♡Wolf x Red Riding Hood♡(Edit...

Kishize tarafından

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The story "red riding hood". A childhood classic where the wolf attacks little red riding hood and the huntsm... Daha Fazla

Authors' Note
<Butterfly fly fly to you>
<You Can't Interact>
<I'm not worthy>
<To see you again>
<We meet once again>
<You don't remember me>
<I like him>
<Where are you>
<Knock Knock>
Christmas Special: <Magic>
Valentine's special:<Under the stars>
<Sakura Bloom>
<Apology Accepted>
<I will>
<Sports Festival>
<Cultural Preparations>
<Cultural festival Part 1>
Halloween Special:<The Woods>
<Cultural festival Part 2>

<Out of the oridinary>

48 5 1
Kishize tarafından

Ōkami's POV
Waking up, an immaculate room greeted me and I was snuggly tucked in bed. However, Karasuno was nowhere to be found. "Grr... " my stomach growled in hunger. A jab of pain conquered my abdominal region. I grit my teeth trying to ignore it, but it was overwhelming.

On top of that, there was an aroma of something in the air. There was something familiar about it, but I could not seem to put my finger on it. Continuing to lay in bed, I contemplated on whether to go down. After much reluctance, I got myself out of bed and made my way downstairs, only to realise that Father was not home yet, as usual. I walked into the kitchen, the aroma of the food grew stronger. On the table was a plate of fried rice. A plate of Karasuno's signature fried rice.

Upon sight of the scrumptious food, my mouth started to water. "Growl..." my stomach cried out once again. My inner wolf started to awaken, its appetite ravenous. I ran towards the cutlery drawer, taking a spoon out and then I tore the cling wrap off the plate of fried rice. Digging my spoon into the still warm rice, shoving it into my mouth.

The fried rice was pleasing to my tastebuds, flavour bursting with every bite. "Mhm..." I groaned. It was indescribable, as if Karasuno had made the heavens into a dish. In a blink of an eye, the plate that was once piled with fried rice was now empty. Not even a single grain of rice was left on the plate. I had even licked the plate until it was squeaky clean.

Sitting there in the chair, I slouched into the chair. Rubbing my stomach in satisfaction, I washed the plate and made my way up back to my room. I should complete the homework Karasuno had brought, I thought to myself. In no time, I was sitting down by my study table and doing homework.

Akazuki's POV
Even though five days had passed, I have yet to see Ōkami. Anxious and worried, my mind was constantly wondering about what had happened to him.

Hey, it's me Karasuno! Don't worry about Ōkami, Akazuki. He's only down with a flu. ~Karasuno

Oh thank goodness! Should I go and visit him tmr? ~Aka

I don't think so, he won't want to spread such a nasty disease to his dear princess...Hahaha. ~Karasuno

Oh...ok then. ~Aka

Letting out a sigh of relief after reading Karasuno's message, I was thankful that Ōkami was alright. Despite what he had said, I was determined to to see him tomorrow. I have to!

(Time skip to next day)

Akazuki's POV
I walked into class with my eyes closed. Hoping that when I opened them, Ōkami would be there in his seat beside mine. Alas, he was no where to be seen. I let out a loud sigh causing some heads to turn. Trudging off to my seat, I laid my head on the table. Only Ōkami could turn this frown upside down.

Karasuno's POV
After school, I proceeded to collect the worksheets and homework from Akazuki. Once I fetched Hana home, I headed to Ōkami's house for the second time. Please let him be fine, I prayed silently under my breath as I cycled to his house.

Once I arrived, Ōkami had opened the door for me. He looked much better compared to the day before. "Hey Karasuno! " He rejoiced, his face beaming with happiness. That warmed my heart, making me grin like the Cheshire Cat. My dear friend's mood was stabilising once more.

Making my way into Ōkami's house, I could see the previous days' worksheets strewn all over the coffee table. A pen on it, along with a plate of cookies beside it. I felt extremely relived and ecstatic. Ōkami was finally eating properly after refusing to do so the past few days.

