Loving your enemy

By Tilly_xoxo

11K 262 37

Meet Hazel, a 15 year old girl, who's opinion of the school rebel changes when they fall for eachother... More

Loving your enemy
He'll ruin her happiness
Gym Class Revenge
Players 'never' change
The science experiment
....a smile??
It was...nothing?
OUR tree
Once a player always a player
The start
He's still out there
I can't decide
Life changing decision
Alone in Switerzland
Nothing will stop our detetmination
We HAVE to do this
Heart Break Loss
Wrong timing
Reactions, thoughts, feelings
The truth comes out
The change and the truth
Time goes fast when you're having fun
Brand new
The flight
Unplanned destination
Regretful thoughts
What's the point
Slowly but surely
A Sun Set Campfire
Waking up
Reasons why
Leave the bad behind
Given the all clear - Again
Taking responsibilities
Happy ending

*News Flash*

232 7 2
By Tilly_xoxo

So sorry it's late! Was busy today so I hurried it, so if it's bad that's why;) No hate!!

Thank you for the votes! Means a lot:*

Hope you enjoy it!



Hazel's POV


*Searching for Ash - Day 3*

This is luxury! We're so damn lucky to have been allowed to stay here, in this like 4* hotel, for free! It's better than being at home to be brutally honesty.

"I can't believe we found this place!" Rosie smiled before breaking into a yawn as she trudged into the mini lounge room between our rooms.

"That was probably the comfiest sleep i've ever had" Kyle followed her and typically headed straight to the small table set up with little cereal boxes and bowls.

"Phaha, look at the size of this" Kyle laughed, holding up the Rice Krispies box, inspecting it, "it's dwarf cereal" He joked, making himself burst into fits of laughter.

'Oh wow' I mouthed to Rosie as we giggled at his immaturity, even though we're slightly grateful for him cheering us up.

"There's 4 boxes so i'll have 2 and you can have 1 each kay?" He asked, more of a state of fact however as he ripped open the other box of multi grain shapes and shook the two boxes into a bowl, drowning them in milk.

One of the things that's always boggled my mind is how much Kyle actually eats, yet has the body of a god.

Oh woah stop Hazel! He's your best friends guy!

I reminded myself and brought my attention back to the serious reason of why we're here.

"Sorry to put a downer on things but we should hurry up if we wanna proper look around?" I stated, pouring my milk. "This town looks busy" I added, peaking through the gap in the curtains at the busy bodies rushing through the market.

"Yeah, okey dokey" Kyle agreed, with a mouthful of food, trying to eat as much as he could before me or Rosie dragged him away to get ready.




"Thank ma'am, for such a wonderful stay" Rosie politely greeted the land lady who was stood behind the desk, staring at her computer screen.

"Oh my dears, you're very welcome!" She smiled back, "I hope you find this young lad" She added once Rosie handed the keys. Me and Kyle were stood by the door, letting Rosie do the communicating again since she's so good at it, but I smiled and waved good-bye as we left.

"Wish we could stay there again" Kyle sighed, "I'd even pay! It's worth it" He laughed.

"Yeah well," I started, not really sure what i'm going to say next.

"We gotta find Ash" I simply said before Rosie butter in.

"I think we should check out the hotels? We have barely asked, he could have signed into one?" She explained, with a slight proud of herself grin.

"Wow, you're so clever" Kyle winked and joined hands.

"Lets go then" I said, wanting to just find him. I hate to admit it but a part of me really is starting to get frustrated and just, give up.

The first hotel we came across was a tad run down...A few of the windows were smashed and boarded with tape while the walls were crumbling, with bricks on the ground and just weeds growing all over the front, it's a right state!

"Well, I guess it's possible?" I asked, "I mean...he wouldn't have a lot of money and that place looks cheap so" I added.

Kyle's expression showed he agreed with me but at the same time didn't really fancy going in. Yet Rosie...

"Lets go!" She hollered and marched of down the path to the door. I swear she has Kyle's balls - He's such a wimp and she's so damn gutsy!

"Excuse me" She coughed when we entered the lobby.

There was only a small bit of light from a window at the back, other than that we could barely see. And it's one of these places you can tell a lot of smokers stay her because of the yellow stained walls and fusty air.

"Ew, mate" Kyle moaned, squeezing his nose.

"That's rank!" I squealed.

"HELLO!?" Rosie shouted just before a door opened and revealed a haggard old man.

"What" He hissed, brushing past me, making stomach literally turn and wrench that followed him. Has he never heard of a shower??

Rosie was about to speak when Kyle's protective side must have came as he stepped in front of her and spoke.

"We're looking for someone" He said, mirroring this dudes emotion...Plain.

"Wasn't us. Try the next street" He bellowed back super fast and slammed the door on us.

"No wait!" Kyle yelled, running behind the counter to the door.

"It's our mate" He added, kicking it a few times.

Is he mad? He'll get us shot or something! We should just leave before anyone else comes up.

"Kyle lets just go" I suggested, reaching for the handle.

"HAZEL" Rosie suddenly shrieked, sending shivers down my spine. It was one of those screams you hear in scary movies or something, ear splitting.

I spun my head around, staring in the direction she was pointing in. Shortly joined by Kyle.

Displayed on the tv screen was bold yellow writing reading 'News Flash' as dressed up women spoke.

"...A young man's body found..." As soon as the words hit my ears they kept replaying and I just knew what was coming next.

"ASH" Kyle shouted, "No No No" He repeated.

"...Not yet identified, the boy's body is currently being defined as dying homeless and of starvation or hyperthermia..."

The rest of the explanation was blanked out by my thoughts.

"We're to late" Was all I could say and it came out as barely a whisper.

I don't even know what was going around me, it was like everything was put on pause while I took it in and had to decide what to do next.

I can't believe it, and it's all my fault.

"Hazel" Rosie's voice broke through and I came back to the real world, thankful she's there and not knowing what else to do, I threw myself into her arms and felt tears leaking into her shoulder as she rubbed circles into my back.

"Let's go" Kyle whispered.

Feeling the cooler breeze on my face seemed to calm me down, settling the thoughts and only 1 question hung in my mind.

"What now" I asked, hoping they have an idea.

"I - I don't know" Rosie stuttered. This is how you realise it's bad. Rosie all ways has a plan, or an explanation, something to say! A quote or a reason, but not now. Not for something like this.

I looked at Kyle and saw the thing that made me break inside. A single tear escape his eye. Someone you'd never though would cry, mostly because he always comes across as being hard and even admitting he's never cried, crying.

"He's my mate" He whispered, his voice cracking as he went on. "I won't believe it. He wouldn't leave"

A/N -

Dun, Dun, Dun...!!

Cliffhanger much;) Let me know what you think!!


~ Tilly_xoxo

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