Truth or dare? (L.S.)

By larrydoesinfactexist

1M 27.9K 91.4K

While on tour for their second album, the 5 One Direction boys gather every other night to play quite the hec... More

1: Over Again
2: Another World
3: Stand Up
4: I Would
5: Heart Attack
6: Save You Tonight
7: Loved You First
8: I Wish
9: C'mon, C'mon
10: Change My Mind
11: Kiss You
12: Taken
13: What Makes You Beautiful
14: I Should Have Kissed You
15: Tell Me A Lie
16: Nobody Compares
17: Moments
18: Up All Night
19: They Don't Know About Us
20: Summer Love
21: Everything About You
22: One Thing
23: She's Not Afraid
24: I Want
25: More Than This
27: Stole My Heart
28: Still The One / Sweet Creature

26: Same Mistakes

23.2K 676 1.6K
By larrydoesinfactexist

[A couple of months later]

So, we still haven't found a new label company - big surprise there - but that doesn't matter, because right now I have much more important things on my mind. I am planning something big, something life changing. No one knows about it yet though, but I am about to change that.

"So," I gulp. "I have something pretty important to tell you guys." I say to Niall, Zayn and Liam who are sitting on the couch in front of where I am standing. Louis is currently playing football, so he's not here, which is exactly how I want it right now.

After a long pause Niall is the first to grow impatient, as always. "Well, tell us then!"

"Okay okay." I chuckle putting my hand up in defense.

I take a deep breath, getting ready for the responses and reactions that will come when I say what I am about to say.

"You know, Louis and I have been dating for quite a while now, or at least it feels like we have." I start, and they all nod at me, them all looking slightly confused.

"Oh God, you're not breaking up with him are you?" Niall's eyes widen, making the others gasp as well.

My eyebrows pinch together at his question. Why would I want to break up with him?

"No, quite the opposite actually....." I bite down on my lower lip, trying to hide the smile that is forming on my lips just by thinking of it.

"I'm proposing to him."

All their mouths drop to the floor immediately after the words come out of my mouth.

"WAIT REALLY!?" Liam practically yells. I nod, a smile covering my whole face.

Within seconds I'm attacked by three bodies being slammed right onto me. I groan at all the weight suddenly surrounding me, but I can't stop smiling nonetheless.  

"Oh my God, I can't believe it." Niall says after they pull away, seemingly looking into nowhere, a small, soft smile appearing on his face.

"I know, me neither." I chuckle.

"I can't wait! You two are gonna have such a beautiful wedding!" Zayn squeals.

"But how?" Liam asks.

"How what?" I ask back.

"How are you gonna propose?"

"Oh," I blush faintly. "well I haven't quite figured that out yet, I was kinda hoping you guys would help?"

"We would love to!" Zayn squeals once again, making me chuckle.

"You know I once took an online class to be a priest." Niall wiggles his eyebrows.

"That's great for you Niall." I laugh, making him pout and frown. God, now I will have Niall begging me to be our priest every hour of every day. Great. But maybe I should worry about the asking process itself first instead of everything possibly happening after.


After a week of planning, and almost ripping my own head off, wanting this to be perfect, the day has finally arrived. My heart is racing non-stop, in a good way of course.

It's early morning, way to early for me to be awake, and Louis and I are just lying in bed as always. I'm softly twirling his hair around my finger, trying my hardest to calm myself down.

I end up not being able to fall back asleep for about an hour before Louis wakes up as well.

"Mornin' Love." He speaks in a soft, groggy morning voice.

"Hey Boo." I smile down at where his head is placed on my chest.

"What's the plan today?" He asks. Oh, you will never guess what I have planned today, I think to myself.

"Not much, I do have a small surprise for you though."

"Do you now?" Louis smirks, looking up at me.

"I do in fact." I say, before gently pecking his lips.

After a couple minutes we decide to get up, and go to the kitchen greeting the rest of the boys, who are up already. They all smirk at me when we make eye contact, but I just roll my eyes at it.

"Niall, can I talk to you outside?" I ask, making them all turn their heads towards me.

"Sure." Niall chirps, sounding happy as ever.

We walk outside the bus to where no one can hear us before I talk.

"When will everything be set up? Will you be ready? How will it look? Will he like it? What if he doesn't like it? What if my knee cramps when I'm on my way down?" I ask sounding very worried.

"Harry chill," Niall chuckles. "Everything will be perfect. Always is when it comes to Louis and you."

I take a deep breath and nod.

