Crazier. (Lab Rats fanfic/Ada...

By thatoneperson1000

124K 2.2K 500

My name is Jasmyn Dooley. I'm 16 years old, and I'm Leo Dooley's older sister. What happens when we move in w... More

Crush, Chop, and Burn: Pt.1
Crush, Chop, and Burn: Pt.2
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats on a train
Smart and Smarter
Exoskeleton vs Grandma
Bionic Birthday Fail
Bionic Birthday Fail: Pt.2
Death Spiral Smackdown
Can I Borrow The Helicopter? Pt.1
Can I Borrow The Helicopter Pt. 2
Back from the Future
Chip Switch
Drone Alone
Chore Wars
Air Leo
Night Of The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missin the Mission
Robot Fight Club

Dude, Where's My Lab

2.3K 43 2
By thatoneperson1000

Jasmyn's POV

Currently standing in the lab with everyone except Mom.

Adam, Bree, and Chase have these things around their necks that Davenport put on them.

"Okay, now we'll check your bionic reflexes. First the left arm." Davenport says clicking some buttons that make their left arm go up.

Adam and Bree yell in pain, as this causes them to be hit in the face.

Davenport nods, "Okay, now the right arm."

"Ohh!" Adam and, this time, Chase groan.

"Oh, I hate this game!" Adam yells frustrated from getting hit twice.

Davenport chuckles, "Okay, Adam. Well, you can sit this one out. I'll just do Bree and Chase."

Adam sighs in relief but yells in pain again, as Davenport makes Bree and Chase hit Adam.

"Wow, this is fun." I say sarcastically.

Leo turns to Davenport, "Come on, Big D, we're on a vacation! Let's hit the beach, slap on some shorts and show everyone your pasty little walking sticks!"

"Leo! No one wants to see that!" I say abruptly.

Davenport looks at me slightly offended then turns to Leo, "Not now, Leo. We're doing some routine bionic chip maintenance. Besides, this is fun, right, guys?" He finishes just as Mom walks in with drinks and snacks.

"Good times." Adam says.

"A blast." Chase mumbles.

"Okay, are we done here? I wanna go be normal for a while!" Bree says taking of her neck brace and throwing it towards us.

It hits Davenport's things making it spark, which then causes Mom to drop the drinks and the snacks.

"Man, I was really looking forward to that." I grumble.

"Can't we go just five minutes without something sparking, exploding, or oozing around here? Ever since summer vacation started, it has been like one long science experiment." Mom rants.

Davenport's places his hands on Mom's arms, "I'm sorry, honey. You know Maybe-maybe Leo's right. Maybe we need to take a break and go to the beach. We'll take a whole weekend, as a normal family, you know? No gadgets, no phones. We'll do it totally tech-free."

Everyone smiles at each other excitedly and begins cleaning up the mess.

"That is exactly what I need. You would really do that for me?" Mom asks.

"Of course. You are way more important to me than the amazing innovations born of my genius." Davenport says drifting away in his thoughts.

Leo stands up with the bowl of floor food, "Wow, Big D it's really nice of you to blow off work for my mom."

I nod in agreement with Leo.

"Well, you know, guys, now and then, everybody needs a little peace and-" Davenport begins to say but is interrupted by a loud alarm.

"-Quiet!" He finishes.

Chase's eyes widen, "It's the early warning satellite system."

Davenport looks at his desk, "It's detecting a giant solar flare. When that thing hits the atmosphere, it'll cause massive power failures and a total blackout of satellite communications."

Leo nods, "Okay, I should tell my mom we're not going to the beach, then."

Davenport quickly stops him, "No, no, no, no. Don't tell your mom a thing about this."

Chase scoffs, "Oh, right. Let's just ignore the biggest solar flare in history to keep the little lady happy."

Davenport waves his hands around, "Don't worry about the solar flare. I'll handle it. Just pack your stuff in the R.V. and get ready to get your beach on!" He says joyously.

