Married to a Marine ✔️

By PitchSlapped2208

31.8K 825 142

Chloe is engaged to Beca who is in the Marine Corp. Join our favourite couple as they tackle the hardships of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

2.4K 55 11
By PitchSlapped2208

Chloe would be sat on Beca's lap as they'd be sat in the back garden on the porch enjoying a hot drink with Jesse and Aubrey who were still here. Sarah was inside having a nap on the sofa as it is now getting late and Jackson is sat by Beca's feet, not leaving her side from the moment she got home.

Chloe would be sat across Beca's legs, cuddled into her as Beca would be sat back in the chair her arms wrapped around the redhead. She'd absentmindedly move her fingers across Chloe's lower leg as her hands would rest there while talking to the couple sat opposite them. "Has everything been okay here at home?", Beca would glance from Aubrey to Chloe who was sipping on her hot chocolate.

"Yeah, nothing has changed really. Sarah was starting to get to the point she always does when you've been away", Aubrey would put her hand on Jesse's chest looking up at him. He'd nod looking away at the floor for a second before glancing up at Beca.

"Are you going to tell them then about what happened?", Jesse would sip on his own drink now watching Aubrey and Chloe both sit up straight and stare at Beca for an answer.

"Are you okay?", Aubrey would ask moving closer to Jesse as she'd start feeling cold.

"What's going on?", Chloe would look worried.

"Okay, well I'm actually being promoted to Captain", she'd squeeze Chloe's side now as she'd smile up at her, watching the worried look disappear instantly as she'd share her news.

"Oh my god", Chloe would wrap her arms around Beca's neck hugging her tight before pulling away to kiss her deeply. "A captain huh?", Chloe would bite her lip as she'd show a look of lust towards the brunette who'd lean in again to kiss her.

"Can we kick these out yet?", Beca would mumble before kissing her fiance again while pulling her closer.

"Message received loud and clear Cap", Jesse would smirk while standing up with Aubrey, causing the two girls to pull away from each other immediately.

"I'll see you tomorrow afternoon Bree", Chloe would hug Aubrey as they'd make their way back into the house.

"What's tomorrow?", Beca would ask as she'd follow behind them alongside Jesse.

"We're having a BBQ to celebrate you both coming home", Aubrey would smile back at Beca before walking into the front room with Jesse to get Sarah.

Beca would grab Chloe by the waist, moving her hands slowly down so they'd rest on her bum, squeezing it slightly making her laugh and push Beca away. "Keep your hands to yourself soldier"

"Come on, I have been away for 5 months", Beca would hold her hand now looking the redhead up and down. "I can't wait to make you scream-"

"Can you at least wait until we leave?", Jesse would pat her on the shoulder laughing as he'd hold Sarah against his chest using his other arm.

Chloe would wink at Beca before walking to the front door to let Jesse and Aubrey out, Jackson hot on everyone's tail wanting to say his own farewell. "See you tomorrow then guys", Beca would put her hand in the air to say goodbye as she'd lean against the front door.

Chloe would take the door from Beca closing it after they watched the young family walk over to their car. She'd instantly turn around leaning back against the door as Beca's hands would come up quickly to rest either side of her head, trapping her so she couldn't move. "Finally", Chloe would whisper as she'd pull Beca in by her shirt kissing her hard and full of passion while Beca would move one hand down to rest on Chloe's waist.

"One of the hardest parts of being away is-", Beca would rest her forehead against Chloe as she'd speak to her, getting interrupted by Chloe lifting one leg up to wrap around Beca's waist, causing them to press their bodies together closer.

"Sex now... talk later", Chloe would smile as she'd now put her arms around Beca's neck. Giggling as she'd feel Beca put her hands under her legs and lift her so that she could then carry her upstairs to the bedroom. The whole journey to the bedroom Beca would be kissing Chloe's neck finding the spot she knew always turned Chloe on, as the redhead would move her fingers through Beca's hair.

As they'd reach the bedroom Beca would carefully place Chloe down on the bed. She'd grab her army cap from on top of her bag, leading Jackson so he was outside of the room. "You know the rules buddy", she'd place the hat on the outside door handle to their bedroom before shutting the door, leaving him outside.


