Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.3K 17.7K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



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By chibicandimei

   Shane Ruins Everything


Photocred: I dont know


( Shane POV )

"We've been out there! We've been combing these fucking woods looking for her and she's been in there all along!?" My anger wasn't just at this stupid ,crazy fucking farm family, no, it was also at Y/N who had run off. She fucking knew, we all followed after the family as they headed towards the house," You knew!"

"Leave us alone!"

I glared at Glenn's fuckbuddy ,she gladly tossed it back before turning away from me, then I felt a hand place itself over my arm and I immediately lashed out. Rick pushed my hand away as it nearly hit him,"Hey,Shane just stop man!"

"Get your hands off me!" I yelled back before it boring him and looking back at the family. All the fucking time we wasted on that stupid girl, she was dead the second we lost her! I pointed at hershels back,"You knew and you kept it from us."

I heard the man sigh before he looked back at me for a second,"I didn't know-"

"That's bullshit!"

He sighed again and I realized we had finally reached the house, this time Maggie answered,"We didn't Know!"

"Why was she there!?" I practically spit out of my mouth, I heard Hershel fumble with his words as he tried to find the right answer.

He let go of his crying and traumatized daughter and turned to face me, if he didnt look worried and stressed to hell before, he sure as hell did now. "Your...I, " he sighed and I rested my hands on my hips,"Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed."

Now I'm glad that fat bumbling idiot died, my glare only focused on him as he kept avoiding my eyes,"You expect me to believe that!? Do I look like an idiot to you-"

"Shane stop-" I pushed a hand away without even looking back.

I took another step forward and Rick's arm was now outstretched making sure I couldn't get any closer to the stupid old man. He finally responded to me with anger,"Know what? I don't care what you believe!"

Rick placed his hands on both of our chests, trying to calm us both but it wouldnt work,"Everybody just, calm down-"

Next thing I knew Hershels finger was continuously pointing at my face, a part of me wanted to reach forward and bit it off,"Get him off my land!"

"Please no," Rick pleaded but I didnt care what he said at this point either.

I forcefully pushed Rick away from me, ready to get closer to Hershel and do whatever my heart desired,"Now let me tell you something!"

"Hey!" Maggie grabbed my arm but I pushed it away, realizing how close I was she suddenly used all her force to slap me across the face with a glare and a yell,"Dont Touch Him!" I paused in anger and my eyes focused on her, Glenn and Rick both pulled me back while she pulled on her father to go into the house,"Haven't you fucking done enough?"

She stomped her way to the door and opened it for the family, before disappearing herself, the last to go in was Hershel who slowly turned back to look at us with a stony expression on his face. "I mean it- get off my land. All of you."

( Glenn POV )

"I'm sorry but I need to ask," Maggie slowly turned around with downcast eyes. I had followed her into the house after the yelling Shane had done outside. I didn't think this would happen though... I sighed and finally saw her look up from the floor,"Did you know she was in there?" She looked offended,no she looked disappointed that I had asked that and I instantly looked away. "You know what? Maybe this us for the best." She walked around the couch to get closer to me, to this I moved over to the window and looked out to see Shane walking towards the trees with anger splashed over his face. "At least we know now and we can move on.."

I heard her scoff before mimicking what I said,"Move on."

I turned around to look at her,"Yeah, it's just like- meant so much to everyone, finding her you know? And then-" I stopped myself from continuing as I pointed out the window at the now empty barn.

"So how you'll just move on?"

I put both my hands now, my eyes making their way back to her now sitting figure,"If we can, I mean, we've lost other but...this is,well, this is Sophia." She nodded in understanding before looking down at her hands, "This whole group, this is different."

With a sigh and red eyes she looked up at me,"So what happens now?"

I crossed my arms as I responded,"We bury her, with your stepmom and your stepbrother.."

She blinked multiple times to get rid of the tears threatening to spill from her eyes,"And then?"

I stayed silent, uncrossed my arms and slowly made my way to her before placing my hands on her head and softly kissing her forhead,"I dont know...."

( Carl POV )

I was sitting on the ground with my mom, starting at all the bodies but my eyes on focused on one, Sophia. Y/N must feel responsible for this, maybe that's why she ran off. I looked at my mom,"I thought I could find her,like maybe she was just hiding somewhere in a cave or a tree,she'd be safe. Waiting for us, and I'd find her and bring her back.." My mom could only stare at me with an unreadable expression so I turned back to focus on Sophia. "He did the right thing, shooting her like that. I would've done it too."

Looking back at her I saw her frown deepen, with a sigh she looked up,"Dale?" He glanced over at his name,"Could you take Carl up to the house?" I looked at her jot understanding and she simply kissed my forhead,"I want you to rest."

