Fix My Corrupted Heart (Seque...

By xomaggsxo

33.5K 1.1K 280

"It seems you have forgotten you have corrupted me once before in a completely different way than I ever expe... More

Chapter 1: For You
Chapter 2: Yeah, Surprise.
Chapter 3: Whirlwind
Chapter 4: I hate you.
Chapter 5: Like Father, Like Son
Chapter 6: There's Always A Choice
Authors Note!!!
Chapter 7: Sparks
Chapter 8: Corrupted
Chapter 9: Commitment
Chapter 10: Just Not Worth It
Chapter 11: Surprise!
Chapter 12: Moving Day
Chapter 13: I Always Did Wonder About You
Chapter 14: I love you, always
Chapter 15: With You I Can't Resist
Chapter 16: Really, Lay
Chapter 18: Family Dinner
Chapter 19: Worthy
Chapter 20: Regret
Chapter 21: Supposed To Be
Chapter 22: Defeated
Chapter 23: Julie Weston
Chapter 24: Dinner
Chapter 25: Save the Date
Chapter 26: Part 2?
Chapter 27: Unknown Woman
Chapter 28: Rehearsal
Chapter 29: To Love and To Hold
Chapter 30: The Rush
Chapter 31: Marriage Season
Chapter 32: Oh baby!
Author's Note

Chapter 17: Always Chose You

617 18 3
By xomaggsxo

Chapter 17: Always Chose You

I immediately shook my head and took on a stance as if to plead with her not to kill me. "It isn't like that, Belle. We didn't do anything." She crossed her arms then shifted weight to one side and raised her eyebrow. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I sat down and gestured for her to follow. She sat across from me and I folded my legs and my hands. 

"We ran into each other in New York. We hung out after my meetings and when they ran long he hung out with Charlie, that's it. I promise." She sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Did you kiss?" "No." "What about an almost kiss?" I shook my head no again. "No, nothing like that happened. We hugged bye and hi and that's it."

She nodded and sighed before leaning forward. "Lay, I mean this in the nicest way possible because I love you, but my brother, is not and will not be the guy you use. Until I know you're done with Ace, I want you nowhere near my brother. He's always kind of liked you, he doesn't deserve someone who's half in, half out." I sighed. "I couldn't agree more. I love you guys. You guys were always my family. I wouldn't dare put myself in a situation to lose you." 

Her hand grabbed mine and I smiled sadly at her. "I love you, Lay." I nodded, "you know I love you." She smiled and stood up and we hugged. I grinned at her and soon she was dragging me out to the boys and we talked about how my meetings went.


After catching up with the three, I headed back to my house and when I pulled up my stomach flipped. Tayla was here, but apparently so was Ace. I turned my car off and sat there wondering why he would possibly be here. After what felt like an eternity, I turned off my car and headed into my house. Charlie came running in to greet me, and I pet his head before continuing in. 

Walking to the backdoor, Charlie in tow, the house was quiet. I dropped my keys in a dish on my bar table. Opening the backdoor, Charlie darted out and I shut the door, heading towards my room. I ripped open the bags of clothes and they scattered out around me. I decided to wear a pair of white skinny jeans, a pink blouse and pink heels. Throwing them carelessly onto my bed, I walked to my bathroom. 

Taking in my hair and makeup, I decided to leave it as is. I headed back into my room and changed into the clothes laid on my bed. Once I was dressed, I walked down the stairs and back to my kitchen to let Charlie in. He ran in and off somewhere else. I shot my text. 'Ready whenever you are. :)' My phone vibrated immediately. 'Be there in 10.' I smiled and slipped my phone back into my pocket. 

I walked over to my fridge and pulled open the cool, stainless steel refrigerator to get out a drink. I grabbed a diet coke and cracked it open. I sat at on the barstool and scrolled through my instagram feed as I waited. My finger was sliding down the newsfeed, before it stopped and scrolled back up. 

My finger trembled as I starred at the picture. It was Tayla and Ace laying on Tayla's bed. They both had their sweatshirts pulled over their heads and their strings made it scrunch so only their eyes were showing. I clicked on her name as my heart pulled and my stomach clenched. Wow. She had a lot of pictures of her and Ace. My stomach turned and I immediately felt sick. 

Pushing my seat out I stood abruptly, closing out the app, and slipping my phone in my back pocket. Walking to the door, Ace came down the stairs and stared at me. He smiled at me and I looked to the door. "You're here." I looked at him as he spoke. "Yeah, in case y'all forgot this is kind of my house." It was snappy. I heard it and he heard it too. He looked confused and I rolled my eyes looking at my Michael Kors watch. 

