Only Beginning

By dead_4_lyfe

811 0 0

Book 2 Macona along with her friends and daughter have been captured. Again. She has no time to mourn, she ha... More

๐Ÿ’ฅ Authors note ๐Ÿ’ฅ
Not again
Flirting Failure
Authors Note ๐Ÿ˜…
Tracker then future trip to Vampires
A trip? ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ
A Determined Flirt
Relay of Past pt. 1
Relay pt. 2
mY mIlKsHaKEs!ยก!ยก!
A Nightmare
Pregnant?!?!?! WHHHAAAAAA?
Will not allow it
Smarter then the looks
Not Unasked
Shift kid?
Use it
Litte Blood Won't Hurt
The Same
Niece? What?
Seriously? That?
It Blooms...
Accident Prone
authors note
Big Bad Wolf
It's Time
End Note!!!

An Old Friend

18 0 0
By dead_4_lyfe


We go a mile or two into the woods before I freeze in a clearing and smirk before I let out a growl alerting him of my presence.

He locks eyes with me for a second before a sound somewhere off the the side of him catches our attention. He spins around and looks towards the thing that made the sound, "What are you doing here?! I told you to not follow me!" With a smirk still on my face I slowly creep up behind him. I hear someone shout, "Octavian behind yo-!" I see Lynda jump in front of them before I can see them. Guess that's who she was drawn to. Okay I can work with this. I quickly wrap my arm around his neck while he's distracted with those to. He puts his hands on my arm trying to struggle out, "Come on Octavian, I thought you were stronger then this." I look back up and shift slightly to the side and see that it's a girl, "Ah seems you found someone. Lynda! Come back here with the group and leave the girl alone."

Lynda bows and runs back towards the others how are nearly here. Octavian groans, "Come on Mac, we haven't seen each other in years and you sneak up on me like this? Lets make it a fair fight." With a chuckle I release him and step back and he steps back in front of the girl, "Okay, alright. If you really think you can beat meme, but first introduce me to your cute friend on the ground." I look at the girl and give her a playful wink. Octavian turns to the girl, "Get up and come here Becca. Macona." He turns and smirks at me, "Tell your friends to come out to. We'll have a little audience." I match his smirk and call out behind me, "Come on guys. Meet an old friend of mine!" They all come out and I see Lynda turned back into her human form. I smile when Cynthia runs up to me and hugs my leg tightly, "This is my daughter. Adopted, mind you. The others behind me are Senrie, Asher, Lynda, Chip, Nyx, and Josiah." I notice that the girl doesn't take her eyes off of me as I name off my companions names. I turn and and realize she's not looking at me she's looking at my mark, and turn it against me side.

Octavian walks over and picks the girl up and places her in front of us, "This is Becca." He points towards me, "That is Macona , an old friend of mine." The girl shyly presses herself close to him and doesn't say anything. Octavian rolls his eyes, "Now Kitty say something." At his words she slowly steps away from him and thats when I get a better look at her. She has long brown hair with green eyes, "H-Hi..." I here foot steps and hear Lynda in my ear, "It's the girl. May I approach?" I nod leaving the rest of that to her. She goes straight up to the girl, "Becca. I feel a connection with you. More then her majesty and I. And that surprises me. Will you allow me to stay with you miss?" The girl looks taken a back, "Who's majesty?"

Lynda looks back towards me and points, "That is her majesty, my Queen." Beccas eyes widen again and look towards Octavian. As if asking if she can. Which I'm confused as to why since it involves her and not him but whatever. He sighs, "Great. Two girls sleeping in my dorm room. At this rate I should just buy us a house to stay in. But sure she can come with, as long as Mac will allow it." Everyone turns to me waiting for an answer. I lock eyes with Lynda and see hope and joy in them and give her one of my most gentle smiles. I'm happy that she found someone with a stronger connection. She looks so happy even though she just met Becca, "Yeah, I'm fine with that. Follow your heart. Just promise to come visit us some time." Lynda nods and goes to stand beside Becca. Becca smiles at Lynda, when Lynda nods at her she shifts back into her wolf. Maybe she feels more comfortable in that state around her. I see Becca stare at Lynda with wide eyes as she says, "Okay, that's new."

