Broken Red Strings [Killua lo...

Par Alice_Lemonchii

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Natsume wishes to got to the Hunter world to see the ex-assassin, Killua. However, she cannot return back hom... Plus

Dream Come True; Prolouge
Chapter 1 - The 8th Day
Chapter 2 - Melody
Chapter 3 - Frustration
Chapter 4 - Majority Wins
Chapter 5 - One on One
Chapter 6 - Rage and Strength
Chapter 7 - Monsters
Chapter 8 - Interval
Chapter 9 - Teamwork
Chapter 10 - Hunting
Chapter 11 - Which Words Can't Express
Chapter 12 - Interview
Chapter 13 - The beggining of the Finale
Chapter 14 - Mage vs. Mage
Chapter 15 - Lonely Adventure
Chapter 16 - At Loss
Chapter 17 - New Power
Chapter 18 - Training
Chapter 20 - Special Flashback - Second Beat! Doki Doki Doki!
Chapter 21 - Second Beat! Part 2
Chapter 22 - Undying Tears
Chapter 23 - She's so Gone
Chapter 24 - Feelings
Chapter 26 - Come back to me
Chapter 27 - Coincidences
Chapter 28 - Trouble in the Arena
Extra: 20 Facts About Me ♥ ♥
Chapter 30 - Midnightmares
Chapter 31 - On The Move
Chapter 32 - When She Died
Chapter 33 - Game Start
Chapter 34 - Mortal Flaw
Chapter 35 - I Remember the Day We Met
Chapter 36: Steal My Girl
I updated
Chapter 37 - I Still Do
Chapter 38 - Let Me Love You
Chapter 39: Let Me Love You One More Time
Dream Come True; Epilogue

Chapter 29 & 29.5 - Friendship & Dates

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Par Alice_Lemonchii



On their way, they were stopped by none other than the contestants, being controlled by On from Jed.


They tried to run and eventually bumped ito Kurapika and Leorio, Kurapika seems to be injured.

They lay him down the couch nearby,

"Who's this, now?" Tigress whispers to Killua.

"Kurapika, we met him in the exam site with Leorio."

"Oh okay, he doesn't look good though" She stated.

"Kurapika! Leorio, what happened?" Gon asked, panicking.

"That guy he fought put something in him in order for On to take over him."

"On?!" We gasped.

"Don't worry Gon, I won't let it take over me" Kurapika was dying in pain.

It was obvious that any minute, he could collapse.

"That man said, either he let the power take over him or he would die." The older teenager said, worry made his voice tremble.

"Hold on Kurapika, we'll save you and stop Jed. We'll put an end to this On" Gon's determination caused Tigress to have goosebumps.

"Are you actually turned on by how Gon expresses his feelings?" Killua looked at the girl with a hint of disgust.

"N-No I don't. It's just cold" She looked away, blushing.

"Killua, Tigress-san, let's go" Gon demands and the two followed.

They made it to the rooftop without any hindrance, they have guessed at this point that Bisky, Wing and Zushi might have stopped the controlled nen user.

"Netero-san!" Tigress shouted as soon as her eyes landed on the captured old geezer.

But even though she almost yelled at him, they didn't noticed them, or might as well ignored them.

Killua and Gon charged at Jed to stop him, but in the end, they got thrown out of the way.

Killua literally flew away from the strong impact of Jed's power.

"Killua!" Tigress, of course, went for his aided.

"It's okay, you'll feel better in a minute" If it wasn't for Killua's trained body, he would have broken a few bones by now.

Like she promised, Killua was healed in a minute as she used her nen, but it made it worse for the girl's fragile body.

She was eventually losing her strength because of using too much healing magic.

"Tigress!" Killua supported her head as she almost fell down.

"What's happening to you"

"I'm okay, I guess I just I used my healing powers and spent too much strength on it." Killua's eyes widened.

"Well, you shouldn't have done that if you knew it would weaken you!" He scolded but obviously dead worried.

"But, hey, didn't you just used that twice? How come you're already exhausted."

"Healing is my main power, but if I use it too much or maybe use to much nen on one patient, it'll evetually drain my energy. D-Don't worry though, I have my ow offensive abilities." She winked while she pants.

"Y-you should really help Gon out there, just so you know." She nods sarcastically.

