Married to a Marine ✔️

By PitchSlapped2208

31.8K 825 142

Chloe is engaged to Beca who is in the Marine Corp. Join our favourite couple as they tackle the hardships of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 7

1.4K 34 2
By PitchSlapped2208

Beca would be leaning against the open front door, glancing over at the cab driver putting a thumbs up before looking back in the house. "Chlo, you ready? The cab's here!", she'd shout up the stairs while looking down at her watch to see the time.

"Well, you only gave me half an hour to get ready Mitchell!", Chloe would shout back down to her as she'd slip on her other heel, now making her way out of the bedroom.

"It's just a stupid dinner", Beca would mumble as she'd hear the heels clicking against the floorboards. She'd watch Chloe as the redhead would now make her way down the stairs in a long emerald green dress paired with black heels, her hair up in a perfectly messy bun and just enough makeup to show off her features.

"It is not a stupid dinner", Chloe would point her purse in the direction of the marine who'd smirk back at her. "You are getting a promotion", Chloe would quickly glance at herself in the mirror before standing closely in front of Beca. "Plus all of your superiors will be there so we need to look presentable", she'd tighten and tidy Beca's tie before pecking the brunette on the cheek.

"Yeah, yeah", Beca would grab Chloe's hand now leading her out of the house and closing the door behind them both. "Let's just get this over with so I can take this stupid monkey suit off", she'd laugh as she'd then help her fiance into the cab, holding open the door for her.

"Well I for one think you look very smart", she'd brush off a piece of dust from Beca's shoulder before leaning in closely to whisper in her ear, "and incredibly sexy". She'd nibble on the marine's earlobe sending a shiver down Beca's spine before bending down to get into the cab.


As soon as Beca and Chloe arrived to the presentation dinner they were led straight to their table, where they met up with Jesse and Aubrey. "Hey Captain", Jesse would smirk standing up now to shake Beca's hand. He'd move to hug Chloe next to her before sitting back down followed by the couple.

"Hey everyone", Beca would smile at the two of them before nodding her heads at the other couples sat around the table.

"Are you nervous?", Aubrey would smile over at her.

"Uhm..", Beca would look around the room, glancing over at Chloe as she'd feel her move her hand to rest on the redhead's knee. "Nope, I'm all good", she'd wink at Chloe before leaning in to peck her lips softly.

"I'm proud of you baby", Chloe would whisper.

"I love you", Beca would kiss her again quickly as the presentation would now start.

Chloe, Jesse and Aubrey would all cheer and applaud along with the rest of the room as the presentations would be handed out to the soldiers on the night. They'd stand up as they'd watch the young brunette walk on to the stage, shake hands with the Colonel before waiting as a medal was placed next to the others pinned to her uniform.

After the dinner, music started to play as most of the people would now start to drink and dance on the small dance floor situated in front of the stage. Beca would walk back over to Chloe holding two drinks for them both, she'd smile as she'd watch her fiance sway gently to the music.

"Mitchell!", Beca would turn around to see Luke walking towards her. "Or should I say Captain Mitchell now?", he'd smirk as he'd shake her hand, squeezing it.

"I like the sound of that", Chloe would mumble before taking a sip of her drink and smiling.

"Thanks Commander", she'd smile at him before putting her hand on the small of Chloe's back. "This is my fiance Chloe Beale"

"Soon to be Chloe Mitchell", she'd shake Luke's hand, smiling brightly.

"I like the sound of that", Beca would mumble before winking at Chloe and moving her hand smoothly down Chloe's dress to squeeze her ass.

"I think Ashley is around here somewhere, she said she was coming tonight to see you", Luke would look around the room now as he'd put his hands in his pockets.

"Who's Ashley?", Chloe would ask as she'd furrow her eyebrows, taking another sip of her drink now.

"Ashley is my sister but was also one of the main doctors on base when we was deployed", Luke would smile as he'd wave his hand in the air to signal at someone.

"She was assigned to our team when we was on missions", Beca would smile softly at Chloe before turning her head to see Ashley walking over to them wearing a short black dress and heels, her long blonde hair straight as it would cascade down her back.

