Avengers Texts

By Can_you_nawt

1.2M 47.6K 7.8K

Someone gave Thor a phone (it was Tony) Steve learned how to use Apple Maria Hill is a fangirl Phil Coulson i... More

Fury To Tony
Thor To Fury
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Steve
Tony To Steve
Bruce To Tony
Fury To Tony
Tony To Steve
Natasha To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Bruce To Maria
Clint To Nat
Natasha To Bruce
Tony To Sam
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Phil
Bruce To Tony
Maria To Bruce
Tony To Bruce
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Phil
Fury To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Pepper To Maria
Pepper To Tony
Tony To Natasha
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Thor
Tony To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Steve
Steve To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Bruce To Maria
Maria To Phil
Bruce To Clint
Tony To Bruce
Phil To Maria
Loki To Phil
Phil To Maria
Steve To Tony
Phil To Loki
Phil To Maria
Maria To Melinda
Melinda To Pepper
Steve To Tony
Maria To Phil
Pepper To Tony
Pepper To Thor
Natasha To Clint
Sam To Steve
Pepper To Maria
Maria To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Steve
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Maria
Pepper To Natasha
Pepper To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Peter
Pepper To Tony
Steve To Tony
Tony To Natasha
Bruce To Thor
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Sam
Bruce To Tony
Sam To Steve
Steve To Bruce
Bruce To Maria
Bruce To Tony
Tony To Steve
Pepper To Tony
Maria To Phil
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Natasha
Fury To Pepper
Pepper To Tony
Natasha To Clint
Melinda To Maria
Maria To Natasha
Maria To Tony
Maria To Bruce
Bruce To Pepper
Tony To Fury
Tony To Fury
Bruce To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Clint To Bruce
The Kitchen
Steve To Tony
Natasha To Tony
Clint To Natasha
Natasha To Steve
Steve To Bucky
Steve To Tony
Steve To Bucky
Natasha To Maria
Maria To Clint
Melinda To Maria
Peter To Bruce
Maria To Clint
Natasha To Tony
Phil To Maria
Maria To Melinda
Natasha To Thor
Clint To Natasha
Loki To Thor
Melinda To Maria
Natasha To Clint
Clint To Bruce
Peter To Tony
Tony's POV
Tony To Pepper
Tony's POV
Sam To Tony
Tony's POV
May To Maria
Melinda To Natasha
Melinda To Tony
Tony To Steve
Tony To Bruce
Fury To Tony
Pepper To Tony
Snapchat: Clint To Natasha
Snapchat: Clint To Bruce
Snapchat: Clint To Marie
Snapchat: Clint To Loki
Maria To Bruce
Snapchat: Maria To Phil
Snapchat: Sam To Clint
Bucky To Natasha
Natasha To Steve
Natasha To Fury
Snapchat: Clint To Tony
Tony To Bruce
Tony To Loki
Natasha To Tony
Fury To Natasha
Natasha To Maria
Tony To Natasha
Tony To Bruce
Natasha To Melinda
Bruce To Loki
Loki To Clint
Natasha To Tony
Tony To Steve
Clint To Natasha
Steve To Sam
Sam To Clint
Clint To Natasha
Clint To Sam
Loki To Phil
Tony To Peter
Fury To Tony
Peter To Wade
Shark Week
Clint To Natasha
Fury To Tony
Marie To Phil
Natasha To Clint
Natasha To Tony
Natasha To Steve
Natasha To Clint
Steve To Tony
Bruce To Clint
Tony To Natasha
Natasha To Steve
Steve To Pepper
Pepper To Tony
Clint To Natasha
Bucky's POV
Clint To Natasha
Natasha To Tony
Natasha To Pepper
Sam To Clint
Peter To Tony
Tony To Steve
Peter To Natasha
Natasha To Clint
Maria To Melinda
Maria To Coulson
Maria To Coulson
Natasha To Melinda
Clint To Maria
Bruce To Tony
Bruce To Sam
Bucky To Tony
Steve To Maria
Maria To Melinda
Steve To Tony
Clint To Tony
Natasha To Tony
Melinda To Maria
Melinda To Tony
Clint To Tony
Maria To Phil
Melinda To Maria
Tony To Clint
Bucky To Tony
Maria To Fitz
Tony to Bruce
Wade to Peter
Wade to Peter
Foggy to Matt
Tony to Natasha
Tony to Fury
Bruce To Steve
Steve to Tony
Matt to Natasha
Natasha Comes Inside
Steve To Tony
Tony to Bruce
Thor to Wade
Thor to Bucky
Bucky to Sam
Wade to Tony
Thor to Steve
Sam to Clint
The One Where Everything Is Explained And No One Is Confused
Clint to Sam
Wade to Peter
Tony to Natasha
The One Where Thor Comes Back
Bucky to Steve
Steve to Tony
The One Where Natasha Comes Back
Bruce to Peter
Bruce to Natasha
Wade to Peter
The One Where They Jump Off A Jet
Peter's POV
The One Where Wade Runs Off
The One Where Wade Finally Saves Peter
Tony to Steve
Natasha to Steve
Peter to Bruce
Wade to Clint
The One Where More Drama Is Created
Clint to Sam
The One Where Clint Saves The Day (As Usual)
Tony to Bucky
Bruce's Room
Bucky to Sam
Natasha to Rhodey
[GROUP MESSAGE: Sam, Clint, Bruce, Steve, Pepper]
Tony to Wade
Peter to Natasha
Tony to Steve
[GROUP MESSAGE: Sam, Bucky, Rhodey, Natasha]
Steve to Natasha
Natasha to Sam
Clint to Bucky
Clint to Sam
Steve To Clint
Peter to Wade
Wade to Clint
Melinda to Thor
Clint to Rhodey
Bucky to Sam
[GROUPCHAT: Clint, Rhodey, Natasha, Steve, Wade]
Peter's Apartment
Clint to Wade
Wade to Tony
Tony to Peter

