Street Dancer (BTS fanfic)

By Chromiee

117K 3.3K 761

Warning: the following story contains a lot of cursing and maybe sexual content. All Rights Reserved! I own t... More

Ch. 2 - Meeting BTS
Ch. 3 - Annoying Hyungs
Ch. 4 - Jackson
Ch. 5 - Tae-hyung's Magic
Ch. 6 - Evil Elevators
Ch. 7 - Noona of Seoul
Ch. 8 - Jackson vs Eun-ha
Ch. 9 - The Accident
Ch. 10 - Sushi, Mochi & Kimchi
Ch. 11 - Umma Fangirl & Signatures
Ch. 12 - Meeting Army
Ch. 13 - Slapped by Flowers
Ch. 14 - Eun-ha's Ancient Crush
Ch. 15 - Kookie's Birthday
Ch. 16 - Eun-ha's Birthday & LoL World Championship 2017
Ch. 17 - Jun Forfeits
Ch. 18 - JYP Entertainment
Ch. 19 - Steamy
Ch. 20 - Jump
Ch. 21 - Big Bangin'
Ch. 22 - Spoiling Suga
Ch. 23 - Snapped
Ch. 24 - They're Back
Ch. 25 - Eun-ha's Breakdown
Ch. 26 - Hong Kong We Go
Ch. 27 - Suga's Relief (R.I.P Jong-hyun of SHINee)
Ch. 28 - Little Things Can Mean Something Too
Ch. 29 - Stop It Jun
Ch. 30 - BTS + GOT7 & Bye Old Apartment
Ch. 31 - The Truth
Ch. 32 - A New Start
Ch. 33 - Big Eyes
Ch. 34 - Curtain Call
Ch. 35 - Hoo Hoo This Hoo Hoo That
Ch. 36 - Ask Us Anything
Ch. 37 - Chaotic Dinner
Ch. 38 - The Crazy in Her
Ch. 40 - Return of the Fashionista
Ch. 41 - Gorilla and JB's Weirdness
Ch. 42 - Crushing Cans
Ch. 43 - Their Deal
Ch. 44 - Damn Eun-ha
Ch. 45 - His Moves
Ch. 46 - So So SOOOOO
Ch. 47 - Separation Difficulties
Ch. 48 - Jungkook's Words Man
Ch. 49 - Bittersweet
Ch. 50 - Eun-ha of the Past
Ch. 51 - Underground Hell
Ch. 52 - The King
Ch. 53 - Plan P-O-E
Ch. 54 - Last Stand
Ch. 55 - The Magazine
Ch. 56 - Eerie
Ch. 57 - Cats
Ch. 58 - Someone is Watching
Ch. 59 - Just Us Two
Ch. 60 - Coffee
Ch. 61 - Maknae Plan
Ch. 62 - Strangled
Ch. 63 - March 9
Ch. 64 - Conflicted
Ch. 65 - JB's Risk
Ch. 66 - Distance & Guilt
Ch. 67 - I Can See Your Voice
Ch. 68 - MAMA
Ch. 69 - Limit
Ch. 70 - Fighting For Them
Ch. 71 - Who
Ch. 72 - Her Infamous 'Heart Disease'
Ch. 73 - Pocky Deal
Ch. 74 - BBMA's
Ch. 75 - Ultimate Family
Ch. 76 - First Summer Night
Ch. 77 - Stingray and Seagull Friends
Ch. 78 - Each Other's Presence to the Other
Ch. 79 - Hyo-rin is the Best Wingwoman
Ch. 80 - Their Closure
Ch. 81 - Locked
Ch. 82 - Nam-joon and Eun-ha
Ch. 83 - The Eve
Ch. 84 - Hum
Ch. 85 - Lost in Malta Pt. 1
Ch. 86 - Lost in Malta Pt. 2
Ch. 87 - Lost in Malta Pt. 3
Ch. 88 - B-Boy Waltz
Ch. 90 - One Love
Ch. 91 - AAA's Lullaby
Ch. 92 - Artist of the Year
Ch. 93 - Countdown
Ch. 94 - 2 Year Promise
Ch. 95 - Lil Meow Meow
Ch. 96 - Feelings Not Returned
Ch. 97 - As Time Passes
Ch. 98 - Reunion of OT8
Final Chapter: One Love

Ch. 89 - Promise

330 11 0
By Chromiee

Eun-ha and JB left the mall and took the subway train to get back to BTS's house. JB wanted to walk her home so he went with her and help her carry her bags.

They talked about random stuff like break dancing and JB's cats. The cat topic kept them talking the whole time they were in the subway train and after they left the station.

When they got to the front part of the house and inside the mini gate, Suga was sitting on the railings of the porch.

Eun-ha takes her bags from JB and happily rushes towards Suga. "Oh hyung. You seem not busy."