"Yeah... right" Killua gently put down his friend's head on the floor and proceeded to the battle area.

He tried to talk some sense into Gon when he witnessed him got took over by On, but none of it worked.

So he thought of another idea.

The one he should deal with is the girl who has Netero in her hands.

He reached out for the girl who was shielded by the powerful aura around her.

"Listen, I know you can hear me. I know you're not yet dead. I need your help, please stop this. I don't want my friend to be like this, I don't like seeing him like this. So please... help me bring him back. Let go..." She somehow shed a tear after a few more words from the grieving Zoldyck.

She finally let go and died on her own.

Killua whispered his apologies and as well his gratitude.

Netero was finally released, but it didn't took Jed by surprise.

In truth he was a little joyed by this, because he can finally fight the person he wanted to have revenge to.

What he did to him a few years ago was the start of it all.

Gon, however, did not snapped out of his senses.

Killua tried his very best to talk some sense to him more.

He pleaded his bestfriend, but none of it worked again.

Tigress saw how much Killua long for Gon's smiling face again.

He didn't want this, and so did she.

So she stood up, still rocking left to right.

Her legs shaking, her body was trying its best not to fall down.

She held her arm by her hand, her other eye closed.

She walked very slowly, watching the two boys fighting.

But Gon's eyes wasn't the same anymore, she could tell that there's only one thing that'll sure bring him back.

The thing that they were both looking for again and again.

She finally reached Gon, she held him by his shoulder tightly.

She pulled him closer, close enough to feel his breathing to her neck.

"Gon, save me" She muttered.

"Save Natsume"

"I need you, save me" This slightly helped the situation when the On was slowly turning in to a different color.

"I thought you wanted to help me get my memory back.So we can adventure together again, like the old days? Do you still want me back Gon?"

"If you do... then please come back. Come back to being our Gon, come back to being MY Gon" She smiled at the blank faced teen while he slowly calmed down.

The aura was turning golden yellow.

"No way..." Jed gasped, seeing how Gon has turned On upside down.

"On is made out of people's rage and hatred, Gon was able to turn that around. Because he had the thing that will surely defeat On. Forgiveness... Kindness. Something that you, Jed, will never have" Netero explained, intensely staring at his old friend.

His old friend who has always been by his side, if only the dark magic had not taken over him.

Netero had to strike him down in order to remove the disorder in the world.

Both of them still remember their promise; that they would fight again some other day on which jed would finally win over Netero.

He broke a coin in two for the sign of the promise and as well as for their friendship.

Flashback flashed behind Netero's eyes randomly, like it was so quick, that everything happened in a flash, in a blink of an eye.

Jed eventually was defeated by, none other than Gon.

With his overflowing On, they were able to to bring Gon back into his normal self.

And Kurapika was feeling so much better now, and proceeding towards his original goal without saying goodbye to his friends at all.

"So much for first impression, that guy's not good at it. He's a scum who couldn't even say thank you for a moment at least." Tigress was affected by this with an unknown reason.

"You're mad at him?" Killua question.

"Kurapika is a busy person, so I guess he didn't have any time at all to even stop by to say hi" Gon explained.

"I don't really care what he does or when he does it. He should've at least left a message of apology and thanks. That's rude you know?" She grumpily complained.

"Stop worrying about it, Tiger. It's already done, don't tell me you want to follow him just to scold him?" Killua joked.

"I would have if there's any chance or time maybe" Killua and Gon sweatdropped at this.

This is just like Taiga, they thought.

"Leorio, you never told us you were Zushi's medical--.... does anyone smell that?" Gon suddenly cut his sentence off, disturbed by the horrible smell of dirt.

"Yeah, smells like... like" Killua tried to figure it out, it was at the tip of his tongue.

"Like a sewer?" Tigress rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, that was me" Leorio admitted, scratching the back ot his neck.

"Why do you smell like a dirtbag?" Killua asked.

"Hey, watch your mouth kid! I got here in this tower via sewer"

"Via sewer? Is that some sick joke or something?" Killua protests.

"Literally sick" Tigress added.

"You two are piling the complaints on me on purpose!" Leorio shouted angrily.

"You should be used to that by now" Killua crossed his arms.

"Specially if it's this guy" The teen girl pointed out secretly to the snowman.

