A War of Guns and Roses

By DazzlingJazz9

4.4K 291 85

Elaine Greene was the daughter of a multimillionaire. She loved her father and lost her mother at a very youn... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 12

162 10 0
By DazzlingJazz9

I waved goodbye to Rebecca and made my way to the car Jake was leaning against. This time we were driving in a Mustang. Personally, between a Maserati and Mustang, I liked the Mustang better. It gave off a sense of power.

"Hey," I greeted as I got into the car.

"Bonjour." Jake saluted. He was had taken French this year so he was trying his level best to perfect the language. Though 'bonjour' was a pretty common word which I'm sure everyone knew. "Comment était ta journée?" (How was your day?)

I had taken French last year and was taking it this year too, so I was pretty much fluent in it, which Jake was very jealous of.

"C'était super. J'ai même eu la détention aujourd'hui," I replied fluidly, sporting a cocky smirk. (It was great. I even had detention).

"Ugh! I hate you," Jake groaned as he tried to translate my words only to give up. He seated himself and started up the car.

"I love you too," I chuckled.

While we were driving, I noticed a silver car, a few vehicles behind us. It was a Porsche of the newest model. I had been ogling that car for days, ever since I had seen my cousin brother drive it. He wouldn't let me drive it, however much I asked.

The driver of the Porsche looked eerily familiar. I wasn't very sure because the car had tinted windows causing me to narrow my eyes to try to figure out who it was.

"Jake, wait. Don't go home. Drive to somewhere else," I said suddenly as Jake was going to turn into the lane which would lead to my house.

"But why?" Jake asked following my instructions and driving straight past my house.

"Someone's following us," I stated. Jake fixed his eyes to the rear view mirror and after a couple of turns, it was obvious that the car was tailing us.

"But why didn't you want to go home?" Jake asked confused. "There is enough security to catch that person."

"I know him," I realized. "He was asking me for my address just a few days ago."

"You have a stalker?" Jake mock gasped with a teasing grin on his face but the serious look in his eyes didn't waver.

"No, no. It's not like that..." I trailed off not knowing how to explain the situation to Jake.

"Then what is it like?" Jake asked, teasingly.

"It's—it's...ugh. I don't know how to explain it," I groaned in defeat. I couldn't justify my previous statement without telling Jake the entire story. And telling him everything was a big no-no.

For one, he would start teasing me about Xavier since he caught my attention. Telling him about the incident with that madman and that Xavier was kind of the reason why I had taken the car without Jake. Going along with him was completely out of the question since that information would probably go directly to my father who would kill me before I tried to explain why I had lied.

My silence caused Jake to chuckle. He knew I couldn't explain myself and in a way he had won. We drove to the nearest Starbucks and bought some refreshing drinks. While sipping on my Frappuccino,  I watched as the silver car drove by and to my utter surprise, note the sarcasm, a head peaked out trying to be inconspicuous I'm sure, which looked very familiar to a certain dark haired boy I know.

His eyes, trying to seek his objective, flew around the cafe. For a millisecond his eyes caught mine and in them sparked the flame of a challenge. And then he was gone.


After making sure that no one else was following us, we made our way home. As we reached home, we saw a familiar blue Lamborghini Murcielago.

I gazed at the car curiously as I saw it parking inside our garage next to another Lamborghini owned by my father. I frowned.

'Strange. Dad's friends or business partners usually don't park inside the garage.'

Jake pulled up next to the Lamborghini and I watched as a guy with wavy brown hair stepped out of the car. His electric blue eyes pierced mine and I felt a grin grow on my face. From the passenger seat, a girl with identical brown hair and blue eyes squealed at the sight of me and quickly unharnessed herself from the seatbelt.

I hurried out of the car and ran to them. Jumping on Ivan, I hugged him as he laughed at my enthusiasm, hugging me back. I was suddenly ripped out of Ivan's arms and pulled into a bear-hug by Evangelina.

"I didn't know that you two were coming!" I exclaimed.

"That's what you call a surprise." Ivan said dryly, ruffling my hair. I frowned up at him and tried to tame my now messy hair. He smirked at my attempts.

