Instantaneous (ManxBoy) Mpreg...

By Daniis23

146K 6K 1.5K

Continuation to Intoxicated Book 1. Please read Intoxicated before reading this. After celebrating their Marr... More

Please Be Advised.
Smiles For Miles
Honeymoon Phase
Good Morn- Go To Hell!
Home Again!
A Step Forward
Arlo Rosengord
Danny The Cutiepie
Mix And Match
Danny Da Boss
We're Having A... Celebration?
Literal Cock Sucking Bitch
Psychiatric Evaluation
The Big Day
New Home!
Butterfly Hadrian

She's Here!

6K 272 104
By Daniis23

It was halfway through May that Danny was considering just inducing Labour because these damn false contractions were gonna get the best of him.

He had originally planned on a natural birth but Wolfie had yepped his ear off until he agreed on going to the Hospital.

Damn Alpha.

Ugh. He was just about ready to pull his beautifully moisturised curls out and that wasn't easy to say because black hair needed care and attention to grow.

"Hey, are you doing okay?" Wolfie was looking at him worriedly and all he could do was release a groan.

"Do I look okay to you?" He snapped, looking guilty seconds later at the look on Wolfie's face. "Babe, I'm sorry. I've just feel like utter shite and I don't know what to do," he ended with a sob. "All these fucking fake contractions, Brixton whatever they're called are getting on my nerves and I just want this pup out of me." He was full on crying by the time he finished speaking.

Wolfie could only look at him in sympathy, wrapping his arms around the distressed Omega. "It's okay, baby. No need to get yourself worked up over it. She'll come when it's the right time so for now, let her bake some more and start focusing on your Graduation. Not to mention, your birthday is coming up so instead of planning a suprise party, let's have a get together. You can invite all your family members and friends and I'll invite Jackson and Arlo. How about that?"

"Y-Yeah." That was all he said as he focused on wrapping himself as much as he could in Wolfie's arms. "Alpha?"

"Hmm?" his eyebrows furrowed at how meek Danny sounded. "Is everything okay, baby?"

He sniffled and looked up at Wolfie's face. "Do you... Do you still l-love me?"

His emotions have been spiralling out of control lately so he had been prone to a lot of outbursts. Wolfie had been understanding the entire time but Danny knew that sooner or later, the Alpha would start getting irritated and he cringed at the thought of what Wolfie might do.

He didn't want to assume that the Alpha would yell or put his hands on him but he couldn't help himself.

His emotions were out of whack and he didn't even know what he wanted anymore! He's eating gross stuff and peeing like thirty times a day. Not to mention, his face was rounder and his ankles were like bowling pins, any amount of pressure would send him tumbling down. He looked squishy and he may be cute like this but it was a pain in the arse!

He couldn't exercise. He could cook. He couldn't clean. He couldn't swim. He couldn't take dick. What else was there for him to do?! He was useless - expect for the whole pregnancy thing - and he had nothing to do to pass the time when Wolfie left for work except for ordering stuff online.

He had already washed and sterilised everything and they were netaly folded in the baby's room.

All the bottles and other stuff had their own space in the cupboards so he was ordering a bunch of shoes, hats, bibs, you name it.

He would simply donate everything when they got to small.

Ugh! What was there for him to fucking do?!

"Babe? Babe? What's with the expression on your face?" he asked worriedly, taken back by the annoyed look on Danny's face.

Danny just pushed his mouth at him and he rolled his eyes fondly. "But to answer your question. Nothing you do can ever stop me from loving you... Well except for cheating but I'm not even gonna entertain that thought. You are my everything, baby. You on our little Flowerpup. So don't think that I'm gonna be turned off because you have mood swings. It's all part of the package and I'd be an idiot to get annoyed with you. I was the one who wanted to have a baby this quickly so I should be more understanding of what you're going through because you're way stronger than me. You're protecting our pup and making sure that she's developing properly for her entry into our world. Not to mention, you're gonna be birthing her and that's not easy at all. I doubt that I could've done what you're doing if I was in your position. But the least that I can do is to cater to your needs so that you'll get some semblance of comfort. I love you. Every single part of you." He placed a kiss on Danny's lips as he finished speaking.

