Avenger's One-Shots/ IronDad...

By Raven_Hellfire

406K 13.4K 14.1K

HELLO EVERYBODY THAT LOVES MARVEL!! My name is Raven Hellfire and I am the author of this book. How are you... More

🥀Running away🥀
🥀Running Away Part 2🥀
🥀Running away part 3🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀The fight🥀
🥀The Red String🥀
🥀Where's Peter Parker!!🥀
🥀Mission Suicide🥀
🥀Don't push your luck🥀
🥀Don't Push Your Luck part 2🥀
🥀Disney Land🥀
🥀Auntie Tasha's comfortable🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 1🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 2🥀
🥀Nightmares Part 3🥀
🥀Just Call Me Anansi!🥀
🥀Peter is Artistic?!🥀
🥀The Internship🥀
🥀Kidnapped Part 2🥀
🥀Bucky is NICE🥀
🥀Death- part 2🥀
🥀The Pranksters met Loki and FLOWER CROWNS🥀
🥀Back together/ Reunited🥀
🥀Road Work Ahead🥀
🥀The Big Reveal🥀
🥀HALLOWEEN🥀 (2018)
🥀We Are.....Venom🥀
🥀We Are.......... Venom Part 2🥀
🥀 Veterans part 2. 🥀
🥀Happy Thanksgiving!🥀
🥀The burning golf course // RIP 🥀
🖤🥀RIP White Wolf🥀🖤
🥀Finding out🥀
🥀Finding Out Part 2🥀
🥀On Your Left!🥀
🥀Swear Jar🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 2🥀
🥀Swear Jar Part 3🥀
🥀Talent Show/Holiday's Special🥀
🥀An angry Peter, is not a Peter you wanna see🥀
🥀An Angry Peter, Is not a Peter you want to see Part 2🥀
🥀The end game/ I'm Coming Home🥀
🥀The End Game/ I'm Coming Home🥀 Part 2
🥀Holy Crap🥀
🥀Plan H🥀
🥀The Frozen Tongues🥀
🥀FINISHED Stop Stealing My KIDS🥀
🥀Kidnapped, The Rogues, and Ross🥀
🥀Dad jokes and Angry Peter🥀
🥀Appreciate Tony Stark Day!🥀
🥀Tony Stark Appreciation Day Part 2🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀
🥀Undercover Agent Parker/Phone Call, Bonus: A date🥀 PART 2
🥀I Will Kill Everyone In This Room🥀
🥀In the Soul Realm🥀
🥀Catch Fast🥀
🥀Shotgun! Part 2🥀
🥀Happy Birthday🥀
🥀Too.... Strong....uuhhhh🥀
🥀Caw caw Mother Fuckers
🥀Come little children~🥀
🥀Cousin Sergei🥀
🥀Back Again
🥀It's going to be ok...right?
🥀I don't care...
🥀Halloween (2019)🥀
🥀Watty's-This isn't where your story ends-Not on my watch
🥀I love you...🥀
🥀Bad day🥀
🥀Birthday Boy🥀
🥀Birthday Boy part 2🥀
🥀Mission gone wrong 🥀
🥀God bless America🥀
🥀Strange are you okay?🥀
🥀Floor Is LAVA🥀
🥀Happy Holidays!🥀
🥀Instant Kill🥀
🥀I'm your new Dad🥀
🥀Please Help Rhodey!🥀
🥀Oh My Thor!🔥
🥀New Years and GROOT
🥀Light Sabers
🥀That Was My Son!🔥
🥀Attacked Part 1🔥
🥀Attacked Part 2🔥
🥀Attacked Part 3🔥
🥀Your Son Peter?🔥
🥀Red Bull🔥
🥀Rare happiness
🥀My leg-
🥀Life is cruel...🔥
🥀Trans Visibility day!🔥
🥀The Unknown Blog/ Going on Hiatus🔥
🥀Russian Singers~🥀
🥀Bad idea🔥
🥀Shit talking🔥
🥀Beep Beep🔥
🥀A Menace🔥
🥀Holy- BUCKY?!?!
Howling Angels
🥀The sun will shine on us again brother.🖤

🥀Happy (Late) Fathers Day (I MESSED UP)🥀

4.4K 75 224
By Raven_Hellfire

"Sir Peter swung by and dropped this off for you." Happy said handing Tony a package that was wrapped in Iron-man wrapping paper.

"That's weird, and on Father's Day too? I'm not even his dad." Tony took it and waved goodbye to Happy who left his office.

