The Kissing Booth 2.0

By osnapitsari_

668K 13.7K 1.9K

Continuing from Elle arriving home from dropping Noah to the airport. Why can't she shake off the horrible f... More

That long journey home.
Drug Store Chips
A Derailed Trip To The Mall
Sleep Soundly
Hey Lee Do You Want To Know A Secret
A Night To Remember
A Month Later
I Told You Prom Is Essential
Prom Is For The Young Folk
Our Fate Sealed
Popping Part Two
Happy Birthday To Me
That's When It All Went Black
Our Longest Night
22 Hours
Oh So Familiar
What Did I Do To Deserve This
Graduation Part One
Graduation Part Two
Not The Night We Expected
Hello Little Squirt
May I Introduce You To ____
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Hour of Confession
You Have To Tell Me If It Hurts
Happy Sundays
I'm So Tired
Theres Something Rotten
Cashmere Sweater
Home Sweet Home
Do You Recognise This Place Elle
That's a Big Diamond
An Unexpected Guest
May 9 Months Later
We'll Take It
Oh My God
41A Mermaid Avenue
The Perfect Dress
Just a Mundane Day
The One We've All Been Waiting For
The Day After Yesterday ( Reader Vote )
The Honeymoon
Disaster for Dessert
The Big News
That Makes Sense
The Scariest Day So Far
Gender Reveal
Christmas Eve
December 25th
The Office Party
A Gun Shot Rang Out
The First One
The One You All Waited For
Elle I need a Break
Hello Again
Welcome home Aria ( And Elle )
Everything I'm not
Go and find Someone Better
How Did We Get Here Elle?
Never a Dull Moment
Beach Day
Noah's Birthday
Party Problems
I ( REALLY ) Messed Up
Times Are A Changin'
This is Going to Be a Learning Curve
The Return
Sign the Contract
Double First
After Summer
I'm Just Tired
' Maybe it's for the best '

The Most Surreal Day Of My Life

7.8K 174 57
By osnapitsari_

The next morning I woke up and instantly breathed in Noah's scent. It finally felt complete now that he was here. Lee did actually take Maddie into his room for the night and I couldn't describe how good it felt to sleep through the night.

' Morning Shelly. ' Noah whispered when he realised I was awake, kissing my temple. ' Jesus I missed this all week. '

' Not as much as I did Noah.. '

' Happy kissing booth anniversary. ' He winked.

' Kissing booth what? '

' This day two years ago I finally got to kiss you Elle.. '

' Noah I can't believe you remembered that.. '

' And I have the flowers to prove it. ' He grinned and lifted up a bouquet of sunflowers from under the bed.

' Oh my god, they're beautiful. ' I was sobbing hysterically ' I love you. '

' Are we a little hormonal Elle? '

' No.. ' I continued to cry. ' I'm-I'm- I'm so sorry I didn't remember Noah. ' He sat up and wrapped me in his arms, kissing me.

' Elle, it's just hormones. Please don't cry. ' I could tell he was laughing at how rediculous I was being. He went to pull me onto his lap but I winced in pain. He noticed immediately.

' Did I hurt you? ' The panic was evident in his voice.

' No, I'm just a little crampy this morning. I'm practically used to it now. '

' Elle, I'm sorry I didn't realise.. can I do anything for you. '

' Well I'm craving strawberries so badly.. is there any outside? '

' Yeah baby, I think I saw some.. I'l be right back. '

I settled back into bed and Noah came back in it, strawberries in one hand and Maddison in the other.

' Sweetheart Mommy has a sore tummy. ' Noah warned her, she clambered up beside me and gently kissed my tummy.

' Thank you Maddie. ' I cooed while stroking her hair. ' I can't believe that one month from now, we're gonna have two little girls. '

' Neither can I Ellle.. you have made me the happiest man alive. '

' Noah stop you'll make me cry again. ' I sighed, making him snigger, and with that I burst into tears again.

' Elle whats wrong now? ' Noah was laughing hysterically and I couldn't blame him.

' Maddie just looks so cute. ' I sobbed.

' Maddison, stop being so cute.. you're making momma cry. '

' Sorry Momma. ' She kissed my tummy again and I cried harder.

' You don't have to apologise baby. I'm just so proud of you. '

Noah was still laughing at me when Lee walked into the room, his eyes were fixated on his phone. His face was filled with pure panic.

' Lee? ' I called, a couple of seconds later Noah tried again.

