Broken Red Strings [Killua lo...

By Alice_Lemonchii

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Natsume wishes to got to the Hunter world to see the ex-assassin, Killua. However, she cannot return back hom... More

Dream Come True; Prolouge
Chapter 1 - The 8th Day
Chapter 2 - Melody
Chapter 3 - Frustration
Chapter 4 - Majority Wins
Chapter 5 - One on One
Chapter 6 - Rage and Strength
Chapter 7 - Monsters
Chapter 8 - Interval
Chapter 9 - Teamwork
Chapter 10 - Hunting
Chapter 11 - Which Words Can't Express
Chapter 12 - Interview
Chapter 13 - The beggining of the Finale
Chapter 14 - Mage vs. Mage
Chapter 15 - Lonely Adventure
Chapter 16 - At Loss
Chapter 17 - New Power
Chapter 18 - Training
Chapter 20 - Special Flashback - Second Beat! Doki Doki Doki!
Chapter 21 - Second Beat! Part 2
Chapter 22 - Undying Tears
Chapter 23 - She's so Gone
Chapter 24 - Feelings
Chapter 26 - Come back to me
Chapter 27 - Coincidences
Chapter 29 & 29.5 - Friendship & Dates
Extra: 20 Facts About Me β™₯ β™₯
Chapter 30 - Midnightmares
Chapter 31 - On The Move
Chapter 32 - When She Died
Chapter 33 - Game Start
Chapter 34 - Mortal Flaw
Chapter 35 - I Remember the Day We Met
Chapter 36: Steal My Girl
I updated
Chapter 37 - I Still Do
Chapter 38 - Let Me Love You
Chapter 39: Let Me Love You One More Time
Dream Come True; Epilogue

Chapter 28 - Trouble in the Arena

845 27 8
By Alice_Lemonchii

Sorry, this is rare, but I have writer's block so yeah. It took so long to update, I'm sorry minna-san!!

Okay since hunter x hunter is nearly ending, I'm bored and I update so late I don't know what day it is today, i will share you guys some anime feel quotes that does not or may not have or may have connection to the story. Mostly they have a connection, so I hope you like my corniness.

The picture is on the right (for computers and laptops) and for Cp it's on the tope of your title or whatever, but I will say it by the end of the chapter if you don't see or if it does not work whatsoever, I hope it does

Anyways, I'm gonna do the Last Mission movie here, please enjoy :)


Trouble in the Arena


Gon, Killua, Leorio and Kurapika headed towards a club wherein they found, unexpectedly, Tigress who's surprisingly so alike with their old friend, Taiga. Did they really found her? Or is she just another mistake?

"Ready?" Killua smiled at the brunette, "Ready as I'll ever be" She smiled back, causing Gon to do the same thing. They were heading back to the place where Kite resides in until they heard a pleading sound of a woman and a man.

"Hey there, lady! Aren't you gonna at least apologize when you bump into someone?" A man with purple jacket, it seems that they were asking for money in return.

And when the old man, who is an acquaintance of the lady, tried to reason,

"What was that?! How dare you oppose me! I should teach you how to respect me" Before he can land a punch, a foot of a young man came in straight to his face leaving the man unconcious.

"What the-- who the hell are you?" The man asked, irritated. He didn't even take 5 second to be knocked out like his friend, the young lad attacked him until he fell unconscious too.

"Osu!" A familiar looking kid in ragged clothes and a red cloth around his waist. Gon and Killua's eyes widened, a smile appeared slowly.

"Thank you very much, I don't know how to return the favor

"Gomenasai, I don't want it. A true martial artist does not take anything in return. It is out of the question, I just did what was obvious. Excuse me"

"Zushi!" Gon shouted, Tigress was left behind in the ground, still looking at them. As soon as Killua noticed this, he rolled his eyes, sighing and then pulled Tigress by her wrist. "Come on" He demanded boringly.

