Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.5K 17.8K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



12K 409 364
By chibicandimei

 Pretty Much Dead Already


( Your POV )


"There, that should be good," I muttered as I finished wrapping up his wound again, this time I hope he wont be so reckless. "And this better be the only time I have to fix it Daryl."

Since I had forced him to lay down he struggled to look down at his injury and ended up making me laugh at his poor attempts."What are you laughin about?"

With a small smile I leaned over and helped him sit up and then slowly raised him up to stand on his two feet,"At you of course." He just huffed at my response before lifting up his shirt to see my work, he then looked up at me with a question resting on the tip of his tongue. Without waiting I answered ,"I used to patch people up, though it was more of a side job for me in the military."

He raised an eyebrow at my response but said nothing as he pulled his shirt down ,"Can I ask you somethin?" I furrowed my brows in confusion but none the less I nodded for him to continue. "Do you think Sophia is alive?"

My eyes went wide and I quickly looked away so he wouldn't see my reaction, the problem was he did notice,"Of course I hope she's alive, you found her doll after all, it could lead us to her."

"I said do you think."


I sighed slowly as I tried to stop my emotions from acting frantic, just say what you really think Y/N. With that in mind I slowly looked back at him, his expression had changed to one of full anger," I'm worried she isn't alive Daryl, but that doesnt mean I want to stop looking." The anger on his face went away, it seemed he was content with my answer and I quickly calmed down, wait a second... I grabbed the back of his shirt as he had begun to walk away. "Daryl, is that why you opened your wound."

.... this silence says yes-

"No it aint."

Definitely a yes, I sighed ,let go of his shirt and moved my eyes focus to my boots.

Someone must have answered like I did then,maybe even worse, I just sighed and shook my head​​.I gotta wonder who it could have been,maybe Shane?

"Y/N." At my name I looked up from the floor , Daryl had turned to face me, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared at me with a questioning look. I groaned internally, god dammit, what the hell is he gonna ask me about now? " What happened with Sophia when you were in the forest?"


( Shane POV )

"What's it gonna be man?" The sun was starting to go down by the time Rick came out of the white house, if his quick steps towards me weren't enough to tell me that his conversation didn't go well, then his troubled face practically screamed it to me. He stood in front of me, his mouth opening and closing but no words came out, instead he closed his mouth and turned to stand next to me,"Which way does this thing go?"

"I don't know yet.."

He answered quickly, his mind was obviously busy in trying to come up with a solution, I sighed as O turned to look at him,"Well, what did he say?"

"We're negotiating."

"You're nego- "I scoffed in the middle of my sentence, I couldn't finish saying something so stupid,"It doesn't matter, the clock's ticking Rick."

"No," I raised my eyebrow at him before motioning with my head at the barn that stood in front of us,"No ,Shane, that barn- ," he sighed and slightly stood in front of me. "The barn is secure. We didn't even know about it till this morning."

"You're right, we didn't know," my eyes turned into a harsh glare when they focused in on him," Now we do, right? We know that there is over a dozen walkers in there. We know that its about a stones throw from our camp, Rick, where we fucking sleep. So look, " I pointed at him so that his eyes would focus on me," either we go in there and clear it out or we just got to go-"

"We're not gonna clear it out and we're not gonna go!"

"We at least need our guns-"

"We can't have them! Not here-"

I slammed my hand down on what I had been previously laying on, Rick stopped talking and his eyes flipped from the barn to me,"Then what Rick!? Why do you wanna stay here when it's not safe, and when we can't even protect ourselves with guns!"

He came closer and motioned with his hand for me and him to work together,"We can make it safe."

"How are we gonna do that?"

"We will-"

"No we can't!"

"Yes we can, everything's gonna be oka-"

"No man! It's not okay!"

"Shane, Lori's pregnant!" My mouth was open ready to yell but his words made me snap my mouth shut, no it can't be true. I looked at the ground trying to make sense of what he had just said, if she really is pregnant... "We need to stay."

I licked my dry lips as we stared at each other, this is why he wanted to stay on this stupid farm, fuck Sophia, it was all for long has she been pregnant? I shook my head to clear my thoughts,"We need our guns Rick."

"No, I can work this out." I only looked at him as he turned and began to make his way back to the stupid families house, I just closed my eyes and brought up my hand to slam against my forehead, suddenly his footsteps stopped and he turned back to look at me,"You good?"

"Ya,Lori's having a baby man.....congratulations."

He nodded slowly before turning back around and walking towards the house, "Thank you." I guess..

( Maggie POV )

I had heard my fathers footsteps approaching me, even after he had said hello to me I forced myself to stay silent, to ignore his words and his eyes but it was hard to. He quickly caught on and turned to face me as I angrily began to cut up some herbs."Carl doesn't need anymore of my help."

I only glanced up at him before muttering,"So that's it then?"

"Rick was just here, making his case," he pulled out a chair and sat down in front of me as I angrily tossed one of the leaves onto the cutting board,"It'll be hard and they'll have to be careful, but, he was being dramatic. They're a strong group, they've done well on their own, they are just gonna have to go out on their own and find their own farm. There is plenty of them now to choose from."

