Street Dancer (BTS fanfic)

By Chromiee

117K 3.3K 761

Warning: the following story contains a lot of cursing and maybe sexual content. All Rights Reserved! I own t... More

Ch. 2 - Meeting BTS
Ch. 3 - Annoying Hyungs
Ch. 4 - Jackson
Ch. 5 - Tae-hyung's Magic
Ch. 6 - Evil Elevators
Ch. 7 - Noona of Seoul
Ch. 8 - Jackson vs Eun-ha
Ch. 9 - The Accident
Ch. 10 - Sushi, Mochi & Kimchi
Ch. 11 - Umma Fangirl & Signatures
Ch. 12 - Meeting Army
Ch. 13 - Slapped by Flowers
Ch. 14 - Eun-ha's Ancient Crush
Ch. 15 - Kookie's Birthday
Ch. 16 - Eun-ha's Birthday & LoL World Championship 2017
Ch. 17 - Jun Forfeits
Ch. 18 - JYP Entertainment
Ch. 19 - Steamy
Ch. 20 - Jump
Ch. 21 - Big Bangin'
Ch. 22 - Spoiling Suga
Ch. 23 - Snapped
Ch. 24 - They're Back
Ch. 25 - Eun-ha's Breakdown
Ch. 26 - Hong Kong We Go
Ch. 27 - Suga's Relief (R.I.P Jong-hyun of SHINee)
Ch. 28 - Little Things Can Mean Something Too
Ch. 29 - Stop It Jun
Ch. 30 - BTS + GOT7 & Bye Old Apartment
Ch. 31 - The Truth
Ch. 32 - A New Start
Ch. 33 - Big Eyes
Ch. 34 - Curtain Call
Ch. 35 - Hoo Hoo This Hoo Hoo That
Ch. 36 - Ask Us Anything
Ch. 37 - Chaotic Dinner
Ch. 38 - The Crazy in Her
Ch. 40 - Return of the Fashionista
Ch. 41 - Gorilla and JB's Weirdness
Ch. 42 - Crushing Cans
Ch. 43 - Their Deal
Ch. 44 - Damn Eun-ha
Ch. 45 - His Moves
Ch. 46 - So So SOOOOO
Ch. 47 - Separation Difficulties
Ch. 48 - Jungkook's Words Man
Ch. 49 - Bittersweet
Ch. 50 - Eun-ha of the Past
Ch. 51 - Underground Hell
Ch. 52 - The King
Ch. 53 - Plan P-O-E
Ch. 54 - Last Stand
Ch. 55 - The Magazine
Ch. 56 - Eerie
Ch. 57 - Cats
Ch. 58 - Someone is Watching
Ch. 59 - Just Us Two
Ch. 60 - Coffee
Ch. 61 - Maknae Plan
Ch. 62 - Strangled
Ch. 63 - March 9
Ch. 64 - Conflicted
Ch. 65 - JB's Risk
Ch. 66 - Distance & Guilt
Ch. 67 - I Can See Your Voice
Ch. 68 - MAMA
Ch. 69 - Limit
Ch. 70 - Fighting For Them
Ch. 71 - Who
Ch. 72 - Her Infamous 'Heart Disease'
Ch. 73 - Pocky Deal
Ch. 74 - BBMA's
Ch. 75 - Ultimate Family
Ch. 76 - First Summer Night
Ch. 77 - Stingray and Seagull Friends
Ch. 78 - Each Other's Presence to the Other
Ch. 79 - Hyo-rin is the Best Wingwoman
Ch. 80 - Their Closure
Ch. 81 - Locked
Ch. 82 - Nam-joon and Eun-ha
Ch. 83 - The Eve
Ch. 84 - Hum
Ch. 85 - Lost in Malta Pt. 1
Ch. 86 - Lost in Malta Pt. 2
Ch. 87 - Lost in Malta Pt. 3
Ch. 88 - B-Boy Waltz
Ch. 89 - Promise
Ch. 90 - One Love
Ch. 92 - Artist of the Year
Ch. 93 - Countdown
Ch. 94 - 2 Year Promise
Ch. 95 - Lil Meow Meow
Ch. 96 - Feelings Not Returned
Ch. 97 - As Time Passes
Ch. 98 - Reunion of OT8
Final Chapter: One Love

Ch. 91 - AAA's Lullaby

346 12 2
By Chromiee


They didn't really take a break right after and got to work right away. Especially with all the awards they were receiving. There were TONS of them. TONS.