The next morning Beca would be woken up by the soft noise of Chloe singing while in the shower in their en-suite bathroom. She'd smile as she'd rub her eyes and sit up in bed, grabbing her phone from the side to check the time. As she'd notice the time reading '10:34am', the door to the en-suite would open and Beca would look up to see Chloe walk out in one of Beca's army training tops which was two sizes too big on both girls so it stopped just below her bum.

Beca would put an arm behind her head as she'd see Chloe smile in her direction as she'd be towel drying her hair a little while walking. "This is a better sight to wake up to compared to the last few months", she'd smirk.

"Well get to used to it cause I'm not letting you leave anymore", Chloe would wink at her while getting out some clothes to wear for the day. "Now get up we need to get the garden set up and food prepped before everyone turns up", she'd wave her hand at Beca in a motion for her to move from the bed.

"Who is coming round exactly?", Beca would move out of bed, pecking Chloe on the cheek as she'd walk past her.

"Both of our parents, Jesse and Aubrey, my brother, your sister and the kids obviously as well", Chloe would start to get dressed now as she'd watch Beca look through the wardrobe at her clothes hung up. "What's wrong baby?", she'd pull her blouse over her head after putting a pair of bright blue jeans on, now walking over to stand behind Beca placing her hand on Beca's forearm.

"I just don't know what to wear", Beca would smirk glancing over at Chloe before looking back at the rail of clothes. "I guess I've gotten used to wearing camouflage for so long that I have no idea what to put on", she'd shrug her shoulders taking out a pair of black ripped jeans from the hanger.

"Okay so black jeans, then pick a flannel top and wear a black or grey vest underneath", she'd walk over to the drawers now taking out two vests of different colours to put on the bed for Beca to choose from. "We just need to take things one step at a time", she'd smile softly in Beca's direction who'd smile back at her walking over to the bed holding the clothes she'd wear.

"I love you"

"I love you too baby", she'd peck her lips softly as they'd meet each other at the end of the bed. "Okay so you get dressed then make the bed while I start prepping the food downstairs", she'd start walking out of the room now.

"Yes ma'am", Beca would laugh to herself starting to get changed now.

A short while later after Beca had tidied upstairs, she'd come down and into the kitchen where she'd greet Jackson who had his head deep inside his food bowl. "Next job?", she'd grab a piece of fruit from the bowl on top of the kitchen counter, biting into it as she'd watch Chloe prep some food.

"I need you to get the barbeque ready and get the chairs out of the shed at the bottom of the garden so that we have enough seats for everyone", Chloe would smile to herself as she'd feel Beca stand closely behind her, moving her hair away so her neck was exposed.

"You're so sexy when you're bossing me around", Beca would whisper against Chloe's neck before leaning in closer to kiss slowly on her neck moving up towards her ear.

"Your parents are going to be here soon", Chloe would try to resist against Beca but would find herself moving her head to the side so Beca was able to get better access.

"But we haven't caught up fully yet", Beca would smirk moving her head away now but keeping her body still close to Chloe's.

Turning around after putting down the utensils, Chloe would place her hands on Beca's chest grabbing the collar of her shirt. "You need to calm down", Chloe would peck her on the lips before pushing her back again laughing lightly, "Now go, I'll come help you once I'm done in here"

"Fine but you owe me Beale", she'd lean in to kiss Chloe again quickly before walking off towards the kitchen. "Jax! Come on boy", she'd shout for Jackson who'd look up instantly hearing his name before running to find Beca.

Half an hour later Beca would find herself walking towards the front door following Chloe after hearing the doorbell ring. She'd brace herself for screams and hugs as Chloe would open the door, holding onto Jackson's collar, to show Beca's parents Ben and Kate. Kate would instantly run and pull Beca in for a tight hug, trying to hold back the tears. "I'm so glad you're safe Beca", she'd mumble against Beca's shoulder who'd smile rubbing her hand up and down her mother's back.

"I'm okay Mom", she'd pull her off of herself, still holding onto her hands as her Mom would move back to smile at her. Glancing over her Mom's shoulder she'd notice her Dad, Ben, stood with his hands in his pockets after putting down a crate of beer by the front door. "Hello sir", she'd shake his hand, her smile disappearing quickly as she'd look up into her father's stern gaze that welcomed her back.