Pepper was making him do paper work, yayyyyy.

He opened the package and took out a card first. It had an Iron-man mask on it. He smiled. He opened it up. His heart swelled.

And you don't even need the suit
Happy Father's Day

Tony wipes a few tears from his eyes before taking out another package out the box.

He unwrapped it and face palmed before laughing. He placed the picture down on his desk and went back to work.

It was a picture of Peter with his glasses on while Tony was asleep on his desk with drool coming out of his mouth.

🖤🥀🖤 After Endgame 🥀🖤🥀

"Hey mister stark, uh, you've been in a coma for a few months now but me and Morgan came to visit. It's Father's Day you know? We made you cards."

Peter placed the cards on the desk as Morgan climbed onto Tony's lap.

"Happy Father's Day daddy. Harley Neb and mom are coming later. Peter brought me earlier because I asked and he's babysitting me. He's going to take over Stark Industries alongside Harley. You'd be so proud daddy. And guess what? Happy and May are getting married! And daddy don't tell mommy but there's this girl in my class and she's so pretty! I want to marry her one day! Her names Jamie. She's amazing." Morgan continues to ramble on about Jamie as Peter watched, his heart aching.

He and MJ where supposed to get married but then what the media dubbed as 'Infinity war' happened and then 'Endgame' MJ fell out of love.

She's moved on alongside Ned. They no longer had anything in common so they just stopped talking all together. Peter gave Ned all the Lego's not wanting anything to do with his past.

He gave MJ all her books back and took his hoodies back. May and Happy ended up dating through the five years and now they were getting married.

And here sat Peter age 22 lost everything and yet smiling at his little sister who was rambling to her dad.

Peter saw the time and sighed.

"It's time to go bambina you can come again tomorrow with your mom ok?"

"Ok! Bye daddy love you 3000."

Morgan kissed Tony's cheek as Peter kissed his other cheek.

"Hey Morgan mind waiting outside for me. I'll be there in a minute."

"Ok! But hurry I wanna go play with my suit!"

"Ok bambina just sit outside for me."

Morgan ran out and sat as Peter turned around and sat next to Tony.

"Hey Tony. You know we really miss you. Please get better I can't deal with this. I have to stay strong for everyone and it just hurts so much." Peter says wiping his tears.

He sits in silence only thing he hears is Tony's heart beating.

Babum babum babum-


Peter looks at the heart monitor as as the line went straight. Doctors burst in pushing Peter out who stood shocked outside the door.

"Peter what's going on?"

"Nothing Bambina daddy's just-" Peter chocked on a sob as he kneeled down in front of Morgan.

"Daddy's just going to a better place, he's going to be like sleeping beauty he's going into a deep sleep."

"Will mommy's kiss wake him up." Morgan asked excitedly.

"I don't know but let's go home." Morgan nods and let's Peter pick her up placing her on his hip.

She quickly fell asleep as Peter called Pepper.


"Yeah Peter? How's babysitting going?"

"Baby-sittings going great it's just, me and Morgan came to visit Tony and uh- hi-his heart stopped the reactor stopped working and the doctors are trying to save him but-"

Peter's rambling was cut off by a cry of pain. Emotional pain. He heard sobbing over the phone and then Harley's and Nebula's voices.

"Pepper what happened?" Harley.

"What's going on are you hurt?" Nebula.

"We-We'll be there soon Peter, how's Morgan?" Pepper asked them quickly explains to Nebula and Harley. Peter could hear running and a car starting as he told her.

"She fell asleep a bit before I called. Call me when you're close."

"I will see you there."

Peter ended the call before sitting in the chair, when he burst out crying. He covered his mouth muffling his sobs so they doesn't wake poor Morgan up who was sleeping.

🖤🥀🖤30 days later🥀🖤🥀

"Peter wake up dude."

Peter groaned as he got up. Today was funeral day. He didn't want to wake up or even move for eternity. But he did. He shooed Harley away who left and went to his own room as Peter sat on the bed wiping his tears.

Long story short doctors couldn't save Tony, Peter told him that he loved him as did everyone else and Pepper told him he could finally rest.

But what was Peter supposed to do? Carry on as if all the color in his sight hadn't been erased from existence.

He took a deep breath before pulling himself up and taking a quick shower. He quickly got dressed into his suit and tie before heading out of his room, out the cabin, and onto the docks.

There stood all his childhood hero's, Nat gave him a quick hug before he moved next to May and happy.

