Status: On Tour With 1D

De Duckwinpie

30.2K 864 114

"We want you guys to come on tour with us." That one sentence brought the normal lives of Kate, Chelsea and... Mais

Arriving In England
The Ghost Of Leprechaun Past
Let The Interviewing Begin!
Lisa - Not What We Were Expecting
First, Second And Third
The Concert
Video Diary - London
Toasters and Trends in Twit-land
Shopping and Reunions
New Years Night
Drunk Night
Hair Cutting
Louis - We're At War?
Video Diary - Glasgow
My Attempt At Being A Stand-up Comedian
The Singles Club
Opportunity Comes Knocking
Let The Interviewing Begin! (Part Two)
Video Diary - Los Angeles
Too Hot To Function
We Have a Glee Moment
Until Next Time
Sneak Peek
Quick Note

Leaving NZ

5.5K 52 22
De Duckwinpie

Hello my fellow weirdos! So here it is, what you've been waiting for! This is the third book after my other two (You Have Got To Be Kidding Me... and Never Thought I'd See You Again)
I asked if you guys wanted another one and you replied yes! I'm glad you did otherwise all these great ideas that I've had my head for a while now would have been washed down the drain. So yay, thank you!

Pic of New Zealand's first class seats over there ————————> Look what I've been missing out on!!!! Why do my parents have to be poor?!?!?! Why god!

Dramatic moment over. Unfortunately, this will be the last book in the series. *insert sad face here* so after this, the adventure is coming to a close.

But that's not gonna be for a while yet, so until then, enjoy the first chapter of Status: On Tour With 1D!


I rested my head against the window as I watched the trees fly past. I drank in the sight, knowing I wouldn't be here for nearly a year. The next time I'd see this country or my family again would be in October, a whole ten months. That's like, three seasons away. A whole 40 weeks, 280 days and god knows how many hours.

It was the 28th of December 2012, only three days after Christmas and we were heading to Auckland to catch the next flight to London. After much discussion with Mr Dean and our parents, they'd finally let us take a gap year to go tour with One Direction. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I mean, how many people do you know that have been asked to go on tour with a famous boy band? My mum was the first to say I could go, soon followed by Sue (Chelsea's mum). Esther took the longest to convince, but finally crumbled under our pleads. Chelsea and I both refused to go without her.

"We're here." Mum said quietly, alerting me that we'd arrived at the airport. Christina was already here and Chelsea wasn't far away. Mum helped me with my suitcases and we wheeled them into the building, joining the back of the line. Christina waved to me from where she was near the front. I smiled and waved back.

I couldn't understand the feelings churning in my stomach. There was excitement for the days ahead, happiness at being able to see the boys again, nervous because I'd never been outside the Southern Hemisphere before, sadness from leaving my family behind and a whole lot more I couldn't distinguish. I was also feeling daunted by the whole thing. I mean, New Zealand is a pretty small country. Our cities aren't that big. I'm talking a population of around 4,500,000 people. That's about the same amount of people living in New York. Actually, I'm pretty sure there's more than that. You know what I'm trying to say here. Just hearing about the sizes of the cities overseas scares me a bit.

"Please place your bags on the belt and we'll load them into the plane for you." the person at the desk said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I did as she asked and me and mum joined Christina and Esther. I noticed Chelsea and Sue nearly at the front and sent a weak grin Chelsea's way.

We wandered through the small store, getting supplies for the long plane ride ahead of us. I got a book that I'd been searching for call The Girl in The Steel Corset and mum brought it for me, along with the block of Whittaker's chocolate, a whole load of lollies, Pineapple Lumps, Pringles and Cheds. I'm eating the whole packet of Cheds on the plane, they are my favorite crackers ever and Niall is not going to take them away from me! I'm going to be Ched, Pineapple Lump and Whittaker chocolate deprived for ten months!! This is gonna be torture!!!

"All passengers flying to London please make your way towards gate four." a voice over the intercom said. That was us. I gripped my mum in a tight hug, trying to memorize her feel, her voice and her smell (even if it was 86% perfume). I'd be living without her for ten months after all.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I whispered, feeling my eyes tear up a bit.

"I'll miss you too. Who else will watch cliché movies with me and do the dishes?" she asked. I laughed lightly.