At Asia Artist Music Awards, there were so many good performances. With the nonstop cheers for every idol group and artists, everything was going so well. One thing that was different, maybe not so different, were the number of idol groups that Eun-ha was going crazy for. Luckily for her, they were sitting at the front too.

When BTS got announced on their first reward, they strutted like bosses in black well, besides Tae-hyung in his red jacket and let RM do their speech. Then after that, SF9's Now or Never performance was prepared.

BTS sat back down on their seats after getting their award and settled down. Besides Eun-ha who's feet was shuffling as they sit down.

"I've seen SF9's mvs man. This one is catchy as hell!", Eun-ha cheered happily with Tae-hyung and Jimin on her side, clapping and nodding their heads to the beat.

Suga sighs and leans his elbow on the armrest. He sees the glint on Tae-hyung's eyes and shakes his head. "I know that look on your face Tae."

Tae-hyung grins innocently. "You know me too well hyung.", he slaps Eun-ha's arm and pulls her back down on the seat. "Eun-ha, I have a challenge for you."

Eun-ha stumbles and ends up on Suga's armrest. "S-sorry hyung! It was V!", she scoots down to the empty seat next to him and bashfully wiggled on her seat.

"You're my fiance. It's alright.", Suga smirks and grabs her hand to give it a tight grip.

"Aish! Let me talk to Eun-ha just for a minute hyung! Flirt later okay?", Tae-hyung sticks his tongue out at Suga and yanks Eun-ha back to the opposite side.

Suga sighs and waves his hand at Tae-hyung and winks at Eun-ha before going back to watching the performances.

"What is it Tae?", Eun-ha leans closer to him to listen.

"Since you like so many of the artists here, I dare you to dance their choreos.", Tae-hyung grinned. "Only if you know them. Dance till their performance ends."

"But isn't that a hassle for the people watching behind us? And just me alone? That's embarrassing I can't do it!", Eun-ha hits Tae-hyung on the arm and shakes her head rapidly.

J-Hope perks up from his seat and leans over to the two with Jimin. "We'll join you!", he said cheerfully."

"Yeah. Plus, you already jump out of nowhere and start dancing when you hear your favorite artists anyways.", Jimin laughs.

"Hm...", Eun-ha pouts as she sees Jimin's point. And he was telling the truth too. "We'll see—"

Music started playing in the background and Eun-ha freezes. The song was very very familiar to her and a huge grin appeared on her face. "WANNA ONE!"

Wanna One's Light started playing and fangirls started screaming their hats off. Including Eun-ha. Jin, Nam-joon and Suga were taken aback with her wild behavior and started laughing. The song continued to Boomerang and Eun-ha was melting on her seat. She sits up immediately as one of the Wanna One members came into the camera. And it was her bias.

"Woojin-ah! I want a brother like you! I love you!", Eun-ha waves her fist in the air and shouted.

"Ha?", Suga retracts his head and looks at her with surprise. "Eun-ha!"

Nam-joon laughs and pats Suga's shoulders. "Calm down hyung. Let her be."

After a little while, a lot of groups including BTS came up for the Artist of the Year awards. Including GOT7. The two groups greeted each other when they stood next to each other and well, you can expect a little bit of a glaring contest between Suga and JB.

Eun-ha waves at JB and gives him a high-five before getting pulled away by Suga. And after that, an hour passed with more and more performances from awesome artists continued like it was handed on a silver platter. Eun-ha could faint from being too hyped and cheering for them and dancing to their music.

