The One Who Grounds Me (Book...

By Kimmy_The_Dull

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Cover done by @russiangem Second place in the Frozen awards! Start: 17 October 2018 End: 1 January 2019 Small... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
I Wish
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
New Story In The Making
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter One

209 23 120
By Kimmy_The_Dull

One Year Later





The music pulsed and I bobbed my head along as Jason Derulo sang. To be totally honest with you I have no idea whatsoever as to why I am even here. Cathy [that's my friend] said that she was going to take me out and let me blow off some steam seeing as school was out, and it was the weekend.

I'm totally okay with going out once in a while, I just  didn't expect her to carry me off to a club of all places. I have never been to a club before until now which is by the way really nerve racking.

The music was so loud. Not to mention the place reek of sweat. Did I mention that the place was really hot. I don't know how all these people can be bumping and grinding against each other when the place is this hot. Everyone was packed together on the dance floor like sardine.

I reached forward picking up my bottle of water. I took a long drink wetting my dry throat. I don't fancy alcohol all that much. It's a good thing because Cathy was drunk, I would have to be doing the driving later on tonight. First time I tasted alcohol was when I was at the ripe age of seven. My father was hanging out with his drunkard friends, at that time he had to look after me seeing as Angela [that's my mother]  had her shit to deal with so she left me in his care. Any who long story cut short my dad gave me a cup of liquor. At that time I had no idea it was liquor because it looked like plain old water. So I gulped it down seeing as he grabbed onto my nose stifling me, so I had to drink it. Anyways after drinking it I knocked out completely. I haven't touched a single drop of liquor after that. Well I only drink it socially. My dad took it as a joke but it was terrible.

I still don't know why I'm here. I groaned and bang my head against the dirty table. Cathy was off somewhere in the corner of the room probably sucking on some guy's face. My knees jumped nervously under the table as I scanned the crowd. I was not one for crowds. I wanted to leave right now.

I continued scanning the crowd until I found Cathy staggering towards me with an empty beer bottle in her hand.

"Tiana, Tiana." Cathy slurred. She staggered towards me and I slid out of the seat, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She smelled like alcohol and cheap cigarettes and more like a natural scent, probably cum or I could be wrong.

"We should probably go now."

She groaned and pats my head... she looked up at me with a goofy smile on her lips. I then noticed that her lipstick was smudged. Yup it was so obvious she was getting her freak on with some stranger. "No we can't leave. We need to find a man for you.... so that you can fuck... that ass hole out of your system. That's what I call closure."

I rolled my eyes. "Cathy I think you have had enough fun for both of us. So we should definitely go."

She murmured something which I did not hear. I grabbed her purse off of the table along with her jacket. She'll need it seeing as what she was wearing barely covers up her body. I wrinkled my nose. I threw one of her arms around my neck and started to drag her through the sweaty bodies. Cathy might be a five foot nine slender ass babe, but she was heavy. I already know that my neck will be in a lot of pain after taking her home. No question about it. I sighed with relief when we finally reached the old rusty door. I pushed it open and helped her out. "Tiana... this is the best remedy... for breakups." She said with an hiccup.

"I'm totally fine. That's water under a bridge."

She snort. "Right."

I carried her over to her car. Leaning her on the car I fumbled around in her purse until I found the car keys. I turned off the alarm and open the back seat door. I grabbed onto her hips and struggled as I pushed her inside the car she giggles. I shoved her legs in and slam the door. "Ow!' she whines.

Hurrying to the other side of the car I got in, leaning forward I buckled her in and did the same to myself. I started up the engine, driving out of the parking lot of the club.

"You know... you're my best friend Tiana." She said hiccupping with every word.

"Yeah I'm your best friend and your chauffeur. You really need to stop all, that heavy drinking."

She giggled. "Not heavy drinking."

I looked at her through the review mirror. Her eyes were shut. "Alright whatever you say." Its hard talking to a person as stubborn as Cathy about her health. So it's best to just leave her be.

"Mmm." She hums. Maybe I'm exaggerating.