"Huh? Wait, you know that guy?" She asked confusedly, making a surprised face as Killua pulled her towards the two boys. "Yeah, he's our friend in heavens arena. You remember?" He slightly smiled at her. "Uh... no" She frowned and so did he. "That's okay, you'll eventually remember" Killua glaced at her one more time with a frown.

"Hey Killua! Taiga-chan! Over here!" Gon shouted, waving at the two of them. "Yeah yeah, we're coming" Killua replied, quite bored. "Is that Taiga-san?" Zushi stared at the brunette, examining the changes that happened. "She's changed" He said, shocked.

"Well, you did too. Everyone has" Gon smiled. "Yes but... I never thought Taiga-san would grow a chest" They tensed up as soon as Zushi stated what he examined. Taiga was certainly a little bit flat-chested, but looking at Tigress, she's more chest than stomach.

With this, Killua and Tigress blushed. "Greetings, Gon, Killua and Taiga?" A man with untucked shirt smiled at the three.

"Wing-san! Bisky!" Gon shouts, excitedly. "Wing-san? He gets an honorific and I don't?" Biscuit complained. "You told us to call you Biske, didn't you?" Killua groaned which made Bisky twitch in anger. Wing and the others laughed at this.

"It feels nostalgic" Gon spoke. "We're back together" He smiled. "Yeah" Killua adds in, ".. it's nostalgic" He smiled at the tower behind them.

"Well, who's this lovely lady?" Bisky smiled, elbowing Killua as she circled around Tigress.

"Uh, I-I'm Tigress, Bisky...-san" She replied, nervously. Bisky examined her hair, slowly caressing the ends of it. "You have such soft hair, I'm so jealous!" She pouted, Tigress just smiled hopelessly. "Leave her alone, old hag!" Killua growled.

"What's wrong with you? Wait... she's not your girlfriend, is she?" She dove her face near Killua's, making the two teen blush in embarassment. Tigress hid her face behind her hands and violently shook her head repeatedly. Killua kept denying it but Bisky never agrees.

They headed towards the arena, the sat down, a little bit near to the grounds. Gon has this smile on his face that Killua couldn't resist copying. As Tigress realized how Gon was so important to Killua, she smiled on her own and then continued watching the opening performances to heat up the match.

"I can't believe Zushi's a floor master now! So cool!" Gon exclaimed. "What's a floor master?" Tigress asked. "It's a level of a person when he gets to the top floors. That means he's one of the most powerful person who fought in the arena. And that means Zushi is a strong fighter now" Gon smiled.

"Oh, so you earn money with this?"

"Nah, you won't earn money in the 200th floor and beyond. This is just the point where you fight with all you got, this is the point where people know nen."

"Naruhodo... I should probably fight too. I DO need money" She smiled, the younger boy just nodded.

"How old are you anyways, Gon?"

"I'm 14 now."

"Ah, then that means I'm older than you? I'm 15"

"Ah! I knew it!" He smiled, knowing that Taiga was a year older than them, also. This made him happy, she not just look like her, she also has the same age as his friend.

Before the match started, Netero Isaac performed a speech in front of everyone via video camera. And this surprised the group of friends, so Gon and Killua decided they should visit him. It HAS been a while since they last saw each other.

"Wait, Gon! Killua! Where are you going?" Tigress shouted to the two boys who were just heading upstairs. Gon and Killua looked down at her from below at the same time. "Not just us, you too. Come on, Tiger" Killua taunted and they both continued running up.

"Don't call me that!" She pouted and then caught up to them. They arrived at Netero's front door just to be stopped by a guard. And then Netero appeared on the screen.

"Chairman, there are kids looking for you--" Gon shouted angrily, interrupting the elevaror man. "Let us in already! Netero-san!" Gon smiled at the old man on the screen who paused for a bit and then smiled. This made the old chairman chuckle to himself.

They went in as fast as they can, "I wonder if we can get the ball from him now?" Gon asks while they rode the elevator, it was like his thoughts were heard when  flying ball approached them hard and fast. But Killua and Gon both caught it with one hand.