"Ok," I mumbled before getting up and walking next to Dale towards the house, that's when I noticed that Daryl had walked out of the RV.

Last I saw, Carol had run in there after while Y/N ran into the woods, I looked around quickly to see if Y/N had returned and thats when I noticed that Shane was gone too. "Dale, can I go see Carol?"

He nodded and after leading me a hit he left to who knows where, I quickly ran up to Daryl,"Do you know where Shane is?" He raised an eyebrow but then pointed at the woods, I cocked my head to the side in confusion,"Why would Shane follow Y/N?"

His head quickly turned to face the woods, before pointing at me,"You stay here ."

I stuck my tongue out at him as I looked for a hidden knife that I had borrowed from Y/N before racing after Shane figure,"No way,I'm coming."

He sighed and rolled his eyes at me, but didn't tell me anything else, the second we heard a gun go off though we both froze. Y/N? Shane?

( Your POV )

I heard someone's footsteps coming my way but I wasnt exactly in the mood to move or even open my eyes, but once my nose caught their scent I stood up from the floor. "What do you want Shane?" He made no move to speak, but he did continue to walk closer, why can't he just leave me alone? When his feet finally stopped walking I expected him to say something but all I heard was silence, annoyed I finally opened my eyes,"What the fuck do you-"

I don't know how I reacted in time, but next thing I knew my hand had moved his gun from my forehead to the tree behind me, a fresh hole now in the tree. All I could do was glare at him. With a blank face he muttered, "You moved."

"No really? I couldn't tell," I had lowered my hand not thinking he'd try anything again but I felt his push the gun against the center of my forehead. "I guess I got my answer, you love me."

He had maintained a monotone face throughout this but my one comment had set him off into an angry glare and his finger was suddenly on the trigger."You're a traitor."

I sent him a small hidden smile and I grabbed the gun and lowered it until it was against my heart,"What makes you think you arent one too?" I pushed the gun tightly against my chest as I locked eyes with him,"Do it Shane, shoot me. I wont give you another chance."

He stayed quiet, just staring at me before he slowly let his hand holding the gun fall to his side,"I can't shoot you." I was confused by his actions, as I always am so I stayed quiet. After putting his gun back in his holster he locked eyes with me again,"But I'm not letting you get away this time."

I clenched my fists ready for the unthinkable,"What are you talking about?"

He stepped closer before using his own body to pin me against the tree I had been leaning against,"You."

"Fuck you," I spit in his face, my hand coming up to hit him but he suddenly pulled out a knife,my hand opened up to grab it but I didnt expect what happened after. I stared in surprise as I struggled to free my hand from the knife,blood had begun to spill out over my hand.He pinned my hand to the tree...he fucking stabbed me with his knife and pinned me to a tree!! "What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"It won't hurt too much," before I could respond he pushed his lips against mine,but for some odd reason this idiot never removed my face mask. I knew he was a fucking kinky little shit! With my only free hand I tried to push him away but he quickly grabbed it and raised it over my head holding it there. His body my holding my legs in place, and his free hand was starting to lower itself on my body. I have two options left,possibly tear open hand to get it free or....I can bite him..

"Y/N, are you out here?"

My head whipped to the side searching for the voice, I couldn't see them but I knew they weren't far, Shane quickly forced his mouth back over mine and forced me to face him.If I'm sure that voice was Daryl, I smelled the air to check, wait he isn't eyes widened. Why the hell is Carl here?!?!

I don't have a choice, I glared at Shane even though he couldnt see it, he was to busy feeling me up to notice it. My hand closed itself around the knife, once my hold was good I tightened up my arm and quickly yanked my hand away from the tree. "Argh!!" He snapped open his eyes and tried to grab my arm but I punched him in the face with the hilt of the knife,"Wrong person to fuck with Shane, wrong fucking person."

My ears twitched at the sound of quick footsteps, they heard my yell, sighing I looked down at my hand to see the damage,my fingerless glove was now destroyed.He yelled out at me, "You fucking bitch!"

My eyes snapped up to him in a hard glare,he was holding his cheek that was beginning to bruise,"That's funny," with my right hand I grabbed the handle of the knife stuck in my left hand. "Because you, are a fucking bitch too!"

I tore the knife out of my hand and quickly charged forward, I didn't fucking care if I kill him anymore! Fuck you! He tried to dodge my attack but I already knew he'd move away. "Fuck!" He cried out as I sliced through his side, the second after he moved, his shirt beginning to envelope in blood, he kicked the knife out of my hand. "One of us isn't gonna leave."

"I wish that were true," I said as I pulled down my mask and ripped off my now ruined glove," but we are about to be interrupted by Daryl and Carl."