NUES'T W came onto the stage with their new songs and Eun-ha almost teared up watching them. She loved the group ever since her street dancing years at the Underground. "Fightin' NUES'T!"

AOA came after them with their sexy performance and then MONSTA X was next. Joo-heon was rapping their intro and after a short while, Jealousy started playing. The members rose on the stage slowly and fangirls shrieked.

Eun-ha, Jimin and Tae-hyung's eyes opened wide at the sight of Wonho's arms. And from there, they knew that they had to start dancing as the sexy Jealousy fill them with goosebumps. Jimin and Tae-hyung were the ones fangirling about Wonho's arms. Mainly. Followed by Shoot Out, Eun-ha was losing her energy from jumping around and dancing.

"I'm done!", Eun-ha panted and sits back down. "I won't be able to dance later if I keep fooling around.", she slumps down on her seat and receives a water bottle from J-Hope. "Thanks Hope-hyung."

J-Hope pinches her cheeks and laughs as he wipes his hands on her jacket. "God Eun-ha. You're sweaty!"

"Shut it.", Eun-ha panted more and shakes her head. 

Suga pulls out a handkerchief in his pocket and starts wiping Eun-ha's forehead. "Behave yourself alright. We don't want you hurting yourself. Fake Love's up in a few so take it easy."

Eun-ha nods and chuckles. "Alright, anything you say. Yoon-gi.", she secretly holds his hand and the two of them leaned on each other as they continue to watch the performances.

Next thing that happens after more and more idols performed, GOT7 was up on stage. Even though Suga was scowling at the thought of JB, he cheered for GOT7 as a group he respects.

hannaje kkuneun kkum
mitgiji aneul ppun
yeojeonhi nan geojitmal gata
nun tteobomyeon neoye pum  

andoye hansum

Mark raps it out and the group went into their group formation for the verse coming up with Jin-young, Bambam, Yu-gyeom and Young-jae. When the group parted into two to go into JB's turn, JB went to the side where Eun-ha was and reached for her as he sings.

The screen showed JB's affectionate gaze as he squats down and he takes Eun-ha's hand, singing to her.

mageul saenggak eopseo (I have no thoughts to stop it)
gyesokhaeseo neol chajgo itneun geon naya  (I'm the one who keeps looking for you)

Eun-ha looks at the camera, trying not to look scared and looked surprise instead. Fans cheered and squealed at the duo and she gets pulled closer to JB.

"What the heck are you doing?", Eun-ha whispered as she gets pulled. She looks back to the others and they just gave her a worried look.

"Fan service.", JB chuckled and lets go of her before going to the center of the stage to meet up with the other members who were giggling at him.

The girl sat back down in confusion and turns to her members. "What the heck was that?", she furrowed her brows and tugs on Suga's sleeve. "Hyung?"

Suga pressed his fist against his lips and huffs. "That bastard sure knows how to piss me off.", he grabs Eun-ha's hands and rubs them. He then leans closer to her ear and whispered. "You're sleeping in my room tonight. I have to get his touch off of you."

Eun-ha gulped and bashfully looks down. "Hyung... I have a question...", she drags him back to their seats and sat down.

"What is it?", Suga rubs the knuckle of her hands and looks at her.

"Uhm.", Eun-ha slightly winces. "It might be too much but...", she pauses and watches the performance. "What do you think will happen if the public finds out about our relationship? I mean, we're not really trying to hide it, more like avoiding trouble."

"I don't mind. But it's kind of a hassle to deal with the media though.", Suga shrugs and pats her head. "We're really close to the end of the year. I hope things do change.", he pauses and grips her hand. "I really want to show the world how much I love you...", he whispered.

Eun-ha looks at him and tilts her head. "Hm? Speak a little louder hyung. I didn't hear what you said.", she giggles.

"I saaaid, I really want to show the world how much I love you!", Suga stands up and exclaimed his words.

