The Alpha's Little Omega (Seq...

By Blue_Flame24

553K 18.9K 705


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45: Epilogue

The Alpha's Little Omega (Sequel to TALPT)

64K 611 30
By Blue_Flame24

AN:Hey kids I said I would write the sequel in the morning but it is now four o'clock in the afternoon and I have to go back to school tomorrow!!!UGH...God...High school sucks...what the hell is this?LOL anyways I was going to call it the Alpha's Omega but I am reading a story that already has that name so I added the little part.I am in no way attempting to copy her book or what not.I just simply wanted to relate the title to the first book which makes sense because the first book is called The Alpha's Littly Play toy...

Anyways enjoy the story they are in high school obviously!



"So What does this mean? Why is she doing this?" I heard my mom ask Dr. Angelica. I waited outside the door. They didn't know I was there.

"I honestly don't know. This is something the elders would know. All I can say right now is that maybe she has a short attention span. But I am not sure and to be sure you will have to wait for the summer solstice to ask." She sighed.

"What about Jeremy?"

"Another thing to wait. As of right now they are both healthy werewolves. They passed the physicals and everything, and as for the shadows she is seeing...Another thing to ask. I never came across this before. This actually has me just as confused as you are."

"When's the summer solstice?" My mom asked quietly.

"Six days." I heard my father answer. His voice carried no emotion.

"So wait until then as of right now...I can't assume anything."

"Thanks, Angelica." My father said. I took that time to bolt on out of there. I sprinted past maids and butlers going down to the rec room and jumping on the couch. My blond hair whipping Nick in the face.

"Thanks, Court." He said holding his face. I took a deep breath.

"Where have you been?" Austin asked.

"Getting busy." Mitchel said wiggling his eyebrows and then Tyler giving him a high five. Let's get this off my chest right now. We were on summer break from our academy and there my brothers were the "Hot Five" they all had different roles and I knew this because I had girls asking me about them and getting mad at me because my brothers always have time for their little sister.

But anyways; there was Tyler, the oldest of all of us. He was a huge player; well they all were but Tyler was more out front about it. Then Austin, who was a player but he always held girlfriends a bit longer and he was always sweet and caring about it; as caring you can get being a player. Then Jeremy who was the smartest and not a player. He said he was "Saving himself" for his mate which was really nice and cute if you think about it. Then there was Mitchel and Nick. Both exactly the same. Always getting in trouble always pulling pranks and they were just mini Tyler's.

Then you have me. Little Courtland. I wasn't as outgoing but I wasn't quiet. I kind of just kept to myself. I was good in school. Good enough for them to ask me if I wanted to skip a grade but I didn't. I played sports like them but what werewolf doesn't? But I was different I was good at drawing and writing stories. Stories with my happy fairy tale.

Anyways now what they look like.

Tyler was of course strong chiseled jaw dark brown hair and bright blue eyes like my dad, Austin was the exact same as was Mitchel and Nick. They were all splitting images of my dad and each other. Tall, broad shoulders, well built, lean with no fat and the "soft silky hair" all the girls described. Then you have Jeremy and I. Jeremy and I looked like my mom. I had features like my dad but Jeremy and I had the pale skin my mom had and the pale silver hair and the forest gren eyes.

"I was getting busy with no one. I was listening to mom and dad talk about Jerry and I." I said nodding towards Jeremy.

"What? They finally confirmed you both are weird and there is something wrong with you? I always knew." Nick smiled as him and Austin played darts. Tyler sat at the computer, Jeremy sat on the couch with Mitchel and I. The TV was on but it was low and Mitchel was putting tape on his hockey stick.

"That's basically what Angelica said. She said they have to ask the elders on the summer solstice to see.But her voice said she wanted to diagnose me with ADHD or ADD." I sighed.

"Well Courtland have you ever seen yourself? You just blank out in conversations." Austin said.

"No I don't see myself."

"What do you see? Dirty images?Courtland do you have a porn tape rolling through your head?" Tyler grinned turning around. Another thing...they were all dirty minded.