"No, just no." I say in embarrassment for him and myself.

He sees the looks we are giving him, "I know nobody says that. I know that."

Adam cringes, walks over to a bin, and begins handing out safety goggles.

Chase smiles slightly, "Adam, safety goggles aren't going to protect our eyes from the solar flare."

Adam scoffs, "No, but it will protect us from the glare when pasty-legs Davenport puts on his shorts!"

We all laugh and head to change for the beach.


We just made it to the beach, and Bree and I decided to wear the matching tank tops we got the other day from the mall.

Ahh, this is gonna be so fun!

Davenport turns off the R.V., "Alright, Tasha, your totally tech-free weekend starts now."

Mom smiles, "Great. I'm gonna go claim our spot. If we wait too long, we're gonna end up sitting next to talkers. I hate friendly people."

"Wow, you are my mom." I say smiling proudly.

"You go ahead. I'll be right there." Davenport says to Mom causing her to leave.

When Adam, Bree, and Chase try to follow along with me and Leo, he stops them, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Where do you guys think you're going? Did you forget about the solar flare?"

Chase shrugs, "What do you expect us to do? Bionics can't stop a solar flare."

"No, but I have something that can." Davenport says pressing a button.

All of a sudden the R.V. turns into a make shift lab, and stuff starts popping up from out of nowhere. "Identity authorized." A robot voice speaks.

We all look around in awe.

"Welcome to the Davenport industries mobile action lab." Davenport says smugly.

Leo nods, "Very impressive, Big D. You're the master of the ta-da moment!"

"Ta-da! I call her the ugly lady because it's what's on the inside that counts. You guys will launch the rocket just like in your training simulations. It will block the solar flare by releasing a cloud of heavy gas into the atmosphere."


"You're goin' down, sun!" Adam yells.

Davenport looks at him for a second then shakes his head, "This supercomputer is calculating the precise time that you need to launch the rocket. It could be minutes, it could be hours. You'll just have to wait and see."

"In here? But we're supposed to go to the beach." Bree complains.

"Yeah, and I was supposed to be six-feet-one. Life is full of disappointments." Davenport says looking up to Adam, who just so happens to be six-feet-one.

Adam smiles awkwardly at him.

Chase groans, "Great. So we all have to pay the price for another short guy with an axe to grind."

Davenport shakes his had, "Look, guys, focus. It takes all three of you to initiate the sequence. Once the alert sounds, you'll have a 2-hour window to launch the rocket before the flare becomes unstoppable. Got it?"

Bree nods, "Yeah, we got it. Saving the world's gonna ruin my vacation. Stupid world!" 

Adam and I look at each other slightly disappointed.

"Guys, come on! You're missing all the fun! There is a bulldog in sunglasses riding a surfboard! Ooh! Never mind!" Mom yells into the RV.

davenport looks slightly nervous, "Be right there, honey! Look, as soon as you guys launch the rocket and save the world, you can get outta here and go get your beach on. What, still nothing? You know what? I don't need your approval. I'm rich!" He hisses. 

"Am I the only person who thinks launching a rocket is cool?" Leo asks in confusion.

He waves Davenport to go away, "Big D, go slather on some SPF 50....thousand. I got this." Leo finishes leaning up against the counter.  

Davenport quickly pushes him away from it, "No, the only thing you've got is the uncanny ability to break the most expensive thing in the room."

Leo crosses his arms, "Is this about your guitar?"

Davenport's eyes widen, "What about my guitar?"

"Let's go! We're missing the surfing bulldog!" Leo yells running out of the RV. 

"What about my guitar?" Davenport yells running after him.

I shake my head and turn to Adam, Bree, and Chase, "I guess I'll go too. Sorry you guys have to stay here. Who knows, maybe it'll go by quickly."

I grab my sunglasses and chair and run after Davenport and Leo.  

We set our stuff down, and I sit next to Mom sharing her umbrella with her.

I lay down in my chair and get comfortable. 

