The Kissing Booth 2.0

By osnapitsari_

668K 13.7K 1.9K

Continuing from Elle arriving home from dropping Noah to the airport. Why can't she shake off the horrible f... More

That long journey home.
Drug Store Chips
A Derailed Trip To The Mall
Sleep Soundly
Hey Lee Do You Want To Know A Secret
A Night To Remember
A Month Later
I Told You Prom Is Essential
Prom Is For The Young Folk
Our Fate Sealed
Popping Part Two
Happy Birthday To Me
That's When It All Went Black
Our Longest Night
22 Hours
Oh So Familiar
What Did I Do To Deserve This
Graduation Part One
Graduation Part Two
Not The Night We Expected
Hello Little Squirt
May I Introduce You To ____
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Hour of Confession
You Have To Tell Me If It Hurts
Happy Sundays
I'm So Tired
Theres Something Rotten
Cashmere Sweater
Home Sweet Home
Do You Recognise This Place Elle
That's a Big Diamond
An Unexpected Guest
May 9 Months Later
We'll Take It
Oh My God
41A Mermaid Avenue
The Perfect Dress
Just a Mundane Day
The One We've All Been Waiting For
The Day After Yesterday ( Reader Vote )
Disaster for Dessert
The Big News
That Makes Sense
The Scariest Day So Far
Gender Reveal
Christmas Eve
December 25th
The Office Party
A Gun Shot Rang Out
The First One
The One You All Waited For
Elle I need a Break
The Most Surreal Day Of My Life
Hello Again
Welcome home Aria ( And Elle )
Everything I'm not
Go and find Someone Better
How Did We Get Here Elle?
Never a Dull Moment
Beach Day
Noah's Birthday
Party Problems
I ( REALLY ) Messed Up
Times Are A Changin'
This is Going to Be a Learning Curve
The Return
Sign the Contract
Double First
After Summer
I'm Just Tired
' Maybe it's for the best '

The Honeymoon

6.6K 173 22
By osnapitsari_

It was day three of our honeymoon, I was climbing back up the steps to our bungalow after swimming. Bora Bora was more beautiful than any picture I'd ever seen. Noah was inside making something for lunch.

' Smells good baby. What'cha making? '

' A Noah Flynn special ... BLT with extra bacon, avocado, fries and halloumi . '

' Oh my god, amazing. ' I sat down at the table and Noah plopped the plate in front of me and took the seat next to me.

We had been eating in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes when Noah piped up.

' Elle I have something to tell you. ' My entire stomach dropped.

' Whats wrong.. '

' No nothing is wrong Elle. ' Noah chuckled. ' I have something good to tell you. '

' Go on .. '

' Elle I know I've been working a lot this last year, but I was hiding something from you. I got my diploma in computer science.. it's not the Harvard degree I aimed to get, but it's a good diploma. I've been offered a promotion. I'm a junior service manager for apple California. I start next week.

I didn't know what to say, what do you say to someone that you're so proud of, you feel like your heart is going to explode. I jumped up and leaped into his arms. ' NOAH, THAT'S INCREDIBLE. Oh my god.' I was crying now, pretty hysterically I might add. ' I am so proud of you. '

' I've been dying to tell you all week, I wanted to find the perfect time. '

' Noah Flynn, I didn't think I could love you anymore than I did... ' He wrapped his arms around me and in a split second the feeling of intense excitement turned to pure nausea. I ran to the bathroom and threw up as soon as I hit the toilet. Noah followed me in, racked with concern

' Shelly, whats wrong? ' He rubbed my back and I continued to heave. How romantic.

' I don't ... know.. food poisoning maybe? '

' Couldn't be, we had the exact same thing and I feel fine. '

The sickness passed soon after I stopped getting sick, I sat back against the wall and pulled my knees to my chin. Noah sat beside me.

' Are you okay? '

' I am now.. what the hell was that. I had been feeling fine all morning. ' I turned and rested my head on Noah's shoulder and thats when I saw it. The box of tampons. They were still sealed shut.

' Noah, what date is it? '

' The fifteenth.. why? '

' I was due four days ago. '

' What? '

' Period, my period. I'm late? '

' And? '

I shot him a look that brought him up to speed.

' Oh my god. ' He muttered. I went a pasty white.

' Do you think ? '

' I need to do a test. I don't even know if the store here will do them. It's tiny. '

' I'll go, are you okay here by yourself. '

' Yes, just be quick okay. '

Noah hugged me, then got up and left. I stayed on the floor for another while. We hadn't been that careful but we weren't dumb either. I must have skipped a pill and not realised. It's the only explanation. Eventually I got up and turned on the TV, in a desperate attempt to distract myself. It wasn't that having another baby was a negative thing. I mean how much harder could two kids be than one, what worried me was the fact I had been drinking so much lately. I'd had vodka at the wedding, wine and gin all week here. I had also been going to the gym a lot.

It felt like hours when Noah finally came back.

' Sorry the store is miles away. '

' That's okay, I'm glad your home. Did you get one? '

' Yeah, I got two. ' I took the bag from his hands.

' I guess theres no point in waiting any longer. '

' Elle, if this is positive, are you gonna be happy? '

' Yes, scared but happy. Are you? '

' This is everything I ever wanted. '

His answer took me by surprise but it was the reassurance I had been looking for. I went into the bathroom and shut the door. Privacy. I removed the cap and peed on the stick. I made Noah stay outside the whole time which he wasn't all too happy about. I finally let him in when there was a minute left on the timer. He came in and threw his arms around me, holding me tight.

' It's time baby. ' He soothed into my ear. I walked over and picked up the test.


A/N Your wish is my command, lets see what Flynn baby number two has in store.

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