They laughed like the old days, like they used to.

"This is fun, too bad Kurapika's not here. If only the scarlet eyes are taken back, we would have been spending time together, like in the hunter's exam. Even though we were in trouble back then, we still enjoyed every minute of every second of it." Leorio smiled.

"And we got over all of those fights and decision making together, like a team" Gon smiled, the young boy next to him nodded with a smirk.

"I guess I should join your conversation since I'm already here. And yet I still haven't found out about my past. I still have a long way to go" She smiled, emitting some cool atmosphere making the three boys smile at her back.

"And so you do" Killua put his arm around her and smiled.

She blushed at this,

"Idiot, what do you think you're doing?" She stuttered, blushing like a rose.

"L-Let's just go" She walked away, the three boys laughed at her typical response.

I just wish she is really the Taiga we're looking for..., the young Zoldyck thought as they continued on their journey towards Kite.

She's right. She still have a long way to go. But no matter where it is and no matter how long. I'm pretty sure me and Gon would me there beside her, to continue her journey with the both of us... like I promised.

So the three traveled way back to where Kite resides in.

They enjoyed their funny moments along the way.

Tigress was feeling at home with the presence of both boys, especially Gon.

She made new memories with the two, they eventually became closer. It was a two days or three when they got there.

"Woah, that was tiring" Tigress laughed.

"Yeah, when we get inside. I'll be flopping down the bed all day." Killua sighed, making Tigress giggle.

"Kite!" Gon called out, knocking at the man's door. In just a few second, Kite came out with the same outfit as always.

"Kite! Long time no see!" Gon beamed.

"Gon, Killua, I see you've succeeded" He smiled down on the kids.

"Yeah" Gon smiled.

"Well, not all the way. She barely remembers anything" Killua stated.

"But don't worry! We'll get her memory back!" Gon smiled.

"I'm sure you will, and I hope you do" Kite smiled and then finally let them in.

Killua ran inside first, hoping to see the bed first so he could rest after hours of walking non stop.

"Killua, wait up!" Tigress shouted, feeling a little bit shy to make herself at home.

"It's okay, make yourself at home."

"I-I'm not good at that" She stammered in front of the silver haired man.

"I'll try though." She slightly smiled.

"Killua!" She ran after her friend.

"Kids" Kite smiled, shooking his head.

"Kite, have you found out about Chimera ants?" Gon asked.

"Well, not yet. But I think I know their location" He smirked.

He then explained everything to Gon, the boy remained nodding.

But eventually, he exploded.

"Gon!" Tigress rushed downstairs, hearing the loud bang.

"I-I'm... fine" He replied, barely even speaking.

"W-What happened to you?" She sweatdropped.

Killua went down as well,

"Oh, he snapped" Then laughed.

"You're not a total help at all."

"I so am!"

"In what way exactly?" She raised an eyebrow. "Moral support" He smirked.

"Your moral support does NOT make any sense" The two argued about moral support as they went upstairs, leaving Kite and Gon once again.

Kite tried to calm down Gon.


"Are you guys ready?" A girl's voice echoed through the walkie talkie.

"Ready" The smiling blonde replied.

"Done" The other blonde responded.

"Alright!" She grinned.

She goes out of the stage, wearing jeans and a pink tank top, ever so simple but nonetheless, she looked amazing as always.

The music started and the crowd went wild as she steps out of the back stage.

"Hello everybody!" She screamed, earning loud screams from the audience.

"It's been a while huh?" She smiled.

"YEAH!" Was their reply.

"Well, what are we waiting for! Let's get this party started!" She yelled so loud as the beat got in.

People started dancing and jumping excitedly.

Taiga: Let’s go to the beach, each
Let’s go get a wave

Shizuku: They say, what they gonna say?

Shalnark: Have a drink, clink, found the Bud Light

Taiga: Bad bitches like me, is hard to come by

Killua: The Patrón, own, let’s go get it on
The zone, own, yes I’m in the zone

Phinks: Is it two, three, leave a good tip
I’m a blow all my money and don’t give two shits

All: I’m on the floor, floor
I love to dance
So give me more, more,
‘Til I can’t stand
Get on the floor, floor
Like it’s your last chance
If you want more, more
Then here I am

Taiga:Starships were meant to fly

Nobu: Hands up and touch the sky

Shizuku: Can’t stop ‘cause we’re so high

Shalnark: Let’s do this one more time

All: (Oh oh, oh oh)

Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Let’s do this one last time
Can't stop...

