Transforming For You (Transfo...

By 2ArchAngels

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Summary in first chapter More

1) On The Run
2) Fury Knows and Ironman
3) Meeting the others and Prank Wars
4) Victory with a Capital 'V'
Landfalls Clothes from chapter 4
Lifeguards clothes from chapter 4
5) Cemetery Wind
6) Trusting the Avengers with the Bots
(7) Sunny and Sides
(8) The Winter Soldier Pt 1
(9) Winter Soldier Pt 2
(10) Winter Soldier Part 3
(11) Winter Soldier Pt 4
(12) The Winter Soldier Part 5
(13) Winter Soldier Part 6
(14) The Winter Soldier Part 7 FINAL PART
(15) Age of Extinction Pt1
(16) Age Of Extinction P2
(17) Age Of Extinction Pt3
(18) Age of Extinction Pt4
(19) Age of Extinction Pt5
(20) Age of Extinction Pt6
(21) Age of Extinction Pt7
(22) Age of Extinction Pt8
(23) Age of Extinction Pt9 {Edited}
(24) Age of Ultron Pt1
(25) Age of Ultron Pt2
(26) Age of Ultron Pt3
(27) Age of Ultron Pt4
(28) Age of Ultron Pt5
(29)Age Of Ultron Pt6
(30) Age of Ultron Pt7
(31) Age Of Ultron Pt 8
(33) Final part of Age of Ultron
(34) The Last Knight Pt1
(35) The Last Knight Pt2
(36) The Last Knight Pt3

(32) Age of Ultron Pt 9

195 2 1
By 2ArchAngels

Lifegaurd's POV

Sakovia had no idea of the fate that was about to befall it, I took no pleasure on the lives that would be lost. I drew on Optimus's teachings 'Life was the right of all sentient beings' and yet Ultron was sentient and was trying to end it. Arcee and the other Autobots had ground bridged and awaited word to evacuate the civilians that rested just outside of the city's center. "Once we land we need to evacuate the civilians in the combat zone out of harms way, in addition, scans from our scanners show that there is Vibranium in the church at the center of the city." Prowl said.

"He is going to use it as a meteor," I said, "He plans to cause global extinction." 

"Sokovia is going to have a nice new lake in the center of it look at this." Ratchet said projecting how far the Vibranium ran.

It was .6 miles all around, "That is going to cause a lot of damage if we manage to destroy it," Starscream said gravely.

"Lifeguard to Arcee, you guys get to work I am sure you have seen the mission brief," I said.

"Of course we did, and we don't like it either and we are way ahead of you, also be informed we have Decepticons on the grounds trying to aid in the evacuation," Arcee said.

"Repeat that, did you say the Decepticons are helping with evacuation?" I asked shocking Clint enough that the jet jerked.

"I did, Megatron doesn't believe that his future slave force should be extinguished," Arcee said.

"I will slave my ped up his aft if I see him." Lifeguard growled out beside Tony who chuckled. 

I shook my head, "We need to get the civilians inside and outside of Novi grad the hell out of there." Steve said.

"ETA 2 minutes Lifeguard," Clint said over the loudspeaker from the.

"Bruce I know Wanda got in your head, but we are going to need big green," Ironhide said.

Bruce nodded, "I know Ironhide, your about the only one next to Hound that can take a beating from him." Bruce said.

I snorted as the look on Ratchet's face having now discovered why the two weapon specialist always showed up with dented and cracked plating,  "Roughhousing with the Hulk have you two lost your processors?!" Ratchet bellowed.

Hulk did fear Ratchet to some extent. Ratchet's anger surpassed the Hulk's on certain matters and this just happened to be one of them. The last time Hulk upset Ratchet, the Chief Medical officer lifted up a Cybertronian sized wrench and tomahawked it at the big green rage monster causing Hulk to run in fear along with anyone else in the room. Wanda saw this and looked at Ratchet, "You had the twins in fear of their lives." Wanda said to Ratchet.

"You my dear have your hands full with those two, they may be fully grown Mechs, but they act like a couple of sparklings." Ratchet pointed out, "At least their sisters are more mature." 

"Only when it counts Ratch," I replied smoothly.

Ratchet gave me a look that spoke volumes with a firm nod, "That is very much true, but you two don't tempt my wrath often." Ratchet replied, "Though Landfall has been toeing that line as of late." 