"You're too perfect," he muttered softly, leaning up so that he could slot their lips together. 'And I'm so lucky to have you. Not everyone can be this blessed after all.'

"No...I'm just doing what any decent Alpha should do."


Following Wolfie's suggestion for his birthday, Danny invited all his close relatives and his friends.

So at the moment, their home was filled with undesirables and he had half a mind to pitch Corey out on his flat bum.

Said Omega was sitting on his Alpha Jeremy's lap while glaring at the twins, Jamie and Jesse who were hovering closeby.

They may be looking but everyone knew they were Asexual and they were probably doing it to get under the Omega's skin.

His cousins Billie and Danni were hanging around Uncle Victor while Brahm, Blue and their daughter Carter were hovering at the food table, stuffing their face as if they ever went hungry a day in their lives.

Gavin, Billie's Alpha was being admired by Ayame and Natalia (grudgingly.)

Shariff and his girlfriend Kourtney were relaxing on the sofa since the latter was pregnant.

Daisuke and Levi were tongue-fucking somewhere in his beautiful kitchen while Andy and her Alpha Luka were playing with Arlo and Jackson's twins.

His Mom, Dad and both sides Grandparents were grilling poor Wolfie who had the most serene expression on his face that Danny had ever seen.

And speaking of himself, he was ogling Phoebe's boyfriends while Kylie was sitting at the back of the couch, playing in his hair.

He couldn't keep his eyes off her boyfriend and he was sure that everyone in the room felt the same way.

For fucks sake, Danny felt creeped out looking at the guy.

His name was Travis and he looked like what Danny would look like if he were an Alpha?

If was fucking creepy and shivers went up his spine.

Ever since he walked in, Wolfie hadn't exactly been at ease with letting the guy near him and he felt the exact same way.

Didn't Phoebe notice the resemblance between them?

He knew there were at least seven people in the world who looked like you but meeting one of them was weird and Danny honestly couldn't wait until the guy left.

Phoebe knew damn well that he looked like Danny so how could she feel comfortable being with him unless... Ewwwwww! No freaking way! Blehhh!

He wasn't even going to entertain that thought any longer.

A shudder wracked his form before he focused on his phone once more. He was buying himself some uggs and winter boots because they were the only kinds he didn't have.

Afterwards, he would start unwrapping the gifts he received from everyone before they moved onto the fun activities.

He really enjoyed how his birthday party was going so far because he doubted that he could've handled any loud music and drinking at the moment.

Not like Wolfie would allow the latter.

He released a low grunt as the pup kicked him. He couldn't wait to deliver her furry little butt so that all this pain would recede.

He was just happy that he didn't have any stretch marks because the ones on the stomach were more brutal than the ones he'd seen on people's sides.

If he had had stretch then no biggie, but just because he was okay with it didn't mean that he wouldn't try his best to avoid it.

And after this, his Graduation was coming up and he honestly couldn't wait.

He would hopefully graduate Secondary school before he had this pup and all would be well with the world.

They didn't have to worry about Wolfie's family... Was that foreshadowing? Oh he really hoped not. He wasn't up for being kidnapped and held for money or for some Ex from the past coming and store up any trouble. Oh shit, was that also foreshadowing?

Who the heck was writing the story to his life?!

He better be happy by the end of this because he wasn't about to let himself be dragged into anyone's drama.

He just wanted a happy, boring life.

Was that too much to ask?

He honestly hoped not because too much drama in someone's life was unrealistic as heck and he was just your average Joe... Except for the marrying a Celebrity thing.

And about that. Who the heck even gets chances to marry Celebrities? He was lucky as heck... or Wolfie was lucky to be with such a fine specimen as himself.

He was a catch and he wasn't going to put himself down because people seldom liked others with high self-esteem.

Hmmm. But enough of that, he couldn't wait to start opening gifts. He honestly hoped that all the gifts were for their house or pup because he had everything he could ever want or need.

Or he wouldn't mind some bedroom toys for after he gave birth... Heh Wolfie's dick was gonna fall off because they hadn't had sex in a while and he was horny as fuck.