Machi: We’re higher than a motherfucker

Shizuku:Jump in my hooptie hooptie hoop
I own that

Machi: And I ain’t paying my rent this month
I owe that

Shalnark: But love who you want, and love who you like
That's our life, there’s no end in sight

Taiga&Gon: Twinkle, twinkle little star

Taiga: Now everybody let me hear you say ray ray ray

Taiga&Machi: Now spend all your money cause today's pay day

Phinks: And if you’re a G, you a G, G, G

Taiga: My name is Onika, you can call me Nicki *winks*

All: Get on the floor, floor
Like it’s your last chance
If you want more, more
Then here I am

Taiga: Starships were meant to fly

Shalnark: Hands up and touch the sky

Machi: Can’t stop ‘cause we’re so high

Taiga: Let’s do this one more time
(Oh oh, oh oh)

Killua: Starships were meant to fly

All: Hands up and touch the sky

Machi: Let’s do this one last time
Can't stop...

Shalnark: *Makes DJ noises* Oh!

All: (Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh!)

 Taiga: (*On the background* tututututu...)

Shalnark: Starships were meant to fly

Phinks: Hands up--

Feitan: and touch the sky

Killua: Can’t stop ‘cause we’re so high

All: Let’s do this one more time

Killua: Wooo-ho-oooaaa! *Background*

All: Starships were meant to fly
Hands up and touch the sky
Let’s do this one last time
Can't stop...

Taiga: We’re higher than a motherfucker

All: Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh!

Taiga faces Machi closely while she smirks.

Taiga: We're higher than a motherfucker!

All: Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh!

Taiga: We're higher than a MOTHERFUCKER!


The audiences went wild, they couldn't get anough of the show the Ryodan was putting in featuring the two boys who were happily performing themselves. (Suprisingly)

"Thank you everyone!!" Natsume cheered, giving everyone flying kisses.

They went backstage and then celebrated.

"We did great huh?" Shalnark smiled.

"Yeah, I think we did pretty good." Phinks agreed.

"Well, mostly it was Shizuku, Shalnark and Machi did all the work" Natsume pats Shizuku's shoulder lightly.

"The concert's over, wanna try something new? Maybe do something that isn't boring?" Shalnark requested.

"Uh, I don't have any idea of something fun. Arcades and festivals are too mainstream, especially nowadays" Natsume replied.

"I agree" Shalnark replied.

"So? Anyone have any ideas?" Phinks spoke.

"Rob a bank?" Nobunaga suggested.

"Kill strong people?" Feitan requests.

"Nah, those are mainstream too. Fun, but a little bit boring." Natsume said.

"Well, there must be something" Machi argued.

"Hmm... watch movies?" Hisoka thought.

"That might be a good idea but, there's nothing to watch. I've already checked the list on the cinema" Shalnark explained.

"Another concert? Maybe in a different avenue or place. Sometimes it's just the location that's boring to spend time in" Killua shrugged, finally having an idea.

"Hey, are you saying that our hideout is horrible to spend your time with?" Phinks glared.

"Leave him alone, Phinks!" Natsume shouted.

"Why are you even STILL protecting this guy?!" He screams.

"His idea was great, and what he said was true" She reasoned.

"Doesn't give you enough reason to shout at me!" He argued.

"Whatever, I always shout at you. Everyone does!" She pouted.

"Date!" Shalnark shouts, his finger pointed up.

"What?" Feitan spoke, puzzled with everyone.

"Let's have a date" He smiled.

"What? You mean all together?" Phinks cleared.

"Idiot, how would that be a date? That's called bonding! What Shalnark means is that we should get a partner and then go out" Natsume angrily explained.

"Chill. So? Who wants to pick first? But the other one should agree to it" Shalnark announces.

"But there is too many boys, we lack babes" Phinks said.

"Don't even try" Natsume threatened.

"Phinks is right."

"Then I guess girls would pick their dates, huh?" Shalnark raises an eyebrow.

"What if the boy disagrees?" Feitan asked.

"Then the girl picks another one" Natsume answers.