Mom sighs, "Ah, listen to that, no phones ringing, no gadgets buzzing. Just the sounds of nature and... a bulldog barking up seaweed." 

"Yep. There's nothing more fun than sitting completely still in direct sunlight for hours on end. My back sweat is headed towards unnatural places." Leo says out of sarcasm and boredom. 

I chuckle at Leo, "Come on, bro. Just soak in the sun."

Leo glares at me through his shades, and I smile in response. 

Suddenly, Davenport gets up quickly from his chair, "Leo, come here."

He pulls Leo off to the side, so I assume he wants to talk about the mission. 

He comes back towards us, "Well, Leo, you look, uh, parched. Let me get you a frosty beverage. Drink up." Davenport says handing Leo a can of soda. 

As I look closer, I realize that it is actually a cellphone. Well, it doesn't matter, once Mom notices he has any kind of soda, she'll most likely take it from him. 

"Leo, what are you drinking?" Mom says not noticing it's a phone. 

"Call-you-back cola." Leo mumbles.

Mom shakes her head, "You know you're not supposed to drink soda. It makes you all jumpy. Give me that. Now!" She takes the can from Leo and throws it into the cooler. 

The sound of technology being destroyed is heard in my ears.

I continue watching them and see Leo point to Davenport smiling dramatically. 

Davenport does it back mockingly, and Leo begins rushing off. I close my eyes, and, after a few seconds, I feel myself being pulled up from my chair by Leo. 

"Wow!" I yell in protest. 

"We have to go woman!" Leo responds. 

"Let go of me!" 

He does as told, and, eventually, we make it to the RV.

Leo walks in with a huge smile and more pointing fingers, "Hey, super sibs. How's the mission going?"

Adam groans, "This stinks! We're gonna waste the whole stupid day, in this stupid lab, waiting for this stupid computer. It's all just so... dumb!"

"Why don't you take turns coming to the beach with us?" I suggest.

Leo nods in agreement. 

Chase shakes his head, "We can't. The launch procedure requires all three of us."

Adam nods, "Mmm, but if there are three of us plus two, then two can stay and three can go until we need three, and then one can stay and one can run and get the one who's having fun with the other two. Wait. Somebody check my math." Adam says looking up confused.  

"He's right. Someone pat him on the head and give him a biscuit." Chase says in shock. 

Adam starts doing a little dance in celebration of being right.

Bree smiles, "Cool, so one of us can leave."

"I think that we should put it up to a-" Chase begins but is interrupted by Bree. 

"Me first! Come on guys!" Bree says before whisking me and Leo away. 

Once we make it to the beach, we decide to go play some of the carnival like games they have set up. 

"Ooo, let's go to this one!" I say pointing to the game where you have to knock down all the bottles with a baseball. 

"So, which one of you wants to play?" The worker asks us. 

I open my mouth to say something, but Leo cuts me off and pushes me and Bree behind him, "I'll take this ladies." He says smugly.

Bree and I glance at each other with the 'he's about to embarrass himself' face and watch this train wreck. 

Leo steps up and pays the man, and he grabs all three of the balls from him.

The first ball hits the front of the table and ricochets back to Leo and hits him in the stomach. 

He groans in pain, "I threw that one a little short."

"Yeah, sure." I say laughing.

He stands up straighter, "No, really. Watch this!"

The second ball flies backwards out of Leo's hand making me and Bree duck out of the way to avoid being hit. 

After searching for the ball for about two minutes, Leo comes back to the booth, "I don't suppose you have an extra ball for free I can get do you?" 

The man smiles at him, "Nope."

Leo sighs and picks up the third ball. 

He concentrates really hard and aims for the middle. When he finally throws it, it flies towards the top bottle and skims it, leaving it shaking. And, just when think he might actually knock a bottle down, it stops shaking and gains it's balance. 

Bree and I burst out into laughter, but I stop and step up to pay the man, "Here, Leo, you can pick a prize when I win."

