Avenger's One-Shots/ IronDad...

Autorstwa Raven_Hellfire

406K 13.4K 14.1K

HELLO EVERYBODY THAT LOVES MARVEL!! My name is Raven Hellfire and I am the author of this book. How are you... Więcej

🥀Running away🥀
🥀Running Away Part 2🥀
🥀Running away part 3🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀The fight🥀
🥀The Red String🥀
🥀Where's Peter Parker!!🥀
🥀Mission Suicide🥀
🥀Don't push your luck🥀
🥀Don't Push Your Luck part 2🥀
🥀Disney Land🥀
🥀Auntie Tasha's comfortable🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 1🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 2🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 3🥀
🥀Just Call Me Anansi!🥀
🥀Peter is Artistic?!🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀Kidnapped Part 2🥀
🥀Bucky is NICE🥀
🥀Death- part 2🥀
🥀The Pranksters met Loki and FLOWER CROWNS🥀
🥀Back together/ Reunited🥀
🥀Road Work Ahead🥀
🥀The Big Reveal🥀
🥀HALLOWEEN🥀 (2018)
🥀We Are.....Venom🥀
🥀We Are.......... Venom Part 2🥀
🥀 Veterans part 2. 🥀
🥀Happy Thanksgiving!🥀
🥀The burning golf course // RIP 🥀
🖤🥀RIP White Wolf🥀🖤
🥀Finding out🥀
🥀Finding Out Part 2🥀
🥀On Your Left!🥀
🥀Swear Jar🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 2🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 3🥀
🥀Talent Show/Holiday's Special🥀
🥀An angry Peter, is not a Peter you wanna see🥀
🥀An Angry Peter, Is not a Peter you want to see Part 2🥀
🥀The end game/ I'm Coming Home🥀
🥀The End Game/ I'm Coming Home🥀 Part 2
🥀Holy Crap🥀
🥀Plan H🥀
🥀The Frozen Tongues🥀
🥀FINISHED Stop Stealing My KIDS🥀
🥀Dad jokes and Angry Peter🥀
🥀Appreciate Tony Stark Day!🥀
🥀Tony Stark Appreciation Day Part 2🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀 PART 2
🥀I Will Kill Everyone In This Room🥀
🥀In the Soul Realm🥀
🥀Catch Fast🥀
🥀Shotgun! Part 2🥀
🥀Happy Birthday🥀
🥀Too.... Strong....uuhhhh🥀
🥀Happy (Late) Fathers Day (I MESSED UP)🥀
🥀Caw caw Mother Fuckers
🥀Come little children~🥀
🥀Cousin Sergei🥀
🥀Back Again
🥀It's going to be ok...right?
🥀I don't care...
🥀Halloween (2019)🥀
🥀Watty's-This isn't where your story ends-Not on my watch
🥀I love you...🥀
🥀Bad day🥀
🥀Birthday Boy🥀
🥀Birthday Boy part 2🥀
🥀Mission gone wrong 🥀
🥀God bless America🥀
🥀Strange are you okay?🥀
🥀Floor Is LAVA🥀
🥀Happy Holidays!🥀
🥀Instant Kill🥀
🥀I'm your new Dad🥀
🥀Please Help Rhodey!🥀
🥀Oh My Thor!🔥
🥀New Years and GROOT
🥀Light Sabers
🥀That Was My Son!🔥
🥀Attacked Part 1🔥
🥀Attacked Part 2🔥
🥀Attacked Part 3🔥
🥀Your Son Peter?🔥
🥀Red Bull🔥
🥀Rare happiness
🥀My leg-
🥀Life is cruel...🔥
🥀Trans Visibility day!🔥
🥀The Unknown Blog/ Going on Hiatus🔥
🥀Russian Singers~🥀
🥀Bad idea🔥
🥀Shit talking🔥
🥀Beep Beep🔥
🥀A Menace🔥
🥀Holy- BUCKY?!?!
Howling Angels
🥀The sun will shine on us again brother.🖤

🥀Kidnapped, The Rogues, and Ross🥀

4.2K 135 245
Autorstwa Raven_Hellfire

Peter opened his eyes groggily. He looked around confused.