"What if no one picks the girl?" Nobunaga asked.

"Shut up and let's do it!" She shouted.


Machi & Chrollo

"Why didn't you pick Hisoka?" Natsume asked.

"That guy's a creep, who would pick him?" Machi reasoned, a little bit pissed.

"What is it about Hisoka and me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you two look together" Shalnark smiled.

"We do not!" She protested.

"Factually, you do" Natsume smiled.

"Stop shiping me with Hisoka, he's not worth my time" The pink headed complained.

"Oh, MachixChrollo it is" She smiled.

"Do not ship us either!" She shouted.

"Fine fine, but you admit that you do like spending time with Chrollo rather than Hisoka, correct? Then that means you like him!" She teased.

"I do not!" She screamed.

"MOVING ON!" Shalnark interrupts.

Shalnark & Shizuku

"Haha! Shalzuku! Wait, that's weird" Natsume shouts and then whispered.

"Natsume!" Shalnark shouted.

"I ship you both!" She smiled, Shalnark knew already that he can't win against her in any way even if he's right.

What she wants is what she gets, there's even a bonus.

"Whatever, NEXT!"

"I won the arguement yet again!" She cheered.


"Wait, who's next?... Natsume?" Shalnark looked at her.

"Ugh, do I need to? Can't I just, like, stay here?" She groaned.

"Yeah, Shizuku and Machi have already picked their dates. What about you?"

"Well, I don't really.... " She mumbled unaudible words.


"I said I don't have anyone in mind to date. I mean, I know I want to come with and travel to the park but that doesn't mean I would pick anyone to come with me. I want to date the one I would mostly enjoy my time with and the one who could entertain me but not get bored either." Natsume shrugged.

"Well you gotta choose, it's kinda unfair for the others" Shalnark rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay fine" She rolled her eyes.

"Feitan!" Phinks shouted.


"I mean, choose Feitan!"

"But I've already gone on a date with him!" She declines.

"Too bad Fei" Phinks smiled at his partner who just glared at him and punched him on the shoulder.


"Choose, Natsume so we'll have more time in our hands." Shalnark advised.

"Hmm" The girl thought for like 5 minutes while staring at the remaining boys.

Until she got the idea, "AH!" She jumped at one of them.

"Date me!" Natsume smiled. "GON!"


"Eh?!" They all shouted.

"Why not? Gon's nice and fun!"

She beamed. "M-Me?" Gon's confused look made her giggle.

"Come on, Gon!" The brunette pulled the boy's wrist and continued skipping a step, happily.

"Wait, why not choose Killua instead?" She stopped.


"More likely, you would choose Killua to be with you, Taiga-chan" Gon's concerned look and voice made Natsume's heart crumble.

Guilt was boiling inside of her heart.

She continued walking until they both reached the outside.

She stopped, "Gon"


"Do you think... I still love Killua?"

"Don't you? I don't think you ever stopped Taiga-chan"

She suddenly giggled.

When she turned around, tears were covering her eyes.

"You're right Gon. I still do" She cried.

"Taiga-chan..." He muttered, feeling guilty.

She looked up the sky, tears falling from the sides of her eyes.

"But you know what Gon? It actually taught me something that I haven't realized up till now"

She sobbed, thinking about everything that she felt.

Every pain that she tried to bear.

It was too much for her but she endure.

"Being ignored... is worse than being lonely."

"But Killua never left you"

"You're right, he didn't leave me. He ignored me, my feelings. And I can understand that he doesn't like me back, that I don't deserve him. But it was like, he's pushing me away. Like I'm just there whenever he needs something" She cried.

"Killua... Killua isn't what you think he is Taiga-san! He's... he's someone who treasured you more than anyone. But he's just afraid to show it"

"Then that just means he's a coward. What about me, Gon? What about the times I pretended to be strong for him? That I bear every pain I've felt just for him. Now I'm too scared to bring back the feeling of guilt and pain that I've felt back then."

"But Taiga-san--!"

"Enough Gon, I just can't... I just can't, okay?" Then she walked away.

After a few hours of doing.. things..

"So? Where to next?" Shalnark asks.

"I know! Let's go there!" Gon pointed at some building with so many lights on saying "Big booty" on the title, flashing brightly.

