Behind The Stage (BxB)

By fairlioness

70.6K 3.8K 250

Preview of chapters, the complete chapters and story in my Patreon page, link in my bio! (Part 3, spin-off fr... More

-- Characters --
Chapter 2-The Great News
Chapter 3-Hot And Inescapable Day
Chapter 4-Forced Silver Plate
Chapter 5-Chosen Namelessly
Chapter 6-Off The Wall Feeling
Chapter 7-Arrival Of Shadowed Golden Times
Chapter 8-Promising Beginning
Chapter 9-Head Start
Chapter 10-Meeting The Giant
Chapter 11-Say What?!
Chapter 12-Free Game
Chapter 13-With You
Chapter 14-Full Of Gossipers
Chapter 15-Peekaboo
Chapter 16-Brotherly Visit
Chapter 17-In The Magazine
Chapter 18-Efficiency Expert
Chapter 19-The Queen Returns
Chapter 20-Roommates
Chapter 21-Apology Chocolate 1/2
Chapter 22-Apology Chocolate 2/2
Chapter 23-Going Black But Still Going
Chapter 24-Protective Lies
Chapter 25-Dramatic Question
Chapter 26-It's For Your Ears
Chapter 27-Welcome To Portamadeira
Chapter 28-Like An Angel In White
Chapter 29-Not Supposed To Be True
Chapter 30-With Two Teenagers
Chapter 31-Thanksgiving
Chapter 32-Home Wonderful Home
Chapter 33-Lack Of Control
Chapter 34-Quiet Morning
Chapter 35-Fan Meeting
Chapter 36-Bribing A New Friend
Chapter 37-Decisions And Revelations
Chapter 38-Wild And Free
Chapter 39-Off Route
Chapter 40-Conscious Presence
Chapter 41-Back To The Adventure
Chapter 42-Full Dose At The Dentist
Chapter 43-Party Under An Eclipse
Chapter 44-Fire In The Blizzard
Chapter 45-Cutting The Ground
Chapter 46-Call Off, Call Home
Chapter 47-New Year With Sparkles And Tingles
Chapter 48-Icy Afternoon
Chapter 49-Confrontation
Chapter 50-Awestruck
Chapter 51-Normal, Sensible Jealousy
Chapter 52-Cupcakes Mixed With Thoughts
Chapter 53-Masterful At Midnight
Chapter 54-Taking Risks
Chapter 55-Roses To Stop Doubt
Chapter 56-Ladder To Midnight Surprise
Chapter 57-Best Friend's Threats And Rights
Chapter 58-From A Home To Another
Chapter 59-Known As Departed
Chapter 60-Dressing Room Fairytale
Chapter 61-Beauty After Ugly
Chapter 62-Strongly Drawn To Love
Chapter 63-A Sweet Day With Sour Aftertaste
Chapter 64-Dinner Interrupted
Chapter 65-At The Other End Of The Corridor
Chapter 66-Serious But Not Dangerous
Chapter 67-Something More Than Before
Chapter 68-Content Agreement
Chapter 69-As Long As It's Our Lives
Chapter 70-Special Butterfly
Chapter 71-Happy Meal In Private
Chapter 72-The Wolf's Old Can Of Worms
Chapter 73-Epilogue

Chapter 1-Survived

3.3K 124 4
By fairlioness

Authors note before continuing to the first chapter d(^_^)b
My first two books, Dan and Jared's story, were realistic and I haven't thought about writing anything fantasy themed like werewolves and supernatural etc...but this book, August's story will have a hint of fantasy (I want to still keep my style) :) NOTE: reading this story, think about everything as possibility and fantasy, this will have a werecat/werewolf characters and be "unreal realistic"..I can't write fantasy like others and I don't want to have too much of supernatural (leave real life as much as possible like before) but this story will come out as I get start with if something is realistic here and how it's usually, then good xD please no hate comments about "this isn't how it's supposed to be" or "that's not how it works" and so on, and I don't mean to offend or badmouth anything like modeling and model companies etc......this comes all from my mind (:

This is August's story, who appeared first in Stationary Devotion as a child in chapter 14 and then arrives in chapter 23, but you can read this book individually too *^* Different from my previous style tho, this is in POVS point of views and in present time and that's how this started and I came to prefer it lately...

A huge thank you and great appreciation to my "old" readers from Dan and Jared's stories who joined August here and also to the new readers finding this book xoxo <3 PS. the book name MAYBE will change but this is what I first got and haven't come up with better one, and I'm quite proud of how I got the book cover done *shrugs* ^^


Chapter 1

August POV

— My Mummy is bathing me, it's evening and my bedtime. She's always singing while bathing me and I love it. I like evening baths, in my family with five kids and dad that is usually the only time her whole attention and love is for me. I'm the youngest, but they've never told me how old I am. The next youngest is my nine years old sister. They named me simply August because I was born in August month and that's also a name. I assume myself to be around five or six.

