All It Took (Kaisoo)

بواسطة sugarwtter

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Sequel to * A Monstrosity * *completed* After arriving at the mountain kyungsoo is now slowly reaching the en... المزيد

Prologue (might change)
| Chapter 1 : Snowball |
| Chapter 2 : A Line In The Snow |
| Chapter 3 : Warming up |
| Chapter 4 : The Bound Mates share |
| Chapter 5 : Fallen|
| Chapter 6 : Special Luna |
| Chapter 7 : Manipulation|
| Chapter 8 : traitor |
| Chapter 9 : Right Here |
|.Chapter 10 : Consoling |
| Chapter 11: Of Predicting|
Story/charackter Info
| Chapter 12 : Handshake |
| Chapter 14 : when she took him |
| Chapter 15 : One Life For Another |
| Chapter 16 : The Worry |
| Chapter 17 : Everything of her |
| Chapter 18 : Ready for Sacrifices? |
| Chapter 19 : A Fear Of |
| Chapter 20 : Until We Met Again |
| Chapter 21 : Back In The Dark |
| Chapter 22 : One Way |
| Chapter 23 : Revenge |
| Chapter 24 : Return of the past |
| Chapter 25 : The Final Punishment |
| Chapter 26 : Agony for Love |
| Chapter 27: Relief |
| Chapter 28 : Precious |
| Chapter 29 : Hopeful |
|Chapter 30 : Last Hideout |
| Chapter 31 : Finally |
| Chapter 32 : Keep It That Way |
| Chapter 34 : Nightmares of the Truth |
| Chapter 35 : The pain |
| Chapter 36 : A True Alpha |
| Chapter 37 : Dreams |
| Chapter 38 : More than one |
| Chapter 39 : Prepare yourselves |
! recap important !
| Chapter 40 : The Edge hope |
| Chapter 41 : The Last One Standing |
| Chapter 42 : Its Bullshit |
| Chapter 43 : My Special One|
| Chapter 44 : Not Leaving |
| Chapter 45 : When we gave up|
| Chapter 46 : For our Miracles |
| Chapter 47 : For Him |
Another Epiloge
Story/Charackter info Completed

| Chapter 13: Oh No |

496 21 9
بواسطة sugarwtter


Jongin looked at the pic of kyungsoo mum remembering the hardships .
When kyungsoo called him heartless in the argument they had because jongin was jealous of kyungsoo worrying about a hyunsik that ran off it had hurt him because kyungsoo always called him that when he still hated him in the past.

(Kyungsoo behaves exhausted)

Hyunsik and jongin talk, found an agreement to get along together jongin says hyunsik is a part of his pack for now wether he like it or not because he travels with them so they need to work together.


,, SEHUN !" I growled through the house. Stomping my way out of the kitchen.

Jongin jumped up from his napping position on the couch but I couldn't care less at the moment as I looked around the room in fury .

Some steps appears and I looked at the staircase to see him walking down with chanyeol. ,, you .." my voice was low and his eyes widened when he turned away quickly .

,, kyungsoo !" Jongin called realizing what was going on whenni rushed to the stairs to follow him upstairs as fast as I could .

,, help !" Sehun screamed when I reached him and pulled him back to land on the floor by his shirt.
He whispered trying to shield himself when I grabbed onto the collar of his shirt banking him back at forth angrily ,, YOU ATE MY SPARE RIBS !"

,, kyungsoo !" Jongins hands appears pulling me off Sehun while I was still struggling how dare he eat my special spare ribs they were perfect! They've never tasted this perfect in my while life ! How could he be so cruel. I never expected this from him ..

Before I knew it I felt tears in my eyes as i stopped struggling only glaring at Sehun from afar when chanyeol pulled him up laughing to himself .
,, you're a terrible person !" I screamed with my voice cracking. How could he do this to me! He has no idea how much I needed them.
,, I'm pregnant ! You should be taking care of me not taking away from me !"

,, nugget.. hey listen I'll get some new ones ok just calm down " jongin attempted wearing a little smile himself.

,, no ! Only those tasted this good ! You don't understand you haven't eaten them !" I argued back and he sighed stepping away from behind me heading towards the stairs again only to stop there and then around to me.

My glare instantly faded as I looked at him through my tears.
,, come on .." his voice was soft and I swallowed stepping quickly toward him. He can't leave me here with his heartless idiot !

A light chuckle left his lips as he was wrapping an arm around me. I just rolled my eyes, He knew this would work. I hate being pregnant .

He guided me all the steps downstairs and nudged me to the couch while I held onto my belly as he pulled me back to sit with him
,, let's just take a moment and relax ok ? Baekhyun said you're stressing too much its not good for junoir nini "

I smiled faintly as he said that finally accepting the nickname I gave him. For days I've tried to convince him and make him get used to it
,, im not stressing, I just realy wanted these spare rips .." I sighed leaning into his side as he threw an arm around me clearly still amused .

,, you're carving them now ? What happened to the noodles?"