I let out a laugh. Is she serious? Has she never seen someone shift?, "It's not that new darlin'." Becca tilts her head at me. I laugh at the confusion on her face thinking it's a joke then nearly choke when I realize that she's not joking, "Seriously? You don't know anything?" Turning to Octavian I raise an eyebrow at him, "You haven't told your girlfriend anything about our side of the world?" Octavian narrows his eyes at me in slight anger and embarrassment, "She's not my girlfriend, she's my liability and my responsibility." I glance at Becca and see she look down. Ouch man. I feel sorry for her. But Octavian is a nice guy when you get to know him. But he can still be an asshole. Hopefully she knows that and doesn't take that to personally. He has his reasons for keeping people at a distant. With a sigh I say, "Octavian. My friend. After our little fight your going to need to have a chat with your 'liability', but I will need to speak to you as well."

After I finish I realize Becca is studying me. Either she just realized something about me or she's trying to figure me out. I don't know which I walk up to her which doesn't even see to take her out of her little spacing. Let's try speaking to her, "You need to stand so you are out of the way and don't get hurt." I roll my eyes when she doesn't respond and snap my fingers in her face and then she finally looks up at me, "You all there cutie? As I said you might want to go stand with my companions so you're out of the way." I jerk my thumb towards them and smile when Cyn takes the initiative and takes Beccas hand. Gives her a little smile and starts pulling her towards our friends. Lynda follows after her and me and Octavian move to the middle so we have more space.

I raise my fists along with Octavian as we smirk at each other. This is going to be fun. We turn as we see Asher walking toward us, "Ladies, ladies! Can we not do this in front of Cynthia?" Oh shit..... I slowly look towards Octavian to see rage consume his face. I stutter, "U-Uh Asher. Octavian Isn't-," I don't get to finish as Octavian darts forward and swings an arm out and when it connects Asher crashes into a tree on the other side of the clearing. I hear Octavian growl. Ah the beast finally comes out, "I'm not a lady. Watch what you refer me as Blondy." I snicker quietly. Guess he's never going to get away from the nickname. Better try to make Octavian get a hold of himself. And by that I mean distract him and wrap my arm around around his neck again. :3

He groans and thrusts his elbows back into my ribs. I don't react but damn that hurt. My grip loosens slightly and he takes advantage of that by throwing me of his shoulder. I land on the ground with a grunt. Damn he has gotten stronger. I hop up and throw up punch at him to which he counters with one of his own. Our hits connect at the same time and we stumble, "Shit." Octavian coughs, "You've diffidently changed in the fighting department." I smirk, "And you've gotten stronger. You use to barely be able to hit me much less make me feel it." Octavians eyes shine at the praise. The thing is when we were younger his family and my family made us train together but I was the one teaching him everything since I was the 'prodigy' of my people. But he's come a long way since then and has gone through a lot. Maybe we haven't seen each other in a long time but we still message each other every once in awhile. And he's told me what has happened to his former girlfriend and how the tragedy happened. He didn't need to blame himself but he did anyways.

"Well now I'm pretty sure I can toss you around." He makes a grab at me but I dodge and elbow him in the gut. He grunts, "If only you let me get a hold on you!" I chuckle at that, "Nice try but nah I won't let you do that Octav." I grunt and bend over with Octavian when he elbows me in the stomach as payback. We both are bent over huffing and just decide to collapse on the ground next to each other. We might not have fought for long but thats was a killer hit. We both breath hard trying to get our bodies to stop throbbing from the hit. Once we've quieted down we laugh, "Tha-' He's cut off as Asher shouts, "Chip, what the Hell?!" and after that we hear a loud slam and we get to our feet to see a guy laying at the bottom of a tree. Hmm, I look up at Chip to see anger on his face. Ahhh, so he's the one that did it. I turn to look at Octavian with the same look of amusement on his face. I see Asher hug Chip as Chip tosses the familiar looking stranger at our feet. Octavian gets a glint is his eyes and smirks down at them, "There you are." 

