B4) The Lycan's Obsession

By Love-Saya-Chan

4.6K 261 31

Skyla left home, to give birth away from the problems. But it seems those problems followed her, as a clingy... More

1: City
2: Found
4: Hello, Skyla
5: Accept
6: Baby Cries
7: Moods
8: Annoyed
9: Gathering
10: Unbelievable
11: After The Storm
12: Threat
13: Aggressiveness
14: Branded
15: Taking Her
16: Reconcile
17: Where is Sky?
18: Stay Put
19: What Happened?
20: Home?
21: Lost It
22: Agony
23: Who Has Sky?
24: The Town
25: Home At Last
26: Winter Comes
27: Never Again
28: Crazy Day
29: Going Away
30: Furball

3: Labor/Born

199 9 1
By Love-Saya-Chan

Skyla woke up late at night with pain. She rubbed her belly; it was getting hard to breathe. "Kristy!" She sat up.

"What?" Kristy ran in, bumping into the chair. "Ow."

"Kristy," Skyla held her belly. "It hurts."

Kristy touched her belly. "I think you're in labor, damn it. It's too soon. Okay, Skyla, get ready because it'll be a long night." Kristy rang the bell to wake the maids up. Elvin ran in.

"What's going on?" He was shirtless, and Skyla could see Kristy blushing.

"Um, Skyla is in labor," Kristy said. "The baby is coming, and we need to get things ready. And you should write a letter to Bob."

"Okay," Elvin kissed her head. "Be strong, Skyla," he walked out of the room.

Skyla breathes in and out. "Okay, Kristy, guide me through this."

"Lay back down," Kristy helped her lay back down and got her comfortable. Marla walked in with warm water and some pieces of soft white fabric. "Okay, we should get started, now your water hasn't broken, so we'll wait for a few minutes."

Skyla laid there, feeling all this pain. How she wished her father and sisters were here with her to comfort her. "Ah," she winced. "Please, little one, come out, I can't stand this pain."

Marla wiped her forehead. "Just breathe in and out," she said.

"Okay," Skyla did just that, and it helped a little but not much.

"Oh," Kristy sighed. "Okay, your water just broke, Skyla, get ready to push; we are going to be in here all night."

And that was true; it was early in the morning when her baby decided to come out. "Oh, thank goodness," Skyla leaned back against the pillows. The loud baby cries echo through the mansion.

"Oh," Kristy smiled. "Look at her; let's go to mommy." Kristy wrapped the baby in a soft blanket and placed it against Skyla's chest. "Here, careful."

Skyla held her baby. "Oh, she's so small."

"Look at her patch of hair," Marla said. "She is going to have beautiful and healthy hair, wow."

"Marla," Kristy stood. "Wait until your married to have kids. Or you'll end up like Skyla here." Skyla stuck her tongue out.

"It's okay," she kissed her daughter's head. "My little bundle of joy. Welcome to this world. To my arms."

"Let's get you clean up," Kristy said. "Marla, get the baby washed up and dressed, and I'll help Skyla."

Marla nodded. "Come here, oh, look at you. Aren't you a cutie." Skyla handed the baby to Marla as Kristy helped her to the bathroom.

After the bath, Skyla laid back down to breastfeed her baby. "Hi, there, what should I name you. You're so small. I'll name you Sky, like me."

"After you finish, get some sleep," Kristy said. "Marla will watch over Sky."

Skyla nodded. "Thanks, but I'm worried now that Sky is out of my womb, Alton will sense me."

"Probably," Kristy said. "But Elvin won't let Alton get near you."

"I won't," Elvin walked in. "Alton is going to stay far away from you," he smiled. "Hey there, she's a beauty."

"I know," Skyla said. "Her name is Sky. Sky meet your uncle Elvin," she yawned.

"Okay," Kristy grabbed Sky and handed her over to Marla. "Marla, you'll take care of her while Skyla sleeps. You'll stay in the nursery with Sky."

"Okay," Marla held Sky.

Skyla yawned. "I'm so exhausted."

"Get some sleep," Kristy tucked her in. "I'll wake you when it's time to feed Sky again. Now get some sleep; you did well."

"Thanks," Skyla closed her eyes and saw Elvin leaned close to Kristy.


Alton groaned. "Why did you let me eat all that chocolate." He threw up in the bucket. "Ah, wait." He sniffs the air. "Skyla, I can smell her now."

"What could that mean?" Lyon asked.

"I don't know," he frowned. "Lyon, go and see what's going on, go."

Lyon nodded. "I'll back."