I took the last cookie as I passed by the coffee table, I was going to munch onto it but when I plopped onto the couch. "Hey! That's my cookie! " Ōkami shouted childishly. Running out of the kitchen with a cup of water, he immediately tackled me to the ground for it. " It's mine! " He screeched, his voice laced with a hint of irritatance as he tried to reach out for it. Not willing to lose to Ōkami, I popped the cookie into my mouth. He threw his hands up in indignation.

Getting off me, Ōkami began to circle me like a shark. "Just now...why did you take my LAST cookie! How could you have done that! You despicable half-breed, just like my god damned Father! You better bake me some cookies now! " Ōkami bellowed.

Beginning to chuckle, I only died down when I realised that Ōkami was indeed serious. What is happening to Ōkami? He was never like this before. Right now...he was getting mad at me for stealing his cookies? This is insane. I thought to myself.

"You were never like this! The Karasuno I know would never laugh at me... ever since you've started dating Hana, you've changed! " Ōkami ranted furiously, his hands gripping my shoulders tightly in the process. "I...I don't want to lose my best friend... " he was no longer raging. In fact, tears started to well up in his eyes. Then, a tear broke free. The rest followed in an unbroken stream.

I myself was surprised to see multiple emotions displayed by Ōkami in such a short time frame. Although, I was still angry about his remark about Hana, my mouth was agape in incredulity at what he did next. Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug, his tears rolling down onto my shoulder. Clueless on what to do, the only thing I thought of was to comfortingly pat his back. And so I did.

" I'm sorry Ōkami, l shouldn't have done that to you. I...I'll bake some cookies for you now. " I reassured Ōkami. Fearing that he would once again return to his depressing state.

He looked up at me, pouting, "Okay...Promise me you'll bake the cookies? " He asked in a whiny voice as his eyes widened. "Promise. " I replied, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "Yay! Free handmade cookies from Kara-Chan!" He cheered like a child. Making my way into the kitchen, I wondered what had happened to Ōkami, he was acting so abnormally.

Ōkami's POV
Karasuno had disappeared into the kitchen to make my cookies. I had better get back to work now! "Bzz." My phone vibrated. The screen lighting up to show a new message. I picked up my phone to check out who it was, it was Akazuki-Chan...the sight of her name made my heart pound. "Doki doki..." it went. My face heating up as I read the sweet message.

Get well soon Ōkami-Kun!!~Aka

The short simple message from her, so heartfelt and touching.

Arigato O'hime-Chan!!(Thank you princess)~Ōkami

^-^ ~Aka



Akazuki was cute, getting all flustered over a little heart emoji. I went back to my homework after reading Akazuki's message, feeling extremely motivated. Not long after that, "Ding! " The oven rang. The cookies were done! I sprinted to the kitchen at full speed, the smell of vanilla and sugar filled the air as Karasuno took them out.

Grabbing a cookie fresh off the tray, I popped it into my mouth. Munching away, feeling the sugar rushing through my blood. I took a few more and crammed them into my mouth, 'exquisite' was the only word I could use to describe Karasuno's cookies. The doorbell had rang and I rushed over to open the door. Doing so, my joyous mood was killed. Opening the door was a big mistake...

Akazuki's POV
" Equals to x plus y. Done!" It was still early in the afternoon so I would be able to make something before visiting Ōkami. What should I give him?

"Mum! I'm going to visit my classmate with a flu. What should I bring him?" I asked while walking down to the kitchen. Her reply was something I knew how to cook, chicken soup!

After I was done, I scooped the chicken soup with a ladle into a big container flask. Putting it into my basket along with a few apples. I took the direct train to Ōkami's house, anticipating to meet him.