Cathy was a real beauty. Shoulder length blond hair soft as silk. Almond shaped eyes... As blue as the sea. She had pouty lips, and a straight nose. Every girl's dream. She had a nice figure to go with that face of hers. She was slender. Cathy's beauty was out of this world. Well that's what I think. I'm just whatever it's life.

After that horrible disaster a year ago. I started hitting the gym to take off the extra weight and I started to eat healthy so that if I ever enter another relationship I won't be...... I sighed. I don't want to think about it.

Over the year I've tried my hardest to build up my self confidence I think I'm getting there somehow. I pretty much drowned all my savings in getting my visa and signing up for a four years college program overseas. So here I was in the big bad city of New York.

Best decision I've ever made in my whole entire life. My mother was happy when she realized that I was leaving her place for good. She just got up and started to do her happy dance and started screaming out "Good Riddance." I tell you she was real happy. I know I'm rambling.

You're probably wondering how I met Cathy. Well its pretty simple. We're roommates. I needed somewhere to stay and Cathy was looking for a roommate So I became her roommate. We've been friends ever since. Attached at the hips. We lived off campus which was alright with me. We shared a two bedroom flat. The rent was cheap and the apartment was close to the school so I'm cool with that. Still I don't really know all that much about Cathy. There have been certain rumours, but I'm one person that doesn't listen to rumours. I just think that it is so not cool. Then again you can never know everything about a person. So whatever. I pulled up in the parking lot of the apartment. I parked the car and removed the key from the engine. I slid from the coolness of the car and closed the door. Hurrying around to the passenger side and opening the door.  I wrapped my arms around her.

She groans in protest. "Where are we going?"

"Home." I said slamming the door with my boot heels. I wrapped my arms around her shoulder once more and struggled to carry her into the apartment building.

"Okay." she murmurs.

I pushed the door to the apartment building open. The cool air greeted us and I sighed in relief. I moved swiftly up the stairs with a whining Cathy. Finally we reached our destination. I pushed the key into the knob and pushed the door open. Dragging my baggage inside gingerly.

I kicked the door to our apartment close, bringing her over to the couch. I dropped her in the couch as gently as possible. She sighed and immediately cuddle the cushion.

I remove my jacket and hang on the door rack. Then I stumbled to my bedroom where I jumped in my double bed with a sigh. I'm tired... I hardly slept last night.

Next morning.

"You're coming with me to my parents house today for dinner." Cathy sprang on me... as she drank her coffee the next morning.
I stopped putting butter on my bread and looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

She gave me back one in return.

"I never agreed to that." I said as I threw down the bread on the plate in distaste.

She rolled her eyes. "Tiana I know that you don't like crowds... my family are cool people you'll like them and it's just for dinner."

"Yeah and dinner usually includes.. families. Not outsiders." I said pointing my fork at her in annoyance.

She stuffed a fork full of eggs in her mouth and gave me an incredulous look. "Dude I didn't know that."

"You're being sarcastic."

"Duh! Come on Tiana it's Sunday for God sakes. Its not like you have anything better to do than that."

"I do have something to do."

She laughed. "What does that include? Reading? And more reading? Feeling sorry for your...."

I threw the bread in her face and she gave me her 'I knew you would come through for me' look.

"Shut it." I mumbled. "I'm being serious why would you carry me to introduce me to your parents? You haven't even known me that long?"

"So? You're like a sister to me even though you're so closed off." She said wrinkling her nose.

"You're one to talk." I said before shoving a piece of sausage into my eager mouth.

She reached over and grabbed another toast from the plate.

"You were really out of it last night?" I asked trying hard to take attention off myself.

She shrugged. "Yea. Stupid boyfriend cheated on me and shit.... got drunk and then helped a guy out in the bathroom nothing serious."

"Are you okay?"

She nodded her head. "Yeah of course. Things weren't good between us from day one so bleh... although I'll probably miss the sex."

I gave her a dubious look.

"You wouldn't happen to know about good sex seeing as you've only done it once with what's his name. We really need to get you laid." She said before taking another sip of coffee.

"I don't need any help whatsoever getting laid. I'm not ready." I said losing my appetite. I picked up my plate and brought it over to the sink.