He brought up his fists and I quickly followed, blood continued to drip from my left hand," It wont take long."

I scoffed and that instantly set us both off to attack eachother, I dont know what I was thinking but the second I pinned him to the ground I started punching his face with my bloodied hand. He pushed me off with his legs, kicking me in the stomach to send me back,I quickly pushed myself up and onto my feet. I was ready to jump at him again when I felt something stab into me, looking down I found his hand shoving the knife into my stomach. "If only this could stop me Shane," his eyes widened as I pulled the knife out along with his hand and then kicked his abdomen. This sent him flying to the floor. I went to pick up the knife he had dropped only for him to kick my feet out fron under me, he wasnt stupid and quickly straddled my waist,the knife back in his hands.

"Die already!"

With both hands holding the knife he plunged it down towards my throat but I quickly grabbed it with both of my hands. The blade was beginning to dig into my hands, a new fight beggining between us, who is stronger.

"I said before, you shooting me was your only chance to kill me, you're out of chances Shane!"

Before either of us could do anything more Shane was forcably pulled away from me my body as Carl screamed my name when he noticed the blood,"Y/N!"

The knife fell at my side as Daryl and Shane began to yell at eachother in the background, I just sighed as I sat up.My attention more focused on Carl,"I'm ok Carl."

I suddenly felt his body slam into me and his arms wrap around my neck,"I thought you were going to leave us..."

"I thought about it, but I cant leave you here alone now can I?" His grip on me only got tighter and I hugged him back with only one arm, mostly cause my left arm was covered in my own blood at this point. "I'm sorry I worried you Carl,forgive me?"

He pulled back and gave me a big smile, damn this kid is good at blocking out the fight behind him, "Only if you promise to .....ummm, can I think of something later?"

I nodded at him,"Of course."

After telling Carl to stand up, I stood up and walked over to Daryl and Shane who were about to kill eachother, so I stepped in between them and raised my bloodied hand. "No offense to you two,but Shane is injured again so let's get back to camp and act as if nothing ever happened." They both looked at me as if I was crazy and I glared at them,"Unless you two seem fine with Lori yelling because Carl saw us almost killing eachother."

They both scoffed and looked off in different directions, but they thankfully, quickly agreed. Before we went back though Daryl ripped a part of my clothing and tightly wrapped it around my hand. This isnt really needed but, the thought of it is cute, I gave Daryl a small smile as he finished. "Thank you."

He raised my injured hand to his mouth and gave it a kiss,"I'll be taking care of you this time."

Shane growled at this action,I just flipped him off and with Daryl placing his arm around my shoulders we began to walk back. Carl quickly grabbed my good hand and Shane, well, he just followed behind with a hold on the cut I had sliced through his abdomen. What would have happened if these two didn't come looking for me?

"One of us isn't going to leave."

That's what he had said, but I know I would have won no matter what he tried, he had no time to aim at my head without me stopping him. I glanced back at him and we quickly met eyes, for once his eyes were unreadable to me,I almost bit him too...

I sighed before breaking off our eye contact and going back to looking forward,Why do I feel that things are gonna get worse..

( Shane POV )

I was forced into a tent with Y/N who quickly collected things to clean my wounds and wrapped them up,she also somehow found me a new and clean shirt, when we all returned Carl was sent to the house while Daryl went back into the RV to be with Carol. ​​​​​​​Even after finding us bleeding and trying to kill each other they both left us alone.... I scoffed as I remembered that stupid redneck threatening me because I had hurt Y/N.

I have one cut, and yet this bitch that I stabbed twice is the one taking care of me

"I'm gonna do this quick because the others are looking for us to bury the bodies."

"How did you know?" She paused in her movement, only for a quick second though before continuing while clenching her wrapped hand, she cant still move it even after having a knife straight through it? "Or are you never gonna tell me?"

She laughed at this as she turned around and lifted up my shirt before pressing something against my cut, I suddenly felt the worst burning sensation stretch itself across my stomach," Oh you mean like you told us about Otis?" I hissed at the pain as she applied more and pressed more roughly against it,"Unless you tell I ain't saying shit either."

"He died to save Carl,"I growled out as she got closer to me and began to wrap my cut, I shivered as her hands traced themselves across my skin while moving the bandaging.

"Ya and I you stabbing my hand scared me," she rolled her eyes at me as she finished fixing the wrap and finally stepped away, the trails of her fingers could still be felt crawling around my skin and I fucking hated it.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

She answered by throwing the shirt at my face which I quickly ripped off and put on, looking up again I watched as she starred at the barn,"I don't know anymore."

Happy New Year!


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