Where the hell am I?!

Spider-Man slowly grabbed the cat and brought it out the tree. He landed and turned around expecting to see the little boy who had called him over to get his scared stuck cat out of the tree.

His vision was blurry as he blinked them hoping for his focus to come back. After several minutes they had.

He was met with a bunch of men pointing guns at him and a guy holding a gun to the little boys head.

"Come with us and we spare the boy"

He had a major headache as his vision finally cleared. He looked around, on the far right was a bed. He tried to stand only to fall. He looked at his arms and realized, he was chained to the wall.

"I'll come along just let him go" Spider-man said as he slowly put the cat down, his hands up and went on his knees.

"Just let him go."

"Take your web-shooters off now!" The man yelled.

A somewhat crowd formed watching, from a far of course. News stations where broadcasting everything live. Even Jameson who was biting his nails wondering what he would do.

Spider-Man took of his gloves showing his hands and took of the web-shooters.

"Destroy them now." The man said.

He nodded before bringing his hands down and smashing them. He then put his hands back up. Someone came up behind him, took his arms, brought them behind his back and put handcuffs on him, enforced handcuffs.

They pulled him to his feet as another man walked over and slapped him across the face with his gun. Spider-man could feel the blood on his lips. He bit back a groan and scream.

"Get him in the truck, we can dispose of the child now." The man said as he got ready to shoot the boy.

Spider-man pulled but the men held as he screamed out.

"You said you'd let him go if you had me! Let him go! He's got to be tops 6 years old man! He's still a kid!"

The man laughed, "Please we were going to kill him either way, we don't care how old he is, and he was simply our bait. Anyways, you should never believe your opponent."

"Spider-?" A loud BANG heard out before the boy could ask his question. His body fell to the payment, eyes glazed over, now dull blue.

Spider-Man fell to his knees and screamed......and screamed..... And screamed, till his throat was sore and he couldn't scream no more.

People watched as he breathed heavily staring at the boy. People were crying, others had tears in their eyes. But everyone was watching to see what he would do next.

He jerked his head up at the man and said deadly calm,

"The second I get the fuck out of these I'm going to fucking kill you, you bastard!"

Everyone was too well say it short and simple, shook. They'd never seen him so angry, never heard him curse, and never death threaten someone. Despite every villain ever he's fought, none had he ever threatened like that, but god, and this Spidey scared them. And the man that had shot the kid must have realized too.

"What are you waiting for? KNOCK HIM OUT ALREADY!" The man screamed. And they did.

Peter had tears in his eyes as he remembered what happened. How he couldn't save the boy. He banged his head hard against the surface, only to get shocked from his cuffs.

"If you move you get electrocuted, well at least in a way that may cause you or anyone else harm" A voice rang out. Peter looked with his eyes and saw a camera. He growled threateningly only to be shocked again.

"What are you? Dog man?" Peter heard as the man chuckled. He glared at the camera. He would have panicked about his mask but he didn't care. He felt blood trickling down the left side of his face, and from his lip.

He pushed his knees under him, put a hand down to hold him and wiped the blood off his lip.

(The image above. Credit to the amazing  OfficialUSMWriter go check them out, I love their drawings, and thank you again for taking my request)

He pushed himself up, using the wall for support. He looked up and had to close his eyes and re-open them to realize who his cellmates where. Kind of. There lay in a circle a few cells. Each holding 1 person. Wanda Maximoff with a shock collar and straight jacket. Clint Barton who was staring at him, analyzing him. Sam Wilson who was also analyzing him. Scott looking at him boredom evident in his eyes, but he could also see panic in his eyes. And finally Steve Rogers who was looking at him confused and also analyzing him.