"W-Why would you wanna go there?" Natsume asked, sweatdropping along with Shalnark while Shizuku just staring blankly.

"I don't know, it looks fun and I can hear music playing"

"Yeaaaah, let's not" She disagreed, shaking her head and making a face.

"Why not?"

"That's for adults only Gon" She disappointedly stated.

"What, I'm an adult!" He smiled.

"No, 18+ are adults. You're twelve"

"Aww, I wish I am" He said.

"Don't try to grow up so fast Gon, before you know it, you'll regret you did and thought you should've spent more time on playing with kiddy toys and ice cream. Being old or mature doesn't mean you can do anything that kids can't do, sometimes it's hard to grow up. And the hardest thing in growing up, is to let go of the things you once hold on to. To let go if the people you dearly loved and cherish from the very second you met them. That's life, and it's short, so be sure to enjoy every second or every day that God gives you okay?" She smiled brightly.

"Uh-huh! You're like Aunt Mito, Taiga-chan"

"Do I? Haha" She chuckled.

"Didn't know you believe in God, Natsume"

"Not everyone can be judge by what they do. I don't know it there IS an afterlife, but all I know is that if I can do something for my friends that won't at least disappoint them, then you can put a bullet in my head already" She smirked and then continued walking.

"That's THE OPPOSITE of, like, believing in God!" Shalnark chortles while they all followed after her.

"I'm tired" Natsume whined after a few minutes of searching for a place to entertain themselves.

"It's so hooooot~!" Gon complained as well, sitting on a bench.

"Ice cream!" Natsume's eyes sparkled, seeing a truck of ice cream passing by so slowly. She checked her pocket but there was no money and she couldn't ask for Shal's since it was their date and she needs to learn to take care of herself without asking for everyone's help.

"You want some ice cream, Taiga-chan? I'll buy you" Gon spoke with a smile.

Natsume's eyes widened and sparkled with joy, "Gon!" She hugged the boy so tightly and he happily hugged back with a smile.

"What flavor do you want?" Gon asked while they were standing infront of the ice cream truck.

"Strawberry and chocolate!" She cheered.

"Two strawberry chocolate please!" He chirped.

"Two strawberry chocolate coming up" The brunette old man replied with a smile.

They recieve theirs and Gon happily paid for it just to make his friend happy.

She glomped at him and hugged him again after licking once at the pink side. "I love you Gon!" She brightly smiled, chuckling overjoyed.

The young boy laughed back, hugging her once again. "For the next place, I wanna take you to my choice" The smile on the boy's face never left. "Oh~, you are learning aren't you? You're so cute, Gon! Never regret my decision of choosing you!"

They went to a bowling place, "Come on Gon! Come on!"

"Go Shizuku! Go Go Go!" The two cheered for their partners as they throw on their bowling balls on the alley.

Gon hit a spare while Shizuku had a perfect strike. She threw so gracefully and eventually has a higher score not higher than 2 points from Gon. Natsume lets out a grieving groan. "Maybe next time Gon" She smiled to cheer her partner up. "I'm sorry, Taiga-chan"

"So? Where two next?" Shalnark asked.

"Don't you wanna take the lead now? We've been dragging you two around"

"It's okay, it's fun ayways. But I sure would like to go to that one place. It's been too long" Shalnark muttered, flashbacks flickering at the back of his eyes.

"Brr! So cold!" Natsume and Gon chimed.

"Sorry, I just want to see some fast fun" Shal smiled.

Gon, Shalnark and Shizuku puts on their roller skating shoes. "Come on Natsume, what are you waiting for?" Shalnark looks back at her with a smile, thus making Gon and Shizuku follow.

"I-I... don't know how to skate" Their eyes widened a little and then Gon smiled. "Come, I'll teach you" The boy suggests. "I'm scared though" Her puppy eyes burst out crying.

"I-It's okay, Taiga-chan! I'll hold your hand!" Gon sweatdropped.

"You won't let go?" She asks, wiping out the tears away from her eyes.

"Promise!" She smiled and put on her shoe, grabbed Gon's hand and skated away. She firmly held the boy's hand, "Ow ow ow" He yelped and then she slowly untightened. "Sorry" She sheepishly smiled.

