Loving your enemy

By Tilly_xoxo

11K 262 37

Meet Hazel, a 15 year old girl, who's opinion of the school rebel changes when they fall for eachother... More

Loving your enemy
He'll ruin her happiness
Gym Class Revenge
Players 'never' change
The science experiment
....a smile??
It was...nothing?
OUR tree
Once a player always a player
The start
He's still out there
I can't decide
Life changing decision
Alone in Switerzland
Nothing will stop our detetmination
We HAVE to do this
*News Flash*
Heart Break Loss
Wrong timing
The truth comes out
The change and the truth
Time goes fast when you're having fun
Brand new
The flight
Unplanned destination
Regretful thoughts
What's the point
Slowly but surely
A Sun Set Campfire
Waking up
Reasons why
Leave the bad behind
Given the all clear - Again
Taking responsibilities
Happy ending

Reactions, thoughts, feelings

269 6 2
By Tilly_xoxo

So this chapters on time...;)

Glad you liked the last one! Can't wait to see the reaction to this one:D


Chapter 23


Rosie's POV


Everything just stopped. The people rushing to Ash in the road became light blurs and all that was going through my mind was 'He's dead'.

When I finally managed to bring myself back to the real world, without a second thought I rushed through the crowd towards him.

The truck that hit him had stopped now and he'd gotten out, hand over his mouth in shock as he just stood there, staring at Ash, because that's gonna help...

"Move! I'm his friend!! Out the way people" I repeated, shoving them to side of me as I brushed past them. I reached Ash and fell to my knees.

Looking back to see Hazel, in a state of shock it seems - Her face is red, her lips almost pail, eyes wide and constant tears flooding out her empty eyes.

"Hazel? Omg! Hazel he's gonna be okay, it's gonna be okay. We'll fix this" Kyle tried comforting her but i'm not even sure she can hear him?

But she's not the most important right now. We need to save Ash.

Wow. There's a sentence I never thought i'd say. Funny how you find yourself doing things you hate for your best friends. But it's weirder how you want too, for them.

"SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE" I yelled, realising this is a time game...the sooner he's in hospital, the more chance he has. The more chance Hazel has.

"They're one their way, love" A kind women shouted back in response.

My heart beat was racing and my knees became weak. I was kneeling by his side and actually had real tears blurring my sight.

I always remember conversations with Hazel about imagines. Imagining Ash being hit by a car, or something. But I never imagined it to hurt us. Never imagined it to happen because of us. Never imagined it to be the worst thing to happen.

"No No No No" Hazel. I started to remember. Her breathing became rapid and her cheeks tearstained already.

"Rosie! Shit" She cried. So much must be going through her head right now she can't even make sense.

She was stood, still in the same place with Kyle. Just frozen to the spot. Kyle too had tears in his eyes, and still a shocked expression remained on his face.

This is unreal. It's like something you watch on tv, in films or books. Not something you're faced with. This is big.

"Ash" Hazel whispered, her voice hoarse. She ran over, through the crowds of people trying to hold her back and fell to her knees. Laying her head on his chest and sobbing into his shirt.

Kyle joined me, wrapping his arms around me as we watched them. No one dared move her. This could be the last time she see's him after all.

Hazel's POV


The sounds of sirens became louder as they approached. I started to feel relief, maybe there is a chance he'll survive. Maybe he isn't dead. Hopefully.

"Step Back, out the way" I heard a stern voice coming closer.

"Miss please, we're here to help him now" He said calmly and he pulled her up and away from Ash as other medics surrounded him, pulling out cords and lifting him onto a stretcher. Placing a neck brace around his neck and strapping him down. It seemed like it was all slow motion, yet it happened so fast.

I simply remained still, just watching it all happen as Rosie and Kyle joined my side and comforted me.

I'm so lucky to have them here. Imagine if I came alone. Would I have even stayed??

Police had started to arrive now and were talking to the driver. I don't even want to think about all of that stress, I doubt we'll press any charges. We'll just be happy to have him alive.

"Ma'am can we speak to you" One spoke but to hung up on Ash I didn't answer, but Rosie did.

"Uh, clearly not now!" She bluntly pointed out and blocked him out.

Just before the paramedics shut the doors on the ambulance one turned back to us.

"Just you 3?" He asked, we nodded immediately and ran to the ambulance, jumping into the back and sat. The engine started and I saw the expressions on the paramedics faces. Horror filled my senses.

"His he going to be okay?" Kyle jumped in, just wanted to hear a yes.

He looked up to us from the needle he just injected Ash with.

"I'm not gonna beat around the blocks because I believe that's just unfair. Raising someones hopes. From this state, we're not to certain"

And from because of 4 words, everything i've ever felt merged together in a cry.

A/N -

Really do love writing cliff hangers!

Let me know what you think!!



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