"What you looking at" He snapped.

"You have blood on your face." Clint said. Peter rolled his eyes,

"I realize that, thank you for your observation. Now quit analyzing me, all of yah, pisses me off." Peter said as he sat back down and pressing his head against the wall.

Everyone stayed quiet for a few minutes when Ross walked in. He didn't even look at the others. The other's realized this and watched intently. He stopped in front of his cell. Peter didn't look at him, nor acknowledge his existence. This pissed Ross off so he shocked Peter. Peter glared at him.

"Could have just asked to look at you asshole." Peter grumbled glaring. Ross chuckled.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Ross asked smugly, already knowing the answer.

"You mean the gravestones I visit every anniversary, yeah I do, my dad's and uncle's too while I'm at it. Hey why don't I just give everyone a kiss hm? You want one?" Peter stated sarcastically.

Ross's glare hardened, as the 2 had a glaring competition. Ross looked away first. Peter didn't let the triumph smirk show, he didn't care.

"You know I'm going to kill you right? After you killed that boy? Your dead meat. Like I promised, the second I'm out of these I'm killing yah. Slow and painful." Peter said, completely relaxed. He was sitting with his legs bent. Elbows on his knees as he played with his fingers while looking Ross dead in the eyes.

Ross stared at him before talking,

"I'd watch what you say Parker, don't want that unnaturally young and hot aunt of yours dying now do we?" He said smugly.

Peter was on his feet in second and went as far as the chains let him towards Ross. They were straining under his strength, which everyone took notice of. But what freaked them all out, what made Ross take several steps back, was the Fire that burned in Peter's eyes.

"You killed that 6 year old boy cold bloodily! You dare touch my aunt the last thing you see will be me standing over you! Once I'm done with you, GOD won't recognize his own creation!" Peter practically screeched. He was breathing heavily as one of the chains snapped. Ross's eyes opened in shock.


The holes on the glass of Peter's cell closed up as a gas started spilling in threw the vents. The others were watching and yelling concerned. He gave them a small smile as he slumped up against the wall.

"It's okay." Is all he said before blacking out.

A man entered Wanda's cell and took the shock collar off before leaving and locking the door. Once the gas cleared the man entered Peter's and put it on Peter. He took the chains he had on off as someone brought other ones in.

"Sorry about this" The man whispered. He felt bad. He had a little girl who was 18 and thought she could take on the world. He also had a boy 6 who loved Spider-Man. He even named their cat after him. And the only thing he could imagine was his daughter and son as he put these onto Peter. But He laid Peter down carefully before leaving and closing the door. He gave Peter a second glance before walking out and back to his station. But he couldn't stop thinking about what boy Peter was talking about.

3 hours later

Peter groaned as he woke up. The first thing he realized was that he had a collar on. Second was that the chains he had on where stronger. He pushed himself into a sitting position. He felt at his neck as tears pricked his eyes.

He had a chain on his neck and a shock collar. He also had chains on his arms and legs that connected no longer to the wall, but to each other. But he saw clips meaning that if wanted too, they could be connected to the wall. He let his head fall onto the wall as a few tears escaped his closed eyes.

He tried keeping his breathing under control even though he was so close to losing it in a panic attack. Sam must have realized and started talking him through some breathing exercises.

"Hey bud look at me alright? Breathe in and breathe out okay just like me in" Sam took a deep breathe before letting it out "and out, again in" he took a deep breathe held it for a few seconds then let it out," and out, there you go." Sam said slowly and kindly.

Peter nodded numbly, the after math of the panic attack hitting him. He lay on the ground too tired to get on the bed. He fell asleep in minutes.

4 days later.

It had been 4 days since Peter's panic attack. No one's asked him why it happened or what his name was, but Scott being bored broke the silence.

"What's your name kid?"

Scott asked. Peter looked up confused. Before a look of realization hit his face, and he let out a laugh. He shook his head.