,, they make me sick " my arms crossed when I looked away trying not to think too much of the taste of those delicious spare rips. I wanted to indirectly ask him to get me some new ones now but that part of me that could still think straight knew not to because getting new ones meant going all the way to the nearest little town through the terrible forest filled with vampires .

,, it doesn't matter you know .. we could check the foods we are running low aswell so I could buy them and your spare rips"
I kept quiet when he suggested that, obviously having read my hesitant expression from before .
,, and it won't take long "

Sehun get hyunsik we'll be buying some groc-
,, no you can't leave " I cut his order in the mindlink off.
,, it's ok .. I'm actually in the mood for an apple now .. could you cut me one ?" giving my forehead a kiss he smiled softly getting to feet
,, sure "

I leaned back sighing to myself and rubbing up and down my belly. It has been hurting since I've yelled at Sehun I think it's crimping again. I hate when that happens. It's like the baby is scolding me for freaking out and troubling him aswell.

The only thing that helped if it didn't go away on its own was jongins touch, when he massaged with the cream that baekhyun had brought over it, it felt like heaven.

I whined annoyed when it worsened as I tried to rub over it with no use.

Before I could curse about it more jongin had already returned with a plate filled with cut apples. He sat down beside me and I opened my eyes again only glancing at him at first .
,, your hair is a mess"

I blinked surprised myself, not knowing where this had come from or why I had even said it .
He laughed at it running his hand through it ,, well I was too lazy to style it since we are in the middle of nowhere anyway "

I returned his smile taking a Apple piece of the plate ,, it's ok.. I like when they're messy " mumbling my words my free hand was already running through his hair as I was munching on the apple pieces.

My hand retreated when I finished my second piece, not getting another one I placed both my hand on my belly again in pain.

,, hey .." jongin brought his hand onto mine as I leaned closer laying my head onto his shoulder and inhaling his scent when he turned to me towering over me probably worried again. ,, is it hurting again ?"

I didn't want to nodd. I was behaving like a child carving everything and not even noticing how whiny I have become and now I only ate 2 pieces of the Apple he had cut just for me before whining about some cramps again.
,, should I massage you again ?"

I pressed my lips together looking up at him shyly causing him to chuckle obviously knowing I was embarrassed by myself .

He moved on the couch just as steps appeared from upstairs
,, you called ?" Sehun glanced at him questionably .

,, yeah .. glad to see you reacted so quickly " I couldn't help but giggle to myself as jongin said that in an realy?tone

Sehun only rolled his eyes when hyunsik walked fullt down the stairs besides him not spending anyone a glance not even me.

My gaze lowered at that
,, we were busy,I was trying a gun out but they're pretty heavy.. I'd rather stick to turning until a wolf and ripping everything apart"

Jongin laughed mockingly at that
,, the only thing you'll be ripping apart will be the chocolate sticks in the kitchen "

Finally hyunsik came back out of the kitchen smirking as he probably heard that, with a drink in his hand. Looking at it like that I completely blended their conversation out, focusing on the water drop that was rolling down on the outside surface of the cup. I could he sworn it was teasing me. It just wanted me to carve it.

,, em ?.. "

My thoughts came to a halt and I found myself snapping out of it as I suddenly stood right before hyunsik and I glanced up irritated to meet hyunsik eyes, his face bein only a few inches away from mine .

,, excuse me !?" Jongin was there in an instant pushing hyunsik back and the cup fell to the floor. thankfully it was almost empty so only a bit was spilled .

The water drop wasn't seen anymore but the ground was now wet with the drink that I could be drunk aswell ...
This was a waste.
,, hey .." jongin moved my head to look at him ,, what's wrong ?"

I blinked noticing that my vision was blurry and I had to bite onto both my lips to prevent them from trembling.
I couldn't help myself since that drink could've been mine but they just spilled it. They wasted it.
,, it's just ... " I started shaky ,, so sad that you spilled it "

They were quiet at first and jongin retreated with his hands when I moved my arm up to whipe over my eyes seeing how he looked at me worriedly.

someone snorted behind me and I actually flinched a little before turning to them to see it was Sehun who now covered his mouth trying not to laugh at me.

It made me feel even worse and new tears formed in my eyes.

Jongin growled lowly at him but it didn't make him stop at all he still continued to smirk on his own just trying not make it obvious but it was.
,, it's ok I can make you a new drink, kay don't worry " my eyes shifted to look at hyunsik as he said that.

,, I can do that too " jongin glanced at him but I was pretty sure there was a ring of a glare hidden in it.

Sehun released another sound of wanting to laugh. Maybe because he thought jongin was jealous too maybe he didn't think I was worth getting jealous for.

How dare he.

I turned to him this time, all the sadness fading as it turned to rage.

He ate my spare rips
He distracted jongin from being by my side !
He laughed at me !
He thinks I'm not worth jongins jealousy !