Alton washed his mouth and set the bucket outside the door. He closed the door and laid on the bed. He is never eating chocolate ever again.

He waited for Lyon to come back, and he came back early in the morning. "What took you so long? And what's wrong? You look as if you seem something so horrific."

"I saw a baby come out of someone," Lyon said. "It was the most traumatizing thing I have ever seen."

"Skyla?" Alton sat up.

"Yes," he sat on the chair and drank some water. "Skyla was in labor last night and gave birth this morning," he said. "Congrats, you're the father of a beautiful baby girl named Sky. She has your dark brown hair."

"How do you know how she looks like?" Alton asked.

"I went into the nursery where she was sleeping," Lyon said. "I was going to bring her to you and take her back, but I decided not to since she's too small."

"Good thing you didn't," Alton said. "I need to see her and bond with her. I have to sneak in; did you find a way?"

"I found Skyla's bedroom," he said. "And there is one spot where there aren't any guards, so; you'll be fine."

"I'll go tonight," he said.

"Okay," Lyon said. "Also, that guy we bumped into, remember?"

"Yeah, what about him?" Alton sighed.

"He arrived at the mansion when I left," Lyon said. "And he was asking for Skyla and the baby. And he had a few gifts. I don't want to think anything bad, but I think that man is trying to woo Skyla."

"He better now," Alton glared. "I won't let anyone near Skyla; she's mine."

"Than what are you going to do?" Lyon said. "You're still not thinking about kidnapping Skyla are you?"

"If I have too, I will," he said. "Skyla belongs to me; any man who gets in the way will feel my rage. Now get ready for tonight; I have to see my daughter."

"Okay," Lyon said.

Alton stood and looked out the window. Tonight he will meet his daughter, and no one will stop him, not even Elvin.

Later that night, he and Lyon made their way to the mansion. It was very guarded, and they had to sneak around. Lyon was able to go up the wall where the vines where growing. "Hurry," Lyon said. "The maid isn't here."

Alton grabbed hold of the vine and begin to climbed the wall. Halfway up, he slid but caught himself. Alton reached the balcony and jumped over. He wiped his hands on his pants and winced. "Damn it."

"Be quiet," Lyon said.

"I cut my palms," he said and went to a bowl of clean water and washed his hand, and they immediately healed. "There, now." He looked around and spotted the crib; he walked over and looked down. "Hey there," she was awake. "Come here," he picked her up and held her against his chest. "You are so small." He kissed her head and walked around the room.

Lyon stood guard near the door. "We need to make this quick if you're going to go see Skyla do it."

"I know," he kissed Sky's head and laid her back down. She started to fuss. "Hey, don't cry; I'll see you soon, okay." She calmed down. "Where is Skyla's bedroom?"

"Next door," Lyon whispered. "Use those doors right over there to get in. She must be sleeping; good luck."

He walked over to the double door and opened them quietly. The bedroom was dark, and only the brightness of the moon-lit the room through the curtains.

Alton walked over to the bed, and Skyla was sleeping. He looked at her; she was the same aside from her lengthy hair, other than that, the same. He reached down and stroke her cheek. "I finally found you. And you thought you could hide from me," he whispered. "But your wrong, Skyla."

She rolled over to her back. Alton leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I'll be around," he whispers. He pulled out a ring and set it on her pillow.

"Alton, let's go," Lyon said. "The maid is coming."

Alton went back to the nursery and closed the doors. He looks in the crib. "I'll be back soon, little one. And I'll bring you a gift."

"No," a girl said. "Sky doesn't seem to fuss much only when she's hungry or when she wets her diaper."

"That's good," that was Kristy. "Anyways, let's get her to Skyla, its time for her meal."

Alton climbed back out the window but not as fast as Lyon. He had to jump the rest of the way. He winced and ran following Lyon back to the road.

"Happy?" Lyon asked. "Now that you saw them, what are you going to do?"

"Kidnapped them," he said. "I'm taking them both with me, and you can't tell me no."

"Sky is too young to travel," Lyon said. "And Skyla barely gave birth; she's in pain."

"Once Skyla is better," he said. "And Sky is strong. I sensed it in her."

"Nothing I say will change your mind?" Lyon asked.

"No," he said.

"Great," Lyon sighed. "What if I threatened?"

"And how will you do that?" He asked.

"By warning them," Lyon said. "I don't want to, but if I have to, I will. And no, it's not because of my soulmate. I think that what you're about to do is not the smartest choice."

"Fine," Alton said. "I'll have to show up at the front door then. But nothing or anyone is going to stop me from seeing my daughter."

He walked away, feeling a bit irritated.





Miss SayaChan

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