FuR (Royce)

By Be_My_Prince_

444K 15.4K 3.1K

-------------------------------------- I nervously was pressed up against a tree as me and the wolf kept eye... More

FuR (Royce)
Not A Update
Not A Update (Again)
If Your Willing To Listen....
Rants And Rages
Bitchass Wattpad
Fuck Algebra
Yall Should...
The Foolishness
Any Suggestions
Obvious .
So Out Of It
Stfu, Damn


7.1K 288 43
By Be_My_Prince_

"Wake up Jacob." Chresanto was shaking me.

I peeked my eyes open,rubbing my eyes.

"Merry Christmas." He half smiled, pecking my lips.

".... It's Christmas?" I asked.

"Yes Jacob, it's Christmas." He straight faced me, before pulling me into a hug.

I felt myself melting in his arms.

Wait, Christmas..... WE HAD SEX?!

The memories flooded back into my head, making me feel a pain in my legs.

"I think there's something wrong with my legs." I tried to shake them, since they felt like they were asleep.

"Yeah we'll....." Chres ran his fingers through his curls. "C'mon we bout to open presents."

"Aight. But carry meh." I flaunted my arms.

I was lifted off of the sheets, being carried out the room.

Smelling the aroma of Turkey and desserts made me satisfied, as I saw everyone laid up on the couch and around the tree.

A Christmas Story was on in the back round.

"Merry Christmas." I half smiled. "Even though I could've sworn today was the 24th."

"Y'all finally awake. We've been up since 7 o'clock." Latimore rolled his eyes.

I glared at him. "No need to act like a bitch, it's Christ - Mas Nigga. Jesus don't appreciate you cussing on his b day."

"Shut up Jake."

"No you shut up."

"Aye aye aye, y'all need to chill." Mrs. August said from the kitchen.

"Latimore, just because your momma and daddy ain't come back from Vegas does not mean you get to act like a ass towards Jaila-"

"Jacob! Im Jacob Perez! I'm a boy!" I stressed my point.

"Jacob! If you don't shut your sorry ass up and stop talking about birthdays and shit, we wouldn't be in this predicament. Now stop with the ridiculous arguing and open some presents."

"Ha!" EJ laughed at me.

".... Whatever."

"Aight who's handing out stuff?"

"I'll do it." Ray volunteered.

He pulled out the first box, and read the name:

"Amber, here's your gift."

She ripped open the wrapping paper and pulled out a dark blue laced thong.

"How many times have I told you I wear boy shorts?" Amber turned her head to look at her boy friend.

"Aye, be grateful. That piece of spandex costed 30 dollars, from Fredrick's Of Hollywood! Yo ass gonna wear it."

I chuckled at there bickering.

"Chresanto, take your box."

I saw jim soft through the wrapped box only to find some Emoji sweatpants and Kendrick's latest album.

"Thank you Aubree, you actually listened this time." He grinned.

"Thank you, for saying something nice for once."

"Jacob." Ray called out.

I took the bag from Ray, only to be halted.

"Don't open it to the end." Chresanto warned.

"But why?"

"Because I wanna record it."

".... Ok." I sat it down beside me.

"Your gonna like it Jake, everyone pitched in on your gifts."

"Hell yeah, I went broke trying to find what you wanted." Aubree smiled.

"But, I never told you-"

"Jacob." Ray passed me another huge bag.

He continued to pass all the gifts around, while smiled and hugs were exchanged.


"Where did you get these from?"

"Some huge toy store in New York. They weren't cheap either, so you better not get one stain on them bitches." Cam poked her cheek. "With your childish ass."

"Oh so we making threats on Christmas now?" She punched his arm.

"Ow, that really hurt." Cam faked wiped a tear.

They continued to bicker while everyone were gawking at their presents.

EJ got some Jays, a new phone, and money.

Ray got a whole bunch of art supplies, shoes, and some hair relaxer.

"I do not need hair relaxer." He threw the bottle back at Latimore.

"That nappy bun says otherwise."

"It's luscious."

"It looks like you put baby powder in that shit."

".... Imma kill you in your sleep."

"Aye aye aye! Jacob still needs to open his new gifts." Chresanto motioned for me to open the first bag.

"You got me a Mac Book?!" My eyes widened. "No fucking way!!!"

"I bought that." Aubree frowned. "It wasn't cheap."

"... Sorry." I laughed.

I picked through the bag as I pulled out a whole bunch of clothes:

A white shirt with donuts printed all over it, a pair of bleached overalls, a Slim Shady shirt with profanities written all over it, pair of Timberlands, a Nirvana sweater, and to top it all off, a Galaxy sweat shirt.

"Yassssssahhhhhh!!!!" I said in a obnoxious tone.

"I picked those out." Ray waved his hand. "Thank me."

"Thanks Ray." I ruffled his bun.

"Amber was trying to go shopping for you, but we all know she don't got no type of fashion sense. So I saved your Mexican ass."

"Don't start with me."

"I'm not starting anything, just speaking the truth. No one likes liars."

"I should chop you up with a meat cleaver."

"Whatever you say-"

"SHUT UP AND LET JACOB OPEN HIS LAST PRESENT!" Chres yelled, making everyone go silent.

"I saved the best for last, you've been begging for this ever since I met you."

He pulled out his phone and started to record.

Pulling out what seemed to be a small CD case, I ripped open the wrapping paper.

"It was unnecessary to wrap this too." I struggled to get the tape off.

"It's gonna be worth it, I promise you."

Finally tearing off the paper, I let out the most unmanly scream ever.

It was a original Eminem Infinite CD, with the copy write at the bottom to prove it.


I examined it, only to find a autographed label.

"To the Realest fan ever, Jacob Perez. Found this throwback album while cleaning out the studio.

Merry Christmas bro!!

-Marshall Mathers-

See ya on the Monster Tour.


"Open it."

I opened it only for two tickets to flutter out, as we'll as a Backstage Pass.

"OH MY JESUS, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!" I hugged him, kissing all over his face.

"No problem, you were always complaining they were too expensive to buy over the internet, so I got it for you."

"But how'd you get it signed?!! And the tickets??"

"China. She not only met him, but she actually works in the music industry. Ya know?? So, I told her about you prior and how you were a huge fan. She called him up, asked him to search through his old boxes. He found that, signed it for you, and I ended up buying some tickets since China pressured me. It burned a hole in my pocket though, hehe."


"Lower your voice, your making my ears bleed."

"Sorry." I giggled. "But you'll get your present later."

"Naw I alreyy got mine."


It then caught on in my head.

Last night, ha!

"Your terrible."

"We'll I'm not lying."

"Yeah yeah, y'all cute. But I'm guessing you ain't get nuffin for us?" Ray frowned. "I see I see."

"I'm so sorry, here you can have..." I dug through my pockets.

Pulling out a crumpled dollar and a penny, I threw it at Ray.

"I'm just joking. But you ain't getting your dollar back."

I chuckled at his behavior, while conversations with everyone, and photographing the album and tickets, as we'll as my other presents.

This was truly the best Christmas ever.


How'd you like it??

Lol, I really want a Autographed Infinite album for my birthday.

I wish I could've went on The Monster tour, but I didnt😭.

Oh we'll, imma wait until the next albums drops.

Anyway, sorry for being late. I was being lazy. School starts tomorrow so there might be slower updates.

But imma try my best.

So comment, vote, and all that good stuff.

Imma take my sorry ass to bed.

So peace✌️


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