I had began cutting them angrily again but I began to speak without making eye contact with him," There aren't, everyone of them nearby is either burned down or full of walkers-" I snapped my mouth shut as I said that word. walkers...that's what they were. They weren't people anymore, I'd learned this first hand, twice, and both times I had to be saved.

"Walkers?" My eyes flickered up to him but I didn't say anything,"So we just keep these people here forever? How are they my responsibility?"

I sighed as I placed down the knife I had been using and placed both of my hands flat on the table, my eyes were now focused on him," A new command I give to you: Love one another as I have loved you. That's what you told me right? " His eyes flickered across my face before settling down at my hands that had turned into fists. "I was mad about mom, mad about you marrying Annette, I was 14 years old and I was awful to you more than anybody. All I wanted to do was smoke and shoplift." I smiled sadly at the memory as I looked up to meet his eyes,"Love on another, that's what you told me."

He shut his eyes and lowered his head,"Maggie, that was different-"

I shook my head,"No, you're different."

We stayed starring at each others eyes for a bit before he responded," I am, but we aren't. I love you, that's part of this..." My eyes casted themselves back to the cutting board where I looked at my hands,"Is this about you and the asian boy? Do you want me to-"

I shook my head slowly,"No.." He stopped talking at the tone of my voice, my vision began to get blurry as tears sprung to my eyes. I swallowed the lump in my throat hoping that my voice wouldn't falter as I spoke to him,"His name is Glenn, he saved my life yesterday when one of the people you claim to be sick tried to kill me. This isn't the first time, Y/N protected me last time and she saved us both this time. Because of them I'm standing here right now.. How's that for dramatic?" His eyes widened at what I had just told him, I never planned on telling him the danger I'd been in but I had to,"Things aren't how you think they are, they aren't. Don't do this. It's not about me and Glenn, it's not about you and me, its about you. It's about who you are, and who you're gonna be."

He looked ready to respond only for us to be interrupted by Jimmy running into the house," Hershel !" When he finally came into the room he stopped in front of both of us," It happened again."

( Your POV )

"I don't want that barn to be opened."

Glenn lowered the binoculars he had been looking through to look down at my laying figure, he raised an eyebrow at me not understanding," Why not? If it's us against them we wouldn't lose, it'd be safer to get rid of them now.."

I sighed and rolled my eyes, this didn't go noticed by him,"You sound just like Shane now."

"What-no I don't.."

I raised my arms up to rest behind my head like a make sift pillow," Is this what happens after you get laid," I muttered to myself but Glenn quickly turned back to look at me with a red face.

"What did you-"


Before he could begin to question me Glenn's attention suddenly shifted to someone on the ground, I forgot I was laying on top of the RV, I shrugged to myself as I watched Glenn greet whoever it was only to be ignored. Glenn looked over to me confused, I raised my eyebrow at him to silently ask what happened. He responded with a shrug before looking back down at the floor. From behind me I could hear movement inside the RV, I rolled onto my stomach to try and look in but my view was blocked off , all I could see was the persons foot. Well it looks like a dude? I think. After some pacing around and what sounded like throwing shit, they suddenly stopped moving,"What the fuck?"

Before I could yell into the RV to ask what they were doing the person stomped their way outside, Glenn had sat down on the chair with a gun in his hand , it seemed after being ignored he just didn't care. "Hey! You see where he went?"

Oh it's Shane...

"Well that answers the stomping around like a hippo," I muttered as I rolled back onto my back as Glenn focused on the angry Shane below.

After clearing his throat and his eyes from both fear and confusion, Glenn uttered out just one word in hopes of not angering Shane any further than he already was,"Who?"

It didn't work. "Don't even try to shit me okay!"

Glenn cocked his head to the side, his body had visibly flinched at Shane's yell,"Umm, what?"

I heard Shane sigh loudly, damn Glenn, now he's angry and annoyed, "I mean Dale, Glenn!" I pushed myself up and into a sitting position, Shane now had his back to the both of us as his eyes began to search the grounds of the farm. "Did you see where Dale went?"

Glenn finally stood up and walked to the edge of the RV, "Umm y-ya, he asked me to run and get him some water, he said he'd cover me on watch-"

"And he was gone when you got back, huh?" Glenn cleared his throat and just muttered a yes before asking if Dale was ok. Shane scoffed at his question,"Oh he's fine."

"Why'd he bail then?-"

"So you wouldn't tell me in which direction he went," me and Glenn gave each other a look before going back to focus on the frantic Shane who just ignored Glenn again. Glenn said he didn't understand, which only prompted Shane to tighten his fists,"No man, you don't."

Before Shane could walk away I called his name, his anger piqued my interest, mostly because I had nothing else to do but lay here and think. I hate thinking, he froze in place and slowly turned to focus his glare on me,"Shane, why are you looking for Dale?"