"I mean we do only know your last name. We don't even know why you're in here, especially in chains. Like I mean not even I am in chains, and they took Wanda's straight jacket off so." Steve rambled his voice fading at the end after realizing he was rambling.

"Just call me Parker, it's my last name and anyways it doesn't matter as to why I'm in chains, which is none of your concern." Peter said, as he looked away feeling guilty.

"Listen kid, we're probably going to be here for a long time, maybe even forever, might as well tell us." Steve persisted. Peter shook his head as a laugh ripped through the silence.

"Mr. Stark told me you where the persistent and annoying kind of person. And honestly its annoying so shut it, I'll tell you when and if I wish too." Peter snapped at Steve.

He put his head in his knees and ran a hand through his hair. He hated it here. He didn't know if anyone would ever find him. He would never graduate high school, go to college, and marry Wade. He'd never see May again. He let a frustrated scream rip from his throat.

Everyone stared at him like he was crazy. But he didn't care not at all. He was too in his thoughts to care.

He'd die in this cell, New York would be left without Spider-Man, people would die, rapists would get away just like how Skip did, and people would die in fires, in car crashes. Others would end their lives. And all he would be doing is rotting in a cell in a huge tin can under the ocean in the middle of nowhere.

He was suffocating, he was in the river again, and he was drowning. There was no Tony to save him, no Karen to comfort him, no one was there to save him this time. So instead, he would save himself.

He let his bangs fall over his eyes as his legs slid to the ground, his arms falling limp. His breaths where few and erratic. His heart started slowing down dramatically, but it was all in the plan. His head fell against his chest.

The others watched scared on what was happening to their mystery guest. Medics ran into the room and opened Peter's cell. Now they were really worried. The medics took all the chains and the collar off. They placed him on a stretcher and started running out, when Wanda caught a small wink from Peter. She gasped.

Everyone stayed silent.

At the medical room

They quickly placed Peter down and let the doctor do his work. Everyone else left. The doctor charged up the defibrillators, and brought them over to Peter. Once he was close enough Peter grabbed the doctor's hands and turned the defibrillators around and used them on him. The doctor fell to the ground unconscious. Peter placed them down before looking around for something to use in case of an emergency.

He grabbed a crowbar, no he doesn't know where it came from, just take it adds to the story. Anyways. Peter grabbed the crowbar and slowly walked out. He hit the 2 guards over the head and checked them for taser guns. He grabbed both and put them in his pockets.

He continued and took out every guard he saw. He walked into the cell room where the others where. He put a finger to his lips before picking the lock and getting them out. He quickly picked Wanda's power dampeners and got her free.

"There is a submarine here that can hold 5,000 people. Start it up Clint, the others split up. There are 10 floors. Each of us will take 2 floors releasing all the mutants here. There are 3 other floors at the bottom that are the control panels. I'll take the 2 above that level Steve take the 2 above me, Wanda the 2 above Steve, Sam the 2 on top of Steve, and Scott this one and the one under this. Here's the password and here are some weapons you can use to defend yourselves" Peter said giving each of them a baton and a taser and a sheet of paper with the code.

"Why should we take orders from you?" Scot asked.

"Cause he knows what he's doing and is not lying" Wanda said. Peter gave her a thankful smile but an annoyed glare as well.

"Thanks for the backup but please don't read my mind without my permission. It really pisses me off." Peter said. She nodded. Peter looked at the others.

"If we get out of here successfully I'll tell you my name, but here are some coms so we can stay in contact while we get everyone out." Peter said giving everyone one. Everyone placed it in their ears and nodded. Everyone split up.

Everything was going smoothly, the top 9 floors where empty and all the mutants where on the ships. Peter had just opened the last cell when the lights turned red and sirens where heard. Peter rushed everyone out as they ran up the stairs.

He kept looking behind himself to see if anyone was coming. He could hear the stampede of footsteps getting closer and closer.

