Connor X OC- Become human

By rebbsycrellbelt

31.8K 1K 447

Jayne worked as an It Tech at the Detroit police station. She owed her job and her life to her god father Ha... More

Plain Jayne
A song to sooth a metal heart
Gun Training
Stay The Night
The birthday party
Unhappy Birthday
We All Fall Down Sometimes
Jayne the lap dancer.
Honeypot (slight Smut)
A Wasp In The Honeypot
Lovers quarrel.
I Like You. (slight Smut)
A new Connor
Not Today
Eden Club.
Let me take you to a sex club
Steal her away.
A family dinner
The Macarena
Please don't hate me
First Time (smut)
The Morning After
The Broadcast
When Worlds Colide (quick Smut)
Finding Jerico
Am I Deviant?
The Battle of Jericho
Church For Sinners (smut)
The Zeltaid Group
Two Connors Are Better Than One?
Hold On
Human Ambassador
Like Mother Like Daughter
Late Part 2
Oh Its Happening.
Finding Kamski.
Jealous Much?
President Warren
Well Thought Out Plan
Team Work
un-answered questions
Getting Creative (smut)
The doctor is in.
Rk 900
oh Canada
Home sweet home
not long
Keep away from me
Out Of Control
Finding Kamski......Again.
Hello, My Name Is Jayne. Did I Mention I Work In IT?
Little Brother.
Alone Time (smut)
Christmas Tradition
A Visit From The Christmas Fairy
And So Child Was Born
And So A Child Was Born Part 2
What now?
Trap In My Mind
Adam You Motherfucker!
Wake up Jayne!
an explanation.
Mind Palace
Back together.
Honey pot.... Again
Jayne in the Honeypot.
Everythings Fine
I need something from the shed.(smut)
the name game
Holy Mother
Hank, the man with a plan.
Lets Do This
Blending In.
Party Crashers
Friendly neighbourhood murder.
Dont Die
Chem Labs

All good things must come to an end.

102 6 1
By rebbsycrellbelt

Connor POV, 

Jayne had said to go, I started the sequence and opened the doors . 

"Connor, you might want to look at this" Hank said thrusting his phone into my hand. I looked at the screen and saw Jayne talking to the camera. I listened for a moment. 

"She sent it everywhere, this was her plan" Hank said, I was about to reply when alarm started to sound.  

"CANT YOU STOP THAT!" hank yelled over the noise 

"I, I DONT THINK THAT WAS ME" I yelled looking at the computer. "THEY MUST HAVE FOUND OUT WHAT WE DID!" 

"OH YA THINK?" Hank contiuned to yell hurrying me out of the door. "COME ON LETS ROUND EVERYONE UP AND GET THEM OUT!" 

We made our way into the hallway which was filled with pregnant women who were all beginning to huddle together looking scared and confused. 

"LADIES! I KNOW YOUR ALL SCARED, BUT YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW US TO THE EXIT IMMEDIATELY. DONT WORRY WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU" I yelled trying to encourage the women to move out of the hall way toward the exit. Non of them moved they all just looked at each other. Hank pushed past me and began to make his way through the throng of women. 

"YOU HEARD HIM LADIES, MOVE YOUR CANKLES COME ON!" he barked and he started to lead us to the exit. 


Jayne Pov. 

" I was hoping we would meet again Jayne. Stand up turn around" a cold chilling voice barked in my ear, shoving the thing that was probably a gun into the back of my head. to enforce the time line. 

I did as I was told coming face to face with the mysterious blonde woman, who I remembered from the registration. i knew she was a zeltaid broad member and an android.  

"why do you insist on fucking things up Jayne!" She spat 

"forgive me, I happen to think that you and your company are actual garbage" I said with a fake smile.  

"do you know what praeter plura paucis nocebit means?" 

"does it mean that you suck a dick" 

"I means hurt the few to save the many, we are doing good things to help people in the long run. cant you see that" 

"no your not! you are fucking with peoples lives! and iv had enough. " I moved back to ward the computer before the woman cocked the gun. 

"I wouldnt do that if i was you Jayne" She said calmly, but i could see the fear in her eyes. I backed away from the computer backing up against a lab bench that was filled with chemicals i quickly glanced down at the vials containing various chemicals 

"its too late I already released the truth to the world. theres nothing you can do, you might as well give up" I said looking back at her. a cruel smile crept on to her face. 

