Friend Zoned || Madwheeler ✔

By taesfreckle

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Max is forced to move in with the Wheelers after her family goes away on vacation. she has to hide her feelin... More

Friend Zoned
01. Old Friends
02. Surprising News
03. The moving in
04. The First Day
05. Masking Feelings
07. The Tension
08. Friends?
09. Back to school
10. confessions and tears
11. Old Feelings
12. Between the past
13. Secretly in Love
14. Jealousy's Flame
15. Jinxed Trip
16. Lost and Found
17. Secrets revealed
18. bleeding tears
19. Times passes, still hurts
20. Save me
21. The letter
22. Goodbye, love
appreciation chapter!
My Instagram!!

06. First Interact

5.3K 152 233
By taesfreckle

First Interact

The boy was awoken suddenly in the middle of the night, shaking uncontrollably and breathing heavily. He'd had a nightmare. He couldn't remember it exactly, but he knew that it was about her. Max. She was crying, and scared. She was hurt.

The girl he hated. But truly didn't. In fact he felt guilty about being cruel to her, not wanting to be friends with her. She confused him. And he didn't know how to feel about her.

She was a cool person to hang out with, While he was a nerd. She did not belong with them. She was way too cool to hang out with such losers like them.

When she was dating Lucas, he felt like it wasn't right. He might have tried to rip them apart if Max didn't leave Luacs on her own decision. Because she deserves someone like her, right?

He envied how much everyone seemed to admire her, he hated her for that. He wanted to be the only one to- he shook his head, trying to erase whatever he was thinking about.

And then he wanted to apologise. Like now. Even though it was late, he didn't care. Seeing her crying, alone, and hurt was something that he couldn't get out of his mind. He couldn't sleep until he made sure that she was okay. That she was actually not crying, or hurt.

So he got up from his bed, and left his room, careful not to make noise. He stepped in front of her bedroom's door, and then it hit him. What will he do? Would he knock and wake her up if she's sleeping? And then he would say 'sorry I had a nightmare about you crying so i came to see if you were."

Or he would open the door without knocking, and if she's awake it will be awkward? Or should he just go back to his room and forget about all of this?

No.He quickly knocked weakly, hoping that she wouldn't hear and wake up if she's sleeping. He then let himself into the room, closing the door behind him softly,

He looked around the room, but nobody seemed to be sleeping in the bed. Or anywhere. He thought about existing the room but then his curiosity got the best of him,

And he wandered in her room, he noticed that she hadn't brought anything with her from her house, except for her clothes. The walkie talkie that Dustin gave her on her birthday was the only thing that belonged to her in the room.

When he was about to open the drawer, he heard noises coming from downstairs, from the kitchen. He dragged his feet into the kitchen, it was dark and he couldn't see anything.

The light of the fridge showed that someone was opening it. He didn't know who, but he ran forward into them, accidentally.

It seemed as though the person was holding something in their hand, because when he banged into them, it fell and made a glass shattering sound. The person was knocked off their feet and Mike had to wrap his arms around their tiny! Waist? (Definitely a female!) To stop them from falling.

'Are you okay!? I'm sorry!!' Mike quickly said to that person, steadying them. His arms still around their waist.

'I'm fine.'

"Max!? Shit." He thought.

The red headed got out of his embracment, and started straighting her t-shirt. She then moved to switch on the light, all while Mike was frozen in his spot.

When the lights came on, a blush was visible on his cheeks, and Max saw it.
'What are you doing here?' She asked casually, crossing her arms in front of her.

'It's my house.' He simply replied back.

'Right.' She rolled her eyes, making her way past him. But something caught his eyes. Something in her hands. He suddenly grabbed her arms,

And she fell back in front of him, shocked. But he barely cared. His eyes were fixed on the small lines craved into the soft skin of her palms, just before her fingers.

He took her palms in his hands, and tried to make out what happened to them. 'Did you hit something? Something hard?' He asked her, still checking her hands.

'I'm fine.' She took her hands from his. Feeling slightly annoyed. Was he allowed to play with her feelings? One second he's cold and hates her, and the other he...cares?

'Don't. Lie.' He warned, 'What did you do to your hands?' He frowned.

'Nothing!!' She waved her hand in the air.

'I asked you, what did you do to your hands!!' He shouted at her. And she looked taken aback, she flinched, and a hurt look painted her pretty face.

And he regretted it at once. 'I'm sorry,' he made to step closer to her.

'Don't!' She took a step back.

'Just tell me, please.' when he got no reply, he began, 'May- Max,'

'It's because of you!' She yelled at his face, taking him by surprise. And he stepped back, confused.

'Yeah, thought so,' she sarcastically said, and faked a smile that seemed too obvious. She stamped past him with such force that he stumbled back.

And this time, he didn't try to stop her. He just stood there, confused and angry at himself. 'Because'

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