His glare only hardened,"How long have you known about the barn?"

My eyebrows pushed together as I stared at him in confusion, was he trying to deflect my question or was he seriously asking me this, I hummed to myself before sending him a glare back,"I found out when Glenn did-"

"I don't have proof, and I don't know for sure but you're hiding something." I didn't respond, I only glared at him as Glenn began to flick his head between the two of us,"You've known since we got here, your eyes always fucking looked at the barn! I saw you, I fucking know it!"

I pulled my mask down, stopped glaring and sent him a small smile,"Do you hate me or do you like me? I want to know the answer-," My smile turned into a frown and my glare returned,"-before you get yourself killed."

"Let's see who'll die first."

He quickly turned and began to storm off again, I didn't feel like stopping him this time so I just watched him leave, Let's see who'll die first? I sighed and looked down at my hands, I'm already dead Shane....that means your next.

( Rick POV )

"It doesn't matter if you people don't see them as human beings anymore, but if you and your people are going to stay here, that's the way you're gonna have to treat em. My farm, my barn, my say." I sighed, I didn't agree with this but I also couldn't risk us having to leave this farm. This farm has been our safe heaven, with a baby on the way we can't risk this...I can't risk this. We had made it into a clearing where we found two walkers stuck in what I thought was mud, looking over at Jimmy and Hershel now it made since why they brought these sticks with rope on the end. What's usually used to drag around a dog at a safe distance it being used to drag walkers into that barn..

Hershel grabbed onto the closer one ,a woman walker, while I went in with Jimmy to help with the one stuck farther into the mud who used to be a man, Jimmy got the thing around it neck and all we had to do was pull it out of the mud."Otis said if you get them halfway out they'll do the rest of the work."

As I pulled on the pole I looked up at Jimmy with confusion written all over my face,"how many times did he do this?"

"If one wondered onto the property, Otis would get them into the barn, now we have to," I expected Jimmy to answer but instead Hershel did as he began to struggle with the girl walker.

I growled internally as I looked over at Hershel,"What happens when the barn gets full?"

Before he could answer my foot finally slipped into the mud along with Jimmy, the quick pull managed to lodge the walker out and it began to claw its way to Jimmy, I quickly pushed him away and he ran over to safety. Now that he was safe I began to struggle with my footing as I grabbed hold of the pole in my hand,"Easy, easy Rick. Lead him!"

I'm fucking trying!

I sighed to myself as I stared up at the walker growling at me to get closer,"Jimmy will spot for us. Lead him Rick, lead him. You're the carrot not the stick."

"What?!", I tossed a single glance back at him before focusing back on the hungry walker in front of me, how the hell can he be so calm around these things, one slip and he's dead.

He shook his head as we both began leading them back the way we came,"You heard me, just lead him! He'll come to you!"

"You told me he handled them easily!" I struggled with my footing again as I heading away from the mud pool,"This is easy!?!"

"It's easier than some things." No, its not!

( Glenn POV )

Dammit, why did Y/N have to leave me alone. It's always because of Shane that she disappears, I pouted to myself as I messed around with the gun in my hands, the last thing she had said to me was to tell Maggie the truth. How she knew I was thinking of how to make it up to Maggie, I will never know. "It's easier said than done Y/N," I continued bored until I heard someone walking my way, looking to the right I realized it was Maggie. Sucking up my courage, if I had any, I called out her name. "Hey," she looked at me for a second before turning away and continuing to walk. Dammit... she's ignoring me again.

With a sigh I quickly got off of the roof of the RV and began to walk towards her,"Maggie, Maggie..." I jogged a little bit to catch up to her,"Maggie, could you stop for just a second."

"You talked about it, you told Dale. That's fine!" She spit out of her mouth the second I began to walk next to her. I tried to stop her but she easily pushed past me with the basket she had in her hands,"I asked you, I told you! I asked you for one thing one ... One Thing!"

She began to walk faster and I did too," I couldn't do it!"

"My dad's gonna kick you guys out now, he told me!"

"No, Rick's gonna work something out with your dad, Okay? I had to tell him-"

"-You did not!"

I finally grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her back, she tried to pull away but I pulled her closer as I spoke,"No I had to...I wanted to." She only starred at me as I pulled the basket out of her arms and placed it on the ground,"Listen, you see I forgot. Okay? I forgot or I stopped thinking about it! Maybe I didn't want to think about it! I let them lower me down into that well like it was fun, like I was playing portal." She just raised her eyebrow at me and I assumed she didn't know what I was talking about. "Its a video game-"

"-of course it's a video game."

I ignored the fact that I had just embarrassed myself and I kept talking,"and then the pharmacy thing happened yesterday and I realized something: I forgot that they are dangerous! I don't care if they're sick people or dead people, they're dangerous! ...and then I realized something else, that I don't want you in danger, ever! To do that I had to blow out your dads big secret, but I'm sick of secrets. Secrets get you killed. I'd rather have you pissed off at me and alive than liking me and dead!" I closed my mouth for a second as I stared at her,before I sighed and looked at the floor,"That's why I told them.."