Suga walks down the mini staircase and takes her bags in a cool manner. "Not really.", he gives her a soft smile and looks up, glaring at JB. "You sure don't know how to give up huh?"

JB smirks and shrugs. "No. But same goes for you, Yoon-gi."

Suga tuts and was gonna take a step forward but Eun-ha puts her hand on his chest. "Well then. Since you're so frank all of a sudden, why don't you try telling Eun-ha how you feel?"

Eun-ha flinches and turns around, shaking her head. "Jae-beom, thanks for today, it was fun. Don't mind hyung. Go home safe.", she tugs on Suga's shirt nervously and lets out a nervous laugh.

"Alright.", JB confidently stood his ground and stares back at Suga. "Eun-ha, I don't know if you remember or realized but, I am in love with you."

"HA?!", Eun-ha drops her bags and turns around to only gawk at JB.

"I won't give up on you just cuz you're dating Yoon-gi. The moment Yoon-gi slips up again, I want you to be mine. I hope you can reconsider my feelings for you, Eun-ha.", JB bows his head. "And this definitely won't affect our friendship. You can learn to ignore it but I will always be open about it."

"So you're finally challenging me.", Suga wraps an arm around Eun-ha and pulls her close. "Took you long enough to finally say it up front."

JB straightens himself and smirks. "Uh huh. I won't hold back this time too.", he meets Eun-ha's eyes and smiles at her. "I'll see you around Eun-ha.", he turns around and starts walking out of the vicinity.

Eun-ha slightly raised her hand and waves once. "See you...", she frowns and bends down to pick up her bags. "Aish, what the heck?"

Suga hums and helps her. "So, I heard about your dance off with him at the mall."

Eun-ha smiles. "Yeah. I met people from the Underground too."

The two of them walked into the house with Suga kicking the door close behind him.

They walked up the stairs and continued their conversation inside Suga's studio.

"It was unexpected. Really. But, I'm glad that I had ARMY helping me find the dumb shoe store.", Eun-ha sets down the bags on the floor next to the mini couch and sits down to let out a long, exhausted sigh. "I met JB there by chance and we had coffee together and watched the dancers perform till we joined in."

Suga puts the rest of the bags aside and sat down next to her. "So.", he slouches and loosely clasped his hands together between his legs with his elbows resting on his lap. "I don't know if I should tell you but Eun-ha, JB was there when you got into that accident. But, he finally said that he likes you. How do you feel?"

Eun-ha turns to him and frowns at the sight of his sad expression. "How do I feel? I like Jae-beom and all but just as a friend. Whatever happened regarding the accident doesn't matter anymore. Whether I remember what caused the accident or not, I only love you, Yoon-gi. Even as friends, if he makes a move, I'll hit him. Literally.", she puffs her cheeks and grabs his hands.

Suga's eyes widened from surprise and he was taken aback. He then laughs and grabs her cheeks to stretch them. "Aigoo. You're so cute Eun-ha."

"Owww hyung...", Eun-ha doesn't fight back but tears were forming on the corner of her eyes from the pain.

"You were calling him by his name too.", Suga pinches her cheeks this time and she starts whining in pain.

Eun-ha grabs his wrists and tried to pry them off her face. "Because he told me to do so! He's my friend too and I'm rarely formal to any of my friends!"

"Then why can't you call me Yoon-gi instead of hyung? You only say it on certain occasions.", Suga stops pinching her and lets Eun-ha stop his hands. "I'm your fiance now too.", he pouts.

"Ngh.", Eun-ha becomes bewildered and then she starts to let out her lingering annoyance from earlier during his v-live. 

And here, is where their old bickering started.

BTS besides Nam-joon who was too busy in his room with Jimin assembled one by one at the living room after they heard Eun-ha and Suga bickering as they make their way down the stairs.

"What about you! You told ARMY to bring marriage papers so you guys can get married. How about that hm?!", Eun-ha pouts and crosses her arms as she enters the living room with Kyu-yoon hovering above her head.

Jungkook was rummaging the fridge and nonchalantly takes out a couple of bottles of the pomegranate wine he bought from Malta. "Oh boy. Here they go again.", he sees Eun-ha's owl and snatches some grapes from the counter's fruit basket. "Kyu-yoonie, come here!", he whistles for him and waves the fruit around.

"Hoo.", Kyu-yoon turns his attention to the violet fruit on Jungkook's hand and made his way towards him then rests himself on Jungkook's shoulder.

Eun-ha sits down on the couch and puts one leg over the other while she crosses her arms. Her sulky expression was getting deeper the more she looked at Suga. "Ahni! Ya! You can't get mad at me for dancing with him when you literally gave someone permission to marry you!"

"Well you— you had him all over you on the dance!", Suga retorted while pointing his finger at her and sulked. "I haven't danced with you like that but he did!"

Tae-hyung couldn't decide whether to laugh or be concern so he just waits it out while waving at Kyu-yoon.