My twin chuckled nervously,  "Someone has to keep Tony from being reckless." Landfall reasoned.

"HEY!" Tony pouted.

Clint informed us that we were landing and we all got ready to move out into the main part of the City. Tony had dawned his suit as Fury sent me encripted messages that they would arrive shortly. Now it was time to face off against Ultron.


Landfall's POV

I followed Tony into the Church while my sister and the others evacuated the civilians I followed my sparkmate to see our naughty son, "Have you come to confess your sins?" Ultron asked Tony.

"I don't know how much time to you have?" Tony asked.

Ultron stood up his frame was made from Vibranium now meaning it would be harder to take him down he looked over to me, "Hello, mother." he greeted.

"Ultron you have to stop this, killing innocent lives is not the key to saving the planet you know this." I reasoned.

Ultron sighed, "You're of a race far more advanced than me, you have seen what mankind has done to itself." Ultron replied.

"Mankind is still young and has much to learn," I replied.

"You should listen to your mother sparkling, we Autobots uphold life because all life decides the freedom to chose their own fate." a voice said.

I looked over in shock to see Drift,  "Life is the right of all Sentient beings Ultron." I said.

"I am saving life, by helping it evolve." Ultron growled out.

"No, the life I carry is the next step in human evolution," I said.

Ultron looked at me in shock, "Your..." Ultron began saying words until he came out with the right one, "Pregnant?" 

"They will be the first a union of human and cybertronian, techno-organic," I said, "You my son are in pain, your anger is hurting everything around you." 

Ultron looked conflicted, "No mom, I am not angry nor am I hurting anyone I am saving them!" he snapped.

Ultron lashed out only to have Tony get between us being knocked out of the way before Shockwave shockingly to my surprise came to my rescue,  "Your rage is illogical Lord Megatron wants the inhabitants on this planet to live so they may serve him." Shockwave said, "It is also illogical to strike a femme while she is sparked." 

"Luci get out of here now!" Tony ordered.

I nodded as Ultron summoned his robot army as I ran from the church,  "Epps I need a ground bridge to my coordinates it is too dangerous for me to be here." I said.

"Ground bridge is activating now," Epps said.

"Good call sis, keep my nieces or nephews safe." Lifeguard said.

As soon as the bridge appeared I went through and ended up on the carrier's bridge, "Remind me to thank Shockwave later if we don't try to end up killing each other first." I said.

"It would be illogical to kill a Sparked Femme of a new species." Came the cryptic reply.

I rolled my eyes at that. I was shocked to see Vector Prime and the Commandos standing on the bridge,  "At least you all are safer up here then down there, it just turned into a warzone." I said.

"A warzone sounds fun right about now," Dugan said.

I shook my head. "Lifeguard The commandos are feeling left out." I said into my internal comms.

"Tell them to get ready they will be on the life pods." Came the reply.

"Commandos to the life pods, get to moving," I said.

"Wahooooooo!" Dugan exclaimed the others following close behind as Howard walked over.

"How are my grandbabies?" He asked which caused everyone to look at me in shock.

I ran a full systems check, "Your grandchildren are fine Howard its Tony and my sister I am worried about the most." I replied.

"Your sister will be stronger in the end." Vector Prime said.

I nodded knowing he spoke true.


Bucky's POV

These damn robots were everywhere! I would shoot one down and 4 more would take its place. These things were worse than HYDRA I swear! I kept firing my sniper rifle as the city of  Novi Grad, Sakovia began rising higher into the sky, with the impact and the Vibranium with the reversed polarity and other shit that was giving me a headache we were in trouble even with the help of Megatron and his Decepticons. Laserbeak flew over my head and opened fire, "Thanks Beak!" I called out.

Laserbeak flew and landed beside me,  "You are welcome Sargent, it is good to see you again given the problem at hand." Laserbeak said.

"The feeling is mutual," I grunted punching an Ultron bot in the face before ripping out its spark.

Laserbeak and I had a history per say, Starscream and the others weren't the only cons to cross paths with the Howling Commandos. When I was imprisoned the first time I had come across both Laserbeak and her brother Ravage who was a large black metallic panther. I helped them escape without HYDRA's, "Last we heard Sargent you fell off of a train." Laserbeak said.

"I was recaptured by HYDRA they experimented on me some more gave me a new arm and wiped my memories until they turned me into their weapon," I replied as I shot down three more Ultron bots.