He should be here soon. Why couldn't he be here now. I need to get out of here. "Well, I missed you." He spoke nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. There was a knock at the door and I sighed. "You seem to have been kept busy." I rolled my eyes and continued to walk to the door. I opened it and immediately smiled. "Nick." He smiled at me. "Lay." I grinned wider and he offered me his hand to step down the step. 

He let go of my hand and I shut the door behind me. He guided me down my driveway to his car and opened my door for me. I smiled as I slipped in and he shut my door for me. He climbed in and soon we were off down my street. 

"Where are we off to?" He grinned at me and took a glance to me. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I didn't bother to pull it out. "You'll see." I grinned at him and sat back, listening and singing softly to the radio. "You always were good at everything." He murmured and I smiled. "Singing is the only thing I got from my mom." He glanced at me and I looked out the window. 

My mother. I haven't dare thought about her in weeks, hell even months. Lylia is my mom. She was there when I needed one the most. Thinking about Lylia made me think of Ace. My heart felt heavy and my stomach churned. Nick spoke and pulled me away from Ace. 

"Belle told me everything, have you seen her?" He questioned softly and I shook my head. "I haven't really thought about her. I mean I miss my mom, but who she was after my father, that wasn't my mom. I mean who the fuck beats the hell out of their daughter? And I loved her, even then. I never fought back. I thought about it, but I never could." He sighed.

"Damn, Lay. That's rough." I shrugged and his hand found mine. "I'm sorry." I looked at him and shook my head. "Don't be, look at where and who I am today." He nodded and I smiled, he soon reciprocated. A couple minutes later, we pulled up to the restaurant and we both climbed out. He met me in front of his car and guided me in by my waist, stopping to hold the door open for me.


He dropped me off and walked me up to my door. "I'm proud of you, Lay." I smiled and nodded. "Thank you." I tucked my hair behind my ear and smiled at the ground. My phone rang and I again ignored it. "I had fun, text me later." He smiled and fake saluted. I laughed and he bid me a goodbye and started walking back to his car. I sighed and walked in my house.

I shut the door and upon shutting it, I greeted Charlie, walking with him to the back door. I sighed and let him out. I felt exhausted. Grabbing a wine glass, I poured a glass of wine into my cup and drank it in one gulp. Sighing, I poured another glass and walked over to the door. Opening the door, I closed and locked in. I slipped my heels off and left them by the door and my barefeet padded the way up to my room, Charlie in tow.

I walked into my room and saw the disaster that waited for me. I sighed and sat on my bed, sipping the drink and placing it on my dresser. I rubbed my temples and threw myself back looking up at the ceiling. My mind went back to Ace and Tayla. I heard their giggles from my room.

I don't know if it was the alcohol or what, but my legs carried me up and to her room. Knocking on the door, I opened it. My eyes connected with Ace he was laying on the bed on his side, Tayla was laying on her back, her body shifting into him. She immediately sat up and looked at me. I shook my head.

"I don't care." yes, yes you do. "I have work in the morning and I am exhausted, so if you don't mind." I trailed off and nodded. I shut the door, and walked back to my room. I sighed and finished the glass I had. I walked to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I turned the faucet on and ran my hands under the water, splashing my face with the cold water. 

Sighing, I dabbed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I pulled the mirror open and looked at the meds lined on the shelves. Picking up the oddly familiar bottle, my fingers grazed it. I heard someone clear their throat and immediately, my hand retracted and I shut the mirror making eye contact. Blue and green.

"Sorry." I mumbled, trying to walk past him. He grabbed my arm and I looked at his hand then up at him. He didn't speak so I raised an eyebrow. He dropped his hand then shifted so I still couldn't get out. "It's not like that, with her. I meant what I said in my letter." I smiled and tilted my head. "Ace, you are a grown man, as I am a woman, if you want to move on, I'm not standing in your way."

He turned his head, with his eyebrows knit in the middle. "Why because you moved on? You chose someone else right?" I smiled and shook my head. "I am so tired of being consumed by you. I no longer chose you, Ace. I choose me." I smiled sadly and moved past him and walking to Tayla's room.

Letting myself in I look at her and she gives me a look. I shake my head and put my hand up. "Don't even." I stated. "You knew. You saw me, Tayla. You saw who I became when he left. You knew I fucking loved and still love him. But then again, vultures will always be vultures." I spat. "You want, Ace? You can have him, but you will not have him underneath my fucking house. Pack your shit and be out by the time I get home from work tomorrow night." I turned around and left her room, closing my bedroom door behind me.

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