Suddenly, they hear Jin's infamous yelling and loud stomps on the staircase. "Ya! You two quiet down. You're scaring my baby Gukmul!"

"Ah hyung, Kyu-yoon's in the living room!", said Jungkook in a loud voice to make sure his hyung hears his warning.

J-Hope covers his ears and whines. "Ya! Why are we yelling!"

"Who's Gukmul?", Eun-ha tilts her head in confusion.

"His new sugar glider. I don't know if you were aware but, Eomuk passed away few days ago.", Jungkook frowns and pats Kyu-yoon's head.

Eun-ha stands up and darts her gaze at her owl. "Ya Kyuyoon-ah! You didn't eat Eomuk did you?!"

"Hoo.", Kyu-yoon shakes his head, feeling offended and wronged for being accused when he was innocent.

Suga groans in annoyance. "This is going nowhere!", he marches towards her and grabs her wrist. "We'll talk in YOUR ROOM. Jungkook, you got gifts from your fans at my studio. She brought it in so go get it. The door's open. Close it on your way out.", he pulls Eun-ha with him and drags her upstairs to her room.

"What are you doing? Let me go Yoon-gi! I'm annoyed with you right now!", Eun-ha's voice echoed in the house followed by the slam of her room's door.

Tae-hyung, J-Hope and Jungkook bursts into laughter and started joking about the whole situation. Maybe even made fun of how the two of them were arguing.

Jin on the other hand took it on the serious side. He started to wonder if JB was gonna be a lot more dangerous this time.

At Eun-ha's room, was squirming around as Suga pins her wrists against her door.

"Let. Go of me you pabo!", Eun-ha tried to yank her arms from him but she stops as soon as his knee went between her legs. "Stop it Yoon-gi!"

Slowly, she started to regret bickering with him. She intended for it to be playful but she feels like right now, it got too personal.

"Eun-ha, you have to understand why I get so worried.", Suga frowns and grips her wrists harder. "Sure I'm jealous. But that JB is getting more cocky!"

Eun-ha gritted her teeth and hisses. "I already told you hyung. I will hit him if he ever makes a move! I thought we have our full trust deal already!"

"I know! But I'm...", Suga leans his head on her shoulder. "I'm just scared alright? There's always the what ifs questions and I trust you Eun-ha. It's just me being complicated."

Eun-ha calms down and sighs. "YOU'RE scared? I'm scared too! I'm trying to be careful with actions since I know it could really hurt you! You think that you're an open book to me but you're not! You still haven't told me about your past condition about—", she gasps and covers her mouth.

Suga pulls his head away from her shoulder and looks down to her. "What?", he tilts his head and gives her an intimidating look. "Eun-haaa. What did you do?"

"I kind of... Found out that... No. I want you to tell me instead.", she looks at him with a sad expression and pulls her hands out of Suga's grasps to cup his cheeks. "Yoon-gi... Were you ever going to tell me about your social anxiety in the past?"

Yoon-gi blinks in surprise and puts his hands on top of hers. "Why are you bringing up something from the past Eun-ha?"

"Because! Oh I don't know... I just wanted to make sure that I can't hurt you in any way of any means.", Eun-ha lowers her head in shame. "Actually, it's fine if you don't tell me. You don't have to! I'm probably just going a little crazy with what's going on. Haha."


Eun-ha continues to babble her worries about this and that till Yoon-gi cups her cheeks and makes her face him with their nose touching and their eyes on the same level.

"Eun-ha. I understand.", Yoon-gi rubs her cheeks with his thumbs. "I think the things that happened this year is starting to take a toll on you. Well, more like the aftermath of the events.", he gives her a peck on the lips. "Eun-ha... You're finally starting to get concern about our relationship going in public... Aren't you?"

What? No!

Was he wrong though? First, the harassment from a sasaeng, then the assaults, then the kissing incident with JB, then her anxiety and stress piling up with personal relations and work. It will take a toll on anyone no matter how strong a person is. Then there's her accident and memory loss.

She was happy for the past few months after getting back with Yoon-gi, the past events will still somewhat haunt her. Even when she became stronger.

"No hyung... I mean, if the public finds out, it will harm BTS. I don't want that to happen.", Eun-ha's eyes starts to water. "You guys worked so hard to be in this placement in the world. You guys had to go through so much to get where you are right now and if I by any chance ruin it by loving you... It'll hurt you and ARMY. I may be a member of BTS but you guys started it all."

"What are you saying you pabo?", Yoon-gi gives her a pinch on her cheeks. "Why didn't you tell me about these worries a little earlier!"

"Because everyone's busy and I didn't want to interrupt your work. Ow ow ow!", Eun-ha shuts her eyes in pain.

Yoon-gi groans and stops pinching her. "Come on Eun-ha. Get it together will you? You're gonna end up worrying not only me but the others as well."

"Alright! I will tell you guys if I'm worried about anything!"


"Promise damn it!"

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