"Mitchell! Oh my god!", Ashley would run the rest of the small distance before falling into Beca's arms and squeezing her tightly. "I am so proud of you!", she'd giggle as she'd pull away and stand next to her brother.

"Forgot to mention that she is massive on hugs and stuff like that", Luke would smirk as he'd pick up his beer from the table next to them.

"It's uh.. Nice to meet you, I'm-", Chloe would hold her hand out to shake but would be interrupted by Ashley who'd pull her in for a hug.

"You must be Chloe! I've heard so much about you!", Ashley would smile pulling away again before nudging Beca who'd be smiling at the two of them.

"Try not to smother her on the first meet Ash, okay?", Beca would laugh along with the brother and sister duo as she'd move to put her arm around Chloe's waist again.

"Ash?", Chloe would whisper with her eyebrow raised in Beca's direction before picking up her drink again.

"Sorry, you know what I'm like", Ashley would roll her eyes at herself still smiling as she'd be handed a drink by her brother. "How have you been since you've been home? Have you had anymore nightmares?", she'd ask the marine.

Chloe would choke slightly on her drink, quietly enough for only her and Beca to hear before she'd clear her throat to listen to Beca's answer. "I uh.. I've been fine", Beca would force a smile at them all.

"You know you can talk to me if you need to, right? Like we used to when we was out there-", Ashley would reach out to place her hand on top of Beca's, smiling softly at her.

"I think I'm gonna go and dance with my fiance for a bit, guys", Beca would move her hand where Ashley's was touching. She'd put hers and Chloe's drinks down on the table before grabbing her hand to walk towards the dancefloor. A slow song would start and so Beca would put her arms around Chloe's waist, who'd automatically move to rest her hands on the brunette's shoulders.

"Ash? Nightmares? Late night talks?", Chloe would mumble quietly enough for just them two to hear as she'd avoid looking at Beca. "Didn't realise you two were so close", she'd smirk as she'd feel her jealousy start to bubble up inside her.

"Don't start Chlo", Beca would roll her eyes.

"What do you mean 'don't start'? You had a go at me for being friends with a guy at work today", Chloe would start to say still trying to keep her voice down and force a smile on her face so no-one noticed their argument.

"That's different", Beca would look at Chloe now, "The guy was sending me glares and everything when I caught you two today"

"Caught us?", Chloe would squint her eyes in frustration, gritting her teeth now as she'd try to keep her anger down again. "It's not as if we was fucking in my classroom Beca"

"And there is nothing going on with Ashley", Beca would glare back at her, feeling the same anger now.

"Well she's making it sound as if you two would stay up at night and talk about the nightmares and other problems you might be having", Chloe would glance back over at Ashley to see her talking to Jesse and Aubrey now.

"You want to know what we did at night while everyone went to sleep?", Beca would tilt Chloe's chin so she was facing her again. "I would tell her stories about you or us", she'd move her hand to rest on Chloe's back again as the two would continue to dance.

"Us?", Chloe would whisper looking into Beca's eyes.

"Like the first time I met you or when we moved in together or when I proposed to you", Beca would run her thumb softly over the small of Chloe's back as she'd watch her fiance start to smile again.

"That is to date my most favourite day", she'd smile back at Beca, thinking back to that day.


Chloe would be pottering around the house keeping herself busy to avoid thinking about what day it was. As she'd close the fridge door, after putting the last of the groceries away, she'd look at the calendar to see the date; February 15th. Beca was due home today but because of how late her flight was coming home it meant that they wouldn't be able to celebrate Valentine's Day together.

In the 4 years that the couple have now been together they had not missed a Valentine's Day. At first Beca didn't want to do anything for that particular day, but as usual she was persuaded by Chloe. Ever since they first got together they have made sure to make that day special, especially since Beca started training and then being deployed.

Chloe checked the time on her phone again.


Beca said she would hopefully be home around 3pm, after she had picked Jackson up from the vet after he spent his yearly check-up overnight. Chloe went into the living room and sat in the small sofa that was situated in the bay window, so she could look out and wait for Beca to come home.