They got to the door as everyone rushed in and into the submarine. Peter slammed the door shut and used himself as a barricade. Peter watched as everyone got into the submarine. He felt the people hitting the door with a huge piece of wood, hoping to get it open.

Once they stopped Peter ran to the submarine. More than half way, they had broken in and started shooting at Peter. They got a few lucky hits but Peter kept on pushing. He jumped in as the other's pulled him in, closing the door, and the roof opening as a helipad pushed them up.

Peter lay on the ground breathing heavily, coughing up blood. A lady and a man pulled Peter up and lay him on a bed, taking out a medical kit and treating his wounds. Apparently they were nurses before they were kidnapped. Once they were done they gave him some water to drink. He thanked them and drank a bit.

He let out a shaky breath as thoughts ran through his mind. He was 18 turning 19, the Rogues have been in lock up for 3 years now. It has been probably a week now since he was kidnapped. Cause god knows how long he truly was unconscious for when they'd kidnapped him.

He stood up despite the fact that his legs where shaking and the nurses protests. He gave them a weak smile.

"I'll be fine, promise." He quickly walked to the pilot cockpit, which was huge.

"Sam?" He called out. The others looked up to him surprised to see him standing. He rushed over catching Peter before his legs gave out from under him.

"Sorry, getting shot it a bitch." Peter said chuckling.

"Kid you need a bed and rest, now." Sam ordered. Peter shook his head, as Sam sighed.

"We're probably going to be followed and they're going to try to find a submarine nearby. So we have to take off." Peter said walking to the control panels. He started pressing some buttons as Clint moved out of the way, letting the kid do his thing.

"And in a Helicarrier, I think we'll be able to get everyone back home." Peter said pressing a button and giving them a smile.

The submarine pulled out of the water, and transformed into a helicarrier. It flew up into the air as Peter put it in camouflage mode. He let Clint drive the thing now. He sat down sighing.

"Peter." Peter said. They gave him confused looks.

"My name's Peter, Peter Parker." Peter said as he closed his eyes, whimpering as the Adrenalin went away and he got hit with a wave of pain. The nurses, Jamie and Jack walked in with pain killers and water.

"We told you to sit-"

"-And what do you do?-"

"-You go to the pilot's area-"

"-And turn a submarine into a helicarrier-

"-god how does stark deal with you." Jamie and Jack said finishing each other's sentences.

Peter let out a laugh only for him to cover his mouth as blood spurt out. Sam started freaking out as Jamie ran out and came back in with someone. Peter was too busy coughing up a lung to see who it was.

"I won't! What if I kill him! The person that basically got us all out!" Mystery girl said.

"Rogue please you have-" Jack was cut off.

"Rogue?" Peter asked weakly as he stared up at her. She rushed to his side and kissed his forehead.

"Shhhh it's okay, I'll make it better, I promise. Let's get you on a medic bed." Rogue said. Peter shook his head no.

"We can't we have to do it like this." Peter said. Rogue nodded her head okay and slowly laid him down.

She put her hands on either side of Peter's head, her gloves off. She started healing his broken rib and punctured lung. It must have happened while he fell onto the submarine. She took her hands away as his eyes fluttered open. He grabbed her hands and kisses them.

"Thank you.... and don't ever forget..... Your mutation is a gift, not a curse." Peter said.

Rogue laughed as a sob racked through her throat.

"You idiot, what if you had died? Hm? Xavier's school for the young and Gifted would have lost its best student, its best friend, its family....Wait till Logan, kitty, and Storm find out about this." Rogue said, giggling a bit.

"They're here?!" He asked, shooting upright.

"Yeah, Steve snuck away a while ago and got us all organized, a little group on who was going to Xavier's school, who's going to Russia, US all that jazz." Rogue said. Peter dramatically fell onto her lap.

"I'm dead, I know like everyone, nope I do know everyone at Xavier's school." Peter said, as he ran his hand down his face. She giggled.

20 hours later.

