All It Took (Kaisoo)

By sugarwtter

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Sequel to * A Monstrosity * *completed* After arriving at the mountain kyungsoo is now slowly reaching the en... More

Prologue (might change)
| Chapter 1 : Snowball |
| Chapter 2 : A Line In The Snow |
| Chapter 3 : Warming up |
| Chapter 4 : The Bound Mates share |
| Chapter 5 : Fallen|
| Chapter 6 : Special Luna |
| Chapter 7 : Manipulation|
| Chapter 8 : traitor |
| Chapter 9 : Right Here |
|.Chapter 10 : Consoling |
| Chapter 11: Of Predicting|
Story/charackter Info
| Chapter 13: Oh No |
| Chapter 14 : when she took him |
| Chapter 15 : One Life For Another |
| Chapter 16 : The Worry |
| Chapter 17 : Everything of her |
| Chapter 18 : Ready for Sacrifices? |
| Chapter 19 : A Fear Of |
| Chapter 20 : Until We Met Again |
| Chapter 21 : Back In The Dark |
| Chapter 22 : One Way |
| Chapter 23 : Revenge |
| Chapter 24 : Return of the past |
| Chapter 25 : The Final Punishment |
| Chapter 26 : Agony for Love |
| Chapter 27: Relief |
| Chapter 28 : Precious |
| Chapter 29 : Hopeful |
|Chapter 30 : Last Hideout |
| Chapter 31 : Finally |
| Chapter 32 : Keep It That Way |
| Chapter 34 : Nightmares of the Truth |
| Chapter 35 : The pain |
| Chapter 36 : A True Alpha |
| Chapter 37 : Dreams |
| Chapter 38 : More than one |
| Chapter 39 : Prepare yourselves |
! recap important !
| Chapter 40 : The Edge hope |
| Chapter 41 : The Last One Standing |
| Chapter 42 : Its Bullshit |
| Chapter 43 : My Special One|
| Chapter 44 : Not Leaving |
| Chapter 45 : When we gave up|
| Chapter 46 : For our Miracles |
| Chapter 47 : For Him |
Another Epiloge
Story/Charackter info Completed

| Chapter 12 : Handshake |

476 20 2
By sugarwtter


Jongin injured baekhyun after he had been attacked by some sort of shadow meaning alios knows jongins weak spot and knows how to push him and kyungsoo ran away under the orders of baekhyun.

In a cabin with jongin who had found him, they found an old picture of kyungsoos mother.

They return but there's another fight.
Hyunsik points his gun at jongin before running away after ks pleaded with him.

Kaisoo fight over it.
Jongin is jealous for that hyunsik seemed so important to kyungsoo
And kyungsoo is desperate just wanting the pack to get along with hyunsik.

Sehun went after hyunsik and after kaisoo fight kyungsoo did too

Kyungsoo had burned down the forest after he had ran away anf got Attacke by Vampires fight after he figured out hyunsik was in love with him for all this time

Kyungsoo confronts hyunsik about his feelings

Kyungsoo was going to jump out of the window after having another nightmare of the devil.


It was quiet as I held onto the picture in my hands looking over the woman smiling on it. It made my lips twitch to a small smile aswell.

He got his smile from his mother. I would say he got almost everything from his mother except for his lips and nose, I wouldn't say he got those features from his dad either tho.his father was handsome no doupt but nothing compared to kyungsoo. Just like his mother was beautiful, she couldn't keep up with his beauty.

It's a shame it had to turn out like this. I would've loved to meet his parents the way they were before she died and he turned into a raging monster..

I lowered the picture sighing when I looked at the wardrobe in front of me.

,, you're heartless!"

It made me close my eyes just recalling that. I know he hadnt meant it but I couldn't help and feel hurt knowing he could think of this words again. He had used it so often in the past..
when he hated me .

The shifting of the blankets caught my attention and I turned to look behind me seeing him laying on his side now facing me with still closed eyes signing me he was still deep asleep. I would have enjoyed watching him sleep peacefully if it werent for the frown he was wearing now and then breathing a little caught up.