Ivan and Evangelina were my twin cousins. Remember, I had gone over to Aunt Louise and her crazy kids for the holidays just before school started? Well, these were her completely idiotic and lovable children.

"Okay, not to be rude, but why are you guys here?" I asked as we walked towards the house with Jake trailing behind us.

"You hurt me, El. Am I not allowed to come visit you?" Ivan asked, mocking hurt by putting a hand over his heart.

I shrugged while Eva laughed at Ivan's now priceless expression. If he was expecting a heart to heart confession of how much I missed him, then he was going to be disappointed.

We walked over the threshold and into the house and I was surprised to see Dad sitting on one of the sofas, waiting for us. He usually is never home this early.

Aunt Louise was Dad's sister and his only sibling and he loved her very much even though he didn't show it all the time. Both Ivan and Eva lost their father at a young age just like me with my mother except in this case, their father didn't die but chose to divorce his wife, leave his children and relive his bachelor days.

Dad was so pissed off when he found out that my uncle had divorced my aunt that he almost hunted him down to torture him. He couldn't bear to see his sister's grief and sorrow but Aunt Louise got over it. She begged Dad to leave my uncle alone and let him live his life. She was still in love with him even after what he did to her and her family. But, she was happy for her children. She continued her life as if nothing was wrong because of her children.

The twins were just 7 years old when it happened and I found out through my mother. She simultaneously helped my father over his anger at my uncle and helped my aunt out of her distress. Since then, my father treated the twins like his own children which, I can assure you, he doesn't do a lot.

"Uncle Ethan!" Eva squealed and ran over to my father and hugged him. He smiled and said,

"Evangelina. Ivan," he ruffled Angelina's hair affectionately said nodded at Ivan. Ivan nodded back at him and they shared one of those guy-but-still-father-son hugs.

Dad gestured us to sit down. I took an armchair beside Dad while Ivan and Eva plopped down on the sofa across from him, facing the TV which was playing a rerun of last season's football match.

"Right. So you know why you're here," he told, nodding his head to Ivan. Ivan nodded back and said,


"And that's not to visit me, I'm guessing?" I mumbled lowly but he still heard it.

"To give El some company of course," Ivan continued.

"I can give El company though. Why does he have to be here?" Eva whined.

Her twin shot her a look and she shut up. Wow, they couldn't do that the last time I met them. I'll have to get Ivan to teach me how to do it.

"So El, why don't we go up and let the boys talk?" Eva said nervously.

I threw them a suspicious look and Ivan shrugged. I nodded then and Eva and I made our way upstairs.

"What was that?" I asked.

"What was what?" she asked back innocently, fluttering her eyelashes for extra effect. I rolled my eyes, saying,

"The part where Ivan gave you a look and you just shut up!" I said exasperated. One thing you should know about Eva, she never shuts up. Heck, the girl speaks more than me.

Eva nervously giggled, "I don't know what your talking about?"

I huffed realizing that she wasn't going to spill. I opened the door to my room and plopped down on the bed while Eva took a seat next to me on the bed.

"So, what has been happening in school?" she asked conversationally.

"Nothing much." I said nonchalantly.

"Oh, I know that tone missy. There is something going on."

"Okay, it may not have been completely nothing or boring but..."

"But?" Eva asked eagerly.

"I'm not telling you anything unless you tell me what is going on back downstairs," I smiled devilishly.

"That's not fair!" she whined.

"All is fair in love and war," I said in a sing-song voice.

"Fine, I'll find out soon enough," she mumbled incoherently.

"What?" I asked, cupping my ear. "Didn't quite get you. Were you just going to tell me what that was about?"

"Oh, you don't know yet do you? Ivan and I are enrolling in your school for until we are here!" she said excitedly, easily deflecting my curiosity and managing to distract me.

"Really?" I asked her, a big grin on my face.

"Yup," she said popping the 'p'.

"Wow! We are gonna have so much fun!" I squealed. "Rebecca will be ecstatic."