Tigress just stood here confused as to what's up with balls and Gon. "What's with the balls, dudes?" She asked. "Shut up, Tiger" Killua calmly said. "Pshh, hmph!" She turned away, pouting.

"I see you've gotten better" Netero greeted with a smile. "The chairman..." Tigress gasped. "Ah, you're the girl from the club, huh? Nice to see you two finally moving on to puberty" Netero chuckled.

"Shut up, old man" Killua said boringly. Gon started talking about what had happened after the exams, how they met the Ryodan, how they met Kite.

"Hey Killua?" Tigress decided to create her own conversation with Killua. She was a little nervous, but curiosity overcame this nervousness. "Yeah?" The young boy answered. "What's up?"

"Who's this Taiga person anyways? What did you see in me that reminds you of her or you know, simply saw her in me" She tilted her head, her eyes going wide and sparkling for desire to know the truth.

"Well... hmmm" Killua thought for a moment. "When we first met her, she has brown locks, brown eyes and a little tanned skin. But later on we found out that her real hair color was raven black and that she wore pink eye glasses.

"Oh, I think my hair is natural though. I don't really remember but, I woke up in a room and I was so dirty. I don't remember anything, anything but the word tiger. I assumed it was my favorite animal, or maybe something that's connected to my old memories."

"I thought it could help me find the answers that I have been looking for" Killua suddenly doze off in the middle of the conversation.

"So where is she now?"



"Ahh, she was prisoned... kinda harsh, huh?"


"Because of me... because she joined the A-class criminals, the Genei Ryodan"

"Oh, I've heard of them. They massacred a lot of families and clans."

"Yeah, Taiga was trying to save us, so she decided to let herself get captured. And now she's imprisoned in the H.A.S."

"Woah, what a coincidence. The one who found me, told me that he found me with handcuffs. Could it be that I am a prisoner too?" She looked at her hands with surprise.

"Really?!" Killua gasped, but they were interrupted with a girl coming in with an impact. Her face has a blank expression, but then after a moment, her eyes turned deep violet, and the other spaces of her eyes which are once pure white, turned darker than black.

It took them by surprise, the girl pierced herself with her own knife. But what was more shocki was her dark violet colored aura flowing out of her body, despite the fact that she was already dead.

"Netero-san!" Tigress screamed as they watched Netero got captured by the dark aura. It was nothing like they have seen before. "So you've come back" The old man muttered, looking at the girl who's now sitting while her hands still on the knife of her chest.

Another joined them, a man with silver colored hair, black eyes and violet orbs like the girl's. Netero remained in his usual expression. "Jed" Netero spoke. "Ah, we meet again, Netero" the man smirked.

"Netero-san!" Tigress ran towards the chairman to help, but the aura was stronger than expected. No matter what she did, it doesn't come off. Tigress turned towards the girl, who remained silent and unconcious during the time, or might be dead.

As Killua and Gon tried to defend Netero, their actions were brought to no avail. They were thrown out of the floor, "Killua! Gon!" Tigress shouted but before she could turn around, someone pushed her down with the boys.

She screamed so loud that her voice is almost screeching. Until an arm caught her waist and pull her back up in a bounce. It was Gon, "Gon! Ahh!" She screamed again when Gon lifted her up and threw her towards Killua, who immediately caught her and headed towards the hole that Gon made with jajanken.

"Whew, that was close" She sighed. "Are you guys okay?" She asked the two boys, they just nodded in response. "Where to, now?" She can see determination in Gon and Killua's eyes, "We're going to save Netero-san" Gon answered.

"But Gon! We don't even know what On is, how are we suppose to defeat it?" Tigress asked, having to remember what Netero yelled out to the boys when they tried to fight the girl. On, it's something much more powerful than nen. It is made up of the anger and rage of the people using it.

On was believed to be destroyed along with its owner/user, Jed. But it seems Netero was quite wrong this time. How will the be able to defeat Jed?

"I don't care what On is or how different it is with Nen! We'll definitely rescue Netero-san, no matter what!" Gon's determined eyes shoot fire through Tigress' heart and Killua's too. This made them somehow more energetic and determined to help Gon.