"Hire a maid and get some friends!" I replied. She chuckled a bit, even though I could tell she was crying. Her shoulders shook slightly and I could feel a few tears hit my hair and soak into my shirt.

"Last chance for all passengers to London." the voice interrupted again. I pulled away, wiping a tear from mum's eye.

"Bye mum. See you in ten months." I said softly.

"Bye. I love you." she whispered, giving me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you too," I whispered as well, pulling away once again. Together, Chelsea, Christina and I made our way to gate four and showed our tickets to the flight attendant. As she led us away, I turned and waved at mum, already missing her.

The flight attendant (who was much nicer than the last one I encountered, remember Flight Bitchy?) led us through the plane into first class. My mouth dropped open. No way. I had no idea New Zealand had beds in first class!!!!

"Holy shit!!!" Chelsea exclaimed, falling backwards onto one. She moaned loudly. "This is heaven," she mumbled.

"Let me try," I said, falling back onto a bed only for Christina to jump on me a second later. I groaned as all the air was squished out of my lungs. "Christina, why'd you have to jump on me?" I whined, trying and failing to push her off me.

"Cause this is my bed!" she told me.

"Who said?"

"My ticket," she replied smugly, showing her my ticket. I examined it closely, and then checked the number on the headrest.

"What shit are you talking? Your ticket says twelve, not three!" I corrected her. Now it was my turn to look smug.

"I beg to differ! One plus two equals three, so there!" she retorted, sticking her tongue out at me. I just rolled my eyes at her and settled into the next on over. I rearranged the pillows and blankets until they suited my taste and snuggled into them.

"Let's have a competition." Chelsea said, drawing our attention. "Let's see who came go the longest without doing something weird."

"Okay," I agreed. "But just to let you know, I'm not gonna last long."

"Everyone, please get in your seats and put your seatbelts on. We will be lifting off in one minute." A voice over the intercom said and we grabbed our seatbelts and made it click!! After the usual safety instructions, where the toilets are, blah blah blah. Speaking of airplane toilets, I don't know why they don't have windows in them. I mean, who's gonna see me? Superman?

"Bye bye New Zealand. See you in October." I murmured as I watched the green landscape slowly disappear from the plane window.

All it took was ten minutes into the flight for one of us to snap. And I am proud to say that it wasn't me, it was Christina. She got out her purple stuffed monkey, Tabitha, and began using her paw to bang on the stewardess button.

"May I help you Miss?" the lady asked once she appeared next to Christina.

"I'm so sorry, but I wasn't calling for you. It was Tabitha." she replied, pointing at her toy. "You see, she gets hyperactive on planes."

"Right." The stewardess said in a clipped tone before striding off, muttering under her breath along the lines of 'teenagers these days'. We waited until she was gone before laughing.

"I have a feeling she'll be coming over here quite often." Chelsea stated.

And, of course, she was right. We did a lot of crazy stuff on the twenty hour flight to London, though we did sleep through most of it. Let me tell you a bit about how we pissed off that stewardess throughout the time we were actually awake.

First, when we got some food that actually tasted better than the middle class shit, I ate it all before placing a rubber chicken on the clean plate and demanding that my food be cooked properly.

Next, Chelsea released all the oxygen masks from the compartment above her and strapped them to her ears and pretended they were headphones.

When the stewardess (we learnt her name was Jenny) came around with the drinks menu, Christina asked for food. When she was told what they had to eat, she asked for a hot chocolate.

Me and Christina communicated through badly made sock puppets (it was just our hands under our blankets) for about an hour until we got bored of it.

Chelsea continually played with the lights and when Jenny asked wht she was doing, Chelsea replied with "creating strobe lights."

After that, we all fell asleep for about sixteen hours, as I don't think any of us got much sleep the night before. Unfortunately for me, I woke up early and now have two hours to kill before the plane lands. And that is how I found myself where I am right now. Leaning against the window with my knees drawn up under the blankets and my iPad in my hands.

I started blankly at the bar where you write your bio for twitter. I was debating whether I should say I was hanging out with One Direction or not. What the hell? I have only 46 followers, it's not like anyone's really gonna see it. I thought.

With that thought I typed the sentence quickly and clicked the end button. It exited to my homepage where I could see the change I'd just made.

Status: On tour with 1D

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