"during an important event today a deranged woman broke in to our labs and realesed a video making some bold claims about the zeltaid group. Miss Jayne Patterson a young woman who has had some trouble with her mental health after the birth of her child. her hysteria began while she was pregnant causing her to believe that she was actually impregnated with an android" 

I listened in horror mouth agap as this woman continued to talk. 

"her mental health only got worse after the birth of her son, when she began to kill her family starting with her sister and her neices and ending with her godfather and lover. The Zeltaid Group are deeply saddened by this tragic event and would like to dedicate its new fertility clinic to Jayne in her memory and serve as a reminder that mental health is important, and shouldnt be over looked" 

I felt an anger rise in my chest. 

"No one will believe that shit!" I yelled at her. 

" you would be surprised at what people will believe. we had a deal Jayne" 

"What deal!" 

She paused for a moment her smug grin widening 

"you don't know do you. he didnt tell you?" 

"what are you talking about bitch" She took a step closer to me and laughed alittle 

"Connor made a deal, he agreed to give us the baby once it was born in exchange for your safety"

My mind flooded with confusion.

"Connor wouldn't do that. He. He"

The android laughed, as a tear fell down my face this can't be true. Connor would never.

"it's over Jayne" she said, I looked down at the chemicals on the bench.

Sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate. My mind started to turn over. All the rage. All the anger.

A fire burned with in me, the world needed to burn. Science don't fail me now.

Quickly I threw the chemicals at her covering her in them. Nothing happened

The android opened her mouth to speak but before she could she bursted into flames. I watched as the flames ripped through her body causing her to stumble backwards knocking off a bunch of papers, setting them alight.

For a moment I was still. The fire that had burned inside of me for so long was finally free, and roaring.

I tore my eyes away from the flailing android, and ran out into the hallway.
Leaving the flames behind me. There was only one thing on my mind. Connor.



The smell of smoke started to fill the air as the last woman filtered out of the building.

"Connor!" Jaynes voice echoed from my left. I turned to see her. She was walking toward me, a cloud of smoke behind her. Her face seemed hard and stone like.

"Jayne, what's going on?" I shouted as she approached me. She didn't answer, a hot flash screamed across my face. I touched my cheek, Jayne had hit me.


"you made a deal with them!"

Oh fuck.

"Jayne it wasn't like that" I began.

"you were going to give them our son Connor! Our Son!" she screamed.

I grabbed her shoulders trying to hold her close to me.

"Jayne it wasn't like that. I was only saying that for time" she pulled away from me and began punching me, coughing from the smoke as she did.

"we have to go!" I said pulling her toward the door. Thankfully she nodded.

We headed outside as a voice called out.

"Jane!" the voice bellowed down the hall a smoldering android with flames whipping round her appeared.

"Run!" I yelled pushing Jane out of the building, just in time to hear a bullet wizz past my ear


we ran out of the door into the street, Connor wasn't far behind me. I turned  too look at him.

The dripping pile of melting metal appeared behind him I watch as she raised her gun pointing it at Connors back.

"Connor no!" I screamed running back  toward him.


Just as we reached each other. A shot was fired I held my breath.

"Jayne?" Connor said dropping to his knees. Bringing me down with him my stomach felt hot.

Connor was bleeding, blue blood pooled at the side of his mouth.

"Jayne your bleeding" Connor said weakly.

I couldn't speak the pain was to much.  

"I. I. Know."  it felt unreal, like this was all a movie, a video game or some stupid fan fiction.

I could hear hank calling for us in the distance.

"I love you. I always have, you made me human Connor said blood spilling from his mouth.

"stop. Stop talking like this is goodbye its not. We are going to be fine "

"it is Jayne. I can see the statistics. I haven't got. Much. Longer"

"stop please I can fix it. Ahhhh" I groaned at the pain in my stomach.

The pain was blinding I wasn't going to be able to stay awake much longer. I reached out and took his hand squeezing it tight.

"this isn't fair" I whimpered.

"I know" he soothed as his eyes fluttered closed.

"don't g.." was all I managed before the world I had once knew slipped away into the cold black.

This really wasn't fair.

Not going to lie I'm actually sat crying right now! What do you guys think? There is an epilogue coming in abit so don't be too disheartened by the ending

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