The look of fear flashes through the strangers face at our feet. Does he know Octavian? Oh wait . Is this Octavians target? That would make more sense. When I look down and see sweat glisten on his light brown skin and look at him in surprise, "You look familiar. Wait, " I chuckle, "Oh yeah, you were the one watching me at the pool." His eyes dart between me and a smirking Octavian and quickly looks towards Chip, "Chip help me, please! We're mates! My names Luca, but you don't feel the bond because Brett's not here. Don't let him kill me." Anger and disgust flashes on Chips face, "I will admit you got the looks, but I won't let you get to me. I'm not sure if you deserve to die since I don't know you, but I'm not getting into a fight with that guy if he's a match for Mac." He shrugs, "I feel like if he got close to me he could beat me, long distance? I don't know."

Octavian chuckles, "I feel like I'd still beat easily regardless of your strength kid." While we're distracted I see Luca dart up and starts running. Senrie yells, "Yo, he's making a break for it!" Octavian smirks as him and Chip speak at the same time, "No, he's not." Octavian darts forward as mist comes off Chip and forms a creature and it darts forward past Octavian and Luca freezes. Octavian stops and tilts his head and slowly but casually approaches the frozen Luca, "He's not going  to move anytime soon." Chip speaks as if to reassure Octavian but Octavian's just curious at what happened, "Is he dead?"  Chip smirks, "No, when I want I can release him and he goes back to what he was currently going which was about to scream. Cause the moment I froze him was the moment he saw my creature. Hah, it's fake. Gotcha!" Chip giggles and Octavian sighs, getting bored since his target fun was taken from him. Chip waves and Luca shrinks, going into a small box in his hand. He tosses it to Octavian, "It seems you were looking for him so now he's your responsibility now. Just crush the box and he'll pop out back to normal. He also can't hear you like this as well." Chip winks at Becca, "As a bonus." I nearly laugh as I see Becca look down and blush. Seems she wants something to happen between her and Octavian. 

I sigh and stretch, "Now since that's all done." Turning to Octavian I feel Beccas eyes on my back. she probably sees the stitches, "Lets have that conv-" I'm cut off as Jayden manifests by my and clasps my shoulder, "Macona, don't strain yourself come back to the cabin." I sigh. Get he finally came to get me, "Fine. Octavian, Becca. Do you guys mind if you came back with us?" Octavian nods and follows as after us. Everyone is quiet as we go through the woods and into the cabin. I see the Elders stare at Octavian. Do they know him? I see Octavian tense. Elder Cain speaks, "shadow Assassin... Why are you here?"Octavian tilts his head staring at him, "You know of me. How?"

Elder Cain chuckles for the first time since I met him, "You have killed many, some even of our kind." Octavian bows slightly towards them, "I apologize for any inconvenience. I was just following orders." Elder Jameston smiles at Octavian, "We know. We also know that they are corrupted and using you. In time he will find you and show you the truth." Instead of speaks I go and sit back on the table again and Jayden follows, "What do you mean?" Octavian asks slowly like he's the answer will hurt he and he's preparing. Elder Jameston smiles, "You will know in time, young one. Be patient." Octavian sighs with a nod. I clear my throat to get Octavians attention, "Now, let's speak Octavian. As Lynda said earlier, I'm a Queen. I have to unite all the supernaturals in a war against the Doomins, who are trying to make a weapon using supernatural DNA, at least from what I've gathered. But I ask this of you, when I call you, will you fight beside me in battle?" 

Octavian stays silent for a bit before he smirks and walks towards me, "I'd love to, old friend." He offers me his arm and we grasp each others forearms, "Welcome to the team Octav." We smirk at each other and he steps away, "We have to get back . I'll see you around. Oh also, give me your arm Macona."  I hesitantly offer my arm up. Is he going to slap my arm or something? or maybe bite me? with him either is possible. He grabs me arm and writes his number on my palm, "Call me if you need me." I nod and Octavian turns to Becca, "Lets head back now. And you need to go back to class you stalker." She huffs at Octavians jab but smiles down at Cynthia, who still has a hold of Beccas hand. Cynthia lets go and gives Becca a hug as Octavian walks out. Becca locks eyes with me and I point towards Octavian whom is walking out the door and wink at her.

She wants something to happen between them and I hope her the best of luck. Hopefully she can break through his walls and see that he's a good guy.

What'd you think of Octavian and Becca? Also this is a really long chapter pffft got carried away again.

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