
By izzyb1027

20.3K 597 156

Emma is a 'anti-social' 15 year old girl, she cannot speak in public or barely at all for that matter. She is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

189 18 9
By izzyb1027

-- I am such a liar... Such a liar. Whoever has stayed with me for all this time I love you. I will update. I will update again. I will stay up I will finish this chapter and chapter 21 by tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon I don't know. Sometime tomorrow. I promise. I will not fail you guys again. Enjoy. (Sorry if there is too much detail xD ((probably not)))-- **update**  -- okay wow lied again, sorry people tomorrow after school I will update but I was working on an english project all afternoon today...--

Chapter 20

        I suppose I didn't have to run, but I wanted to feel the wind rushing past my face. The invigorating  air coming in through my mouth. It really was what I needed. I entered the woods cautiously, gazing around and listening heedfully wanting to hear something rather than the eerie silence. Well, aside from my feet touching the ground and the occasional twig snapping.

        The path was more faded than the last time I visited, I thought slowing down. As I had come to a stop I crouched down touching the rough soil, dragging my long, skinny fingers across it. Standing up and walking forward I was processing my own thoughts about random things. One of them being that I don't remember the path being this long... I looked back at where I came from, realizing I hadn't walked more than thirty feet. It felt like I had been out for at LEAST fifteen minutes... No way only thirty feet was all I came. Slowly turning my head back around, I saw the opening that I.... Must have missed before? Maybe staying inside for too long messed with my head.

       I began walking faster towards it wanting the nightmare I had to disappear. When I came to the opening I sort of, might of, covered my eyes. I wasn't prepared really. Looking through the gap inbetween my fingers I saw the pond still there, in place, the water still blue. It looked the same but felt different. 

        I walked to the water seeing my reflection in it. Seeing my face reminded me of that stupid picture of me on that website. I clenched my teeth and tightened my fists, closing my eyes. I took a deep breath to calm myself but it made me even more frustrated, I opened my eyes and kicked the water where my reflection was as hard as I could. Some noise made my eyes snap open and widen. I looked around to see nothing, to be honest? I was completely confused.

        So I looked back at the pond. The rippling water matching my eyes. I leaned on my knees touching the icy water, my hands growing cold from the nervous thoughts. I was trying my best not to freeze the water, when I felt my heart almost stop. I ripped my hand from the waterhole, eyes bulging, heart racing. The water... Felt as if it was breathing. 

        I really wish I wasn't so curious sometimes. Brushing off the shock, I crawled toward the water again slowly. I didn't exactly want to touch it again so I placed my hand above the water and gently closed my eyes. At first I was shaking so I didn't really feel anything but once I became more... Tranquil, I felt it. Soft air pushing from the pond. I didn't know what to think, I looked at my profile through the mirroring pond seeing a shadow flicker behind me before I momentarily blanked. 

        A minute passes before I regain my mind really, I can't breathe. The power... Gone? Is that what brought me here? More importantly what the hell pushed me in!? I guess it really doesn't matter, I flipped in the water looking at the sun, watching the air bubbles float up as I pushed a tiny bit of air out. I need to get out of here... Panicking slightly, I didn't know what to do. So my mind began spiraling down slowly. Thoughts like: 

        'What's the point?' 'I'm too far down...' 'Not enough air' and 'No one would care,' were popping into my brain. I had lost hope, I had no faith. So I smiled knowing that death was near and let myself go. 

-Nate's P.O.V.-

        I know she went there! I know she did! I couldn't find her anywhere in the house or on the street in the yard and I expected the worst. She hasn't left the house in ages why now!? Am I too late? Oh Emma. I was sprinting over my neighbors lawns jumping over obstacles wanting to find her as soon as possible.

        Running to the forest I found the barely visible path. Running over rocks and jumping branches, it felt like my lungs were about to explode. I was too out of it to notice how bad it hurt. Actually I was so 'out of it' I fell. I really fell hard. My foot caught on a branch and I slammed into the ground causing a few birds to fly from the trees. I moaned in pain for a while before grunting and getting myself back up.

        Looking down at myself my shirt was torn and my knee was bleeding through my blue jeans. Great, I thought and ignored most of the pain and began running again. Seeing the opening I thought 'damn I got here quick.' I jogged to a stop and looked around. 

        She wasn't here. I put my head in my hands stupid thoughts going into and out of my brain. I am too late... I looked around again, turning away from the pond. Examining my surrounding when I heard bubbles pop. I looked at the pool of water seeing the consistent flow of bubbles then a stop.

        "Oh my fff-" I whispered and cut myself off diving into the water. There wasn't enough light because of how early it was, but was able to catch a glimpse of her. My Emma. She's not going yet. I kicked harder and swam faster. I'm not letting her go so easy! I finally managed to grab her, she just let herself... I furrowed my brows underwater and realizing she was unconscious, hurried.

        A few minutes later I pulled her up, pushing her on land and pulling myself from the water. Going to her side I put an ear to her mouth and she wasn't breathing. I began to do chest compression when I felt someone watching me, determined to save her, I ignored it. I have done 30 and still no breathing. I refrained myself from stressing and tilted Emma's head back, and pinched her nose.

    I took a deep breath and began mouth to mouth... Two breaths and back to chest compression... This continued till the third time around when I felt her breathing normally again... I sighed relieved and put my head in my hands.

"Why do you go to so much trouble to save her...?" He chuckled, I turned to look at him as he blew out a puff of smoke.

I clenched my teeth and stood. Glaring at him sharply I walked straight up to him. Quickly drawing my fist back I growled as I slugged Emma's dad. Hard.

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