A big growl erupted from my lungs and I could've sworn it caused the walls to shake. Hyunsik flinched back and so did Sehun with wide eyes, none of it being important to me the only thing I saw were Sehun glowing eyes as he stared at me quite fearfully when I took my first step toward him followed by the second and third until 2 arms around me held me back and I snapped to the side to meet jongins eyes, or rather kais glancing at me with a concerned frown, glowing brightly as if to tell me to calm.

I blinked a few times letting the glare soften before looking the other way. Where chanyeol and baekhyun suddenly were, with baek holding himself with one hand around chanyeols arm and the other around his side, he seemed out of breath as he stared at me seemingly in thoughts while chanyeol looked shocked.

It wasn't the first time I growled so why are they acting like it was a big deal anyway ?

The confusion of being lost made me snap back to myself without glowing eyes. ,, can you hear me ?"

My eyes fell back onto jongins face as he took both my hands in his.
,, nugget ?"

I swallowed before nodding.
,, are you ok ?"

I nodded again not being able to look into anyone's eyes, at the moment I wasn't realizing what came over me. What happened to me or where the anger or sadness came from, as fast as it came, it was gone. ,, sorry... " 

,, don't worry about it, it's ok.. let's get you your drink ?" He tried to brush it off but I couldn't help and feel guilty. I can't control myself at all even when I'm aware that im overreacting it just doesn't seem to stop me from doing so anyway.

Its frustrating..
,, I think ..kinda wanna sit down.. "

I didn't even get to see how he reacted to that and he just hummed following me until I sat back down onto the couch still not looking at anyone but I noticed jongin giving baekhyun a glance for which I didn't have the head to guess the meaning of.
,, you sure you're ok ?"

I nodded again with a sigh as I leaned back ,, I'm fine.. I just could you get me a shake like hyunsik ?.. and then massage me ?" I pressed his lips together smiling weakly as he leaned down ,, sure thing " he kissed my head before heading off to the kitchen while baek ended up slowly sitting down beside me .

,, you're still cramping ?" His hand reached out to lay on my belly and I let him. At least everyone always tried to just overlay my mood swings so I wouldn't feel awkward for long .

I ended up nodding moving his hand to where it mostly was this days.

He frowned thinking to himself as he moved closer and I understood imediantly pulling my shirt up to let him feel around it to check on it.

,, my book says its normal to experience this cramps and I don't feel any knob so don't worry about it " I nodded finally able to smile a little again, at least everything I was experiencing was normal.

,, what about you ? How're your wounds.. "I trailed off when I spotted Sehun opening the door on the other end of the room, I frowned thinking he would leave alone .
,,Sehun !"

He turned quickly to me, I hoped he wasn't pissed or hurt by my actions earlier. The last thing I wanted was for him to go missing.
,, don't worry I've got him " my eyes moved to land on hyunsik putting a scarf around himself before also glancing at me with a smirk.

Sehun chuckle,, we'll be back in a bit maybe I'll buy you some spare rips again ! " he called after closing the door behind him .

I smile in relief knowing he didn't take anything I did to heart made me feel at ease as I leaned back .

,, you think they're mates ?" Chanyeol looked at me .

I rose both my eyebrows, at first it was a stupid thought to me but I've come to like the idea of it and now that chanyeol had his suspicions aswell.. ,, would Sehun not have noticed it if hyunsik was his mate ?" Baekhyun questioned.

,, a wolf will feel it after turning 18, Sehun isn't 18 yet" chanyeol explained.

,, right .. I forgot , as an elf I would have felt it even when I was just a child. I would know that I will want to spend the rest of my life with that person" he turned his head around to face chanyeol the best he could and as they looked into his others eyes obviously in daze, I suddenly felt like a third wheel and wished for nothing more than to just unsuspiciously teleport elsewhere.

Chanyeol bit onto his bottom lip when baek then finally looked down to cut their staring so I thought it would be the best moment to leave them alone.
,, is that all you feel ?" Chanyeol asked bravely and I started to feel realy uncomfortable. So I just got up when baek answered knowing they were too much into each other to notice or care at the moment if I just went to the kitchen.

But on the way there I suddenly started to feel light headed and I looked down to try and focus my suddenly spinning vision as I held my forehead walkimg or probanly stumbling my way forward, when my vision was starting to have white and black dots I reached my hand out to the side hoping to grasp a chair or a wall for support .

But i couldn't reach anything, I wasn't even sure if I had my arm reached out for it

I felt something cold drip down from my nose and rose my hand to touch it. Once I retreated it I froze looking at the red stains on fingertips.

All the noises around my disappears but my vision returned sensing everything much slower than it should be as I stared at jongin coming out from the kitchen as I was feeling more blood dripping down my nose.

His eyes widened and I felt my knees numbning no longer strong enough to hold my weight.

It didn't hurt but I found myself scrunching my face up somehow when I landed on my knees hard even tho jongin was right by my side by then.

I fell back but he held me in place pulling me closer for a second every sense of mine started working again before shutting down.

The last thing I remember was his voice screaming something but all I understood was baekhyun on the background of all this rushing steps yells.

,, oh no .."


I rose from the laziness

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