She pats me on the back and I glared at her.

"Moving on is what you do after a break up and I do think that it's time you move on. There are plenty plenty more fishes in the sea that needs to be caught."

"And I'm not ready."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Alright if you say so but just know you deserve so much better." She said before turning and making her way towards her room.

I slumped down to the floor leaning against the cupboard with a groan. I already had my day planned out and Cathy just had to ruin it with dropping that bomb of hers. Tch. Then again her friendship means a lot to me and if she wants to introduce me to her parents I think that I should trust her judgement. I looked sheepishly on the ground.

"Tiana." Cathy Said in a sing song tone she was leaning against the counter and looking at me as if I have two heads.

I gasped."How long have you been standing there?" I asked, grabbing my chest, my heart was pounding.

"Couple seconds." She said with a sweet smile. "You're always in your head. No wonder you're still single."

I pushed myself up, standing up. I gave her a blank look. "I'm only single because I'm not ready for another relationship."

"Right that's what you always say. You should move on besides that guy treated you like shit, he fucked you up, killing your self confidence."

I rolled my eyes. She was right my self confidence did die that very day. "Can we please not get into this right now." I pleaded.

She shrugs. "Alright I'll stop."

"Great." I said tugging on the hem of my oversize shirt.

"Well then its time for us to do a makeover."


she bobs her head and loops her arm around my neck happily. "Let's get you cleaned up."

"Me? But why?" I asked with a frown.

She pushed me in her bedroom and started to dig in her closet not answering me.

Three hours later.

I stared at the humongous mansion. Cathy was busy reapplying lipstick to her lips. My hands shook and I grabbed onto the steering wheel as I stared at the cars lined off on the premises. Okay so I was nervous and I was actually shocked at the fact that Cathy was really and truly rich. Looks can really be deceiving. I really and truly wanted to go straight back home without a backward glance but then Cathy would actually give me shit about it and probably create a scene and then I would.... be completely embarrassed. Cathy went all out on this makeover. Rambling again.

"Stop it." Cathy growled.

I risked a glance at her, with dread in my eyes. "I want to go home." I said.

She tsked at me, wriggling her finger at me. "Not today babe. Not today." She slid from the car and closed the door.

I heard her heels clicking on the pavement and then my door was yanked open. She tugged my unwilling self out of the car and removed the keys from the engine. "Tiana you look marvelous."

She said patting me on the tummy. I guess I did look good. I was dressed in a tight green long sleeve dress which hit me above the knee... it showed off my curves. This is why I wear loose clothe all the while because of my.... um voluptuous figure. It's best when people don't know what's going on underneath your clothe. I was also in a pair of green stilettos  which Cathy loaned me for this wonderful occasion. And my hair was curled and in my face at least I get to cover up something. I ditched the makeup though I hated it... makes my face itchy. So I ditched it leaving out my puffy cheeks and big black eyes out for the world to see and criticise. Of course I'm exaggerating.

Cathy tugged on the tail of the dress and then she pat my ass. "You're sexy Tiana. My parents are chill and they won't judge you. Have a little self confidence for once." She said rolling her eyes.

I wanted to open the car door and slid inside but she grabbed onto my hand and started to walk towards the house. I dragged my feet on the pavement unwillingly.  Cathy was dressed in a blue dress pants and a white spaghetti straps blouse... along with a pair of white five inches strappy heels. Her skin glowed in the midday sun. Compared to her I was just.... a mere frog. I shook my head.

"Why are you dressed like that?" I asked.

She looked down at her clothe and gave me a big smile. "Jason is coming and I want to impress him."

"You mean the guy you've been carrying a torch for all these years?" I asked with a frown.

She ducks her head and blushing. Which was real cute. "Yeah I um guess you could say that. Haven't seen him in years so... I dressed to kill tonight."

"Well you look great. And I'm sure he will like you even when you're without your makeup kit and clothe."

She snort. We made our way up the stairs, that were draped with red velvet carpets. My eyes takes notice of the lion fountain, which was standing in the middle of the yard. Water cascades from its jaw.

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