"How was it over there?", Ben would ask as Kate and Chloe would move into the kitchen after greeting each other. He'd pick up the crate of beer again as Beca would lead him out into the garden, shortly followed by Jackson.

"It was tough", she'd sigh walking out onto the garden porch, "Lost a couple of good soldiers but got the job done that was needed of me", she'd nod her head at him as he'd hand her a beer after emptying them into an ice bucket.

"How long are you home for sweetie?", Kate would walk out holding a tray of food to put onto the barbeque, followed by Chloe who was carrying the same.

"I've been told around 9-12 months but nothing is ever 100%", she'd watch them place the trays down, noticing the slight change in Chloe's expression when she spoke about being home.

"Emily is looking forward to seeing you, and the kids as well", Kate would sit next to her husband now, smiling brightly up at her daughter who was leaning against the wooden railing at the end of the porch.

"I bet the kids have grown twice the size since I've seen them", Beca would sip on her beer again, watching Chloe walk around to stand next to her. She'd put her arm behind the redhead as she'd stand close to her. "How are they doing at-"

"What was your number this time round?", Ben would speak up interrupting his daughter as he'd still show no real emotion on his face.

"Ben, please I don't think we should talk about that right now", Kate would look over at her husband.

Beca would look down at the floor trying to get rid of the horrible thoughts of her killing enemy soldiers while away on tour. She'd vaguely hear her parents argue in the background as she'd close her eyes to try and take away the picture of seeing bodies fall to the floor after pulling the trigger of her gun. Feeling someone touch her shoulder she'd jump in surprise, dropping her bottle and hearing it smash on the floor as she'd look up to see Chloe with a shocked expression on her face.

"Shit", she'd look down at the smashed glass on the decking below her before looking over at her parents who'd be sat in silent staring back at her. Just as Chloe would lean down to start cleaning up the doorbell would ring again. Beca would grab Chloe's hand stopping her, "I'll clean this up, it was my fault", she'd force a small smile as she'd take Chloe's place squatting down to pick up the pieces of glass.

"Are you okay?", Chloe would watch the brunette begin to clean up, feeling worried as she'd think back to how Beca was so distant before.

"Yeah I'm fine", Beca would avoid looking up at Chloe as she'd continue to clean up the glass, "It's probably Jesse at the door, you should go get it"

"Uhh.. yeah, okay", Chloe would glance over at Beca's parents who had gone back to making small talk between them before walking back inside to answer the door.

She'd smile as she'd open the door to find her parents, Mark and Helen, her brother and sister-in-law, James and Lily stood there. Lily had her four year old niece Amelia held against her hip while Harrison, her eight year old nephew, was stood next to his Dad. "Hey everyone, come in", she'd step to the side as she'd hug each of them as they'd step inside.

"I brought over some stuff to make salad Chlo-bear", Helen would speak to her daughter as she'd hand her jacket over to her husband for him to hang up.

"Okay great, put it in the kitchen Mom", she'd smile as she'd look over at her niece and nephew who were looking around everywhere for something. "What are you two up to?"

"Daddy said that Aunt Beca is home!", Harrison would shout making everyone watching him laugh.

"He hasn't stopped talking about it the whole journey here", James would sarcastically roll his eyes.

"Okay, Dad and James the beers and barbeque is set up in the garden so can you start doing the meat. Lily and Mom can you help me with the salad and other stuff in the kitchen, and kids let's see if we can find-", Chloe would explain to her whole family who'd be smiling back at her before she'd get interrupted by the kids shouting again.

"AUNT BECA!!", both Amelia and Harrison would shout before running over to the door which led into the kitchen where Beca was stood with a surprised expression on her face.

"Hey munchkins", Beca would go down on one knee as she'd be hugged by both kids. She'd stand up again after tickling them both a little to greet the others. "Hey Mr and Mrs B", she'd hug both Mark and Helen before shaking James' hand and nodding her head at Lily, "Hey guys"

"So nice to see you Beca after so long", Helen would smile brightly at Beca who'd smirk while running a hand through her hair feeling embarrassed.