' Hey lil bro? '

' That was Rachel.. ' He choked, clutching his phone. ' She's gone into labour. '

'Lee, oh my god..' I leapt out of bed. ' We have to go. '

' We? '

' Noah and I, we'll come with you. You're not going alone. '

' Really? Guys, thank you. '

' Just leave your bags and stuff, I'm sure my dad can bring them home with him. June appeared at the door. ' We'll keep Maddie with us Elle, we'll bring her up in your car later. '

' Are you sure mom? That would be great.. ' Noah answered for me as I was throwing a tracksuit on. Noah got changed into a linen shirt and jeans.

' Sorry I look so formal, I didn't pack many clothes and I was planning to take you out for dinner tonight. '

' You look wonderful Noah, thank you. ' I pulled his collar down to kiss him.

June took a couple of minutes to hug and reassure Lee before we left. He was terrified, he had barely even spoken to Rachel in a week. Noah drove, Lee was in the passenger seat. I lay in the back, I didn't want to tell the guys but I felt pretty ill. I just closed my eyes and hoped we were almost there. Clearly I had fallen asleep because I woke up to Lee and Noah having a heart to heart.

' I know Noah and I love her but I'm just not in love with her anymore. '

' I'm just saying, just wait until she has your baby Lee.. I didn't think I could have loved Elle more but I swear when a girl has your baby and you see what she goes though for the both of you.. you won't be able to do anything but love her. I swear after Elle gave birth to Maddie, I saw her like a queen. ' I smiled listening to what Noah was saying about me.

' Noah, do you think I'll be a good dad? '

' Without a doubt Lee... not as good as me, but definitely up there. ' He joked.

I loved my boys...We were about five minutes from the hospital and luckily the sleep had made me feel a lot better. Noah and I told Lee that we wouldn't come into the room because of how things are with Rachel, but we would stay in the waiting room. When we parked and walked in, Lee asked the receptionist where Rachel was and Noah walked him there.. I was tired and crampy and still a little sick so I hugged Lee goodbye as we passed the waiting room.

' I'm so proud of you Lee, I'll be right here with you. '

' I love you Elle. '

' Love you too Lee. ' We held each other tight.

I was glad to sit down in the waiting room, the cramps were getting so much worse. I promised Lee I would be here, and I wanted to keep that promise. Noah walked into the waiting room a couple minutes after me, we were the only two in there.

' Well I walked him right up to the door.. He didn't miss - Elle... you're as pale as a ghost. He sped to my side and wrapped his arm around me. I was freezing and grateful for his heat.

' I'm okay Noah, just feeling a bit off.. I'm sure it's just the shock and stress of getting here. '

' No Elle, it's not .. I'm getting a doctor to check you over. '

Almost too conveniently, we ran into my doctor on the way to reception. She said she was just coming off her lunch break and brought us into an empty examination room. It was a Saturday so luckily there was no scheduled appointments.

I sat up on the bed, still insisting that I was okay. Noah insisted otherwise. She took my temperature and did an internal.. which was.. unpleasant. The doctor, who's name was Via was quiet for a minutes while she typed into a computer.

' Well Elle.. clearly you have a high pain threshold.. you're 8 centimetres dilated... you're going to have this baby within the next hour. I looked at Noah, I'm not sure which of us was more shocked.

' But- but I'm not due for another month.. '

' Elle, you were almost a month early with Maddie too, the second usually comes quicker. We have a room ready for you upstairs.. Noah can bring you up in a wheelchair, I don't want you walking. '

Within a couple of minutes I was in a hospital gown and being pushed upstairs, it turned out our room was opposite Lee and Rachel but we didn't want to bother them. We decided not to tell anyone what was happening, we'd keep it as a surprise. I was lying on the bed, crying again.

' Noah we haven't even been shopping for anything yet. We don't even have diapers..' Noah planted a long kiss on my forehead.

' Shelly, don't worry.. we can get all of those things before we get home. '

' Noah, I don't even have a birthplan yet, please don't let them do another C - Section Noah. Please. '

' Elle, I can't keep that promise.. I'm gonna tell them to do whatever is safest for you and her. ' Noah held my hand tight when Via came in and checked me again.

' Wow Elle, you don't wait around.. you're at ten centimetres. '

' Elle, I just want to thank you for doing this for us. I wish I could take the pain from you, I promise you I will spend my life thanking you. ' Noah whispered in my ear, making me smile.

