One Month Headed In One Direc...

MissFictionFairy द्वारा

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"So you two are asking me for permission to go on tour with One Direction?" "Uh huh." "For an entire month?" ... अधिक

One Month Headed In One Direction
Chapter 1: I'm A Directioner Too!
Chapter 2: I Want To Congratulate You
Chapter 3: Give Us One Good Reason
Chapter 4: They're Actually Here!
Chapter 5: Give It Back Now Harry!
Chapter 6: Did She Kiss Back?
Chapter 7: Why Are We In A Closet?
Chapter 8: Why Did You Kiss Me?
Chapter 9: A Little Too Focused On Nora
Chapter 10: Why Can't You Let Him Go?
Chapter 11: That is HARRY. FREAKING. STYLES!
Chapter 12: I Said No Kissing!
Chapter 13: Standing In A Bathroom Crying Over Him
Chapter 14: Just a Dream
Chapter 15: One Problem At A Time Boys
Chapter 16: We Need To Talk Harry
Chapter 17: A Crying Baby Penguin
Chapter 18: When I'm Next To You
Chapter 19: Who Is Kate?
Chapter 20: Love Of My Life? Stop Right There Brain.
Chapter 21: Hello! My Name Is Kate!
Chapter 22: When The Time Is Right
Chapter 23: Pinch Me
Chapter 24: Family Meeting
Chapter 25: Some Feeling Maybe?
Chapter 26: I Still Love Him
Chapter 27: Every Part Of Me
Chapter 28: I Hate When I'm Right
Chapter 29: I Missed You

Chapter 30: I Promise

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MissFictionFairy द्वारा

[AN: So in order to make it into the sequel this will be the end of One Month! I know. I could drag it out longer, but I have a feeling that if I make another sad chapter you would all drown in a puddle of tears. So I am going to use this chapter to wrap things up. I’ll try to make it long to sate you until I start writing the sequel. Send me some title names as they come to you for the sequel!]



“You are officially eighteen today!” Sam shouted into my ear. “We can leave if we want to! Well you can. I still have a little bit until my birthday, but you can let Liam know I’m coming.”

“Excuse me?” I asked turning to look at her.

“Look I know Nora said we have to play by her rules, but once we reach eighteen we can do what we want. She took my phone Annie! And my computer! I haven’t talked to Liam in a month!”

“It’s not like I suddenly get unlimited funds when I turn eighteen Samantha,” I said collapsing back on my bed. “Even if I wanted to I can’t go anywhere. I don’t have the money. Besides the boys are probably on their way back to London as we speak. And I can’t leave you and Nora. You’re my family.”

“What kind of family pulls you away from the people you love? She separated me from my sister Annie!”

“I’m your sister and so is Nora. Kate ran away from home! She was trying to get Kate to fix the problems there before she came back to you.”

“Why are you defending Nora? She tore you and Zayn apart. She took us away like we were four year olds.” I had no idea why I was defending Nora. I should be mad at her, and at first I was. I had made the adult decision to give myself to him, and she had reacted by treating me like a rule breaking child. As the month passed Nora had become more withdrawn just like she had been after David had passed away.

“I’m mad at her too Sam,” I sighed. “But more than that I’m worried about her. She didn’t just take us away from Liam and Zayn. She left Louis. Why would she leave him when she loved him so much?”

“Because I was keeping a promise,” Nora’s voice softly replied. I looked up to see her standing there in the doorway to our room with a small envelope clutched in her hand. “I let that promise outweigh any consideration for how either of you might have felt.” There was that word again. Promise. She had said the same thing as we had left the hotel. Something about promising him. Who had she promised and what had she promised him?

“I don’t care what promise you made,” Samantha shouted. “Annie is eighteen now and she can leave. And I will be eighteen in a few weeks and then I will leave. Don’t think I won’t.”

“I wouldn’t put it past either of you. If I was in your position I would have run away long ago,” Nora said sitting down on Sam’s bed across from me. “Happy Birthday Annie. I can’t believe you’re already eighteen.”

“Did you just come in here to wish her a happy birthday?” Sam asked perplexed. Nora was fidgeting which wasn’t like Nora at all. She was always in charge. Never one for nervous tapping or shifting. David always said it was her outer confidence that first drew him in.

“Nora, what’s wrong?” I asked softly. She seemed so fragile in that moment. I reached out to touch her, but then pulled back because I was afraid my touch would shake her more.