Beca would nervously pull up outside of the house with Jesse and Aubrey in the back and Jackson excitedly bouncing around in the passenger seat. She'd take another deep breath as she'd look over her shoulder to see them both smiling, as Aubrey would be holding their newborn baby girl in her arms.

"You ready?", Jesse would put his hand on her shoulder as she'd nod her head before looking over at the house she shared with Chloe.

"Yeah", she'd go to open the car door, stopping to look back round at Jesse. "You got your camera ready?"

"Yeah, let's go", he'd smirk as he'd climb out of the car now before helping Aubrey.

"Okay", she'd take a final deep breath as she'd let Jackson out of the car. Walking up to the front door now she'd put her hand in her pocket to check that the ring was still there. Jackson would be barking and jumping up at her as she'd sling her bag over her shoulder more, before opening the front door. "Chlo?", she'd speak loudly as she'd drop her bag by the front door.

Beca had only been away for 6 weeks on a final training programme with the Marines. However, any time Beca wasn't within a short distance Chloe hated it. Beca would smile as she'd hear Chloe race off of the sofa, running into the hallway by the front door and jumping unexpectedly onto Beca, causing her to fall. She'd be laying on her back laughing, as Chloe would now be straddling her, peppering her face all over with kisses. Jackson would then run over and start licking Beca's face making her laugh even more as she'd try to push him away.

"Jackson stop", Chloe would laugh as she'd start cuddling him but also pushing him away so that the couple could stand back up. "Hey baby", she'd step closer to Beca after the two of them would get up, wrapping her arms around the marine's shoulders.

"Hey beautiful", Beca would lean in to kiss the redhead passionately now, holding her close around the waist as she'd pull her in so their bodies were flush against each other.

"Get a room!", Jesse would yell from the pathway leading to the house. The couple would turn around a little, looking out of the open front door to see Jesse and Aubrey walking up the path now.

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?", Chloe would run out of the house straight to Aubrey to start fussing over little Sarah in her mother's arms.

"We uh..", Jesse would look over to Beca for help who would be glaring back at him. "We came to see Beca, knowing she was coming back today", he'd smile feeling relieved.

"Awh, how sweet", she'd smile up at Jesse before glancing over at Beca who'd be leaning against the front door, with Jackson sat next to her. "Let's go inside and I'll fix us all some drinks"

After everyone had settled in the living room, Chloe would move to go and make drinks for them all in the kitchen. Jackson would follow after her, hoping to have his food bowl topped up. Chloe would grab some glasses from the cupboard after putting some food in Jackson's bowl and filling up his water. "Hey Chlo, the guy at the vet said he updated Jackson's tag on his collar for you", Beca would shout from the other room.

"Huh?", Chloe would close the fridge after taking out the carton of juice. "But I didn't ask him to change it", she'd mumble to herself while putting the carton on the side. She'd continue to feel confused as she'd bend down to look at Jackson's collar. As she'd lean in closer to read the engraving she'd raise her eyebrows feeling even more confused.

Yes or No?

Chloe would walk quickly into the living room, "Becs? What's going-", she'd stop herself as she'd see Beca down on one knee holding up a small box with a diamond ring placed inside.

"Marry me?", Beca would smile up at her girlfriend as she'd watch her walk closer with her hand covering her mouth.

"Yes! Yes!", Chloe would have both hands covering her mouth now as she got close enough to see the beauty of the ring. Beca would hear the sound of the camera snapping as she'd look into Chloe's eyes, before standing up. She'd hear another snap of the camera as she'd take the ring out of the box and would slide it onto Chloe's finger.

Looking up into Chloe's tear filled eyes Beca wouldn't be able to wipe the smile off of her face. "I love you Chloe Beale"

"Soon to be Chloe Mitchell", she'd bite down on her lip slightly as she'd look down at the ring on her finger before stepping forward again. She'd place her hands on Beca's shoulders as she'd pull the Marine in for a deep passionate kiss, hearing another snap of the camera as she'd feel Beca kiss her back.

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