"Tyler shut up before I shove this stick up your ass." I growled. I can be angry and forceful when I wanted to.

"Just wait until the Solstice. The elders will be awakened and yea."

"Hey guys." My mom said coming down. We all looked up at her.

"Come on. I want to show you something." She said gesturing us to come up. They sighed and we followed her.

"Mom what are we doing out here?" Nick asked as we walked through the back yard.

"You guys know so much about your father's history and I realized you know none about mine." She explained.

"Weren't you just a normal wolf?" Jeremy asked.

"No. I was human. Your father turned me into a wolf after...a year of when we were dating."

"Eww mom and dad dating. Gross." Tyler said. My mom laughed and she brought us to a secret path way and into a garden none of us have ever seen before. There was a bench swing and a fountain with roses and tulips every where. It was nice and peaceful out here.

"What's this?" Mitch asked.

"This...Is what your father built for me. It's on the way to the place I want to take you. But that porch swing is where we filled out all your baby books. Where we picked out Tyler, Austin and Jeremy's names. He even had this fountain engraved." She said pointing to a carve in.

"To the love of my life Nirvana Courtland Watson. Love always Ashton Carter." I read softly.

"And now we move on." She smiled taking us further down the path as we went we began hearing horse noises.

"Why do I hear horses? Am I dying!?" Nick exclaimed.

"No...those are my horses." She said pushing open the gate to reveal a brown stable and track.

"Mom you carry a lot of secrets huh?" Austin asked smiling.

"Well I never liked my past history. The only part I loved was my horses." She then whistled and three grown horses came out. One was midnight black, the other was pure white and the final was a black too.

"I did horse back riding competitions. This is my horse Shadow, his wife Buttercup and their little boy Moon." She said rubbing Shadow's mane.

"Mom...were you a nerd back in highschool?" Tyler asked.

"You're so rude." I said rolling my eyes.

"You're so rude." Tyler mocked in a light girl voice. Boys.

"I am going to be completely honest. I was. I did many camps, I was very smart, I was insecure and quiet and got nervous easily. Actually the first time I met your dad I bumped into him and he wasn't the nicest person."

"What'd he do?" I asked.

"I bumped into him and fell because I was small and not strong and he went to help me up but once he touched my hand he felt the sparks, dropped my hand, growled at me and walked away." She laughed.

"And now you have dad whipped." Nick sighed shaking his head.

"I'm not whipped." Dad said pushing open the gate. Shadow jumped into the air happily and he settled back down once dad came.

"Stop lying old man your whipped and you know it." Mitchel laughed.

"Old man? I am technically still a twenty year old looking man."

"Yea but you should be hitting forty." Tyler laughed.

"Do you know a forty year old who looks like me?" As they talked I zoned out. I just stared off in space. I looked past them and into the forest. Something smelt off and I didn't like it. As I stared I saw a black Shadow move. I blinked a few times and saw everyone starring at me.

"Sorry what?" I asked.

"See? You did it again. What is going through your head when that happens?" Tyler asked.

"Tyler be nice to your sister." Mom chided.

"Yea Tyler be ni-Oww." Suddenly I was pushed to the ground.

"Haha she fell! Wait no one pushed her...what?" Nick asked confused.

"What in the world-Oww." I complained again. I was pushed to the other side. I stood up looking around.

"That wasn't me." I said putting my hands up. Suddenly I was lifted. Like I felt hands on my hips. I swatted at them and I heard a grunt. My eyes popped out of my head.

"Let me go." I said swatting around as he brought me higher. My stomach lurched at how high I was. I was terrified of heights.

"Courtland? What are you doing?" My father asked. I cringed away from the ground.

"Ready to go for a ride, princess?" A voice said.

"Who said that?" I looked down and suddenly the hands on my waist were a black shadowy form. I heard a low growl from below and looked down to see everyone not looking at me but past me. I slowly turned to look back and screamed. The shadowy ghostly death like figure that I keep seeing was touching me!