I knock down all of the bottles on my first try, and Leo looks at me with his mouth open wide. 

"Come on, pick a prize. We don't have all day." I say.

Leo gets the shark, and Bree tries the game next winning a giant bear. 

Gaining some of his confidence back, Leo decides he wants to try again at this game. 

"Leo are you sure you wanna do this again?" I ask. 

"Don't worry. I've learned the trick." Leo says. 

I nod, and he walks back up to the table, pays the man, and picks up his first ball. 

This time he gets nowhere near the table, and the ball hits the man right in the face. He screams in pain and holds his nose. 

My eyes widen, "Umm...yeah. Run! Jus-just go!" I yell to Bree and Leo and point in the opposite direction. Bree grabs us and quickly super speeds us away. 

Once we are a safe distance way, we look at each other and laugh. 

Bree smiles, "Hey, you guys wanna go see what these crowd of people are looking at over there?" She says pointing to the people circled up.

"Sure." Leo says.

As I am about to nod, I get this sudden craving for ice cream, "I'll catch up with you guys in a second. I'm gonna go get some ice cream."

They nod, and we part ways. 

Once I make it to the small ice cream booth, I spot a certain tall, bionic boy wearing sunglasses and a sun hat. 

He doesn't notice me because his back is turned to me, so I tap him on his left shoulder, opposite of where I am. 

He looks over his left shoulder, and, when he doesn't see anyone there, he keeps spinning around in circles. 

I giggle, "Adam."

He stops spinning and jumps slightly, "Oh, hey. What's up?"

"What's up with you?" I ask referring to the spinning.

"Oh, someone tapped me on the shoulder, but I don't know where they went."

He gasps, "What if they turned invisible?! There could be another bionic kid." 

Adam begins trying to feel around him, and I quickly stop him, "Adam it was just me."

He stops feeling around and looks at me astonished, "How did you do that?!"

I turn his body again and show him that I just tapped his opposite shoulder.

He nods slowly, "Ohhhh, I get it now." 

"Why are you out here? Shouldn't you be in the RV?" 

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure Chase went back after he left to go find Bree." Adam says confidently.

"What? Chase left too. Great. Ok, we need to get back to the RV...After we get ice cream." I mumble. 

"Don't worry my order should be done in a second."

"Ice cream for Adam!" The ice cream man yells.

Adam goes to get his order, and he comes back with a tray of about 14 ice cream flavors in cones.

My eyes widen, "Adam?! Why'd you get so much ice cream?" 

He shrugs while eating the mint chocolate chip flavor, "I couldn't choose...and I kind of wanted to try every flavor."

"Understandable. Ok, we can go after I get my ice cream."

"Here, just have one of mine." He says offering me any flavor from the tray. 

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

I grab the one that looks to be strawberry and begin eating it, "Thanks." 

"No problem." 

I look up at him and see that he has ice cream on his nose. I smile, "You have ice cream on your nose."

He groans and attempts to lick it off with his tongue. 

I laugh, pull out a napkin from my pocket, and wipe it off his nose.

"You are so cute." I say before I can stop myself. 

Adam blushes and looks down shyly.

I grab his arm pulling him in the direction of the mobile lab, "Come on."

On the way there, we cross back to where Bree and Leo were and spot Chase with them as well.

Adam approaches them dancing, "What's up, beach bums?"

"Adam, what are you doing here?" Chase asks in surprise.

"Well, I wanted an ice cream cone, but they had 21 flavors. And you know me I'm never one to make an uninformed decision." Adam explains.

Leo shakes his head, "Adam, get rid of those. We need to get back to the mobile lab."

"Oh, right. FREE ICE CREAM!" Adam yells.

A guy walks up and takes the one Adam was just eating off of.

"Oh, and don't worry, it's barely licked." Adam says just as the dude begins to walk away. 

The guy gives it back to him and trades it for another one. 


On our journey of making it back to the mobile lab, Adam got rid of all his ice creams except for the one he had been eating on. 