I moved closer on the bed after putting the picture away and into the drawer again. I stroke over his arm gently attempting to sooth whatever was bothering him. But it didn't seem to help much.

God eyes twitched when i laid my hand onto his cheek attempting to move my thumb. I knew he loved it when I did that so I figured maybe this would help but it didn't too as he he blinked at me still sleepy.
I only smiled gently laying down besides him and looking into his eyes when my hand moved back to his shoulder .

He closed them again and I travelled my hand further down to his belly ..
to my baby

,, have you thought of a name ?" He suddenly ask as i looked back up at him to see him awake again before i shock my head thinking for a moment.

,, nini " my eyes met his as he said that and I frowned confused
,, what ?"

,, I found a name for you when I thought of one for .. the little one " his hand glided over my stomach as he started to smile a little.

God he realy needed to smile more .
,, nini?" I joked ,, how ?"

,, I was going to stick to jonginnie but nini is shorter and it sounds cute " he giggled softly and I smiled at him .

,, it does " my eyes roamed over his face when I inched closer leaning foreward to kiss his forehead before I rose a little holding my head with my fist steadied on the pillows enjoying his flushed face. ,, nugget " I thought for a moment when a name popped into my head. ,, taeoh "

His eyes widened instandly meeting mine before looking away again obviously in his thoughts
,, what ? You don't like it?"

He didn't answer grabbing onto my hand almost as if he was scared.
,, what ?" I asked confused when he moved closer hurrying his face in my chest and I laid down more to hold him close with a frown
,, what's wrong? You know someone with that name ?"

He shock his head and I heard him gasping in cut up breaths obviously from trying not to cry. I was about to ask again in concern but he spoke before me ,, why can't they leave us alone.. I don't understand why they have to be so cruel both not just the devil, shes just as cruel as he is "

I felt a faint tint like defending her but it was so weak that I kept my mouth shut . At this point I didn't realy know either what to think of the goddess.
She hasn't relay helped us lately and I didn't understand why, when this was her doing to begin with .

She chose us to carry a child that should turn out to be an angel, he made us suffer for this. And it relay seemed as if she was just watching us continue suffer instead of helping us get through it.. when the devil wasn't just watching us at all.

Sending alios and all this shadows and rogues and whatever after us.
I bet he or alios was responsible for my parents thinking the baby needed to die, they probably manipulated them. I'm not defending them in this tho. I was still hurt and mad for them stabbing us in the back like they did no matter if someone told them lies or manipulated them into thinking this is wrong.

It's their grandchild and son in law for God's sake... They seemed as if they were even ready to walk over my body if needed.

,, I want to get up " he suddenly said sniffing as he moved away and I followed him as he slowly sat up, my hand on his back as I brushed his hair back again from its messy being .

,, are your sure ?" It was still dark outside . The clock didn't relay work so I could just guess that it was early in the morning still, but he nodded regardless. Then it away from me and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

I moved faster than him to stand and pull him up, I heard a few crackling sounds from his bones moving. He grunted and I looked at him pitifully, this isn't suppose to be normal . I would have to ask baekhyun about his health anyway, he's been getting way too skinny.

He held his belly as we walked to the door . It wasn't even huge yet, it was just like a little ball obvious to the eye regardless but he was already suffering from it like it's close to the end stage.

,, jongin ?" I turned around while kyungsoo kept walking like he hasn't heard it.
,, y-you .. em you wanted to talk to me ?" Hyunsik stood by the door of the room Sehun was staying in with him. He looked a little hesitant probably because he had noticed I wasn't alone. ,, shouldn't he be sleeping? "

,, he wanted to get up "
Finally kyungsoo seemed to turn his head a little lost before his eyes landed on hyunsik .

,, hyunsik ? What are you doing here ?"

I only managed to blink at him as hyunsik seemed to be equally confused yet worried .
,, nugget we're in the mountains remember ? This is hyunsiks house"

He looked down with a frown before holding his forehead and I steadied him, concerned he might be overwhelmed and drop tot he ground again.