After their daughter was born, he was gonna jump that sexy Alpha.



Danny blushed hotly in embarrassment as his entire family, friends and husband cheered him on as he went on stage to receive his diploma.

All of them were taking pictures of him while everyone else was taking picture of him, Wolfie and Jackson.

This was so freaking embarrassing.

He barely managed to stop himself from face-palming, embering earlier on when people came up to him and asked him for a picture and for his autograph.

Well he couldn't exactly complain as it could've been much worse.

Much much worse.

So shaking those thoughts away, he happily accepted his diploma and waited for everyone to take their pictures before thanking the Principal and walked off of the stage.

After the ceremony, he was gonna stuff his face because he was hungry and he didn't know a soul here except for who he invited.

His family easily filled the majority of seats and he was happy that they all came to support him.

Even that little bitch Corey.

A smile blossomed on his face as he went to his seat. His chest was bursting with pride at himself for completing his education even with all the changes in his life.

Being pregnant certainly wasn't a walk in the park and not to mention, he studied hard to pass his exams and he believed that his results would be great.

He had confidence in himself and he would keep believing.

Now all that... that...tha- fuck!

He looked down in disbelief to see a puddle forming under him. His undergarments were soaked and it took everything in him not to begin panicking.


He sure had great luck, huh?


His eyes were squeezed shut as pain wracked his form. He felt as if he had been working 24/7 in construction without taking a break and was now feeling all the soreness.

For fucks sake this was fucking torture!

He gritted his teeth as the team of doctor rolled his bed into the delivery room.

His daughter sure had great fucking timing!

He was still wearing his graduation robes and since it was already soaked and was about to be cut off of him, he had to go pay that damn £50 fee for damages.

This sucked balls but it was what he had been hoping for in forever.

He had already yelled their ears off that he wanted a natural birth so no one was sticking any numbing shit inside of him nor putting him under because he wasn't about to bare no damn cut.

So all he could so was lay back on where he was propped up on the bed and try to remain calm as they tossed the remaining piece of his robe to the floor and quickly dressed him in the patient's gown.

They were shouting shit in his ear, probably trying to make him deaf but sucks for him that he was listening at all.

He was instead looking down at his stomach, not even lifting his eyes to meet those of his husband who was looking at him comfortingly.

He didn't need Wolfie's reassurance because they were supposed to be some of the best doctors around and if they made him die in childbirth, he would come back and haunt their entire family line.

He would try his damnest to come back as a ghost of maybe one of Lucillfer's damned, whatever the Human devil was named.

He couldn't remember.

Wait. Did they inject him with anything? He felt kinda loopy.

"Huh... Hmm." He stuck his tongue to the roof of his mouth and looked at one of the doctors as they propped his legs up and lifted his gown. "This is gonna be natural right? Where's the pain?"

"Ma'am, you're doing fine. Because this is your first time, we received permissiom from your husband to give you an epidural."

At the doctor's words, Danny's eyes fastened to a guilty Wolfie who was looking everywhere but at him.

"For that, I'm gonna be naming our daughter. I don't want your stinking opinions," he hissed, glaring at the man.

Wolfie sighed in relief and nodded. "That sounds fair."

"Okay, ma'am. When we instruct you to push, you do just that. Because you're an Omega, it wouldn't take long for you to dilate s-"

"Whatever," he interupted. "Let's get this over with. You can explain whatever else to my Alpha."

He honestly just wanted his daughter out and he was impatient as hell. He already chose a name and he didn't know if it was the medication in his system but he thought it was a good name.

He didn't want anyone's opinion and even if he hadn't said that to Wolfie, the only decision the Alpha would've gotten to make was the give the baby his surname.

Danny was pushing her out so he had dibs on what to call her.

It was just the way of the world.

So as the doctors began counting, he followed their instructions and started pushing, digging his fingers into his thighs. He closed his eyes and threw his head back, using as much as his strength as he could muster.

"You're doing great, baby. You can do it," Wolfie murmured into his ear. "You're my strong, baby boy."