I quickly turned around and began to walk away, in my head I was cheering myself on for having been able to say what I wanted for once, maybe I should listen to Y/N more often,"Hey, walker bait."

I felt myself pout at the nickname, really? I turned around to see Maggie walking towards me,"Please don't call me that."

She slowly got closer to me, the frown on her face slowly disappearing,"Okay, Glenn." I raised my eyebrow at her but that quickly went away as I felt her small hands come up and cup the sides of my face, she was smiling completely now. Is she not mad anymore? After giving off a small laugh she finally leaned in and pressed her lip against mine, I wasted no time in kissing her back. My arms snaked around her waist in an almost familiar fashion before she pulled out of the kiss and smiled at me once more.

Great, now I just have one problem left , two girls have my heart: Maggie and Y/N. And Y/N has seen me intimately with Maggie already..fuck

( Your POV )

"Aww look at that. Glenn finally listened to me," I laughed to myself as I watched the lovebirds kiss each other, now just to hope that he doesn't fuck this up, again. I rolled my eyes, who am I kidding? Of course he will.

That barn is going it be opened

I squeezed my eyes shut as my smile fell.

Everyone will find out

I sighed at my thoughts, I couldn't even bring myself to answer Daryl, and when Shane questioned me, internally I had been scared. He knew,I dont know how but he knew,or at the very least he was starting to be suspicious about it..

Daryl had left with Carol, Andrea disappeared somewhere and Dale was still gone, so I was currently sitting alone inside the RV. My thoughts were ready to ambush me, to push me to remember something I'd been blocking out since I woke up to find Sophia gone and the group looking for us. As I sat in the RV I began to tap my fingers lightly against the table in there, "I did something to her, something to help her...I think."

I stared at my fingers as they moved, I need to remember, I closed my eyes trying to concentrate when I suddenly felt something push down my hands. My eyes snapped open, expecting to see someone standing there but there was nothing, no one was around. Looking at my hands one of them lay flat on the table while the other was on top of it, It was just me?

No, only one person ever did that to was a memory of SM.

This was how I calmed my nerves, tapping my fingers against anything I could find, it was a habit I had never even been aware of. He realized it though, after watching me be tested on weaponry use, when it was big guns that required both my hands one of my hands would begin to tap against the gun. Otherwise I would tap one hand on the other, or on the floor,or on the walls, etc. After I met him he would always come looking for me. He would always stop my hands and try to calm me down himself...but why is that the memory that came up?

"Your a skilled fighter for a rookie."

I only imagined his voice, but it scared me how real it sounded, with that one line in mind I remembered why this memory was important. I didnt get placed into the military by choice at first, I was placed there because they needed my skills for a dangerous mission...

They needed my ability to kill.

"You ready rookie?"

I barely realized he was talking to me when I had already jumped down from out hiding place, he was yelling at me to get back to him but I didn't care. Our time has a limit, might as well kill everyone now. "Rookie! Get back here!"

I barely glanced back at him before I attacked the front guards on watch, they didn't even notice what was attacking them as I slipped in between then with a knife coated in poison that I easily sliced through their arms with. When they finally noticed me the poison had made them far too delirious to even see straight, all they could do was try and crawl to my legs before passing out,"Expendable."

That was the only word I got out before a rough and much larger hand gripped my shoulder and turned me around,"What I say goes Rookie!" I only stared at the angry man in front of me, I didn't care what he said and he knew it to. "You didn't have to do that rookie."

"I'm here to help,because I kill people," He had pushed me behind him,"and here you are telling me I should have spared them.."

He didn't understand what I was getting at, so he just ignored my confused face ,which was the most emotion he'd seen since I arrived at the military camp, and continued to sneak his way to the building with me following behind him. "Do you remember the outlay if this building?"

"Of course."

"Good," he looked around a corner before motioning me over, once I was crouched down next to him he pointed up into the building. "You got to get us up there,without being spotted."

"So I just got to kill everyone-"

"You don't have to kill, just sneak us up there."

I glared at him and stood up,"Fine, let's do it your way. Let's see how many survivors live," I spit at the floor next to him before making my way into the building. It wasnt hard for me to manuveur between the piles of stolen goods, I did find it enjoyable to see the large first sergeant man struggle to keep up with me. "Hurry up would you."

"Keep silent rookie."

I rolled my eyes at his voice,"Whatever," he looked ready to kill me, and in all honesty him being angry looked scary, at least to a regular person. I just stuck my tongue out at him before continuing forward, and he had no choice but to angrily follow after me. I paused in my step from hearing some people,this caused him to crash into my back and tip me over,before I could slam into the floor and give away our location he quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest. After hearing some footsteps walk away I let out a sigh and looked up to see him staring down at me,"I think you can let go now."

"Right," he nodded at me before slipping his back away from my waist, the feeling was foreign to me and even though his arms weren't there anymore I still felt them.

It was comforting.