When we get to the spot where the mobile lab should be, we are left with an empty space.

"Where's the mobile lab? It was parked right here." Bree says.

"It's gone!" Leo yells.

"Why?!" I yell. 

Chase tries to calm up down, "Okay, all right, nobody panic."

"Sorry, brain freeze. Where's the R. V. ?" Adam points out after shrieking from his brain freeze. 

Everyone sighs, and we begin to think of where the R.V. could be. 

"How could the mobile lab just disappear?" Bree asks pacing in the sand.

"Maybe it got tired of waiting, and it split like we did." Adam suggests sitting on the rock next to me. 

Bree rolls her eyes, "We have to tell Mr. Davenport. "

I scoff, "Good luck with that."

Chase nods, "Oh, yeah? And what are we gonna tell him? 'Hey, remember that really easy mission where all we had to do was sit around and wait? Well, guess what We totally blew it, and the world is toast. Oopsie'!"

We hear a police siren, "FREEZE!"

We turn our heads to see a man who looks like he's wearing a policeman costume rather than an actual uniform pull up on a scooter.

Not sure why he has a scooter on the beach, but that's his business. 

Chase rushes to him, "Officer, we'd like to report a crime. Someone stole our R. V. from this spot, and it's supercritical that we ge-"

The 'officer' raises his hands up, "Cool your jets, Spanky. I had it towed."

"What? Why?" Adam asks slightly frustrated. 

"Your car alarm's been goin' off for, like, an hour, dude. Plus, I thought it'd be funny to watch a little tow truck pull that huge thing away. It was." He says. 

"Car alarm?" Chases asks turning to us. 

"If you want your R. V. back, you're gonna have to cough up 200 clams." The officer says putting on his sunglasses in a 'cool' way. 

Adam sighs, "Okay. But does it have to be clams? 'Cause, personally, I'm more of a shrimp guy."

The officer ignores him and scooters away. 

"You guys, that 'car alarm' was the alert tone telling us to launch the rocket!" Chase freaks.

"Wait, so that means we have under an hour to collect $200, get the mobile lab back, stop the solar flare, and wrestle a shark." Leo says, as Adam, Bree, and Chase look at him in confusion. 

"Oh, what? You're bionic, and we're at the beach. I'd like to do one fun thing today." He defends.

"We need to tell Mr. Davenport. He'll give us the money to get the R. V. back." Bree says.

Once again Chase disagrees, "No. No way. We can still fix this. Come on, I know how we can get the money fast."  He walks back toward the direction of the fun area, and we follow him. 

"Chase, get back here. No one's gonna pay to see you wrestle a shark."  Bree calls.

We soon figure out that Chase was trying to make money by performing on the side like the metal man did. 

Me and Leo look at each other and already know how to present this thing.

"Ladies and gentlemen, step right up-" Leo begins.

I continue, "-and see the wonders of Jasmyn and Leo's legendary boardwalk freak show!"

Chase leans over and whispers to me, "Side show."

I shake my head, "Whatever. First, direct your attention and your dollars to Adam, the incredibly-"

"-But not suspiciously-" Leo interrupts.

I nod, "-strong man!" 

And also handsome....

He approaches a little girl wearing a bunny shirt and leans down to talk to her, "Hey, little girl. You like bunnies?"

She nods, and he agrees, "Me too. Check this out."

He pulls a pole out of the ground, and Leo and I gasp for affect.

Adam begins twisting the pole in many different ways, and, when he's finally done. It is clear to be a bunny. 

He hands the bunny back to the girl, "Here you go."

She isn't even able to hold it and quickly drops it, making everyone become shocked. 

Adam takes off his sun hat and passes it around for people to put money into. 

Leo nods in fake awe, "Wow. Wasn't that amazing, folks? Now, keep your eyes and your wallets open for Bree."

"The magnificent mistress of magic." I add hyping my best friend up. 

She smiles at me and takes Adam's place, "Okay, do I have a volunteer? Nope? Okay, looks like it's you, big guy." 