But before they can even move a step forward, they noticed shadowy figures that have their own aura. It seems it was the contestants, the floor masters. "Aren't those the people from the arena?" Tigress gasped. "Yeah, but they are not within themselves, I can tell" Killua stated. "Are they being controlled by a manipulator?" Gon asks. "Probably not, Gon. Remember what Netero-san said a while ago? Nen is different on that of On, so On doesn't have any type of class. On doesn't have hatsu or ren or zetsu or anything of that matter. Let's just say it's another form of aura that's twice stronger than nen." Tigress explains.

"That doesn't mean we can't defeat them though, right?" She asked once more. "Yeah, we can finish them off in no time!" Killua smirked. "We can't kill them Killua!" Gon shouts. "Huh? Argh, fine!" The older boy pouted which made the other girl giggle.

"Let's go!" The three started attacking the enemies that kept on coming. It's like, everytime they tried to knock them unconcious, they stand back up like nothing. "Damn it! These guys won't quit!" Killua groans, complaining. They went to the elevator, hoping to escape the boulder bodied guy that almost hit them.

Luckily, they got in before he crashed himself against the them. As they went up, the elevator clang as a sign of the assigned floor achieved. There stood another boulder bodied man, but he was different. Blue hair with matching blue tattoos all over his body. Aura overflowing his body as he stares at the group.

Killua, Gon and Tigress felt a strange feeling about this guy, they glared at him, observing how he would react. But as soon as they stepped out of the now unpowered elevator, the man smirked with delight, no, more like excitement. The three assumed their battle positions, feeling the On that flew, surrounding the man's body.

However, his aura was like no other as expected, it was in the same color of his hair, his aura was azure. Soon enough after they regained their composition, he spoke of having them battle him, three on one. He was confident enough that he would win, he knew he was strong, so he pushed himself to the limit.

He fought first Gon and Killua, the two boys never wanted their friend to get hurt, avoiding to get involved in the fight is senseless, Tigress was already involved. But they still want her out of the battle, losing her so many times already made them more protective of her.

"Gon! Killua!" She yelled at the two boys getting defeated, they didn't know how to deal with the guy. She wanted to help but as soon as she steps forward, "Don't interfere, Tigress! Ack! Stay there!" Killua shouted, worry clouded both of his eyes as he stared at his friend with a pained expression.

"But you can't defeat him without help!" She yelled back, her voice was shattering. She badly wanted to help, Gon and Killua was getting jacked up and she wasn't doing anything. Guilt was eating her up in her position, so she decided to make a move.

She headed towards where the three was fighting. "Killua! Gon!" She shouted down at the elevator, where the three was. "Tigress! What the hell are you doing?!" Killua shouted, he was hiding in the shadows, thinking of a plan while Gon kept fighting the enemy. "Shut up! I wanna help!" She insisted despite all the protests Killua demanded.

She jumped down to his level and smiled a bit, more like a smirk. "You need distraction right?" Killua's eyes widened for a second, but returned to normal later, replying with a nod and a serious face. "Okay then, I'll help Gon down there. Do whatever you can to stop that guy. Go get 'em, Kil" She smiled, creating flashbacks of Taiga behind Killua's eyes.

This made him dumbfounded for a minute as he watched Tigress jumped down to help Gon. "Taiga..." Killua muttered unconciously. "I'll save you" The young boy thought to himself. He proceeded to his plan.

"Gon, watch out!" Tigress shouted, pushing his friend away from the rampaging guy, making him hit her instead. "Tigress-san!" She tried to evade, but to no avail. She flew to the other side, hitting her back onto the wall.

"You... finally called out my name, ugh" She smiled a bit. "This is no time for that, Tigress-san! You need to stay out!" Before Gon could finish what he was going to say, the man suddenly charged at him. Gon thought of evading, but if he did, the attack would hit the older girl instead. So he decided to block, resulting for his bones to crack out and break from the tremendous force and strength of the punch.