“I hurt you. I realize that now,” she shakily answered. “I think you need to learn why I did what I did. I don’t expect you to forgive me, but maybe you can understand.” She held out the small envelope she had been clutching. “Do you recognize it?”

“No,” I said taking the envelope from her. I turned it over seeing her name scrawled across the front in my brother’s unmistakable scrawl. “Wait. David wrote this.” Nora nodded.

“Remember when David sent you girls to bring me a letter the morning of our wedding?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Samantha said fondly. “He was adamant that we get it to you as soon as possible.”

“And he threatened to ground us for life if we read any of it,” I chuckled remembering that day. Whatever he had written was meant for Nora’s eyes only. It was important to him. He said it was everything he wanted to say to her before they were married. We had nervously handed it over reveling in the delight that flashed over Nora’s face as she took the letter from us before we raced from the room.

“I think it’s time you read it,” Nora said standing up. “It explains. At least I hope it does.” Then she quietly left the room. We sat there in the silence as we heard the familiar clanking of her pulling out her mixer and a large bowl. The baked goods would be coming soon.

“I know this sounds weird, but I kind of feel like we’re breaking the rules by reading it,” Sam said softly. “I know she gave us permission but—“

“No,” I interrupted. “I know what you mean. But she wanted us to read it.” I gently unwrapped the paper pulling it from the envelope. The paper was well worn as if it had been gently held and read several times over. I began to read aloud from the letter deciphering my brother’s cramped scrawl.

My Dearest Nora,

I can already hear you snickering at me writing “my dearest Nora,” but you are so very dear to my heart if I’m honest. I never thought I would find somebody to love, but I have found it in you. I’m a lucky guy to have convinced you to even go out with me. The stars must have been shining for me that day. Sorry, I know it annoys you when I get all sappy like this. I just want you to know how much I love you. How much Sam and Annie love you.

But I digress. The point of this letter wasn’t to become some overemotional sap. I can do that for the rest of our lives together. Instead I want to let you know exactly what you’re getting into. When we stand in front of everyone today we will be making a solemn vow and promise to one another. Remember that book I was reading a few weeks ago? It was called “The Fault In Our Stars” by John Green. [AN: I just finished this book and it was amazing! It was only released this year, but I’m fudging with the timeline a bit cause I want to use a quote from it.] One portion of the book really resonated with me and is the reason I am writing you this letter now. One of the character is unceremoniously dumped after her girlfriend realizes she can’t handle the outcome that life will soon deal him. He moans loudly that she promised to be with him always and his friend responds:

“Sometimes people don’t understand the promises they’re making when they make them.”

He replies back to her:

“Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That’s what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.”

I think he’s right. Love is keeping the promise anyway. I know that as of right now you would keep that promise anyway, but I want you to know exactly what you’re getting into. I don’t want you to one day wake up in a panic because you never expected this to happen. Because you never expected to be living your life with me.

The first thing you should know is that I love you with all my heart. I’ve been in love with you since you breezed into the diner that day. I never believed in love at first sight until you. But there is always one girl I will love more than you.

“Is this some kind of confession letter?” Sam asked interrupting my reading. “Is the next line about his other family or something?”

“Shut up Sam,” I shot back. “I’m just as confused as you.” I continued to read.

I realize that’s a weird thing to write in a letter to the woman who is about to marry you, but allow me to explain. The only girl I could ever love more than you is Annie. My sister means the world to me. After our mom passed away it hit me. It was just the two of us against the world. That’s why I was so determined to adopt Samantha. So if anything happened to me Annie wouldn’t be alone. Plus it’s impossible not to love Sam the minute you meet her. She’s like this indescribable bundle of energy and stubbornness.

“You are,” I said with a giggle looking at Sam. “And it is impossible not to love you once someone meets you.” Sam flushed red before indicating I should continue reading.

I remember Sam telling me to shove off until she found out I was Annie’s brother. She would do anything for Annie. She and I share that same trait.

“Of course I would do anything for you,” Samantha said wiping a tear from her eye. “You’re my sister.” I clasped her hand in mine as I continued the letter.

But back to the main purpose of this letter. You agreed to marry me, but I want to be sure that you’ll agree to everything I bring to the table. And by that I mean Annie.

I paused as I let the words sink in. What was going on here? What had my brother been thinking?

