The Boxer and the Model (Kend...

By Bolox2541

191K 2.7K 199

Josh Tyler is the future promise of the middleweight division. His dream is to be the champion. But what happ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
New Story

Chapter 11

6.8K 106 11
By Bolox2541

Two weeks has passed since I came back home from Gigi's house in Malibu. And things couldn't be more confusing. During the rest of my 'vacation' I tried to avoid Kendall as much as possible. But as we were staying at the same house it was inevitable for us to end up alone at some point of the day. When that happened Kendall would throw herself to me. Even though I am reluctant at the beginning, we always end up in a heated making out session. I won't say I didn't like it. Of course I did, I mean, she is Kendall fucking Jenner. But I wasn't comfortable with this.

So I decided that this has to end. I drove to her house, not really sure of what I was going to say.

I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I just felt like this couldn't continue.

I arrived to her house and stood in front of her door. I knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds until Kendall opened the door. Obviously she was surprised to see me there.

"Josh? What are you doing here?" I was going to talk but she talked again. "It doesn't matter. Great timing. Come, I need help with something."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me inside.

"Kendall, we have to-"

"Josh, this is my family. Guys this is Josh, the guy I told you I was dating." Wait, what? What the fuck is going on?

I stared in shock at all the people that were in her living room. I recognized her sisters Kourtney, Khloé and Kim. I also saw her mum Kris and Kylie was there too.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Josh." Her mother said, hugging me.

"Eh... yeah. The pleasure it's all mine." Her sisters came to hug me too. Even Kylie, who was smiling like a child with a new toy. I bet she was enjoying all this.

"Let's sit down and talk."

"Please play along." Kendall whispered to me while we followed her family to the couches. I nodded, not understanding a thing of what was going on.

"So Josh. Kendall told us you are a boxer right?" Her mother asked.


"Oh, you're the one she was with in that instagram story Hailey posted, right?" Her sister Kourtney asked me.

"Yeah, it's me."

"Tell us something about yourself." This time was her sister Khloé the one who talked.

"Uh... well... I am from New York. Lived there with my parents. They own a little restaurant. I moved to LA when I was 19. I don't have many hobbies, normally I only train. But recently I have to quit training for health problems, but I will go back to training next week."

"Well Josh. Kendall told us that you've been dating for 2 months or so and that you're the reason she can't do a PR stunt with Harry Styles. Is that true?" Her mother asked me. Oh, now everything makes sense. She didn't want to have a fake boyfriend, so she told her mother that she was already dating me.

I looked at Kendall and I could see in her eyes that she was really nervous as I felt her clutching to my arm.

"Yeah... I... We already spent a lot of time apart because of work, and we both think that a PR stunt would affect on our relationship."

"Oh, I understand. The last thing I want is to destroy your relationship." Her mother said smiling. "Well, we should get going girls. Goodbye Josh, it was very nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise." I said smiling as she and Kendall's sisters left the house.

Kendall sighed and sat on the couch with her hands on her face.

"Hey, what was all that about?" I asked her, sitting right next to her.

"I'm really sorry, my mother wanted me to do this PR stunt with Harry. I panicked and told her that I was dating you. She didn't believe me but then you arrived and saved me. Thanks Josh. Really, I don't know how I can ever thank you for this." She said hugging me strongly. Fuck, now she was crying. Now I can't tell her why I really came. "I'm so sorry I dragged you into all of this." She said, crying even more.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't worry." I said, trying to comfort. Yeah, not the best at comforting people.

We spent in that position for a few minutes. Or maybe hours, I don't really know. But it just felt right, I didn't care how much time we spent there hugging each other. It was a nice feeling.

"Anyway." She said, pulling away from the hug, but now grabbing my hands. "Why did you came to my house?"

"I... I just wanted... to... to hang out with you. Yeah, do you want to hang out?"

"Sure." She said wiping out the tears of her face. "Do you want to watch some Netflix?" she asked.

"Okay. But no horror movies please."

"Never." She said laughing. God, her laugh. I could spent the entire day hearing her laugh. Why am I thinking this right now?! I came here to stop this... strange thing we have.

Kendall played a movie and we cuddled together.

Although I tried to, I couldn't focus on the movie. My thoughts drifted to the girl I had next to me. I could smell her perfume. Or maybe she just smells this good. She looked up and caught me staring at her. I blushed and looked to the TV instead.

"It's rude to stare." She said with a big smile on her face.

"I wasn't staring."

"No? Then what were you doing?" She said putting her hand on my cheek and forcing me to look at her. I stared at her brown eyes as she moved closer to me. Her gaze drifted towards my lips. Just to go back to my eyes.

"I... I was-" She cut me off by smashing her lips on mine. I couldn't control myself as I felt her tongue asking for permission to enter my mouth, which I granted.

Just like that, we started making out. But it wasn't like the previous times. I don't know. I just felt that something was different.

We broke the kiss due to the lack of oxygen in our lungs. When that happened she straddled on my lap and continued kissing me. We continued making out until she took off my shirt. Without thinking I did the same with hers. We kept kissing and I lifted her and took her to her room.

One our later we were cuddling on her bed... completely naked.

"What did we just do?" I asked to myself. Not really expecting an answer.

"Do you regret?" she asked, playing with my fingers.

"Regret? I don't think so. But Kendall, this was the worst thing that could happen. And you just told your family that we were dating!"

"I don't see the problem." She simply answered.

"The problem is... that we said that nothing would change after what happened in the beach that night."

"Well, the way I see it, we have two options." She said, sitting up as I did the same. "Either we stop talking and stop being friends..."


"Or we start dating." She said confidently.


"It's very simple. If we stop with all these... encounters, I don't think we can go back to what we were before that first kiss. So we might had to stop talking to each other to avoid making things more awkward." I knew she was right. Yeah, she's not as stupid as people think.

"And why is the other option dating?" I asked as she sighed.

"You're so stubborn. Josh I like you! And I know you like me. I still don't understand why you don't want to us to start dating."

"I just... I don't want anything to change between us."

"They have already change 'J'." I smiled at the nickname. I sighed, looking down to my hands, not knowing what to say.

"Listen Josh." She said, holding my face and forcing me to look at her. "I'm not like Taylor. I won't use you for fame and I know very well that you're not using me for fame. I trust you and you trust me. We like each other a lot and when we are alone we can't keep our hands to ourselves. I will ask this only once. Josh, do you want to be my boyfriend?"

I stared at her eyes, feeling the soft touch of her hands on my face.

"I'd like that. I'd like to be your boyfriend." I answered.

Her smile grew and I felt her lips on mine. I couldn't help but to smile too.

A/N: I know it is the seccond chapter I post today. But I don't know if I will be able to post next week so here you are. So, same as always. I'm open to suggestions so feel free to send me a PM. I'd also like to know what are your thoughts on this story.

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