Jump Then Fall

By fandomlxcked

10.7K 497 88

Elsa is an independent Scottish woman that moves to London, only to find one of life's greatest adventures in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46

Chapter 45

159 10 2
By fandomlxcked

"REALLY!?" She screeched and threw the paper she was reading on the ground.
"What is it?" John burst into the living room, hearing the commotion.
"Look at this!" Elsa kicked the news across the room to him.
He glanced down and read the headline, "'Holmes has a mystery girl?'"
"Keep reading,"
"'Sherlock Holmes, the crime-solving detective, and his side-kick, John Watson were spotted by a crime scene. Nothing unusual about that. Except for the fact that an unidentified red headed female was with the duo, hanging on very closely to our new favorite Internet celebrity, intent on not revealing her face. Could Sherlock Holmes be in a relationship with this veiled woman? Read more on page 5.'" John looked up to see Elsa's face oozing annoyance.
"Mystery girl? Does the press always have to pair people together!? And me with Sherlock!? WHY!?"
"To be fair, you were holding on to him…"
"Shut up, John!" She snatched the paper from the ground.
Sherlock exited his cave of a room, "Why is there yelling!?"
"Look at this!" Elsa chucked the paper straight at Sherlock's face.
He caught it before he was hit, and glanced down to read, "Utter rubbish," he said nonchalantly while crumpling up the news.
"Excuse me!?"
Sherlock turned to face the enraged Elsa, "It's rubbish. The press need to sell something, so they print." She made a very large sound of annoyance and he looked at Elsa oddly, "This really shouldn't mean that much to you,"
"Well, it does, because I'm only human, and if somebody is going to be writing an article about who I'm seeing, they should at least get the guy right!" John chuckled while Sherlock looked very confused. She huffed, "Meaning NOT YOU!"
He was taken aback. Usually Sherlock was the one to this, not the other way around. Especially from Elsa, she was too nice. Obviously there was something more than she was letting on.

"The door was… the door was…" the mysterious overweight man passed out onto the floor, making a huge thunking noise. Elsa ran up to him to make sure the man okay.

“Boys! You’ve got another one!” Mrs. Hudson yelled while helping Elsa drag the man to the couch.

 She could hear the two flat mates running up the stairs. They came to a halt and Sherlock observed the situation in front of him.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“This guy just walked into the flat and fainted. Supposedly the door was open,” Elsa answered quickly before Mrs. Hudson could say a word. Sherlock might get upset and throw a tantrum if he knew that she had been cleaning out the nasty stuff he stored in the fridge.

 They waited a while for the man to wake up before Sherlock decided to get bored and slap the poor guy’s face.

“Tell us from the start, and don’t be boring,” he said pacing around the living room while John and Elsa sat in their designated chairs. They listened to the man, named Phil, for his entire story. Sherlock decided to take the case, but pulled Elsa aside, “This man is an idiot for thinking that he might be a suspected murder. JOHN! You’re going to the crime scene!”

 ~flash forward a few~

 Sherlock Holmes was only wearing a bedsheet, which was making Elsa considerably uncomfortable as she tried to avert her eyes from him and comfort Phil at the same time. She could also clearly hear Mrs. Hudson storming up the stair case followed by a few other sets of feet.

“Sherlock! You weren’t answering your doorbell!”

The leader of the group of men spoke, “His room’s through the back. Get him some clothes.”

“Who the hell are you?” both Sherlock and Elsa said at the same time.

“Sorry, Mr Holmes. You’re coming with us,” one of the men entered the living room again and dropped a pile of clothes and a pair of shoes in front of the detective, “Please, Mr Holmes. Where you’re going, you’ll want to be dressed.”

Sherlock smiled, “Oh, I know exactly where I’m going. Elsa, get your bag.”

 “No civilians Mr Holmes,”

 “Then no Mr Holmes,” he quickly replied without a thought, “Miss Wiggens will accompany me.”

 The man grumbled but allowed Elsa to pass by after Sherlock.

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