"Yeah yeah, I went away to another country and now I'm back and it's apparently a big deal", she'd wink at Chloe before glancing over at James who'd be laughing along with her.

"It is a big deal!", Chloe would hit Beca's arm playfully before walking off into the kitchen followed by her Mom and Lily. Beca would laugh again as she'd then lead the boys and the kids out into the garden where they said hello to her parents.

"Emily said she is on her way honey", Kate would smile up at Beca who'd nod her head back at her as she'd walk past her to go back inside.

Beca would quietly make her way upstairs and into her bedroom to take a short breather from the family reunion. She'd sit on her bed as she'd look through her army bag that she had yet unpacked from last night. Taking out her dog-tags she'd look through the names of the soldiers she lost on her last tour, taking a deep breath as she'd try to push the images away. Suddenly, Beca would open her eyes as she'd hear someone shout downstairs, "Where is my marine of a sister?!"

Beca would put the necklace back in the bag, pushing it back under the bed before making her way out of the bedroom and back downstairs. As she'd reach the bottom of the stairs she'd see Emily stood by the front door, handing her coat to her boyfriend Benji. "Hey Em", Beca would smile as she'd walk over to greet her. She'd be immediately pulled in for a bone crushing hug by her sister before then giving Benji a shorter hug.

"You in one piece?", Emily would look her sister over laughing as she'd move back to stand by the side of Benji,

"Yeah, still in one piece", Beca would put her hands in her pockets as she'd smile back at her sister.

"Is Jesse here yet?", Benji would ask as they'd slowly walk through the house towards the garden where everyone was.

"No, he'll be here soon though", Beca would stop by the back door which led out in the garden. She'd turn around to face Emily who'd have a slight worried look on her face as she'd wonder what her sister was going to say. "Dad has already started to get to me", she'd sigh before taking a deep breath to calm down again.

"I'll sort it, don't worry", Emily would wink and smile at Beca before pushing past her to go outside to say hello to everyone.

Beca would follow them both out onto the decking and would look around to see where everyone was. She'd notice that Jesse and Aubrey had arrived, guessing that they came through the back gate, with Sarah playing on the grass with Harrison and Amelia. Mark, Ben and James would be stood by the barbeque all holding beers as they'd talk and watch over the food. Her Mom, Kate, would be sat at the table drinking some lemonade alongside Helen, Lily and Chloe as well as Emily and Benji who was going around still greeting everyone.

After a small catch-up the food was now being served, people making their own burgers and hot dogs as well as having grilled chicken, salad and a bunch of other food that had been prepared. Beca would be sat with Jesse and Benji at one end of the decking waiting for the crowd to die down around the food as they'd chat. "What is the hardest part of being away? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to", Benji would ask them both.

Beca would glance over at Jesse who'd be sat back in his chair, sipping his beer as he'd be thinking. She'd look back over to Benji as she'd answer him, "One of the hardest things is definitely the food and drink". She'd look over her shoulder watching her and Chloe's families laugh and talk while eating their food. "On base it's all powdered food, bread that is borderline stale and then washing it down with water that is hardly clean", she'd shake her head leaning forward and resting her elbows on her knees.

"Oh yeah, the food is always something to look forward to when you know you're going home", Jesse would smile looking up as Aubrey would walk over holding a second plate of food that she'd hand down to him. "Thanks babe"

"Seeing as you've got yours brought to you like we're in a restaurant, I'm gonna grab whatever is left", Beca would laugh along with the boys as her and Benji would get up to go and get their food.

She'd grab a plate of food and a new bottle of beer before making her way over to where Chloe was sat talking to Lily, Aubrey and Emily. Beca would sit down next to Chloe on the small bench, twisting the cap off of her beer before taking a sip. She'd smile as she'd look down at her food, smelling it as she'd be excited to start eating. "I wish you'd look at me the way you're currently looking at that burger", Chloe would lean over and whisper in her ear.

"You know I love you more than anything, but I've been dreaming about this burger for the past 3 weeks", she'd mumble back winking at Chloe before picking up her burger to take a bite from it.

"Welcome home baby", Chloe would kiss her cheek as she'd smile brightly.

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