"Gon!" Tigress shouted, hearing the bones of her friends, shutter sent shiver down her spine. She walked towards where the young boy had fallen and pull his head to rest it on her lap. "Gon, hang in there. You'll be fine, I promise." Gon just cough up blood, the force of the punch must have reached his abdominal muscle too.

She placed her hands just above Gon's stomach, closed her eyes and concentrate, hoping the monster would not interrupt the ritual she was going to perform. She could not concentrate because of fear, at this rate, it would be too late for her to heal his friend by the time the man had reached them at their spot.

Her eyes looked up at the dark abyss and saw the man rushing down towards them, Tigress closed her eyes hoping to get the man away from her friend. And it seems she was heard, something stopped him, stoppped his movements. "Killua!" She shouted, her eyes sparkling and widened, her smile is so bright and wide, excitement filled her heart all the way down to her stomach.

She can now concentrate to her task and then tried to heal his friend with her nen. Yet Killua and Gon doesn't know this yet, "T-Tigress-san, w-what are you doing?" Gon stammered as he spoke. "What do you think? Healing you, you'll be better soon, Gon" She smiled at him faintly. Gon's eyes was half open due to weakness, maybe fatigue or just because of the great force.

"Hold on Gon, I'm almost done" She said, deeply concentrated on the broken ribs and arms of her friend. "You have... the same ability as... Taiga-san had before." Gon coughed between his words. "You really... remind me of her" He smiled, developing a frown from the girl's face as he looked down on him.

"Just stop talking Gon, it's gonna be fine! Don't sound like you're dying, idiot!" She shouted. "I'm not... I'm just... a little tired, that's all..." Gon smiled, earning a sigh from his friend. The healing was finished, Gon stood up unscratched. "Thank you, Tigress-san!" He gave her a thumbs up while she smiled and nodded in reply.

Gon jumps out, catching up from the match and helping his other friend who seemed to have restricted, successfully, the opponent's movement. But after they defeated the man with teamwork, it ended up with suicide.

The man in blue blew himself up with a smile on his face, apologizing to his sister/brothers or friends. And so to the great "On" that he failed his mission as one of his pawn. Gon cried, he never wanted the man to die, he never wanted anyone to die. But it endedup in the same ending anyways, and this frustrated him more.

"Gon... it's okay" Tigress faintly smiled at her friend, slightly patting Gon's back to calm him down. "Let's go move on?" She asked for permission, Gon wiped away his tears and nodded, feeling much better. Tigress smiled at how Gon acted, she looked at Killua and smiled at him again.


There it is again, that same smile that kept reminding him of his old friend. Though they were still not sure if that girl beside Gon was Taiga, or somebody else. But he was surely enjoying her company. She was a lot like his former acquaintance, but nothing beats the good vibes and bright lights that Natsume gives to both of them, or maybe all of them for all they know.

"Killua?" The older girl snapped Killua back into his reality, he shook his head and followed the two, proceeding further and deeping into the secrets of the Hunter's association and the Shadows.

What will happen after this? Will they meet someone new or an old friend perhaps? Will they regain the memories of Tigress as they proceed inside the Heaven's arena? Is Tigress the real Natsume, or was it all just a big mistake again? Find out on the next following chapters.

Thanks for reading this Chapter, I hope you enjoyed!!


Guys, sowwy for not updating these past few weeks. I really am busy with my everyday laziness and I really can't ignore that, you know what I mean? And my other stories are not catching up either (especially hunter's academy, though I was just bored when I made that. I was gonna discontinue it anyways. Might continue it someday :3) Well anyways yeah whateva, I was busy watching movies and listening to pitch perfect.

Sadly, Hunter x Hunter, as we all know, is ending at episode 148. I just wish they would do second season of this anime. This is the one and only anime I ever came to be addicted to. The only anime I've ever wrote about and the only anime I would watch until the end even though it has 100+ episodes now. (I don't watch anime with more than 100 episodes unless I found it interesting). Okay, that's it, tata!

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