"Everything will be ready when you arrive. It will be amazing. He'll love it. And you're knee won't cramp, you piece of wood!" He laughs.

I nod once again. That kind of helped. Who am I kidding, I am still just as nervous if not more.

"Then, let's get this party started." He cheers making me laugh.

We walk inside again, and I announce loudly. "I don't know about you three, but Louis and I have plans today, a date actually, and we'll leave soon."

"We do?" Louis smiles excitedly.

"Yes we do." I confirm, and he squeals like a little girl.

"What kind of clothing should I wear? Casual or formal?" Louis then asks, and I am about to answer when Niall snickers. "You'll regret if you don't wear formal."

Louis' brows pinch together as he asks, "How would you know that?"

Niall's eyes suddenly widen, since he probably just realized he said that out loud before blushes and answers "I don't.....just know..?"

"Okay....." Louis says and I glare at Niall when Louis can't see it. He mouths a "sorry" back to me.

"Guess I'll wear something nice then." Louis shrugs before he jumps off to his closet.


We are currently driving on the freeway. My hands are sweating so much, and I can practically feel the sweat dripping down the steering wheel.

Our personal driver is not driving us there, since I thought it would be better this way, more relaxing.

"Where are we going? When will we be there? Are we going to Disney Land?!" Louis interrogates for probably the 30th time in the last 10 minutes.

"It's a surprise and I am not telling you before we get there. So be patient." I say, even though I know that impossible. I mean, we are talking about Louis Tomlinson.

Fifteen minutes, of Louis screaming the lyrics of every song we hear out loud and him asking me every two minutes when we will get there, later, we finally arrive. I hurry out of the car, so I can get to Louis' side and open the door for him.

"Why thank you Hazza." Louis smiles and gets out of the car. "So what are we doing? Where are we even?" He chuckles, looking around like a lost puppy.

"You'll see." I smirk as I take his hand in mine, dragging him with me to where our first destination is at.

We walk a little further until we reach a beach. I smile softly at Louis before I say "Welcome to destination one."

"One? There's more?"

"Yes. You see, this isn't just one date, it's all our dates in one. We will do everything we have done together, as what would feel like dates, since it wasn't dates in the beginning, even though I imagined them to be."

And so this is like when we went surfing. I don't plan on surfing today though, I don't want to repeat the same mistakes I did back then, both with the surfing and with not kissing Louis. No, I have something else planned.

Louis' whole face lights up with joy, and he cups my jaw before pulling me into a sweet and soft kiss. We pull apart and I smile at him.

"So, what are we supposed to do here?" He smiles back.

"We're going swimming." I grin.

"But I don't have trunks with me?" He frowns.

"Me neither." I smirk at him, and he seems to get my point, because he smirks back at me. Suddenly he starts running towards the water, yelling, "Last in the water is a chicken!"

I laugh and follow him. When I reach Louis he's already out of practically all his clothes. I hurry to take mine off as well, but when I'm done Louis is already in the water.

"Ha ha, you're a chicken." He says playfully.

And roll my eyes, smiling like an idiot meanwhile though, and go into the water as well. I swim to where Louis is floating in the water. He stops floating, and wraps his legs around my waist and arms around my neck. We both smile at each other.

I open my mouth, just about to say something, when Louis suddenly pushes his lips onto mine. I can't help but smile into the kiss as I continue to rub my lips against his.

"What was that for?" I chuckle as we pull apart.

"Nothing," Louis says shyly. "I'm just happy. I'm excited."

"I can feel that." I smirk and reach down to quickly touch Louis' hard-on, making him blush a deep shade of red.

"Harry!" He slaps my arm gently. "Sorry." He says looking bashfully up at me through his eyelashes.

"Nothing to be sorry about." I cut in, making him roll his eyes.

"I'm just so physically attracted to you." He says as his fingers trail down my stomach, tracing the outline of my abs, never breaking eye contact. "Not that I am not attracted to you otherwise, 'cause I am, I really really am. You're just such a beautiful human-being, and you can easily get me flustered by just looking at me." He smiles sheepishly.

My heart melts right there and then. Oh God, how I love him.

I cup his jaw and peck his lips quickly before whispering, "I love you Louis. You're the love of my life." And with that, I start kissing him deeper, my hands slowly finding their way to his butt.

[To be continued]


W-count: 1,7k

I know, a proposal might seem rushed, but I think Harry's and Louis' love is at its strongest point right now. And if Larry was married in 2013 irl, then it's pretty comparable. A new chapter will be up soon, with the rest of the date!

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