"I am sorry Sargent, you were the only human in that building that showed my brother and I kindness and set us free. If we would have known." Laserbeak said.

"You couldn't have, where's Ravage, we could use his help?" I asked.

"He is with the Avenger Hawkeye," Laserbeak said.

I nodded, "Then let's move." I said.

We made our way over as I looked over to where Steve and Natasha stood. "No a bad way to go, where else am I going to get a view like this?"  Natasha asked.

"Glad you like the view Romanoff because it about to get a whole lot better." Came former Director Fury's voice over the comms.

Just then out of the clouds emerged the 1st generation Helicarrier from the battle of New York right alongside the city, "Nice right?  Lifeguard had her pulled out of mothballs with a few friends." Fury began, "She's a little dusty, but she'll do."

"Fury you son of a bitch," Steve said.

"Whoa, do you kiss your mother with that mouth." Fury teased.

"No, his mother would have washed his mouth out with a bar of soap, though he kisses me and Liz with that mouth." I shot back laughing.

"He kissed me with that mouth," Peggy replied with a laugh.

I knew Steve was pink from embarrassment at that.


Lifeguard's POV

I joined Natasha and Steve when the Carrier arrived, "Attention all Autobots and Decepticons...SHIELD has arrived start evacuation of the buildings." I said looking over at Steve's pink face.

The side of the ship's lower hull opened revealing the lifeboats as the boats began to leave the ship Ultron's bots began to head for the carrier,  "Starscream get your seekers and knock those Ultron bots out of the air. Help out the Commandos." I ordered.

"Copy that, Seekers inbound." came the reply.

Pietro joined us looking on in amazement, "This is SHIELD?" he asked.

"This is how SHIELD is supposed to be," Steve said looking at me with pride and love.

"This is not so bad," Pietro said looking back at us.

Steve looked at me, "Let's load them up." Steve said.

Megatron and the others covered us as we went to round up the civilians still trapped on the now 13,000 feet and climbing city of Novi Grad. I looked at Steve ~Landfall, we have no choice these things are coming out of everywhere and we can't contain them all.~ I said over our sibling bond.

~Even with Falcon and War Machine there is no other way.~ Landfall said sadly.

I looked at Steve and Bucky who were fighting back to back as Dugan came off the life pod with the others. I looked at Pietro, "Get them out of here Quicksilver and don't turn back for anything." I said.

Pietro looked at me in shock. "No," he said

"It has to be done, these things have to be taken out we take out Ultron we take them out." I explained, "We can't hold them off." 

Pietro nodded, "Wait until they are on board to tell them." I said before Cutting of my bond to my siblings I was not about to have Landfall sacrifice herself or her children to help me.

I went into my bi-ped form and stood next to Megatron, "Get your afts out of here." I said.

Megatron looked at me, "What about you?" he asked. He wasn't really worried he just wanted to know why I was ordering him around. Wanted to know what I had planned.

"I am making the sacrifice play." I said.

Megatron looked at me in shock but nodded as he ordered his decepticons to head for the carrier.

I looked ahead and went into my car mode and raced off to face Ultron.


Steve's POV

It wasn't until we were on board the carrier that Quicksilver who had gone to protect Hawkeye and a little boy who would have been killed if it wasn't for Crosshairs informed me of what Liz had done, "No!" I said, "Tony, Thor. Liz, she's still down there!" I said.

"No!" Landfall cried out.

"Steve, what is going on?" Bucky asked stepping onto the bridge.

"Liz she's still down there she went to face Ultron on her own," I said in a panic.

Bucky's eyes went wide as Novi Grad exploded. My heart dropped as I fell to my knees Lifeguard she had sacrificed herself because she saw there was no other way. She connected to Ultron and destroyed him or we hoped. After the dust settled Vision returned, "Ultron is no more." he said.

"Liz?" Bucky asked.

Vision bowed his head, "I'm sorry but I didn't see her or anything that remained." Vision said.

"Fury be advised Ratchet picked up an Autobot signature that matches Lifeguard seekers are heading down to investigate," Starscream said through the comms.

"Starscream, its Steve bring her home," I said.

"Will do Captain, then you can give her a lecture that will most likely put Prowl's to shame," Starscream replied back.

I chuckled and shook my head I just wanted Liz back safe...

(Word Count: 2,306)

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