I know that she can take care of herself, okay? Maybe it’s the big brother in me, but I have this urge to protect her. Annie is strong and stubborn in her own right. When we were kids she was always telling me what to do. She was sure I would make a mistake or cause myself pain. She watched out for me even though she was my kid sister. So I have made a vow to always watch out for her. She has dealt with far too much loss to not have someone protecting her.

I broke down then. He had always looked out for me. The tears streamed silently down my face as Samantha took the letter from my hands. She took over the reading knowing that I couldn’t go on.

Annie will always think that she can take care of herself. And most of the time she can. But I wouldn’t be a big brother if I didn’t step in when I thought she needed help. My greatest fear is that she will lose her heart to someone without thinking of the consequences. Annie loves quickly and often that means she gets hurt quickly. When I told her of my feelings for you she raced ahead already planning our wedding in her mind. I worry that she will do the same with herself. That she will lead herself to heartbreak.

I want her and Samantha to find what we have. Or at least what I think we have and are committing to today in front of everyone we know. I know that Sam can handle herself and that she will take her time fully committing her heart. She’s been burned before so she won’t risk it unless the guy is really the one for her. But Annie is a different story. Despite losing almost everyone she is always willing to put her heart on the line even if she knows it will be broken. So today when we stand in front of everyone I am asking you to make a special promise to me. I’m asking you to help me protect Annie. Should anything happen to me I need to know that someone will protect Annie’s heart. So if you are willing I will see you there up at the front with me as we say our vows. I know it’s asking a lot so I am hoping that you will still want to marry me even with this condition.

I love you Nora. And soon you will be my wife. I hope that you will always care for my sisters and for me. Just always know this; I love you. I promise.


“She promised him,” Sam said softly folding the letter back up gently and placing it back into the envelope. “That’s what she meant. She promised him. She thought she was protecting your heart.” I nodded softly and curled up in my bed clutching the letter to my chest. Nora wasn’t trying to hurt me. She wasn’t trying to tear me apart. She was trying to keep her promise to my brother no matter how badly it had turned out. She was afraid I was taking a risk that would hurt me in the end.

“She didn’t know,” I said softly realizing. I had kept it all from her. If I had told her about Zayn from the beginning would she have been so quick to pull me away once she found us in bed together? “She never knew that I loved Zayn from the beginning. I was so sure she wouldn’t approve that I never told her.”

“Do you think if she had known the outcome would have changed?” Sam asked. I didn’t answer. I had no idea. I just had no idea.


I threw another batch of cookies in the oven as I nervously waited for them to finish reading the letter. They were so quiet in the room that I had no idea how they were taking it. After David had died I had been in such a deep depression that I never left my room. I just sat there holding his pillow breathing in his scent as I waited for the pain to pass. It never had. I had been sorting through my things in my dresser drawer when I had found that letter again. I had read it and that letter had spurred me to come out of the room. I had promised David to protect his sister even if he was no longer here.

“He didn’t mean to hide her away,” Sam’s voice called out from behind me. I turned to look at her as she stood angrily in front of me. “That wasn’t what he asked you to promise at all.”

“I know that Sam,” I replied back tiredly. “I made a mistake.”

“Obviously! She loves Zayn. Sure, she should have told you about him from the start, but you were so disapproving. You disapproved of me and Liam.”

“I gave Liam a friendly little warning. He loved you enough to prove that he could be trusted with your heart.”

“And you respond to that by yanking me away from him?” She had a point. I had been entirely irrational.

“I wasn’t thinking.”

“So if I left to go be with Liam right now you would let me?” She looked at me hopefully.

“No.” Her face fell. I turned back to the oven checking the cookies and trying to hide my grin from her. “You go where I go until you turn eighteen. Ask the court.”

“I can just run away,” Sam threatened.

“Sam just stop,” Annie’s voice sounded out. I stiffened and stood with my back facing them. “Nora we need to talk. I need to tell you about Zayn from the very beginning.” I nodded and we moved to the living room where she told me about her and Zayn from the very start. I had to laugh at the idiocy of him pulling her into a closet. It appeared Zayn had been just as nervous around her. Her story just cemented my plans as the right action to take.

“I think the cookies are done,” I said standing up and rushing over to the oven. I pulled the cookies free and then reached in the highest cupboard to pull out another envelope.