"Let me go, let me go, let me go, let me go." Suddenly I heard a low grunt and I found myself falling. I was about thirty to forty feet up in the air. But my dad caught me and I instantly got out of his arms and clung to the ground.

"Sweet ground...sweet hard ground." I sighed happily gripping the grass lightly.

"Nirvana take Courtland inside and warn everyone. Tyler, Austin and Jeremy go scout, Nick and Mitchel you're with me."

"What? Why can't I come?" I asked standing up fast. But they were already half way into the forest.

"It's because I'm an Omega." I growled.

"Honey it's not that. I'm not going." She said trying to make me feel better by ushering me inside.

"But that's because he's your mate and the Luna and he doesn't want you hurt." I growled once I got in I went upstairs to my room slamming my door shut.

Damn Omega's.


I stayed in my room the whole night not really knowing what went on. But I was called at nine for I am guessing everything went alright. I went downstairs still pissed off. I had on a tank top and my comfy ice hockey track suit pants and I went downstairs walking past maids and butlers again who were surprised at how mad I was.

I plopped down in my seat with my arms folded staring at the water glass like I wanted to kill it.

" about if looks could kill..." Nick said.

"Shut up, Nick." I growled.

"Courtland." My mother chided. I didn't say anything I just shook my head as all the pack members sat food was on my plate. But I was too angry I didn't eat any of it.

"Courtland you have to eat." My mom said as she sat next to me.

"Okay fine. I will eat like how the Omega eats." I heard my father sigh and some people stopped eating. I felt there eyes on me.

"The Omega eats-I researched it seeing as I have nothing better to do with my life-and they eat small portions. You know because they are small, weak, not fast and usually really intelligent and quiet. So they eat small portions so they can get out of large crowded areas quickly." I explained. I took one piece of lettuce and one piece of chicken and ate it.

"This is also how models and anorexic people eat but then again I guess it doesn't matter because being the Omega means no one cares nor does anyone want you in the pack. So I shall forever stay here because people will just make fun of me and never accept me into a pack." I said ranting actually feeling breathless.

"Courtland." My mom said.

"Know what? I'm not even hungry. So I will just pass on this leaving it to the other werewolves who are much more important than me." I said growling angrily. I got up slamming my napkin down and walking away.

"Courtland." My father's voice warned. I heard the alpha tone in it. And I wanted ot keep walking but I didn't. I balled my fists turning angrily.

"Yes." I said not meeting his eyes.

"Sit back down. And eat." He said.

"I am not hungry." I said. But my wolf was starving. I was going to dig into that meal but I wasn't in the mood. I turned on my heels and went upstairs going into my room once again.

Nirvana's POV:

I stopped eating and sighed running a hand through my hair. I picked up her plate and put all of her favourite foods on it.

"If I go up there she will rip my head off." Ashton said. I heard the sadness in his voice. I know he wanted to take her with him but an Omega never traveled with an alpha.

"I know. She needs to eat though.She can say she's not hungry but I know deep down she would be stuffing her face in food." I smiled grabbing her a bottle of water.

"Would you like me to bring that to her Ms?" James asked me.

"I got it James. Thank you though." I walked upstairs lightly knocking on her door.

"Come in." She said. I opened it slightly to see her sitting at her desk looking at her computer.

"I know you said you weren't hungry but I know deep down you are." I said laying the plate by her. I saw her pick up her fork and begin eating. I sat on her bed looking at the family picture we took of us in the winter playing outside. They were young and they wanted a snow ball fight.

"I know you're angry at your father. But you know he loves you."

"No he doesn't. No Alpha travels with an Omega. He is disgraced when I am with him. So I might as well just hide up in my room."

"You're beautiful and smart. Of course he wants you by his side. He wanted to take you but being an Omega to enemies means they come after you first. And he can't lose you honey. You're his only daughter." She didn't say anything and I kissed her head and walked back downstairs.


AN:Okay that was just a little info chapter of what is going on.This chapter is a love story between an Omega-Courtland- and a badass Alpha-That is soon to come- it is not about this but the first chapter will be explaining this chapter further.

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