I'm splashing in the bathtub happily while Mummy is singing, when suddenly we hear at least one of my big sisters scream and dad shouting for us to come down. Mummy grabs me in her arms and wraps me in my bathrobe while rushing down the stairs of our home. I have lived here since I was born. There is noise, but I keep my scared eyes hidden in Mummy's chest. I find out there is a fire that is spreading so fast, too fast. I never get to know what caused that fire, because the next thing I realize is Dad telling Mummy to get me out the backdoor which is close to us. We couldn't get to the front door, apparently.

Mummy gets me outdoors and I stumble to stand as she already hurries back inside. My whole family is in there, parents and two brothers and one sister. I scream but stay still-shocked. I barely understand what is going on, but I see the flames and that they are in danger, Mummy went back to help. It's too late when somebody passes by and calls the 911. The house, our home, is burning down good speed and I see with my own eyes it burn down and with it, my family.

I'm deeply shocked and panicked. People are coming. I run away, not wanting them to find me. I know I'm not supposed to be alone. Why did Mummy get me out of the house, why did I survive only to witness that horrible sight and knowing that killed them, everything is ruined.

It's evening and starting to get cold, I'm only in my fluffy bathrobe after a bath and it's not quite summer yet. I'm alone. I cry, so much my vision is blurry and my eyes sting as I just run with my little feet. When I notice a river, I feel nauseous and collapse almost reaching the water. I've loved water, to take baths and stuff. Now, seeing the river makes me feel such excruciating pain both physically and in my heart that my small, tiny really, body can't handle and I pass out. —

I snap awake from my light sleep as my phone beeps informing me of a text message. I have my earbuds on as I'm listening to some calm music that helps me sleep, and the pause and message beep wakes me up. The music doesn't do any magic though, I still sometimes sleep restlessly and have the nightmare, like just now. Although it wasn't just a nightmare, that was an evening that really has happened in my life when I was a kid.

Later in life, I have learned that right that feeling and sight have been one of the worst ones in my life. It has given me scars that won't fade no matter what, traumas that I have to learn to face and deal with and overcome, nightmares that are still haunting me sometimes.

Currently, I'm laying on the ground looking up to the sky for a moment to calm down after the nightmare, in a meadow near our home. I love to be outdoors, spending time out most of the day ever since I remember...except for winter, then I can't be as much.

Our home. What do I consider our home, including mine, since my first home burned down and I lost my family?

A month or so later, after I was almost thrown out of my first home in flames that burned down and left alone, partly my own fault as I had escaped the situation, I met my Daddy and Papa, Dan and Jared Meguyer for the first time. I was watching from my hiding place as I often watched people in the park then, they were having a picnic. Two boys being so close and affectionate was odd to me to see, but then they kissed and I figured they were a couple. I had never seen a gay couple before, only girls and boys, but it was okay.

They looked very happy. Daddy was in a wheelchair then, and when I noticed they left the picnic blanket to go for a while, I took my chance. I was starved, I didn't remember when exactly I had ate the last time. As they were a little distance away, I ran to their blanket and grabbed a few sandwiches that were quick to take. But running off, I stumbled on a rock or something and with a pathetic yelp exposed myself.

But, Daddy became already then a special person in my life. He gave me their entire picnic basket, which to me lasted for days. I was very grateful, and when I met them again, I thanked them as I couldn't the first time. I have Papa a hug though, although he scared me at first but he was the easiest as he was standing.

The next time I met them in the park, Daddy talked and even I talked some more and I admitted, because he asked, that I was homeless and they took me where they lived back then. They were and are good people, both of them even if I stayed with Daddy more as he was nicer. Daddy had also lost family, his parents and little sister, in a car accident but he had been left with his brother and friends of Uncle Aldo.

Aunt Margery forced me to take a bath, and as I wasn't brave enough to tell why I hated it and I wasn't strong enough to get out, I went through with it. I cried, and splashed this time to get out as I was terrified of the water because it reminded me of that evening and of my Mummy, but Aunt Margery was a nice person too and I survived. Again. Even if she was well older than for example Uncle Aldo and Aunt Ze, she wasn't old enough in my eyes to be a grandma, so I call her Aunt too. They gave me a mattress to sleep on in the living room, and I was scared with new people and new place but I stayed, that was better than outdoors and I liked Daddy. I was still a wild boy, went outdoors as if I lived there, it wasn't easy to get used to the fact that I had again a place to stay.

As Papa had proposed to Daddy on Daddy's eighteenth birthday, they asked some police people and me to adopt me. I didn't think I could ever call them family, no matter how much I liked Daddy, but they wanted to take care of me so I wanted to stay with them. I didn't want to end up with just anybody, not all people are nice, that was why I escaped from my first home before they would find me alone. About a year later, when Daddy and Papa graduated from their school, they soon traveled in the summer to visit America, Midland where Daddy's grandma and father's family came from and lived, and took me with them. That was so exciting to me, although also honestly terrifying, but I trusted them. Airplanes still frighten me.

