Once Upon Another Time...

By Phantomphanfiction

27K 974 72

Sequel to "Erik my Angel" and "Christine my Flower". What how Erik and Christine live out their lives. How th... More

Chapter 1; Christine's POV
Chapter 2; Erik's POV
Chapter 3: Christine's POV
Chapter 4: Christine's POV
Chapter 5;Erik's POV
Chapter 6;Christine's POV
Chapter 7;Erik's POV
Chapter 8; Christine's POV
Chapter 9;Erik's POV
Chapter 10;Erik's POV
Chapter 12; Christine's POV
Chapter 13; Erik's POV
Chapter 14; Christines POV
Chapter 15; Erik's POV
Chapter 16; Christine's POV
Chapter 17;Erik's POV
Chapter 18; Christine's pov
Chapter 19; Erik's POV
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Erik's pov
Chapter 22 Erik's Pov
Chapter 23; Christine's POV
Chapter 24; Christine's POV
Chapter 25 Christine's pov
Chapter 26; Erik's pov
Chapter 27; Christine's POV
Chapter 28; Erik's POV
Chapter 29; Christine's
Chapter 30; Erik's POV
Chapter 31; Christine's POV
Chapter 32; Erik's POV
Chapter 33; Christine's pov
Chapter 34; Erik's pov

Chapter 11;Christine's POV

814 29 2
By Phantomphanfiction

Erik and I were warming up by the fire. My teeth were audibly chattering. Erik's protective arms were around me. He looked down at me in concern.

"Christine, I think we should get you to a doctor.

Erik, I'm f-f-fine. Just a l-little cold.

I know, but you're having a baby.

You need a checkup. Make sure you're healthy.

Alright. Tomorrow we can go.


He kissed my head and smiled. Just then we heard a crash from above us. I tensed up and Erik's grip on me tightened.

"Erik. What was that?"

I whispered urgently. I was fearful. What if they were tearing the theatre apart? What if we were discovered. We both looked up at the ceiling as we heard more crashing and muffled voices calling to one-another.

"I don't know. Don't worry Christine. I will keep you safe. Nothing's going to happen to you. I promise."

He squeezed me again and I buried my face into his chest.

"It'll be fine. I promise. He seemed a bit frightened of the note I left, I think he'll be willing to work with us. It'll all be fine."

He cooed as he cradled me in his arms like a child. I looked up at him and kissed his jaw.

"You're going to be a wonderful father Erik."

I squeezed him and buried my face into his chest again.

"And you are going to be a fantastic mother. I just know it."

He whispered into me ear. I jumped at the sound of the tea kettle whistling.

"It's alright love."

He kissed my cheek as he pulled me off of him and stood up. I was swaddled in a blanket, much like an infant as I watched Erik prepare our tea. His movements were so graceful. He seemed to float through the air. It was hypnotic, just like his voice. I sat up straight as he strolled over with our cups. He held mine out to me. I dug my hands from the blanket and took it from him. He climbed under the blanket with me. We drank our tea and snuggled. He looked at me in adoration, a gleam in his eye. We chatted about little things. He caressed my stomach as we talked.

"I know it's early, but it wouldn't hurt to talk about names, would it?

Of course not.

Well, what do you like? I'm quite fond of Erik Destler the second."

He joked.

"Well, for a girl I think Rosalie is pretty.

Very pretty. I like that as well. What if it's a boy?

Gustave. After my father.

Gustave Destler. Hmm it has a nice ring. Not as nice as Erik the second, but I like it.

Are you sure?

Yes dear. Of course."

He kissed my forehead.

"Rosalie Destler... Gustave Destler.

Both beautiful names."

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