The second to last stop was Xavier's school. Peter said goodbye to everyone, got hugs from a few, fist bumps from others, and a few waves. The worst where Storm, Kitty, and Logan who were among the few who were kidnapped. They had hugged him so hard he was sure he bruised, hell broke another rib.

After Peter waved the rest of he went and sat down. He was tired. Everyone took a turn driving the helicarrier, every 5 hours they would switch. Peter had just finished his shift, and the last one was Steve. Peter sat down as he thought of everything that had happened that day.

For a month now, Ross had been kidnapping mutants all over filling up that tin can, and hoped to blow it up once it was full of mutants, and all the agents and him where out. Peter had been missing for a month, and he'd never known. Apparently the people at the tin can where scared to wake him to they had him drugged up the whole time, except those last 4 or 5 days.

Peter had made a call to Fury and told him everything that happened. He even told him his conspiracy theory on the agent and the kid that had died. He said he would search into it.

Peter lay on the bed thinking about the 3 days he was awake. He'd been tortured. Physically and Mentally.

The day after he'd had his panic attack Ross had taken him out of his cell and tortured him. He had burned and cut Peter's skin. He still remembers the smell of his burning skin.

His scream's that had filled the room, the smell of blood, and burning flesh. It made him sick to his stomach.

After that the next 2 days they had this device that shows your worst nightmares and that's what they used on him.

He now was sitting with his back against the wall crying. After a few minutes he stumbled to his feet and wiped his tears. He walked to the cockpit and saw Steve still driving.

"Want me to fly? You've been flying for almost 6 hours now." Peter asked.

"You sure? Shouldn't you be asleep Peter?" Steve asked concerned.

'I need to take my mind off things right now" Peter said.

"Alright, we have another 2 hours till we make it, be careful." Steve said, going to his room. Peter nodded and got into the seat and flew the helicarrier.

Peter filled the silence, by listening to the song Monster by Gabbie Hanna on repeat for the next 2 hours.

Once he landed he knocked on everyone's doors. A crowd had made around the compound trying to see what was going on.

Peter walked out first, covering his face with his hair and bangs. After the Rogues stumbled out 1 by 1 all yawning from sleep. People were screaming of excrement when they'd seen their hero's for the first time in 3 years. They all jumped, except Peter, and flinched they they'd heard the screaming. They were shocked when they saw people.

"IT'S 5 AM WHY ARE ANY OF YOU AWAKE." Sam yelled out.





"WE WILL ANSWER QUESTIONS IN A FEW DAYS WE ARE ALL REALLY TIRED RIGHT NOW SO GOOD NIGHT." Clint yelled. They all walked in and where shocked of the sight.

Peter was being pestered by Tony, Happy, Rhodey, Pepper, and NATASHA?

"Where have you been young man?" Pepper said calmly.

"I'm on vacation for a month and come back to find out you've been kidnapped." Happy said exaggerated.

"I trained you how did that happen? Are you hurt?" Nat asked.

"I swear I'm going to kill whoever it was." Rhodey said.

"I swear I'm placing a tracker in your suit, in you, everywhere. How the hell did the suit make it back here anyways?" Tony asked.

Peter fell to his knees and broke down crying.

"I'm sorry it was Ross, I tried, I swear but they had me knocked out for almost the entire month and they 4 days I was there a had a panic attack on 1 day, and the other 3 where torture, I'm so so sorry.." Peter said as he cried harder than before.

Tony was the first to hug him, then Pepper, Rhodey, Nat, Sam, Clint, Steve, Scott, and last Wanda.

Peter had a family that cared and was there for him, not like how the torture had shown him otherwise. They were there and he was alive. Everything was going to be okay.


That was long. Hope you enjoyed, because instead of finishing my project I did this. Peace, and I hope you know I'm here for all.

Love you demons 🥀🖤

Live Laugh Lie

Posted on: 3/22/19

Word count: 4214

Czytaj Dalej

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