The people behind them were Wanna One who covered their mouths in surprise. "Oh my god!", Dae-hwi shrieked in English.

Kang Daniel, Seong-woo, Woo-jin, Ji-sung and Minhyun that were with Dae-hwi on one seating line started slapping each other with one hand covering their mouths in shock.

Suga puts his finger on his lips and gives them a secretive smile. He didn't need words to tell them what he wants.

The Wanna One boys nodded their heads happily and gave him thumbs ups and supportive smiles. Jae-hwan, Kuan-lin, Jin-young, Ji-hoon and Sung-woon popped from the back seat, wondering why their members on the front were going crazy.

Seong-woo tells them what was going on and when Jae-hwan was about to scream, Woo-jin stuffs his mouth with the water bottle he was holding.

Well, from there, they were dying from laughter. These boys are just so cute.

"Hyung.", Eun-ha looks up to him. She didn't know whether she should be crying, laughing, hugging Suga, kissing Suga or declare her love for him in return. But it didn't matter what she was going to do because she'll get embarrassed either way. Although, there was one thing that she wanted to do.

She wanted to show off her engagement ring. Ever since Malta, she refused to take off the ring. Same for Suga but he had to take it off at some occasions.

"I really love you. So, let's end this year with happiness.", Eun-ha grins. "With everyone. With whatever time we have left before you guys go, we'll make the most of it."

Suga sits back down and nods. "Alright. Alright Eun-ha.", he puts a hand on the back of her head and leans his lips against her forehead. "Let's do that."

"Mhm.", Eun-ha nods happily and then perks up. "Oh hyung. Who were you shutting up few seconds ago?", she kneels on her seat and turns around to see Wanna One, dropping her jaw to the seat. "Ah! Wanna One!", her eyes turned to Woo-jin. "Woojin-ah!"

Woo-jin flinches in shock and bows his head. "He-hello, sunbaenim."

"Relax boys. She's a fan. If you didn't hear her enthusiasm during your performance, better prepare yourself now.", said Suga while chuckling.

Seong-woo intersects the conversation and leans towards the back side of Eun-ha's chair. "Noona—"

Eun-ha interrupts him by raising a hand. "I'm not your noona.", she laughs. "You're older than me by ten days."

"Uwa!", Kang Daniel gasps. "How did you know the exact days?"

"She knows all of your birthdays.", said Suga. "I don't know how or why.", he shakes his head in disbelief.

"I'm a big fan!", Eun-ha nods her head rapidly. "I've seen all of the episodes for PRODUCE 101! Also, I've met a couple of you back at the dinner party with Seungri-sunbaenim too right? Plus, Jihoon-ssi is friends with Jin-hyung. I've played a couple of games with him."

Ji-sung nods and smiles at her. "Yeah!", he turns around and calls for Ji-hoon. "Your noona is talking about you."

Ji-hoon pops out of the seat and walks on the isle. He sits on Woo-jin's lap and shakes hands with Eun-ha. "Noona! It's been a while!"

"Yeah! You have to text me when you want to play sometimes! I feel too shy to ask dongsaengs.", Eun-ha giggles and reaches for his head to ruffle his hair. "Even when I'm busy, it's fine."

"You're awesome noona.", Ji-hoon bows his head.

Seong-woo stares at Ji-hoon and starts whining. "You have her number?! Rha-ssi, please give me yours too so we can play games together!"

"Me too!", Woo-jin, Daniel and Dae-hwi protested.

Kuan-lin, Jae-hwan, Ji-sung, Sung-woon, Jin-young and Minhyun ended up just watching them and laughed.

It was great for Eun-ha to interact with them. She was very friendly to a lot of idols, making her somewhat popular with them but nothing can beat Suga and JB's affection for her.

The end of the year was coming. And so was the MAMA 2018 at Japan and Hong Kong. Their performance was gonna be big. And Eun-ha will make sure that this will be the boys' big break.

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