By ArtsyDoodleBug

Jaime stood before his father. His eyes widened and his mouth agape. He stood there before his father who sat upon the throne.

"I -- father I have never viewed Hellen other than a good friend."

Jaime said being cautious. His father inhaled deeply as he peered down at his son.

"You are sure? Positive that you've never -- "

"Father I love Brianne. Her little sister is like my very own. I would do anything for either of them, but Hellen, she is my Queen-mother. I have no interest in her."

Tywin glared down at his son for a moment linger before he scoffed. Looking away he tapped his hand against the arm of the throne.

"Then humor me as to why your sister seems to believe otherwise?"

Jaime blinked. His sister? Cersei has something to do with this?

"Cersei... She spoke to you? About affections toward Hellen?"


"Father I -- I haven't spoken to Cersei but the once st the wedding since she arrived and Hellen was beside me during it. She and Tyrion both. Both can agree that nothing about Hellen aside from her being threatened by Cersei -- "

"Threatened? Threatened!"

Tywin became outraged as he raises his voice enough for it to echo through the empty throne room. Jaime fell silent, knowing that he had said the wrong words.

"First I awake to find someone trying to kill her and now I'm learning that she was threatened during our wedding night by your sister!"

Tywin bellowed. He scoffed.

"Lannister's don't act like fools, and your sister is certainly acting as such! Threatening her new Queen, my wife. Your sister is many things and it seems that stupid is indeed one of them."

Jaime cringed at his father's words. Cersei was smart, at least he'd like to have believed she was smart. She was always the one coming up with ideas on them, their secretes, and how to get ahead in life. But he also knew that her pride often clouded the way as well.

"I've heard enough. Fetch your sister. Inform her that she's requested in the room of the Hand."

Tywin said as he rose from the throne and headed for the back door behind the seat. Jaime watched as his father left, knowing that he lit a fire that was sure to burn someone.


Hellen questioned as she entered the chamber of the Hand. Tywin was standing there with his brother going over something. He glanced in her direction.

"Your grace."

Kevan greeted almost surprised to see her there. Hellen arched a brow as she approached Tywin. She looked at him as he turned to her.

"You shouldn't be here."

Tywin said plainly causing Hellen to become even more worried. Never before had Tywin been so blunt to turn her away. What had gotten into him?

"But, Tywin I -- "

Hellen said only to be cut off by the sound of the door opening again from behind. It was then Cersei walked inside surprised to see Hellen there with her father.

"Father you requested to see me?"

She said in such an innocent tone that Tywin instantly pounced.

"How dare you."

He growled causing Cersei's eyes to widen as if not understanding. It was then Hellen slowly stepped back, she had never heard Tywin in such a manner. It frightened her.

"My own daughter trying to turn me against my family. Have you learned nothing over the last fourty years?"

He spat as he slowly approached her. Hellen watched oh so carefully as Tywin moved as if he were a lion stalking his prey. In all honesty it was rather a sight to see in one that put a certain heat to her body. Her eyes lingered on him and she found herself unable to look away.

"Father please I -- "

"Your brother and Lady Brianne will be shipped off to Casterly Rock where they will marry. You will return to High Garden with your husband Ser Loras Tyrell. And Hellen will remain Queen no matter how much you detest the idea!"

"But it's not fair! I have some everything for you and everything for this family!"

Cersei yelled back. Tywin's back arched as his brows frowed and his jaw clenched enough to where his line could be clearly seen.

"You're my daughter and you will do as I command!"

He screamed. Hellen winced. Tywin was furious. Absolutely furious beyond knowing. Hellen knew this, Ser Kevan knew this, and Cersei knew this.

"Now go. Your stay in Kings Landing ends tomorrow."

Tywin snapped as he stormed out of the room. Cersei stood there almost looking as if she might cry. Hellen watched as Tywin walked away, knowing where he was possibly headed and decided to follow after him.

Luckily she was correct in her theory.


Hellen whispered as she entered their chambers. Tywin was leaning against the fire place his smoldering gays lingering in the very flames of the fireplace. When she addressed him he simply turned his head and looked toward her. After the long walk back to his Chambers he had time to think and he seemed to have calmed down quite a bit.

That's when Hellen decided to approach him. She moved slowly but she moved with Grace. Almost like a small kitten tiptoeing across the stone tile. Her dress flowing behind her.

"I didn't want you there because I didn't want you to see me like that."

He said causing Tywin to lower her gaze.

"Have you already forgotten our first few encounters? Or the fact that you were going to take my head?"

Tywin chuckled. He looked from the flame again and back at her. He seen that smile he had grown to adore. That smile that could turn his mood so easily it almost made him question as if she were a witch.

"That was such a long time ago."

"Are you trying to tell me you be changed, Tywin Lannister?"

He chuckled again.


He said standing up from his lean against the fire place. Sighing deeply he watched her.

"You wanted to tell me something earlier? What was it?"

He questioned. Hellen chuckled a bit and looked up at him with her warm eyes and a bright smile.

"I'm with child."

Tywin's thrusts were deep as he had taken Hellen to their bed. Her news for him excited him to the point where he just couldn't keep his hands off her.

Finally, she had become pregnant with another child for him, and before winter as well.

Hellen moaned loudly Tywin's naked body pressed up against her own. Her back arched on the bed trying to keep connected to him. His name leaving her lips in a high pitches melody to his ears.

And no sooner did it began it came to an abrupt end.

Hellen screamed out as she knocked Tywin over and off the bed. He was shocked, paralyzed for a moment before he managed to realise what just happened.

There before his eyes the masked man from before. Hellen had knocked Tywin from the bed and had taken the attack. A blade to her belly.

The masked man seemed just as shocked at Tywin as it was apparent that Tywin had been the target and not Hellen.


Tywin roared. The masked man drew the blade back and out of her stomach where blood began to empty onto the bed. In a panic Hellen placed her hands over the wound. The only thing she could think about was her unborn child.

"Guards! Guards!"

This time the guards broke open Tywin's door and stormed inside. The man grabbed his blade and headed for the window. The guards chasing him as he flead.

Tywin's bigger concern however was Hellen as he climbed onto the bed still naked and cradled her bleeding body in his arms.

"Tywin -- Tywin the baby!"

Hellen cried.

"We can have others. We must worry about you."

He snapped yelling at the guards to find the Measter before she bled out all over the bed.

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