Shaking my head I continued to head forward and up the building, it was taking longer than I had anticipated because this idiot didn't want any blood to be shed.I sighed to myself as I got close to a door and pressed my ear against it,"Hey the guards up front arent responding."


"Those guards are always slacking off ,who cares."

I knew I should have started killing everyone, but no, I had to get stuck with a guy that doesnt want to kill anyone.

I moved over a bit and motioned for my partner to listen in on the conversation as well," I dont think so, not too long ago a military helicopter passed over the area, we almost had a warning lockdown."

After hearing this I looked over at my partner with a glare ,"I thought we were alone on this mission?" He looked away from me and easily answered my question,"If I'm so dangerous you guys have to keep watch on me then you should have forcefully pulled someone else out of their home,you fucking dipshits!"

"Dont you fucking dare-"

I stood up and began to walk away ," I will, because you guys forced me to do this."

"Get back here!"

My eyes widened at his yell and his hands flew over his mouth ,the talking in the room beside us instantly stopped, without warning I pulled him over to me and tossed him into a different hallway. I pressed myself against a wall as I listened to the door we had been by open slowly, the clicking of guns alerted me to pull out my own. "Warn the others,we have visitors."

"Lockdown the entrance, move the prisoners to Block C."

"Block C is for-"

"We don't need then anymore, kill them all."

I looked back at the sergeant who now sat against the floor with his own gun out, I glared at him before stepping out of hiding and alerting the two men. I didn't give then a chance to react before I shot them both with my gun,thank God for the silencer on it. The sergeant came over to me and roughly turned me to face him,"Why the hell did you do that!?"

"Didn't you listen you dumbass, because of you idiots they already knew we were coming,and now because of you the prisoners are about to be killed!" I kicked him away sending him to the floor as I picked up one of the mens radios so that I could keep track of the building. "I gave your stupid plans a chance, now we do this my way."

I gave him no chance to speak up as I decided to change my voice and make the most of the militaries stupidity, Sergeant could only stare in shock as how convincingly I spoke into the radio was. "We found two intruders, their headed your way, move the prisoners to Block A,Now!"

"We'll send our men to intercept them at Block C right away."

After clicking off the radio I finally glanced over at Sergeant, my glare hadn't left my face,"Close your mouth,and get up, we need to hurry. If I remember the outlay correctly,Block A is through this hallway,it connects to the next building. We're gonna have to be careful though."

He had finally stood up as I attached the radio to my belt,"What do you mean?"

I put my gun back in it's holster and pulled out my two knives,"We came in through this building,Block B,almost know one was here, I think they are all at Block A." He raised an eyebrow at me," There is only one shortcut between here and there," I pointed down the hallway.

"Any other one around?"

I shook my head at him,"It'll take too long."

He sighed and ran one of his hands through his hair,"Alright, lead the way, quickly."

I nodded at him and quickly set off with him quickly following behind, it was tricky avoided everyone else but it turned out my suspicions were correct. All there men resided in Block A, possibly Block C too but I wouldn't know for sure. We had passed by all the men as they quickly made their way to Block C, only a few stayed behind to keep watch as the prisoners most likely were already headed over. We stayed above everyone, waiting for the prisoners to appear when they did we realized how few of them were left. They told us 20+ people had been taken hostage, yet in front of us is only 7..

"We're too late."

"Doesnt matter, our mission stays the same, save the few here."

After making quick plans we went seperate way , he was seen and before I knew it the seven prisoners ran and hid behind anything they could find as me and sergeant ran around taking down the rest of the men. I was able to lead out the prisoners where the military had finally shown up ,"They really didn't trust me."

I ran back in to the building to help sergeant when I noticed a little girl hiding behind a door, after taking down a few more men I ran over to her. The radio on my hip had begun to go off, all blocks realized we were under attack now, everyone was beginning to head our way. Once I got to the door I realized the girl wasnt alone, peeking in I wat hed as she struggled to pull away from a man who dragged her around by her long blonde hair. "We arent gonna loose you, you're out last wager."

She was screaming and clawing at the floor to get away, when she did this my eyes focused in on her body as I realized why she seemed to be in so much pain. I walked in without thinking, the door opening signaled for the man to face me with a gun pointed at my chest. "Back away."

I raised my bloodied knife to his gun and matched his smirking face," Let her go and maybe I will."

"I never realized the military was the negotiating type."

I took a step forward ,prompting him to place his finger over the trigger,"Then it's a good thing I'm not."

He tossed the girl behind him, I only watched as she slammed against the wall with a Yelp, this was all the time I had before me and him began to fight. When I kicked his gun away he quickly retaliating and knocked both my knives out of my hands. It quickly turned into a bloody fist fight, his larger figure became a big disadvantage as I easily slipped passed all of his strikes.The girl got in the way though, she tried to stop him only for him to grab onto one of my knives ready to stab her. I roughly kicked her out of the way, but this gave him the chance to trip me and he quickly straddled my waist as he anchored his arms down to plunge the knife through my throat. "DIE!"