Eventually Pepper and Morgan walked out of the cabin holding this reactor that's in the middle of a pile of flowers. The reactor says: proof that tony stark has a heart.

The two place it on the lake and push it as everyone thanks Tony farewell before giving Morgan, Pepper, Rhodey, Peter, and Harley a hug. They all wave goodbye as the 5 walk back into the cabin and sat.

Pepper held Morgan close as she cried while Rhodey sat in an arm chair staring out the window staring; at the lake crying. Harley was laying on the couch sobbing.

Peter stood off to the side, no tears running down his face. No sobbing no crying no tears no nothing. He'd cried so much over the past 30 days he just, he couldn't cry no more. He had no more tears to spill.

Just then Steve, Nat, Thor, and Clint walk in and watch the family sadly. They each go to a different person and comfort them.

Thor went to Pepper and Morgan, Clint went to Harley, and Steve went to Rhodey as Nat went to Peter.

That day they comforted each other crying over a lost friend, lover, or father.

🥀🖤🥀Next year aka Father's Day🖤🥀🖤

"You're not really gone I know it you'll walk out the cabin door smiling and laughing making jokes with everyone I know it. Your-You're not gone you-you can't be. Morgan's supposed to grow with her dad and-and your supposed to be there for her for father's day and-" Peter falls to his knees sobbing as Harley hugs him from behind crying himself.

"Happy father's day dad." They said leaving while wiping their tears.

🥀🖤🥀Next year aka Father's Day🖤🥀🖤

Peter glared down at the grave in front of him.

"I hate you, I hate you so freaking much for leaving us, for leaving Morgan. She's 7 now and keep's asking for her daddy but you're not coming home because you're dead. Could've left Thor to do it but you just HAD to be the hero didn't you? Why don't you realize that you are hero and DON'T HAVE TO PROVE IT ANYMORE? INSTEAD YOU LEFT US! YOU LEFT ALL OF US! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!" Peter screamed tears running down his face.

Harley watched tears running down his own face as he hugged Peter tightly from behind. Last year Peter was in denial and now anger? Are these the 5 stages of grief? He'd have to check to make sure Peter doesn't do anything bad or says something worse.

"We have to go Peter now." Harley said his tone harsh.

"Whatever happy father's day." With that Peter walked off to the car and sat in the front seat.

"He doesn't mean it dad he's just, - He sighs- he's always been the expressive type you know that. He misses you and lashed out I'm sorry. Bye dad, Happy father's day."

🥀🖤🥀Next year aka Father's Day🖤🥀🖤

"If only I'd gotten to you before you could do it, if I hadn't given it to Captain Marvel and just snapped it myself. God please, please I'll give you anything my senses, my life, just please, let him live let him live please please please." Peter sobbed in front of the grave that read:

Here lies

Anthony Edward Stark


Loved father, son, friend, family member

Peter begged for days on end before this and now he just cried.

"Happy father's day dad." With that Harley helped him up and they left.

🥀🖤🥀Next year aka Father's Day🖤🥀🖤

"Hey Dad. Peter, he didn't come this year. He has depression and just won't leave his room. I guess these past 4 years have been a mess. Every year he'd enter a new stage of grief I just- I just hope he gets to the acceptance real soon because we're worried about him. So much. Hopefully the both of us will be back next year, and if I'm correct Morgan, Pepper, Natasha and Rhodey will be here soon. I have to go and make sure Peter's ok. Happy father's day dad. Night." With that Harley walked to his car and left.

🥀🖤🥀Next year aka Father's Day🖤🥀🖤

"Hey Mr. Stark. Sorry for not visiting last year. I guess I just needed time. Somehow I forgot it could end like this."

Memories of wiping his eyes at his parent's grave flashed through his mind. Then him crying at Uncle Ben's funeral and now here he was in front of his father's grave.

"I guess old habits die hard huh dad? I'm sorry for what I said a few years ago I just, I needed someone to blame and you were all I could think about so I blamed you. I'm sorry. I'll see you next year dad. Happy father's day, love you forever." With that Peter climbed into his car.

He came alone this year wanting a bit of time alone with Tony. He accepted that he was gone even though it hurt, he accepted it. He'd see him soon, when or where he doesn't know, but soon.



Sorry for the REALLY late father's day chapter, I kept on getting distracted with my other 3 chapters of which 1 I've posted earlier today.


Mama Hellfire out~


It's ok to not always be ok

Love you my demons

Posted on: 6/27/19

Word count: 1890


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