She picks a random man, who looks to be wearing some kind of toupee under his hat, and holds a shell in one of her balled fists.

"Okay, people, keep your eye on the shell." 

She superspeeds around him multiple times and stops in front of him like she had never left, "Where is it?"

He points to her right hand, and, when she reveals it, there's nothing there.

"Nope. And look what's over here. Bam! Your driver's license." She says holding up his license.

He pulls out the shell from his wallet and holds it up proudly, while Bree continues looking at his license, "You know, I never would have guessed you were bald under there."

I laugh, "I would've."

The man glares at me and Bree and walks off.

I wave him off, "Her flying fingers are quicker than the human eye."

"But, it's actually a simple trick that's not that impressive once you know how it's done." Leo states.

Once he sees my glare, he continues, "And last, but not least, let's keep it going for the amazing Chase, who will..."

I lean to Chase in confusion, "What can you do that won't bore people?"

He smirks, "I got this. Now, if someone could kindly give me a prime number with at least four digits, I will mathematically extrapolat-"

Leo stops him, as people begin leaving, "Great job! Let's give him a hand! Yeah! Hey, Adam, go make another bunny. Make a bunny!"

"Man, if only he had some cool abilities!" I grumble out.

Chase looks at me offended.

We here the sound of those annoying sirens and stand beside each other.

The officer stops infront of us, "Great show, little man."

"Thank you." Chase smiles.

The cop points at Leo, "I was talkin' to him, dude. You totally bombed, bro."

I cough, "Uh, I helped too."

The cop ignore me and points his sunglasses at us, "Now, unless you dudes want to shoot the curl on a longboard of hurt, you'd best show me your performance permits, like, right now."

"We don't have permits. We're busted." Adam exclaims.

"Oh, relax. He's wearing flip-flops, and his squad car has handlebars. He's not even a real cop." Chase says.

I hope he's right.


Well, he was wrong. This man is actually the cop here. Which is why we are currently standing in a jail cell.

"Yet he has a real jail." Chase says in disappointment.

He walks to a wall in the cell, "Okay, there's only one thing left for us to do We have to find a way to get in touch with Mr. Davenport fast."

"That's what we should've done the whole time!" I yell in frustration.

Adam calms me, " It's ok. I'll just call him. Davenport!"

On cue, Davenport enters being held tightly by another cop.

Adam chuckles in surprise, "I can't believe that worked!"

"I did not steal anything. That woman committed assault with a deadly floatie." Davenport yells at the cops.

Once he's turned around and pushed in the cell with us, he screams.

Leo steps up to, "Long story short, Big D. Botched mission. World is doomed, Solar flare's a-comin. Oopsie!"

Davenport breaths in anger, "You know, an hour ago, I was a little freaked out because I didn't know what was happening, but now I think I prefer the mystery! What are we gonna do?"

"I can use my strength to break us out." Adam suggests.

Davenport points at him, "Good one. Okay, we have to figure out a way to distract Captain Cocoa Butter over there."

"If only we had a burrito or, like, a monster wave, dude." Bree mocks.

Davenport smiles, "Luckily, there is a genius inventor in the house. Everybody empty your pockets."

"Stick of gum." Leo hands.

Then Adam, "Two dimes."

Then Bree, "9-volt battery."

Me, "A screw."

Lastly Chase, "A bobby pin."

Everyone stops and looks at him.

"Bobby pin?" Davenport asks.

Chase furrows his brows, "What? Bree had a 9-volt battery, and Jasmyn had a a screw, but no one said anything about that!"

Davenport takes the bobby pin and tries to make something with our stuff, "All I have to do is take these items and fashion a makeshift phone out of them. What am I talking about? This is a bunch of pocket stuff. I can't do anything with this." He gives up.

We hear a ringtone go off, and Davenport gets excited, "It works!"

We all look over to see that it's actually the cop's phone.