I felt the tip of the knife poke into my throat but otherwise nothing happened, both my hands began to bleed as I gripped the knife's blade with all my strength and began to push it up and away from me. "I don't like other people touching what's mine."

He began to use his body weight to push the knife back down against my throat," Looks like we have something in common, you touched my girl!"

He quickly forced the knife down but I moved my head to the side, the blade cut through my ear lobe, his eyes widened as my bloody hands quickly wrapped around his neck and I flipped us over," Look at that, you're scared of dying for someone that almost killed me,"I sneered as he began to claw at my hands, already struggling to breathe or ever form words.

"You military~ scum!"

I tightened my grip as I stared at him with a smile on my face,"I told you I'm not one of them."


He reached up and slowly wrapped his hands around my throat as well,"Why would the military try to kill someone they know nothing about, I know exactly who you are. The military hasn't even heard of you yet."

"Who..are you," he struggled to form the words as my nails began to pierce into his skin.

"I'm like you, except a lot more dangerous," he tightened his grip on my throat, it made me angry and before I could even think about it I stabbed my pointed nails into his throat causing him to gasp. Blood pooled around my fingers and I pushed harder and deeper into his throat.

He finally went still,his hands falling down and away from me and I pulled my fingers out of his throat, I finally turned to look at the blonde girl who stared at me in fear with her dark eyes."Stay away...stay away!"

With a sigh I stood up after grabbing my knives and walked towards her,"I'm here to help unless you rather stay locked in here."

"You're just like them.."

I ignored her form even as she backed away from me in fear,each movement caused her arms to become more visible to me and when I saw all the marks I stopped. "That's why you tried to stop me, you don't want to leave."

She stared at me with wide eyes,"Please..." She was young, really young but she understood what had happened to her, there was a reason she didn't fear getting stabbed and dying. I didnt say anything else , I only grabbed my gun and pointed it at her head," Will it hurt?"

"No, you won't even notice."

She closed her eyes as tears began to flow out of them, I heard footsteps behind me but I ignored them and simply pulled the trigger."Y/N!"


I didn't even have time to turn around before I was struck across the face and sent to the floor, that side of my face began to burn and pulsate from the blow. Even though it was extremely painful all I could focus in was Sergeant having called me by my name."Y/N! What Did You DO!?"

"You said my name..."

He didn't care one bit,he raised me up and pinned me against the wall with his eyes glaring into mine,"Why did you kill her?!" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Tell Me!" Did he not see her arms? I was too focused on my thoughts that next thing I knew I was knocked back down on the floor from another blow to my face, raising myself up I noticed blood dripping off of me and onto the floor. That's a first.. "You monster! WHY DID YOU KILL HER!?"

I finally looked up at him and yelled,"SHE WAS ALREADY DYING! I DID HER A FUCKING FAVOR!" He looked like he was about to ask what I was talking about so I just pointed at her,"Look at her fucking arms! She was their Guinea pig! She was dead the moment they got their hands on her! I DID HER A FUCKING FAVOR, SHE ASKED FOR IT!"

"We could have saved her Y/N!"

I shook my head at him as I stood up with help from the wall,"Save her so that she could suffer?"

"How could you kill a child?"

I didn't glance at him, I just wiped at my nose and then stared at the floor,"You said it yourself Sergeant. I'm a monster ,and that's exactly what this mission needed. Not you, a sensible man! They needed me! A monster ,someone who would kill when needed to." I pointed at the dead girl who looked at peace , but I refused to fully look over,"and I needed to..."

I hadn't noticed then that I did feel guilty for killing that girl, but as I sat in the RV I felt a tear roll down my cheek for once. I remember now. I know what happened with Sophia, I know why I was knocked out , and I know why she ran off with my weapon... I found her bite mark because she was starting to smell like a Walker, and to counter act it I bit her without thinking. She attacked me with my own weapon, she aimed at me head without remorse and genuinely almost killed me. She no longer saw me as the person to save her, she saw me as one of them , just like that blonde girl I killed years ago...

I am a monster,now more than ever

Nothing has changed

Sophia is "missing" and dead, and it's all my fault.

( Glenn POV )

I had been sitting and waiting for everyone to show up, why I wasn't sure but a couple were still missing. I stood up as I spotted a confused looking Andrea and TDogg headed my way,"Do you know what's going on?"

"Where is everyone?"

I stared at the two before asking a question myself,"Have either of you seen Rick?"

Andrea just shrugged as she looked to see who was around at the moment before looking back at me,"He went off somewhere with Hershel, we were supposed to leave a couple hours ago."

Before I could even respond Carol and Daryl walked over in confusion and annoyance, Daryl was the first to speak as he stared at Andrea,"Yeah you were, what the hell?"

Carol didn't wait for answer as she looked at Andrea as well,"Rick told us he was going out."

