Once Upon Another Time...

By Phantomphanfiction

27K 974 72

Sequel to "Erik my Angel" and "Christine my Flower". What how Erik and Christine live out their lives. How th... More

Chapter 1; Christine's POV
Chapter 2; Erik's POV
Chapter 3: Christine's POV
Chapter 4: Christine's POV
Chapter 5;Erik's POV
Chapter 6;Christine's POV
Chapter 8; Christine's POV
Chapter 9;Erik's POV
Chapter 10;Erik's POV
Chapter 11;Christine's POV
Chapter 12; Christine's POV
Chapter 13; Erik's POV
Chapter 14; Christines POV
Chapter 15; Erik's POV
Chapter 16; Christine's POV
Chapter 17;Erik's POV
Chapter 18; Christine's pov
Chapter 19; Erik's POV
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 Erik's pov
Chapter 22 Erik's Pov
Chapter 23; Christine's POV
Chapter 24; Christine's POV
Chapter 25 Christine's pov
Chapter 26; Erik's pov
Chapter 27; Christine's POV
Chapter 28; Erik's POV
Chapter 29; Christine's
Chapter 30; Erik's POV
Chapter 31; Christine's POV
Chapter 32; Erik's POV
Chapter 33; Christine's pov
Chapter 34; Erik's pov

Chapter 7;Erik's POV

962 26 2
By Phantomphanfiction

I awoke with Christine's face in my neck. She was making small noises, as she always did in her sleep. Little snores and moans. I smiled and kissed her forehead. She was so tired yesterday.Had I worn her out? Well, she had initiated it. I was deep in thought when she threw her arms around me and pulled me closer. She was still asleep. My stomach started to flutter and I smiled. I was almost eye level with her. I want so badly just to pull her close and kiss her, but she needs her rest. She's so beautiful, even in her sleep. I reach down and kiss her nose. As soon as I do she stirs and I pull back. Her eyes flit open and I smile guiltily at her.

"Good morning."

She sighs.

"Morning, I'm sorry I woke you.

Shh I like waking up to you.

I like that too."

I puckered my lips and she pecked me on the lips. We both smiled against each others lips. My life was perfect. I had the woman I loved and that's all I needed. Christine pulled away and sat up, her face twisted in pain. She held her stomach.

"What's wrong?

It's probably nothing. Just stomach cramps.

Are you sure? We could see a doctor.

No, it's nothing Erik, I promise."

She kissed my jaw. I let it go and we got out of bed.

"So, breakfast. what would you like?

I'm kind of craving some left overs from last night.

I can do that. Are you sure that's what you want?



I padded to the ice box and got out the leftover food from dinner. Christine went to the bathroom as I did this. I put the food in the oven to reheat. Christine came back just as I had put some tea on the fire. She wrapped her arms around me.

"I was going to go get a newspaper, I feel out of touch. Do you mind?

Of course not.

I promise I'll be back soon."

I kissed her and ran to get dressed.

"Save me some food alright?"

I called as I crossed the lake.

"Can't make any promises!"

I chuckled at her. I hadn't seen a newspaper in months. I used to steal them from the owners of the building. Now that Christine and I were it's only occupants nobody delivered anything here. I reminisced as I walked through the door that led into the alley. There were small stands that sold various things. Food, trinkets and newspapers. I stopped at the first one I saw and purchased today's paper. The man who ran the stand eyed me curiously but said nothing about my mask. I took my paper and jogged back home, it was still rolled up. As I entered the back door of the opera house I ran as fast as I could. I wanted to sit and read. I wanted to drink my tea, hold Christine's hand and have "breakfast" with her. I chuckled and shook my head as I made it through the tunnels. I crossed the lake and saw her sitting on the sofa with a plate of food in her hands. The smell wafted from the dining area to where I was standing. I started to drool. Christine smiled as she saw me. I made a plate for myself and sat with her. As I ate I unfolded the newspaper. The headline made my eyes widen.

"Opera Populaire To Reopen"

I started to choke a little on my food.

'"Erik, are you alright? What is it?"

I took a swig of my tea and showed her. Her jaw dropped.

"Read it out loud.

Alright. One m-moment."

I took another sip of my tea.

"The Opera Populaire, a world famous opera house has been closed for almost two years. That's all about to change! After the small fire that was caused by the chandelier dropping the building had closed down, for what most of us thought would be forever. But someone has purchased the building. A man from Germany, a Mr. Elgar Waldhramm. Mr.Waldhramm hasn't never before worked in the arts, but he was quoted saying

"I am thrilled to be working with the performers and hoping that we can bring back the magic that the Opera Populaire once had."

Waldhramm made his money selling lumber and other raw materials. Since the building had no structural damage, they will not be rebuilding. They will however begin refurbishing the inside. Waldhramm said he likes the way the architecture,so he sees no need to rebuild. He wants the people of Paris to have the Opera Populaire they remembered. Will they include a new chandelier? Only time will tell. They will start refurbishing on Friday, the twenty-ninth."

I looked at Christine's face. She was pale, her eyes wide with fright. Tomorrow was Friday. Would they find us? We had money, but not enough to find our own home. I had been living down here for free for years. Christine threw herself in my arms. I held her close.

"Erik, what's going to happen?

Nothing will happen to us Christine.



I have to tell you something."

She pulled away from me and looked up at me with serious eyes.

"What? Is everything alright?

Well, I've thought this for a while, but Erik... I think I'm pregnant."

My eyes widened and my heart started to race.

"Y-you think... Pregnant?


What if..."

I put my hand to my mask and closed my eyes. A tear trickled from my eye. She reached up and took my hand in hers.

"Then we will love the child just the same. I will love our child no matter what Erik."

She looked up at me with warm eyes and a sincere smile. I pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

"We have to make sure they don't come down here. That they don't bother us."

I told her.

"You let me worry about that alright? You worry about the baby.

Alright. Just promise me you won't hurt anyone.

Not unless the try to her one of us. Alright?


I kissed her and went to my desk. I decided to go back to my old ways of note writing.

"Bonjour Monsieur,

I welcome you, as the new owner to my opera house. Being from Germany, you may not recall the events that closed down this beautiful building. I advise you to do your research and ask someone who does recall what happened. I will be leaving you instructions of how to run the theatre. If you do not comply, well some disastrous things have occurred and they may occur again. I suggest you leave the dressing room on the second floor untouched, the one with the large floor to ceiling mirror. I also suggest that you leave twenty-thousand francs in box five. Considering you sell raw materials, this should be pocket change for you. I look forward to working with you Mr.Waldhramm.


I folded the letter up and put it in an envelope. I addressed it to Elgar Waldhramm and sealed it. While Christine tidied our living space I went to the front entrance of the building and left it on the floor where it would be seen.

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