"Hello. What? What do you mean someone's towing my scooter, dude?" The cop hangs up the phone and tries to run and leave, but his headphones yank him back.

He stands up straight, takes them off, and runs out of the room.

Davenport rushes Adam, "Now's our chance. Adam, be discreet. Just turn the lock pin ever so slightl-"

Before I finishes his sentence, Adam has already pulled the whole door off.

"Oops." He says.

Davenport nods, "Or that'll work too. Let's go!"


We make it back to the mobile lab, and everything is scattered. 

"Oh, no! Everything got all messed up when the mobile lab got towed!" Adam yells.

Chase nods, "This is bad. This is really bad."

"Yeah, it is. Two hundred dollars to get my R.V. back, two hundred dollars for disorderly conduct, and a hundred dollars for stealing a cell phone. What were you thinking?"

"Hmm, I'm surprised there isn't a hospital bill added to that..." Looks like the man never found out who hit his nose. 

Before Davenport has time to react to what I said, Leo yells at him, "That was you!"

Davenport tries to avoid the topic, "There is a solar flare headed towards us right now!"

Adam jumps, "Ahh, I'm freakin' out!"

Davenport heads for the board, "Look, don't panic. In simulations, you guys have launched this rocket in two minutes, and you've still got-"

"Launch window closes in 60 seconds." The robot voice says.

"-Half that. Okay, we're gonna have to work together. Adam, pick up that rocket. Leo and Jasmyn, find the launch keys. Bree, console. And, Chase, you're gonna have to help me figure out the launch vectors."

Everyone starts doing their jobs, while the computer counts down. me and Leo struggle for a second trying to find the keys.

"Done." We hear everyone say.

The robot voice continues counting, "Launch window closes in ten.."

"Guys, the launch keys." 

Leo pulls them out of this metal thing, "I-I found 'em, I found 'em!" He hands one to me, and I put it in the first keyhole ready to turn it. 

Davenport stops me, "They have to be turned at the same time."

"Where's the other keyhole?" He asks, and Davenport points to the other side of the R.V.

"Over there."

I watch, as Leo dives for the keyhole, so I know when to turn mine.

"Four, three, two, one." The robot voice says.

After turning them at the same time, the R.V. shakes, and the rocket launches up.

Davenport looks at the screen, "Everything looks good. It's on target."

"Solar flare neutralized."

We all cheer, and Bree sighs, "Yes! Okay, now that that's finally taken care of, can we please go have fun at the beach?"

"Absolutely. Yes!"

Before we leave, we hear another emergency alarm go off, and Davenport starts screaming, "Oh no!"

"What?!" Everyone asks in unison.

He laughs, "Nothing. I'm just messing with you. It's my car alarm."


We go to the beach where Mom is, and she smiles at us, "Oh, hey, guys. Oh, I must have dozed off. Did you all have fun today?"

"Sure did." Chase says.

Bree nods, "Yeah, tons of fun."

Adam smiles widely, "We weren't in jail, that's for sure."

Mom begins packing, "Great. Well, I have had my fill of fun for the day, so let's go home."

Bree's eyes widen, "What go home? But we didn't get to do anything fun yet."

Mom squints her eyes, "Wait. If you guys haven't had fun all day, then what have you been doing?"

Everyone is quiet, contemplating what to say.

"Home it is, then." Davenport declares. 

Everyone gets up and packs the stuff up.

Well, it still was a very eventful day at the beach, so I guess it wasn't a total waste.


Word Count: 5083

Vote, comment, and have a nice day! 😄

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Destiny Lilac has been through a lot of stuff but when her best friend, Leo Dooley, gets a step-dad, her life will be filled with adventure, crazines...
18.3K 570 29
"It's not your fault I ruin everything, And it's not your fault I can't be what you need, Baby, Angels Like you can't fly down here with me" ...
18.6K 256 21
We all know the story of Adam, Bree, and Chase. The three bionic superhuman siblings. But what if there was a fourth sibling? Meet Cassandra Davenpor...