“Nora,” I turned to see Annie standing there with Sam behind her. “Don’t you miss Louis?”

“How could I not?” I replied with a sad smile. “I love him. That’s why I’m going to fix this.”

“And how are you going to do that?” Sam asked.

“With this,” I said holding out the envelope to Annie. “Happy Birthday Annie.” She took the envelope and opened it with a smile on her face. Finally things could be right.



“Showing up at their apartment?” I asked Carrie. “This is your great plan?”

“Simplicity is key,” Carrie said with a grin. “Sometimes you and the lads tend to overthink things. Now are you all ready?” I looked over at Liam and Zayn who nodded eagerly. We had finished our tour, but Carrie had, with the help of Harry, rerouted our plane back to Washington. Now we stood in front of their apartment door once again. Was I ready to face the woman who left me without a second glance because of some stupid promise?

“What are you waiting for?” Niall shouted. “Knock already! I’m starving, and I smell cookies!”

“Cookies?” Ammie asked from her spot beside him. She raced up and started pounding on the door crazily. “I love cookies!”

“Yeah,” Kate said dryly. “We hadn’t noticed at all.”

“It’s probably just the movers!” Sam shouted loud enough for us to hear through the door.

“Movers?” Liam squeaked out echoing my thoughts. Where would they be going? Was cutting off contact not enough? The door swung open and Samantha looked at us all in shock.

“Sammers?” Annie called out walking up. “Just let them in so they can get the box—“ She cut off smiling happily at us. In a flash Zayn was holding her in his arms whispering in her ear. I smiled at the lovebirds.

“C’mon Ni I smell cookies!” Ammie said dragging her boyfriend into the apartment. Carrie pulled Harry along as well. Kate walked in hugging Samantha tight.

“Well are you two going to stand there or come in?” Samantha asked. I looked over at Liam who smiled at me. He raced inside flipping Sam over his shoulder. I followed with a soft smile. As I walked in I could hear loud chattering, but my attention was drawn to all the edges of the apartment. There were boxes lined up against every wall. They were all labeled identifying which room they belonged in. There were also three large suitcases lined up by the door.

“Nora is in the kitchen Lou,” Niall said walking up with a mouth full of cookie. “She was just making one last celebratory batch of cookies before their big move.” Big move? I raced to the kitchen to see Nora scrubbing a mixing bowl clean.

“Need help drying?” I asked. Really Lou? You finally see her after a month and you ask to dry her dishes?

“Sure,” Nora replied. “Grab a dishtowel.” I grabbed up the dishtowel and took the now clean bowl from her in my hands drying it quickly. She scrubbed at a cookie sheet. “You’re moving.”

“We are,” Nora confirmed. “We leave tomorrow. My work has another firm out there so I am going to transfer. I think it’s best for the girls.”

“Well then by all means just leave!” I shouted suddenly angry. “What about us Nora? I thought you loved me! Now I come here to win you back and you’re moving?!?” I watched as she turned to me with a ghost of a smile on her face. On impulse my gaze shot to her left hand that no longer held her wedding ring.

“I’ll be honest with you Lou,” Nora said facing me and crossing her arms over her chest. “I didn’t expect you to show up here. I thought I would have to come after you.”

“You didn’t expect me? Well—wait, you were coming after me?” I am so lost.

“Lou, do you know where my firm’s other office is?” I studied her as the smile on her face grew wider. “Lou, we’re moving to London.” I swept in matching my lips to hers only breaking apart when we needed air.

“You were coming after us,” I breathed out on her lips as I held her in my arms.

“Of course. I made a foolish mistake. I was trying to protect someone when they didn’t need any protecting. I decided we needed a new adventure. It took me a little bit of time, but I managed to work it all out. I had planned to find you and convince you to take me back as soon as we landed. I still hadn’t quite worked that part out yet.”

“Just so you know all you would have to do is show up for me to take you back.” She smiled big once again and kissed me softly.

“So finally we’re all headed in the same direction?” I nodded happily kissing her again.

“I knew I did the right thing insisting Liam choose you for the contest.”

“Choose me? Don’t you mean you chose my sisters?”

“One of these days I need to let you watch that video.”

[AN: That’s it my pocket family! You all wanted a sequel so it will obviously be set in London! I look forward to some title ideas. Now I need to go have a good cry because I can’t believe this story is over….for now.]

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