Within a few minutes we were surrounded by midwives ready to help.

' Okay Elle, let's start with a small push '

' Yeah just like that well done'

' And another, good girl. '

' Okay a little bit harder this time '

' Don't cry Elle, you're doing really really well... '

' Noah, did you want to open your shirt so you'll be ready to do skin to skin? '

' That's it Elle.. I can see her head.. '

' She has plenty of hair, you must have had a lot of heartburn. '

' Okay Elle, one more big push and we should have the head '

' Well done Elle, that was the hardest bit. '

' Another push now. '

' No I promise you won't need a C section. '

' One last big push '

' Oh Elle, she's beautiful. '

Noah's POV

She was here, my daughter, my second daughter. She was so beautiful, a head of dark hair and bright blue eyes. She was wide awake. She was yet to let out a cry. All of a sudden she was plonked in my arms. I was crying as if my eyes were taps. I just couldn't stop. Elle had fallen asleep almost as soon as she was born, Via insisted it was totally normal considering her body had been through shock and trauma in the last hour. I sat there in my chair, this little dainty thing snoozing on me. It was all so relaxed compared to Maddie's birth. Everything happened so quickly, and this baby was so passive. It had been about thirty minutes before I came round to remember Lee was probably going through the same thing. I pulled out my phone. Thirteen missed calls from Lee and two from my mom. The baby must have been born. I called him back.

' Noah where are you? He was born.. he's here. He's perfect. '

' Congratulations little bro, welcome to fatherhood.. '

' Where are you? Come and meet him.. '

' I um.. Elle felt pretty shitty so we had to come home.. I'm so sorry Lee, we'll be there asap. '

' Oh shit, is she okay? ' I looked over at Elle, snoozing peacefully on the bed beside me.

' She'll be fine, I'm sure of it. Have you told mom? '

' Yes, best phone call of my life. '

' What about Rachel? '

' She's okay, and I see what you mean Noah, I see her in a totally different light all of a sudden. '

' I know how you feel. ' I said, smirking behind the phone. ' What time was he born at? '

' 4: 27 pm.. '

' Wow seriously... ' I asked, scanning the baby's chart and realising that our babies were born exactly the same time ... where had I heard that story before?

Elle woke up a couple of minutes after Lee hung up. They were giving him a bath. ' Noah, did I fall asleep? ' She asked which made me chuckle. ' Baby you were just totally exhausted. ' I assured her as I handed her our little creation.

' Hello my darling girl, ' she whispered. ' We've been waiting to meet you. '

' She has bright blue eyes Elle.. I'm sure you'll see them when she wakes up. '

' She's not a bit like Maddie, is she? '

' No they're totally different, in every way. '

Both of us looked at each other and burst into tears.

' I don't think I'll ever get over the shock. ' Elle giggled through the emotions.

' I'm so fucking proud of you Elle. You literally got through childbirth with no painkillers or anything.'

' And no C section. ' She smiled, I wish she didn't get so upset over that. ' Oh my god, where is Lee? Was he born? '

' He was indeed.. Lee doesn't know that we're right across the hall.. will I call him? '

' Please'

I dialled his number and he picked up quickly.

' Hey Lee, can you step out of the room for a minute. '

'Sure no problem, is everything okay with Elle? ' He asked, concerned.

' Yeah, yeah, see that door in front of you? '

' Yeah? Sure why? '

' Open it.. '

And with that Lee walked into the room.

'Are you guys kidding me? Elle? How?'

' All the pain she was in since this morning.. contractions. '

' Seriously Elle? You're a beast! ' His comparison made us all laugh.

' Well have we got a name for your little man? ' Elle quizzed him.

' No we can't agree on anything. ' He laughed, 'but we'll manage. What about this little angel? '

' Well um actually, I'm glad you're here first Lee.. ' Elle grinned.

' Well come on..spill it? '

' This is Aria.. '

' Aria? I LOVE IT . ' He shrieked.

' Aria Lee Flynn. ' Elle spoke softly. Lee's face fell into shock.

' You named your baby after me? ' He muttered.

' Lee, you are so special to our family.. you are my besets friend ..and Noah's only brother.. we adore you. There couldn't be a more fitting name. ' Lee put his hand to his face and started to cry, Elle sobbed with him. Heck I cried too.

This was definitely the most surreal day of my life...

Welcome to our world, my beautiful  Aria Lee Flynn ...

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