Post-Apocalyptic (A BTS Fanfi...

By MirandaLimbDoran

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(BtsxReader) Excerpt: "Fucking hell," Yoongi swears next to me. All of a sudden my feet leave the ground and... More



78 6 1
By MirandaLimbDoran

My mind reels as I'm escorted back to the room where the others wait for my return. My meeting with Kyu has left a sour taste in my mouth and I feel nauseous. If learning Taehyung and Jimin's true intentions weren't enough to set me off, knowing that Kyu would actually kill them all if I didn't cooperate made it so much worse.

You have got to get those boys out of here. Kyu's men open the door to the small prison and I walk inside. As soon as I enter, the door shuts behind me all the others are standing to look at me, worry on their faces.

Yoongi comes up to me and takes my hand and brushes a piece of hair behind my ear. "Are you okay? You were gone for such a long time that we were beginning to worry."

I shake my head and give a small smile. "I'm okay. Kyu just wanted to speak to me."

Taehyung touches my elbow. "Like what? Did you figure out a way for us to get out?"

I can't fight back the cold look I give the boy and he cringes back. "We just talked," I snapped. "And no, I didn't figure out a way out. Besides, we aren't going anywhere."

Taehyung shrinks back and a guilty look crosses his features as he looks down at his feet.

"What do you mean, Y/N?" Namjoon asks, walking over to me. "What do you mean we aren't going anywhere?"

I shrug and try to come up with a lie. I hadn't put much thought into what I was going to tell them, but there's no way that I'm telling the truth. At least, not until we are out of here. "Kyu makes a good bargain," I finally say. "If we stay with him and help him build his camp back up, we have guaranteed safety. And not just from the disease or the zombies, but from everything."

"Bullshit," Yoongi says and I look to him with wide eyes. "I know you better than that. You would never go for something like that."

I bite my lip and drop my voice to almost a whisper. "Look, guys. I don't necessarily like it either, but I don't see us managing to get out anytime soon. We don't really have any other choice. Kyu holds too much power."

Yoongi swears again and everyone lets out a collective sigh. "So that's it then?" Yoongi asks. "We're giving up?"

I shake my head. "Of course not," I say. "But it's what we need to do right now."

Silence fills the room and I look over to Taehyung. He gives me a pleading look but I look away, the betrayal still fresh in my mind. Out of everyone, he was the one I least expected to do something like that. No wonder he took such a special interest in you the moment you got to camp. He was keeping tabs on you for that evil bastard Min Kyu.

I walk over and sit down up against the wall. "Come on guys," I say. "Let's just try to relax and cooperate with Kyu as much as we can. At this point we don't really have any other options."

I ignore the death look that Yoongi gives me as everyone else nods in discontentment. It's not necessarily what any of us wanted to do, but it will do for now. Besides, the only thing on my mind right now is making sure that no one gets killed.


I'm not sure how much more time passes before the door opens once more and we are all escorted out of our little prison. No one has said much since I got back from my meeting with Kyu. I can feel how defeated they all are. I'm sure they were all counting on me to get us out of here, but I let them all down instead.

It's not like I'm still not planning an escape, I just don't know how to get us out without anyone dying. Kyu's threat hangs heavy in the back of my mind and it scares me to think that he would actually do something like that. Part of me thinks he might be bluffing, but I also don't want to risk it if he isn't. 

The guards lead us back up the lab where Kyu and his scientists are all busy working. No one acknowledges us at first and even Kyu doesn't seem to notice our arrival until he looks up and sees us. His eyes look to me and I know what he's thinking. His eyes tell me that if I am to try anything that none of us would make it out.

Don't worry. I'm not going to do anything just yet. We retain eye contact for a moment longer before I look away. He needs to think that he's got me, that he won. It'll make escaping later that much easier.

"Well," Kyu says, straightening as he looks us all over. "It would appear that you are staying for a while, yes?"

Yoongi scoffs beside me. "Like we really have a choice."

Kyu presses his lips together and comes around from the counter he was standing at. "I want you all to know that you're not prisoners here. You're welcome to roam around the building at your own will."

"Are we allowed to come and go as we please? I have some stuff I'd like to get from my old room. And I would love to sleep in my own bed," Taehyung asks, his eyes full of hope.

Kyu sighs and shakes his head. Taehyung drops his shoulders and Hoseok puts a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Unfortunately, no," Kyu admits. "It's too unsafe right now. The Unliving are still wandering around and I'm afraid of how long it will take us to eradicate them all."

"Sounds like a sorry excuse to keep us here as prisoners," Yoongi says, crossing his arms. "I'm not buying any of your shit."

Kyu squints at his grandson before turning to me. "Y/N, I would like you to assist me in my work from now on. You'll report to this lab every morning and we will go about business as usual." He turns to the others and smiles. "The rest of you will help around as needed, but otherwise you are welcome to relax. I have some rooms being set up right now so that you all have some kind of place to call home for now."

We all stand and look at the older man in front of us, nobody really knowing how to answer. The idea of spending nearly all my time with the guy makes my stomach churn, but I have to remind myself that it's only temporary. No way in hell am I staying here for the rest of my life and I'm definitely not going to help Kyu build up his reputation and lead with him. If anything, I'm going to make sure that no one trusts a word out coming out of his mouth. I'm going to find a way to destroy him.

There's just one problem with that: I have no idea how. 

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