Yeah, he was strong but this took another kind of strength.

He couldn't help but scream at the feeling of his pup sliding out of his body.

Wasn't that epidural for shit like this?

Tears leaked out of his at the stinging in his stomach and within moments, the doctor instructed him to give on big push.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fu-Ahhh!" he threw his head back and screamed as he pushed their pup completely out, slumping back against the bed as all strength left his body.

"Congratulation! You have a-" Danny lost consciousness as the doctor began speaking.

Wolfie on the hand brushed the Omega's sweaty curls out of his face and looked at where the nurses were cleaning his daughter then back at where they were examining Danny.


It just happened. He was officially a father. He had a pup. He had a daughter.


He turned to look at the wiggling pup as she began howling.

His pup. His daughter... No, their daughter.


She was so freaking beautiful. Tears sprang to his eyes and he looked at his tired Omega and thanked him with every fibre of his being for this beautiful birthday gift.

He hadn't mentioned his birthday to Danny even though he knew that the Omega was really curious and that he didn't want to search for it online.

He didn't want to tell him yet until it passed because he honestly wanted nothing. He had everything he could ever want and now more.

His beautiful Omega graduated and his first child was born today.

What more could a guy ask for?

The tears flowed down his cheeks and a grins lit up his features.

No other gift in the world could every top this one, that's for sure.


Danny awoke almost two hours later feeling sore and exhausted; his throat felt dry and his body was aching.

"Here. Drink some water," a low voice instructed, placing the tip of a straw at his dry lips.

He didn't even look to see who it was more than he starting guzzling the water. If they wanted to poison his arse then so be it. It wasn't as if he could fit anyone off.

"You did such a great job, baby."

Ohh, so it was Wolfie.

Yeah, he knew did a great fucking job because he was aching in places that should only be aching because of a cock.

Ugh. He can't believe that he was gonna put himself through this again.

He pulled back with a soft belch after drinking the entire contents of water.

"W-Where's my pup?" his throat felt raw as heck.

He briefly entertained the thought of drinking lotion to moisturise it before discarding the thought. He had to be a bit loopy still.

"Let me go get her."

He heard the Alpha's footsteps move away from his bed and towards the corner of the room.

Oh. She was already here. He would've expected to hear her howling or something.

"She fell asleep after they gave her a bath. I reckon she'll be hungry when she wakes up."

"Hmm." He raised his tired eyes to look at the grinning Alpha who was holding their sleeping daughter in his arms.

Her fur was so beautiful.

He leaned back against the pillows and held his arms out for her, a bit impatient to hold her.

Wolfie only smiled and carefully transferred her over to him. "She's so damn beautiful, baby. Thank you do much," he whispered softly, leaning forward to kiss his lips after depositing their daughter in his arms.

And just as if a switch went off, the pup woke up and began whimpering.

Danny chuckled and motioned to Wolfie to help him pull his hand from the gown.  "It's a good thing I've been watching those breastfeeding videos." He smiled and position his pup at his right nipple, watching as she latched on without help.

"Ow," he hissed softly, wincing at the feeling of her teeth sinking into him.

"I just know that this is gonna be my least favourite thin to do. Why couldn't she be all gums?" he whined lowly, looking down at the feeding pup.

Wolfie chuckled and sat down on the bed. "Have you forgotten that she's a Werwolf and not Human?"

"Humans are born without teeth? How weird." His eyeslbriws remained furrowed until a nurse stepped into the room with her hands raised.

A low growl escaped him and Wolfie before they realised who it was and calmed down. Even so, Wolfie moved closer to him.

"I apologize for intruding but I need to fill out her birth certificate," she explained softly, not even daring to look at the feeding pup in the Omega's arms lest the Alpha attack her.

This damn job was dangerous as hell but so rewarding.

"Oh yeah. Her name," he muttered. He didn't even look at Wolfie. "Don't even think about offering a suggestion."

The Alpha could only snort. "Wouldn't dream of it. So what's our fluffy Flowerpup's name?"

Danny grinned and looked at the nurse with sparkling eyes.

"Butterfly Rose Hadrian."

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