And so Gon taught her how to skate and she finally learned it but still an amatuer on stopping thus resulting her to fall in the bushes. "Taiga-chan!" Gon jolted up and stopped. "I'm okay!" Her hand raised up from the bushes gesturing that she's fine and fell asleep completely. So they went to the park so she could rest for a minute.

"You're so comfy Gwonnn" She cuddles closer to him. Gon just chuckled and smiled at her. "That was fun" Shalnark sighs. "You're going back?" Gon asked when he noticed they were walking away. "Aren't you? You still have some better ideas?" The blonde questions.

"Yeah, I think there are many places I would want to take Taiga-chan. I want to see her smile" He smirked, staring at his date with sincere eyes.

"Very well, we'll just be getting drinks. Shizuku wants something to freshen her up, she seems kinda tired." Shalnark said, while the black haired girl just nod. "You want something else?" Shal asked the boy. "I'm good, but can you buy Taiga-chan a drink? Maybe water would be better for her" He smiled.

Meanwhile, Machi and Chrollo are in the tennis court, playing with a bunch of players. They joined a competition and they were in the semi finals.

"Wish me luck" Chrollo walked away with his racket. "Good luck" Machi greets when he was far away, she smiled slightly.

Back to where we are

"Gon! It's beautiful out here!" Natsume chirped, seeing the beauty of the plain grass swaying with the wind and trees. "Horses!" She screams in excitement. "Let's go, Taiga-chan!" Gon smiled, offering his hand, and she gradually took his hand with a satisfied look on her face while she stares back.

Gon helped the brunette ride on, giving her a boost. Hers was black while Gon's was brown. It took time for her to perfectly ride it on, she fell, she slammed on a tree and flipped so many times but she finally learned how to control the horse, thanks to Gon.

"Thanks Gon" She said while walking out of the place, holding the boy's hand into hers. "There's another place I would want to take you, Taiga-chan!" He excitedly stated. "You sure know a lot about where a girl would enjoy" She beamed.

"Well, we should be going now, Shizuku's pretty tired. See you there Natsume" Shalnark said his goodbye while Shizuku just nod, the two nodded back with a smile. And so the two left.

Gon took Taiga to another place where he knew she would lighten up, "Firefly garden!" She chirped, head turning left and right. Her eyes widened in awe of every light brought by the fireflies, she was overjoyed seeing the beautiful view (despite the fact that she hates insects).

"Gon! This is AMAZING~!" She cheered, for the first time again that he saw the biggest, brightest and sweetest smile on her lips. This made him smile too while he looked at his beautiful face. Her smile has always been so contagious, in a good way, in a great way. It was like when she's have so much fun, her surroundings lighten up, brighter than it already is.


'Now I understand how you feel about her. Why you love her so much...'

"Gon!" She called out, snapping him back to reality. She smiled and muttered, "Let's visit this place again sometimes, it's really magnificent. I love it! I love you!" She beamed, causing Gon to slightly blush, flattered. "Well, we ARE on a date. I won't want you to get bored Taiga" Natsume's eyes widened, "So you finally called me by my name" She smirked. "I feel like I just disrespected you" HE rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling.

They sat down on the green grass and lay down, "It's beautiful... honestly, I'm speechless. I'll keep on complimenting this place and it will be my favorite!" She said. "Really? You like my surprise?"

"Isn't ity obvious? I love it, so much. You really make me feel like we're already a couple" She smiled. Gon's reaction was new to her and him, he blushed but now with a smile but with a surprised look.

Gon heard a throbbing sound deep inside his chest, he didn't know what it was but he didn't want to know, it didn't matter. All that matters is that she's happy and that she finally smiled, for the first time in a very long time. It wasn'y Killua this time, it was himself and he felt a little bit proud of himself. How he desperately wanted to tell Killua what he did to see Taiga smile again.

After a few hours of staring at the fireflies under the stars, Gon and Taiga went home with their lips curved into a smile and hands tangled together. They skipped happily on their way back.

Gon told Killua about what happened during the date, and Taiga told everyone (not including Shizuku and Shal) what Gon did. Meanwhile, Killua, of course, felt the sensation that he hated the most. Seeing Gon and Taiga so happy, telling their stories to everyone and laughing at it really makes him mad, but at the same time happy. They really had fun, for Taiga it was the best date ever.

To be continued...


Thanks for reading!!

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