Can We Lose Our minds, And Ca...

By Gingervitus

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Can We Lose Our minds, And Call It Love For The Last Time? (PTV fanfiction)
The Bright Lights Mean nothing to you (Chapter 2)
Sometimes The Moon Looks Brighter Than The Sun ( Chapter 3)
Darling Look At The Sparks! (Chapter 4)
I wanna hold your hand so tight, I'm gonna break my wrist ( Chapter 5)
A beautiful reflection from firework eyes ( Chapter 6)
They'll never take us alive Chapter.. um..
Do you see me at all?~ Chapter 9
And is this fantasy real, or is it all home-made? Chapter 10
And You Can Listen To Glass Hearts Shattering Chapter 11
Nobody knows I dream about it. This is my imagination. Chapter 11
Maybe I'll pretend right now~Chapter 12
Maybe We're Meant to Lose the Ones We Love.. Chapter 13
.....but I'll fight for you till then. Chapter 14
When will it end? Chapter 15
Chapter 16~
Chapter 17~
Louisiana, you're torturing me with a beautiful face Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 I think..

There ain't a thing you can do that's gonna ruin my night (Chapter 7)

540 6 0
By Gingervitus

(Sorry about not updating in  awhile. I hope this mkes up for it. I might update up to Chapter 8 tonight also.))

((Vic's POV))

        She was still on my mind when I woke up the next morning. I stretched and got up to make coffee. The smell of fresh coffee filled the room. Everyone else probably had a mild hangover so I was the only one awake. I'm glad. Maybe I can get some more alone time with Cami. 

         If I can get her to wake up that is. I chuckled to myself and knocked on her door again. One of the maids was walking down the hall and smiled to me.

 I waved and she said," Did you lose your key or something, hun?"

That gave me an idea.  I remembered I had a key to her room. I fished it out of my pocket and held it out. 

"No, I have one." I said to the maid and she kept walking.

Slid the door key open and heard the lock click. I slowly opened the door. The room was pitch black other than the soft glow of the morning sun shining through the window.  I could barely make put anything so I switched on the lights. Cami was laying in bed still asleep, curled up in a ball. I walked over to her, and  started rubbing her back. She flinched slightly and put her arm over her face. 

"Morning sunshine," I whispered in her ear.

   Her lips formed a smile. She moved her arm and hit me in the face by accident.

"Ugh. I'm so sorry." She said. " I always  ruin perfect moments" she muttered under her breath.

" That was going to be a perfect moment?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

" I wanted it to be" She said, smiling.

    I resisted the urge to kiss her and fall back into the comfort of arms and the soft pillows. I got up and asked " Coffee sound good?" She nodded eagerly and we headed back to my room.

I knocked on my door and yelled, " Cami's with me, be  appropriate."

I heard someone yell, " You know she wants this!"

  Mike answered the door. "Come on it's safe to come inside." he said. I made Cami a cup of coffee and handed it to her.  

" I have to get ready now you can stay here if you want." I said.

"Wait, what time is it?" She asked her eyes widening slightly.

     Her eyes widened even more when someone told her and she flew out of the room.

" I guess she had to get ready too" I said  and walked into the bathroom to get in the shower.

I liked her bedhead. It was cute on her.

(( Cami's POV))

        Ugh I looked really bad pieces of hair were sticking straight up. I quickly texted my sister and parents saying I spent the night with friends and won't be back for.... How long am I  going to be with  them? I erased part of the message and put that I would be home soon.

         I put my ipod on shuffle and  jumped in the shower. Once I got out I realized  something. I have nothing to wear. I towel dried my hair and put on the complementry robe. They guys room door was open and I saw Vic sitting on one of the beds. 

"I, uh, have a problem. I have nothing to wear. At all" I said. 

Vic  said, "Of course you don't my bad. We can take a quick stop to the mall once you're ready." He threw me a skull tank top  with 'Pierce The Veil' on it. " I hope you don't mind wearing the same shorts." he said and added as I walked away, " Come back here when you are ready."

         I nodded and  went back into my room. I quickly shrugged out of the room and got dressed in the top and my shorts. The shirt smelled exactly like Vic. I smiled and went into the bathroom to blowdrymy hair, letting it fall in waves naturally. I never understood why my bangs where so straight. I put on a little eyeliner and mascara, and slipped on my shoes.  Vic was already waiting outside my room. 

     "Ready to go?" He said a pair of keys in hand. I nodded and we headed towards a nice car.

     "Want to drive?" aske Vic hopefully.

      "I don't even know my way around" I said.

      "Honestly me eithier, want to get a cab?" Vic asked and chuckled, putting the keys in his pocket.

                 By the time we got our way to the mall we were laughing our heads off. The cab driver had been a fan. A big fan. We walked to the food court to get something to eat.  We split  large fries. I got a chocolate milkshake and he got a coke. A couple of people noticed us and came over to get an autograph. Vic happily did so, you could tell my his grin that he loved his fans. 

 He pulled off his beanie  and put it on my head as more fans came rushing over, bombarding us with questions. One shouted something like is that your girlfirend and all the chatter changed to the subject. Vic looked at me with a questioning look and I blushed and looked down.

"Well, don't tell anyone but I'm working on that." He said and I saw the flash of cameras.

Cameras. Great, pictures.

 (Cami's POV)

Vic slid his arm around my waist posing for the pictures.

I  blushed and looked down and someone yelled " Aw! That's going on Twitter!"

My eyes widened at the thought, but I continued to smile for the rest of the pictures. Vic got some of the pictures bluetoothed to his phone so he could upload some for  himself.

"What's your Twitter name?", he asked.

I told him and suddenly my phone started blowing up with mentions and interactions. I quietly switched it off.  I will read them later.

"Guys, we got to go. I'll see you at our concert later tonight, I hope." He said and we waved to the fans bye.

(( Vic's POV))

Cami kept the shirt I gave her and just bought a pair of light wash jeans. We left the mall as quickly as possible, the band's manager called me and said that we needed to be at the venue as soon as possible.  We got back to the hotel and I rounded up the rest of the members while Cami got changed. It was then when I told them my plan. 

"Cami's got a really pretty voice, and I want to surprise her by having her sing with me during I don't care if your contagious." I said.

They all nodded in agreement and I called our manager to tell him too. 

     My phone was constantly vibrating with messages from Twitter, so many retweets, so many fangirls. I quickly tweeted about the concert and got off. The band members of Sleeping With Sirens greeted us at the gate. Cami was standing there awkwardly, grinning happily. You could tell she wanted to jump up and down with happiness. I  took her hand and tugged her towards Kellin and introduced them.

" H-hi. I really like y'all's m-music", she said to the other members, fumbling over her words.

We bought a shirt from their tent and they all signed it,  she was now wiggling like a excited puppy. Suddenly we were all ushered away from the tent. 

"Ten minutes till we start guys." said the stage manager.

I showed Cami the side stage where she could stand and watch us, and eventually come out on stage. 

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