And fair enough I felt him putting more weight on my hold leaning into me as he breath out ,, I need to sit .."
I nodded instandly ,, ok " moving my hands under him to pick him up as I walked downstairs to the living room with hyunsik following us .

I wasn't going to place him back into the bedroom alone, going for the couch which would be close in my sight was the better option.

When I was placing him to lay on the couch he was asleep again .. the way he was acting or rather the condition he was in worried me and turning around to face hyunsik I could tell by the look in his eyes that it worried him aswell.

He put a blanket over kyungsoo before taking a seat on one of the other couch seat near by while I sat down across from him awkwardly .

His eyes didn't meet mine and I fiddled with my finger looking from kyungsoo to him a few times .
,, so .. " I spoke softly making sure to not be too loud and disturb kyungsoos sleep.

,, I won't leave if that's what you want to ask me " he instandly snapped looking back up at me with a slight glare .

I pressed my lips together telling myself to not freak out over him talking this way to me. It was obvious why he hated me but it wasn't justified. I could be hating him aswell but I didn't .

,, look .. I heard what you and kyungsoo were talking about when you were outside you know-"
,, you don't have to feel threatened I'm not planning on taking him away from you" he grumbled looking me dead in the eye and I sighed rubbing over my forehead before glancing back at him .

,, trust me I'm not threatened by you " he got up instandly pulling a knife out and pointing it at me . I didn't flinch tho, I wasn't scared because I could tell he wasn't serious .

Instead I stood up being glad that I was a little taller then him as I grabbed onto his hand and moved it down despite him trying to keep it up. He's human, his strength couldn't compare to mine.
,, I'm not planning on fighting you.." I said sighting when I pulled th knife away from his hand to tossing on the seat I was sitting on just a few second ago.
,, so just listen to me, I'm not hating you. You obviously mean a lot to kyungsoo and the last thing I want is to hurt him more. I'm aware of what he went through as a hunter and I guess I'm glad you were there for him then but you have to learn to accept that kyungsoo is my mate no matter this much it hurts you and trust me I'm not trying to get rid of you either..

In the end I have to accept you aswell" he only ended up frowning at me somewhat confused yet shocked .

,, what is that suppose to mean ?" He questioned but I didn't feel like answering that for him, as much as I dislike the thought of the future. I knew we would pro ably keep hyunsik by our side for longer than just until this whole crisis is over r.

,, hyunsik, my pack is falling apart. There's nothing worse for an alpha. It weakens me and I'm scared that this was also a reason why alios could manipulate me so easily . I'm trying to make each one of us stronger. It's not doing good on kyungsoo either. But to fix my pack I need everyone in the boat . I don't care if you don't want to officially be a part of my pack or not but for now you have to play along.
We have to get along somehow for the sake of everyone.

I need to pull everyone together this can't continue this way " my hand reached out to him as I looked over him softening my frown to let him see that I was in no way intending to attack him or keep this hate between us up. I knew kyungsoo belonged to me and I knew kyungsoo only wants to be with me. And I also knew that you can't choose whoever you fall in love with.. I guess kyungsoo doesn't make it easy to not love him so it's not hyunsiks fault .

I was ready to work with him if he was with me

,, ok .. fine " he took my hand to shake it and I smiled faintly before he started walking away probably because this action had hurt his pride .

But my smile stayed
,, happy ?" I looked over to the couch to see kyungsoo blink at me with a smile.

He nodded weakly and I chuckled moving closer and stroking his hair back before he took my hand in both of his.
,, I'm proud of you my true alpha"


Idkkkkkkkkkkkm when I will update next .

I was honestly thinking of posting a note that said I will take a break but then the note turned into this chapter lol 😂 don't question me.

I will post a recap if the next chapter takes too long tho so ...
( if not than forget this note lmao) hope you'll be patient ☹❤ sarry

Ps like I said a 1000 time already you can always ask if your lost 👍

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