Things ended up to go like this; Daddy and Papa's visit didn't stay as a visit. Daddy fell in love with the place and so did Papa too I saw he did, the Midland countryside and city, and met new family members from his father's side. About four months later, we moved to America, yeah, me too as Daddy and Papa had got guardianship of me and when it was settled they were moving, my adoption took place in America. But I was theirs already in England, and I was happy with them. I still am. It all took time and work, but it's worth it. I have a family again, I'm not alone. I've never had another day again without food or proper clothes.

When Dan and Jared became my guardians and we waited for the adoption, I asked them if I could call Dan Daddy and Jared Papa. Dad was reserved to my real father, and both of my adoptive parents were male. I had no problem with that, I actually preferred it when I came to think of it. I don't think I could call another woman mum or mummy or anything, my mummy was special and irreplaceable. I love my dad but he wasn't the nicest person and he liked my other siblings more than me. So I got two new fathers, Daddy suiting Dan more than Jared, and my dad had called his father Papa, so I named Jared my Papa.

Daddy blushed and said it was okay if I wanted to and Papa said the same, so I did. Around the time I turned fifteen, I began to call them by their names again in public, it was embarrassing for me to call them Daddy and Papa as I was a big boy already, so I thought. Still, around family and so I call them by what they are to me. It's so natural. If people thought Dan blushed a lot, I'm afraid to disappoint because I blushed even more, I still do. It's because my skin is very pale naturally and I'm still timid, and I hate it. That just is my character, although I'd like to think I've grown somewhat less shy and if I need over the years I've got temper.

Daddy doesn't blush anymore like that, he's an old man. Well, not old man, I don't want to disrespect him, but he and Papa are a couple of thirty year olds. I've got his shyness almost, but I have more temper than he did. It's like I have two characters that switch depending on situation. Still, I do stutter although not as much as a kid.

The next August from moving to Midland so over two years after getting engaged, Daddy and Papa got married and many people, friends and family came. They were young and happy already and made me proud. Around the same time, the adoption process came successfully to end and I was theirs. We had moved to America only with our luggage, and for some months lived with Daddy's grandma, my great Grandma Francine until we found a good place to live. Our house is in the countryside about 9 miles from his grandma and 12 miles from the city. Is, yes, we still live in the same house as we all love it and it's in a good place.

Back to where I'm currently, still laying on the ground in the meadow and almost getting lost in thought again, I pick up my phone from beside me and notice the message is from my best friend Catri.

Catri: -I have some GREAT news in school, tomorrow! Be prepared...

Me: -What news....?

Catri: -You'll know tomorrow ;)

Me: -Thanks -.-

Catri: :P you welcome honey

I shake my head amused and notice my phone battery is almost dead so I stand up to walk back home. It's getting dark outside anyways. She knows I don't like surprises and waiting things like that! But she likes to keep me in suspense and be a bully. The other countless bullies in my life, I'm less fond of, but this is my best friend who I love. She and I have been friends and best friends since we were both eleven years old. Our friendship is unbreakable. Her personality is quite different from mine in public, but when we're alone or in familiar company we are both pretty much as cheerful and crazy.

From the start, as we met in school then, she knew I'm gay. Even before me, I knew when I was thirteen so about two years later when I first crushed on another boy. Some I've heard say I'm gay only because my parents are and even blame them, but that's ridiculous bullshit. I like and admire Daddy and Papa's relationship which is still strong and vivid, but I'm myself and I thought I was straight for long because they never forced anything on me and just tells me they love me and for me to be myself, whoever I love or like. I would be who I am even if I still had a mom and dad. My brothers and I have enough women in our life and home doesn't limit at our house, and my twin sisters actually chose together Daddy and Papa over a straight couple.

To Catri, me being gay was obvious even if we shouldn't just assume or judge by anyone's outward appearance. My looks and sexuality 'just match', like she says. Daddy calls me beauty, because I look like almost a girl even more as I've grown up into 'a stunning, handsome beauty' as Papa says, only body parts giving away I'm a boy. I'm not offended, it's nice he calls me that even if I always blush, and I'm used to people first see me as girl and then, whoops their apologies.

I can't wait until tomorrow, Catri's news have to be great because she says so. I have a weird feeling about this. As I'm walking back home, my mind wanders and I recall the nightmare I had again. I'm happy, but sometimes these reminders of my past and myself are a shadow. As my parents died when I was so little, with them died some secrets that revived as I found out about them later in life by myself. It wasn't easy, not at all. I talk with especially Daddy about everything, but I have a secret nobody yet knows but me, I can't tell even them. I want it to stay that way, too, and I'm still not completely in terms with it.

I've always had a strange feeling about myself, but since I turned fifteen, I found out my biological parents hadn't just not told my age. They hadn't told me who...what I am, either.


Welcome to August's story y'all thanks for joining me, posting 2 chapters at one update to start off the story xo

Please drop a comment, even a short one or just an emoji xdd, what you think when you've read the chapter I want to awaken this story and that is the best thanks and inspiration to me d(^_^)b

Thank youuuu so much for your time reading and all the support, ILY <3 vote & add to your library to get notifications of updates if you yet haven't :) until next time xoxo

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