Third Floor

4.9K 148 40
By Can_you_nawt

For some reason, Natasha insisted on them having the intervention on the third floor (the one with the bay window wall that Tony broke open using Loki's head).
She had to wrestle Loki to get him up there, but she won, and honestly, he wasn't going to argue with her. Everyone else was, as expected, already in their places. They didn't want her wrath either.
Bruce and Clint towed a very confused and slightly terrified Bucky up to the room of people who he thought wanted him dead and, naturally, he panicked.
"I don't- Look- Is Stark here? Is he gonna kill me? Is this like a group murder or something?" Bucky said quickly. Bruce smiled and pointed at a chair.
"Just sit, son,"
Bucky warily sat down and eyed Natasha. She was doing her creepy figer tap thing that made her look like an evil villain.
"We want to talk to you about Steve," she said slowly. "And also about you're initiation into the tower,"
"Okay," he replied unsurely.
"If you don't start acting cool around Steve, i'll fly a plane up your ass," May said disconcernedly. Marie nodded cheerfully next to her.
"And you can't keep being a recluse, man, you're bringing everybody down," Sam added. "Stark's allowed to do that cos he has his weird deal an he owns the tower. But you're just makin' us feel bad,"
"You have to be more friendly," Loki clarified. "And not act like such a timid mouse,"
"I'm not a-"
"You keep hiding from Steve, and you'll be a dead mouse," Phil interrupted.
"Is that all?" He asked after a minute. "Be friends with Steve and hang out with you guys?"
"Yes. That, and grovel at Stark's feet. And buy me chocolate," May deadpanned.
"If you don't, i'll tell Peter to have Wade chop you up," Marie added.
"This is the weirdest intervention i've ever been to," Bucky stated.
"Well. We're not your average friends. See, some of us can take care of ourselves," Natasha gestured to herself, Bruce, May, Phil, Sam and Loki. "And there are some who need constant attention," she gestured to Thor and Marie. "And then there's Stark. He thinks he's self dependent, but he's SO self dependent that he over depends on people when they come around. And there's Steve, who needs you to be his old buddy, and Tony is depending on Steve,"
"We all have a special interest in the welfare of our genius, billionaire, so called playboy and philanthropist," Bruce said.
"So fix yourself..." May started.
"...Or be fixed," Marie finished.
Suffice it to say, Bucky was effectively terrified. Or, well, not terrified, but slightly amused and weirded out. Natasha had May and Thor escort him out while the rest of them discussed tactics.
"If Bucky is nice to Steve, Tony might get defensive," Marie said plainly.
"But then Steve would notice and tell him he had nothing to worry about," Coulson interjected.
"Tony would worry anyways," Nat sighed. "They just need to be together already, then this gets so much easier,"
"I think we should regroup later because Stark's home," Sam suggested, pointing out the window. Sure enough, there was his mustang pulling though the crazy security gates.
"Yes. Meeting adjourned, you're all dismissed," Nat said with a flick of her wrist. The room cleared, save for Clint.
"What is it?" She asked, making sure he was looking at her. He swallowed and looked down, then back up because he didn't want to miss anything she said.
"I can't hear,"
"I know,"
"I can still do things,"
"I know,"
"Then why do you have Bruce helping me down stairs? I can walk fine,"
"I didn't tell him to do that. He does it on his own,"
"Because you suggested it,"
"I don't want you killing yourself because you didn't hear someone behind you,"
"Nobody's gonna-" He sighed. "I can take care of myself,"
"I know,"
I know you know, Nat, you think i'm bulletproof whether or not I can hear but you still told someone to babysit me and you grouped me with freaking Marissa Hill and Thor, and you don't even realize you're doing it, which is why I hate being deaf because when everyone remembers I can't do shit by myself and it's too fucking quiet and I have to listen to my brain which is bullshit-
Nat poked him. He had looked away.
'You okay?' she signed. He nodded.
"I don't like not hearing you threaten people. That's, like, the best part of my day,"
She smiled and threw an arm around him, leading him out of the room. Not mentioning she had said something when he looked away because it didn't seem important.

**im tired and i feel ick so someone tell me a story and u get mega brownie points. pls story timmmmeee ily prima**

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