None of us knew how to respond, we all had multiple questions with no answers to any of them, Shane and Dale had disappeared, Rick disappeared who knows where with Hershel, Y/N left me and I never found her again...Where the hell is everyone? We were all confused but the first one to voice there opinion was none other than Daryl who looked at all of us,"Damn it! Isn't anybody taking this seriously?!" He swung his arm at turned around to point,"We got us a damn trail.." he stopped talking as we all noticed Shane heading over with the bag of guns in hand. "Oh ,here we go." Daryl waiting for him to get closer before pointing at the bag,"What's all this?"

Shane ignored his question and just handed him a gun,"You with me man?" Daryl said yes and took the gun following after Shane who was headed to the barn,"Time to grow up!" Everyone stared in worry , Shane glanced at TDogg and Andrea,"You already got yours?"

They both nodded but Andrea responded verbally first,"Umm yeah...where's Dale?"

"He's on his way."

TDogg raised his eyebrow at Shanes response, "Thought we couldn't carry?"

"We can and we have to,"Shane quickly responded dismissing TDoggs confusion before standing in front of the rest of us,"Look, it was on thing sitting around here picking daisies when we thought this place was supposed to be safe. But now we know it ain't! "His eyes locked on mine and he cam forward with a gun,"How bout you man? You gonna protect yours?" I glanced at Maggie for a just a second before quickly grabbing the gun," That's it, can you shoot?"

Maggie quickly stepped up,"Can you stop?" Shane just looked away with a roll of his eyes,"You do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight!"

I stood there silent, Carl even stepped in with a small glare at Shane,"We have to stay Shane."

Lori quickly stood up,"What is this??"

Shane rolled his eyes and set the bag of guns down on the floor,"Look, we ain't going anywhere. Now, look, Hershel, he's just gotta understand. Okay, he- well he's just gonna have to." He then walked over to Carl and crouched down on one leg,"Now we need to find Sophia. Am I right?" He raised his hand up, and tried giving a gun to Carl,"Now here, now you take this Carl. You take it and you keep your mother safe, you do whatever it takes. You know, now go on and take the gun-"

Uh oh..

I cringed as I watched Lori push away her son to stand in front of him, her eyes focused in on Shane with anger prominent in her eyes. In anger she easily spit out words through her gritted teeth," Rick said no guns, this is not your call. This is not your decision to make."

Before anything could happen I watched as Y/N ran out of the RV and out into the open with a gun in hand, this didn't go unnoticed by anyone who watched her in confusion. That confusion didn't last as TDogg was the first to see what she was starring at ,"Oh shit."

"Walkers.." it dropped out of my mouth without thinking, the second Shane caught sight of Hershel and Rick dragging walkers everyone, especially Shane, began to run towards the two.

"What is that?" Lori quickly ran around the balcony to try and stop him, she was yelling his name but at this point he did not care,"What is that!?" I watched as Y/N ran towards them as well, unlike us she reached them faster and instead of going through the fences opening she simply jumped over it, Shane stared at them in disbelief as we finally reach them,"What the hell are you doing!?!"

"Shane just stay back!"

"Why do your people have guns?"

Both people were ignored as Shane circled them,"Do you see this!? You see what they're fucking holding on to!?"

Hershel angrily glared at Shane,"I see who I'm holding on to!"

"No man you don't!"

Rick tried his hardest to keep the walkers away from us but the more they walked so did we and so did Shane,"Shane just let us do this and then we can talk!"

Shane jumped back a step as one of the walkers lunged at him,"What do you want to talk about Rick? This things ain't sick! They are not people! They're dead! I ain't gonna feel nothing for em cause of all they ! THEY KILL!" Shane had gotten in front of the two walkers making Hershel and Rick stop walking as well. "You see these things right here! They're the things that killed Amy! They killed Otis. And they're gonna kill each and everyone of us!-"

"Shane shut up!"

"Hey Hershel lemme ask you something," I could only watch as Shane pulled out his gun and readied to fire,"Could a living breathing person , could they walk away from this?" My eyes widened as he raised his gun and began to shoot at the woman walker that Hershel was holding. Everyone instantly ducked and moved away while Rick yelled at Shane to stop. "You see that, that's three rounds to the chest! Could someone who's alive?! Could they just take that!?" He raised his gun again and pointed it at the woman,"Why is it still coming!!"


He shot it two more times, the walker stumbled on its feet before quickly walking again ,"That's its lungs and its heart! Why's it still coming!?" he quickly drew his gun again and began to shoot at it again.

"Shane enough!"

I watched as Y/N could only watch from the side lines, her weapon was back in its holster, all she did was stare without emotion at our group before her eyes flickered to the barn and she began to walk towards it,"Yeah you're right man! " My eyes flicked back to Shane to see him getting up close to the girl walker,"That is enough." She raised it to her head and killed it. We all watched it fall to the floor as Hershel still had a hold on it, everyone went silent as we all stared at Hershel now on the floor with the dead walker, from what I could tell it seemed like he knew her before she became one. "Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's gone!" At this I watched Y/N flinch in place as Shane began to walk to the barn,"Enough living next to a barn full of things that are trying to kill us! ENOUGH! " His eyes went over to Rick,"Rick, it ain't like it was before!" Everyone was still silent, even Rick who cold only stare at Shane,"Now if you all want to live! You all want to survive! You got to fight for it! I'm talking about fighting right here! RIGHT NOW!"