At Ōkami's doorstep, I became aware of the fact that the window curtains were all closed. Other than that, the atmosphere was gloomy, very gloomy. Well, I was here to cheer him up, I bet I can lift his spirits! I rang the bell, waiting, but no one came to answer the door. After a few tries, it was still to no avail. I started to tap my feet rapidly, my heart beating faster with every passing second.

I heard that Ōkami was resting at home, yet he was nowhere in sight. Oh wait, he must be sleeping! Taking out a piece of paper and pen, I jotted down my well wishes on it "Get well soon Ōkami-Kun! Hope you enjoy the food and please hand the container and basket to Karasuno when he comes again! ~Akazuki '

Ōkami's POV
"Like I said, I did not touch her! She harassed me! She threw herself onto me!" I shouted at the police. None of them would listen to me. The police had arrived at me doorstep regarding the matter of my alleged sexual harassment and brought me to the scene of the 'crime'. The backstreet of the McDonald eatery I worked at.

They were now interrogating me, trying to make me confess to something I clearly did not do. " He did touch me officer. He touched me here." She complained as she attempted to seduce the officers and it worked. After awhile, one of the officer's face was going red, I could see that he was trying to cover it up with a cough.

"I DID NO- " a hand on my shoulder cut me off. I turned around, expecting it to be Karasuno but I was wrong. Karasuno was still standing behind me.

It was a man with torn and dirty clothes. I reckon he must be in his seventies because his face was time chiseled and weather beaten. Although, I do not think I have seen him before, he was oddly familiar... Giving me an encouraging look, the old man turned towards the officers with a confident look on his face.

" I am a witness and I had seen what had happened. The girl had clearly pushed herself onto the young man here. He could not do anything as she had cornered him. All he did was push her aside and ran off before he could have been further harassed. The young man here is innocent and it was the lady who had harassed him. " He stated in a calm and collected manner with no hesitation.

Who was he? Why did he defend me? My eyebrows started to furrow at the thought of the old man's words. " How could you believe him officers! I'm the innocent one here! " she exclaimed. Unbuttoning her dress shirt, she clung onto the officer's arm, pushing her cleavage against it.

Blood, I smelt blood, it was running from the officer's nose. He cleaned it away and proceeded, "We cannot be sure. Machi-San(the manager of the McDonald branch), is this man always at the back alley? " Hearing this, Machi-dono nodded her head and even added that when they had extra food, she herself or the other employees would give him some. A few moments passed, yet the officers had not spoken. The silence was killing me. What would the verdict be?

"We will let this incident slide and forget what had happened, no charges will be pressed against any of you. " His voice was stern and firm, showing that he would not allow his decision to be swayed.

"Officer-" she complained, only to be shut up by one of the officers. Clambering from one officer to another, struggling to seduce them both into her favour. "The case is closed and nothing will change my decision, " he said once more with a tinge of anger in his voice before leaving the scene.

The girl's eyes widened, staring at them in disbelief. "Hmph! " She groaned, crossing her arms and storming off. " Ōkami, don't worry about this, you're safe now. I'll be heading back in now! " Machi-dono reassured, giving me a pat on my back before she headed back in through the back door.

"God, you are lucky! " Karasuno laughed, his body losing its stiff posture. The once serious expression on his face turned into one of pure joy. Ignoring him, I turned towards the old man.

"Sir, thank you very much. But why did you help me? What would you have gotten out of this. " The old man continued to look at me, his face lighting up, giving out a hearty laugh. Looking at my features one by one.

"You have her eyes, " the old man spoke. A tear escaping from the corner of his eye. "How I miss her. " He continued to rub away his tears, flashing a smile when he looked up at me. What he did next took me by surprise.

The old man raised his hand... to pat my head? What was he doing? Was he crazy? I did not know what to do at all, standing there rooted to the ground. Surprisingly, the sensation of him patting my head felt comforting . It felt familiar, why was it? "Who are you, sir? Are you acquainted to me in any way? You...you just feel so familiar, " I questioned. He chuckled, mumbling something to himself.

"Well Ōkami, I am..."

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