"Oh! Yes. How is she?" Eva asked, her eyes brightening at the mention of my best friend. When the three of us got together...let's just say that our enemies would better watch their backs and probably their fronts too.

"She's as crazy as can be," I said cheekily. We spent some more time just talking about our lives when Ivan entered the room, looking weather-worn.

"What are you two talking about?" Ivan asked, yawning as he settled next to us on the bed and laid his head on my lap.

"Girly stuff," Eva said, waving him away. "You can stay if you want to listen to us talk about period blood and—"

"Okay, okay. Too much information Eves," Ivan cringed but stayed where he was.

"So, you will also be joining my school, huh?" I asked, remembering how much he hated it. Ivan and Eva had originally started in Blackshades High but due to the problems with their father and Ivan getting expelled from the school for setting the principle's office on fire and harassing the hall prefects and teachers, Aunt Louise decided to take a break and move away from Yuoge.

"Yep." Ivan scowled, making a disgusted face. He and the principal had some kind of rivalry between them. It always seemed as if the principle targeted Ivan for trouble.

Eva, on the other hand, was the sweetheart of the school, along with me, of course. Eva and I plotted many pranks over the years, most of which we were not caught for nor even suspected. We always managed to get away with having trouble, especially Eva, something that Ivan was very jealous of.

I laughed at his expression and the three of us fell into a comfortable and teasing conversation. As night approached, we went down to have dinner. We had planned on binge watching Game of Thrones Season 4 all night long even though we had school tomorrow.

Dinner at the table tonight was a joyful experience. While Eva and I whispered to each other our ideas of pranks to commit in school tomorrow, Dad and Ivan spoke about business and sports while casting us suspicious glances when we broke into giggles at the mental images of the outcome of our pranks.

Hours passed as we sipped on wine and spoke about anything and everything in the living room. Being a mischievous and only child in the household, I got away with drinking wine at the ripe age of nine.

Finally, way after the clock had ticked 12 at midnight, did Dad retire back to his bedroom, warning us not to do anything stupid. We headed down to the basement where Dad had built a cinema room for us, decked with all the supplies we would need.

The room consisted of an 110 inches TV with comfy upholstered seats. The interior was decorated with a combination of turquoise and black. We took our seats on the huge, C-shaped turquoise sofa. A bar was embedded into the wall, shelves lined up with all kinds of drinks ranging from orange juice to alcoholic drinks. There was also a popcorn machine, a coffee machine and a tea machine set into the corner.

Eva got us some popcorns from the machine as Ivan set up the movie. I made my way to the bar and took a Pepsi out for myself, a Margarita for Eva and a Tequila for Ivan.

We sat around the sofa and placed our drinks on the round black coffee table. I threw a fistful of popcorn in my mouth as the movie started and settled into my seat.


"That was awesome!" I exclaimed as I stretched.

"That, it was," Ivan nodded in agreement.

"Kit Harrington is so damn hot," Eva said, dreamily fanning herself.

"Ew no. I hate guys with beards and he's what? Double your age?" I asked making a disgusted face while Ivan mock gagged.

"Yah well, he can be my sugar daddy then," she said, throwing me a wink.

"Alright, Eva. I think you may have forgotten that I am right here, your brother. Elder brother," Ivan glared.

"Older by what? Two seconds?" Eva laughed.

"I'm still older to you," he smirked.

Eva was about to argue when I sighed, "Okay, guys, enough. I'm already tired as it is to break up your fight." Both of them smiled at me sheepishly. We retired to sleep after that and awaited what the next day would bring.

It's gonna be a blast.


I'm back guys! I'm so happy. You guys have brought this book to 500 reads. I love you guys so so much!❤️

*cries tears of happiness*

Warning : Do not read further into this author's note if you want to keep your innocence. (Though I don't think anyone can be innocent after coming to Wattpad).

Btw, a small fun game kinda thing,
Replace the word "wand" with "dick" in any sentence in Harry Potter. And comment your best!

Example :
"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Harry yelled. Nothing happened. Harry gripped his dick tighter and shook it up and down until a thick, whispy white substance protruded from the end of it. ;)

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