"Hershel take the snap pole!" Rick wanted to stop Shane from opening the barn but Hershel seemed to be in his own daze ,"Hershel listen to me man! Please! Take it now! HERSHEL!" Rick only became more frantic as Shane began to smack at the opening of the barn in hopes of getting it open. "No Shane! Don't do this brother! Wait!"

I had a hold on Maggie as I yelled,"Don't do it!"

Lori had backed herself up with Carl in her arms as she watched in fear,"Rick!"

Rick tried one last time but it didn't matter,"Please! SHANE!" Shane opened the barn and quickly backed away from it with his gun raised. "This is not the way!"

Shane began to bang on the doors to taunt the walkers to come out, Y/N finally stepped up and raced forward as a walker almost lunged out and grabbed Shane, she quickly pulled him back and onto the floor as the first walker opened the doors quickly and clawed through the opening. "Get off of me you bitch!"

He punched her away from him, she didn't even try to avoid it and fell to the floor, realizing the walkers had begun to come out everyone raised their guns up ready for a shoot out. i could only stare in confusion as Y/N stayed on the floor , focusing on the dirt ground. She refused to look at the barn.

"I don't want that barn to be opened."

She said this to me hours ago, but I still didn't understand why. Why not? What's wrong Y/N!? Say SOMETHING! I shook my head of my thoughts as everyone with guns ran to Shane's side and began to shoot at every walker that walked out of the building, ,"Maggie I'm sorry."

She shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks as she hugged her dad from behind,"It's okay,"she said before motioning for me to join the others.

Shane turned and shot the one Rick was holding before going back to facing the barn. After a bit of shooting it went silent, we were all waiting to see if they were gone. And that was when Y/N stood up and slowly began to make her way to the entrance of the barn." Y/N stop!"

( Your POV )

I smell her....she's still in there..

Will everyone hate me for this?

Against everything my head was telling I got up and began to walk to stand in front of the barn, Glenn only yelled for me to stop but the second everyone heard one last pair of footsteps coming from the barn they all shut up and raised their guns.

Sophia, will you ever forgive me for this?

I stopped walking and crouched down on one leg, I was closer to the barn than the group at this point, they still didn't understand was I was doing.

Carol, you were right to hit me when I came back alone. Maybe that's why I was never angry that you did, you had a reason to, even if you didn't know the reason at the time.

Everyone gasped as as they saw the small body emerge from the barns entrance, Carol began to cry loudly,"Sophia....Sophia!" her footsteps sped up, I imagined her running over but suddenly they stopped, someone caught onto her before she could get any closer. "No...Sophia.."

I finally looked up from the floor to make eye contact with her, she was heading towards me, or maybe just the group and I happened to be in their direction. As I maintained eye contact with her I realized she was staring straight at me, my eyes widened as she got even closer and I took a chance by whispering to her. Could it possibly have worked..., "Sophia?"

Something about her eyes was different than the other walkers, and the second she heard my face she stopped walking and just stared at me, a growl escaped her lips, as if she were trying to speak, I whispered her name again and this time two words that were barely noticeable to the rest slipped out of her mouth between growls,"I'm....scared..."

"I'm sorry.." I whispered back as she began to walk towards me again.


I didn't let myself feel any joy as the second my name left her mouth her eyes changed, she growled out and lunged forward with her mouth open,she's gone....her body is trying to hug me out of need of her last human thought but her head no longer agrees with it. "Sophia I-," my eyes widened as a bullet hole appeared on her forehead.


I froze as her body fell to the floor, she's gone...I killed her... she's gone.

Why didn't it work? She spoke! SHE WAS STILL HERE!? WHY DIDN'T IT WORK!?

Someone came from behind me and pulled me up onto my feet before pulling me to their chest, it was Rick. He had a gun in his hand...he's the one who shot her,"Y/N, it's okay."

I shook my head no and pushed him away from me, the others just stared at me as I walked away from everyone, I passed by Shane who stared at me with wide eyes. I glared back and as I passed by him bumping his shoulder I whispered so that only he would hear me,"Fuck you for opening it."

He stared at me in shock as it finally clicked in his head, he finally got the answer he had wanted earlier when he was in a bitchy mood because of Dale, I knew there were walkers since we got here, but I didn't know about Sophia until Glenn stumbled into the barn. I went off to the woods to be alone, while Carol simply ran away to the house crying after pushing Daryl off of her.

Maybe this is the best time for me to finally disappear from this group..

Sorry guys I've been busy with finals, family and god damn I never realized how annoying braces would be! I want to pull them out of my mouth so bad, mostly cause I haven't had a proper meal for a week and a half now..

​​​​​​​I'm surprised I didn't pass out from lack of food at my sports practice

Sorry again for the long wait, please don't hate me? Hope it doesn't suck and enjoy!



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